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Unit 1

1.T T F T F T T T F T T T T F F T T F T T

2.Television has: industrialized essential transmitter elevate maintains quality

relationship produced audience entertaining

3.The world: agricultural population Unfortunately efficient automatically romantic

mechanic chemical equipment possibility

Parents have to : C A D B A To live through : A B B A B Many companies : BAABD Through a : BACCD

61. With the economic development, beautiful and expensive villas have __________ in the suburbs of big cities.

A. mushroomed B. expanded C. grown D. soared 参考答案:mushroomed

62. You'd better __________ the garden with insecticide to get rid of the pests. A. spray B. sprinkle C. splash D. scatter 参考答案:spray

63. In the busy holiday season, extra trains and buses are provided to __________ the existing service.

A. require B. suspect C. resist D. supplement 参考答案:supplement

64. What __________ of people in the district voted against the new law? A. amount B. percent C. number D. percentage 参考答案:percentage

65. She felt rather regretful when returning from her holiday, for she had __________ out on a promotion.

A. lost B. thrown C. passed D. missed 参考答案:missed

66. When people are physically __________ a drug, they suffer ill physical effects if they stop taking the drug.

A. absorbed in B. accepted by C. addicted to D. attracted to 参考答案:addicted to

67. At one time, people overgrazed the pastures. __________, many of them have turned into deserts.

A. As a fact B. As a result C. In a conclusion D. In a consequence 参考答案:As a result

68. Books __________ with colored photographs are extremely popular with children. A. illustrated B. demonstrated C. displayed D. explained 参考答案:illustrated

69. The young couple were __________ with emotion at the birth of their first baby. A. entertaining B. overflowing C. tempting D. resisting



70. What the lawyer said didn't make any __________ to most members of the jury. A. point B. meaning C. good D. sense 参考答案:sense

71. Chinese people like to have __________ Spring Festivals, just as Americans do when they have Christmas.

A. exaggerate B. expensive C. extravagant D. extreme 参考答案:extravagant

72. She __________ when she saw a man dangling out of her window. A. gasped B. breathed C. choked D. shocked 参考答案:gasped

73. The new device, __________, is by far more convenient than the old one. A. in the balance B. in parallel C. on parallel D. on balance 参考答案:on balance

74. College students are advised to __________ a wide range of subjects in order to broaden knowledge.

A. pursue B. invest C. promote D. intervene 参考答案:pursue

75. All animals need __________ food, water, air, and protection from the attack of their enemies.

A. decidedly B. profoundly C. normally D. primarily 参考答案:primarily

76. The doctor put him on a __________ of tablets in order to control the serious symptom. A. range B. course C. matter D. process 参考答案:course

77. To balance your income and expense, you need to set a proper __________. A. budget B. limit C. control D. check 参考答案:budget

78. If you __________ your money in the real estate market now, I'm sure you'll make great profits.

A. dedicate B. devote C. invest D. spend 参考答案:invest

79. Working under the new expert who always encourages creativity in young people, we have been __________ with better ideas.

A. coming along B. coming out C. coming over D. coming up 参考答案:coming up

80. If he loses the case, Jack will have to __________ the bill for the cost of the lawsuit. A. make up B. turn up C. pick up D. work up 参考答案:pick up

81. The government decided to __________ on defense expense to meet the demand of the economic development.

A. cut back B. cut off C. cut away D. cut in 参考答案:cut back

82. Mrs. Black declared that she would never __________ that grocery because of its poor



A. sponsor B. patronize C. insure D. invest 参考答案:patronize

83. The secretary chose a cartoon from the __________ of videos and made it into the report. A. scale B. condition C. device D. stack 参考答案:stack

84. Can you __________ up a light lunch for me? I've got to leave in 20 minutes. A. beat B. whip C. strike D. make 参考答案:whip

85. Caught running away from the spot, he was __________ of the crime by the police. A. expected B. doubted C. guessed D. suspected 参考答案:suspected

86. The local people could hardly __________ enthusiasm for the renovation project of the city. A. duplicate B. extend C. generate D. accumulate 参考答案:generate

87. In compliance with your __________, we are sending you the catalog together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.

A. budget B. requirement C. expense D. mortgage 参考答案:requirement

88. According to our usual practice, __________ is to be effected for 100% of the invoice value. A. allowance B. profit C. budget D. insurance 参考答案:insurance

89. The PICC charges __________ at lower rates, so it is to your advantage to have your orders insured with the PICC.

A. premium B. account C. insurance D. profit 参考答案:premium

90. While power plants burn coal to __________ electricity, they are also polluting the air. A. cause B. create C. invent D. generate 参考答案:generate

91. She retreated into a world of __________ where she could do whatever she was fond of. A. nature B. fantasy C. confusion D. situation 参考答案:fantasy

92. She was given an award for her excellent work with the old people in the __________. A. course B. community C. process D. behavior 参考答案:community

93. __________ duck is a typical course in almost all the restaurants in Beijing. A. Baked B. Burnt C. Roasted D. Cooked 参考答案:Roasted

94. They seldom dine out, __________ an occasional dinner at the local restaurant. A. aside from B. beside from C. except of D. outside of 参考答案:aside from

95. The manager has taken some measures to ensure that all the animals in the zoo will __________ the winter.

A. get by B. get through C. get along D. get over


参考答案:get through

96. She assured her mother that it was only a __________ operation and she would be fine soon. A. major B. minor C. minute D. minimum 参考答案:minor

97. My parents could hardly come up with all the money for me to go to college, but we managed to __________ with my scholarship. A. get in B. get on C. get by D. get to 参考答案:get by

98. After his father's death, he __________ the small factory that his father devoted his life to. A. took in B. took up C. took over D. took down 参考答案:took over

99. In order to keep slim, my aunt never eats much, but she __________ her diet with a variety of vitamins.

A. compliments B. supplements C. implements D. compensates 参考答案:supplements

100. As director of the office, Mr. Black is not only __________ of the work of the others, but also of his own.

A. cautions B. conscious C. critical D. curious 参考答案:critical

101. The young man liked to lead an extravagant life and was soon __________ by heavy debts. A. digested B. swamped C. stacked D. supplemented 参考答案:swamped

102. The defendant could see the __________ in the voice of his lawyer and began to feel depressed.

A. resolution B. frustration C. determination D. temptation 参考答案:frustration

103. The idea of staying all by herself in the Gobi Desert is __________ to her. A. alien B. imaginary C. negative D. identical 参考答案:alien

104. The statistics __________ the point I was making at the press conference. A. commit B. accomplish C. illustrate D. pursue 参考答案:illustrate

105. During the Christmas season, there was a(n) __________ of delicious puddings and cakes in that food store.

A. series B. string C. array D. bunch 参考答案:array

106. I live in the suburbs and it takes me three hours to __________ between home and office everyday.

A. communicate B. commute C. travel D. move 参考答案:commute

107. If you insist on taking the indecent behavior, you will have to suffer the __________. A. distinctions B. sequences C. destinations D. consequences 参考答案:consequences

108. At the sight of that beautiful dress, the poor actress could not __________ the temptation to


steal it.

A. attack B. fight C. resist D. assist 参考答案:resist

109. The businessman __________ most of the profits from his business to various charities of the society.

A. disregarded B. distributed C. donated D. discharged 参考答案:donated

110. From the mid 1980s, the Chinese government began to give top __________ to scientific and educational development.

A. priority B. primacy C. preference D. privilege 参考答案:priority

111. Although a little girl of nine, Rose could resist __________ what to do and what not to do. A. to be told B. having been told C. being told D. to have been told 参考答案:being told

112. So far a three-fourths majority in the neighborhood __________ to help the handicapped. A. have volunteered B. have been volunteered C. has volunteered D. has been volunteered 参考答案:has volunteered

113. They worked hard on the construction site with a view __________ more experience. A. to gain B. to gaining C. of gaining D. in gaining 参考答案:to gaining

114. He worked so late in the office last night that he hardly had time __________ the last bus. A. to have caught B. to catch C. catching D. having caught 参考答案:to catch

115. I apologize if I __________ you, but I assure you I didn't mean to.

A. offend B. offended C. should have offended D. might have offended 参考答案:offended

116. As it turned out to be much cheaper than we had expected, we __________ the money from you.

A. needn't to borrow B. did not need have borrowed C. did not need borrow D. needn't have borrowed 参考答案:needn't have borrowed

117. Tradition __________ salt was placed in front of the king on the table of royalty. A. made it that B. took it that C. said it that D. had it that 参考答案:had it that

118. Greater efforts to control the population must be made if food shortage __________ avoided.

A. is to be B. can be C. will be D. has been 参考答案:is to be

119. The newly-stipulated traffic rule __________ the number of accidents on the highway. A. is intended to reduce B. intends to reduce

C. is intended to be reduced D. intends to have reduced 参考答案:is intended to reduce

120. The living conditions on the deserted island were really hard; they had so much __________.


A. to put up B. to put up with C. to put up for D. to put up to 参考答案:to put up with

Unit 2


Vitamins are : substances concerned worry exception wisely providing rid nervous

digestive cereals

Impressive gains : education patterns vulnerable opposed inconsistent compensate

balanced reversing particularly access

Washington, Aug 28, 1963 : C C D A B When we read : DCBBA The possible hint : BBBBB The loudest outcry : ACBAC

61. The chief of the terrorists fled the country and has not been __________ yet. A. captured B. grabbed C. snatched D. grasped 参考答案:captured

62. A group of seven experts were appointed to establish a committee to __________ a new constitution for the company.

A. work in B. work off C. work out D. work up 参考答案:work out

63. The enemy was soon on the run when the red army was __________ around the mountain. A. coming up B. peering at C. closing in D. enclosing in 参考答案:closing in

64. The arrogant young man was accused of __________ against women and fined 5,000 dollars.

A. disregarding B. dominating C. distinguishing D. discriminating 参考答案:discriminating

65. The beautiful, __________ figure of the actress attracted tens of eyes at the party. A. racial B. slender C. secure D. confident 参考答案:slender

66. Having trained hard for 3 months, Jack was __________ of winning the game. A. convinced B. confident C. conscious D. trusted 参考答案:confident

67. Among the local people of the small town, Mr. Johnson __________ a man of considerable means.

A. passed by B. passed for C. passed on D. passed through 参考答案:passed for

68. While slavery was abolished long time ago, __________ discrimination against the blacks in the US still exists.

A. racial B. radical C. national D. personal 参考答案:racial

69. Slavery is closely associated with __________ prejudice and, it is believed, still exists in some remote areas.

A. religious B. regional C. regular D. racial



70. The medical team __________ the advice of Professor Lee and continued their research work.

A. explored B. deplored C. ignored D. implored 参考答案:ignored

71. The government should __________ restrictions on the use of harmful chemicals in planting fruits and vegetables.

A. exploi B. capture C. impose D. abolish 参考答案:impose

72. Viewed in the __________ of the recent political situation in the Middle East, these latest developments are worthy of consideration.

A. context B. recovery C. property D. commitment 参考答案:context

73. During the job interview, he __________ his achievements in the former company. A. played up B. blew up C. made up D. forged up 参考答案:played up

74. Under the intensive care of the doctors and nurses, she made a quick __________ after the operation.

A. restoration B. revelation C. recovery D. remedy 参考答案:recovery

75. The rebels were cruelly __________ by the local government and the fight for freedom was forced to move underground.

A. assaulted B. suppressed C. accomplished D. resolved 参考答案:suppressed

76. The company has agreed to __________ the $30 million bank loan for its branch in Paris. A. transfer B. corporate C. guarantee D. erase 参考答案:guarantee

77. The general's words at the press conference __________ a signal that his troops would launch another campaign in the following spring.

A. composed B. consulted C. conveyed D. compelled 参考答案:conveyed

78. Leaving for something urgent, she __________ her partner to sign the contract on her behalf. A. assigned B. authorized C. appointed D. entitled 参考答案:authorized

79. A monument will be built in honor of those who have made __________ exploits in the development of the city.

A. considerable B. remarkable C. accountable D. replaceable 参考答案:remarkable

80. Though she is not very beautiful, she has a __________ figure and graceful manners. A. slight B. small C. slim D. tender 参考答案:slim

81. Despite his dislike of Robin, John would always __________ him when other boys attack him at the school.

A. stand up for B. live up to C. put up with D. make up for


参考答案:stand up for

82. After negotiating with the government for half a year, the company finally won the project to __________ the oil under the sea.

A. employ B. explore C. examine D. exploit 参考答案:exploit

83. The west regions have been __________ since the new policy was carried out. A. flourishing B. mushrooming C. flushing D. flooding 参考答案:flourishing

84. On Saturday nights' program, there is a __________ of financial experts giving their opinions on the current economic situation.

A. procession B. terminal C. conviction D. mission 参考答案:procession

85. During the epidemic outbreak of SARS, anyone who wanted to enter a hospital was __________ to a temperature measurement.

A. subjected B. enforced C. compelled D. imposed 参考答案:subjected

86. With the improvement of our new product, we can __________ full satisfaction to our customers.

A. promise B. pledge C. engage D. guarantee 参考答案:guarantee

87. Their mission is to __________ the improper or the outdated terms in the local laws and regulations.

A. abolish B. forge C. convey D. regulate 参考答案:abolish

88. If you don't compensate us for our loss, we are prepared to __________ for our right. A. set up B. get up C. stand up D. rise up 参考答案:stand up

89. __________, this time, it was the weak who had saved the strong. A. Ironically B. Interestingly C. Doubtfully D. Painfully 参考答案:Ironically

90. After sharing ten years of hardships together, the couple __________ understand the true value of marriage.

A. got to B. became to C. came to D. went to 参考答案:came to

91. Mrs. Carter is known chiefly for her __________ to severe punishment for the worldwide drug smuggling.

A. intelligence B. discrimination C. commitment D. legacy 参考答案:commitment

92. He went on with the adventure without a guide against all the __________ and reached the destination alone.

A. ideas B. suggestions C. odds D. objections 参考答案:odds

93. Ambulances, fire engines and police cars all __________ on the scene of the explosion in Madrid.


A. starved B. imposed C. compelled D. converged 参考答案:converged

94. After several rounds of talks, the two parties agreed to __________ further economic co-operation.

A. explore B. compel C. exploit D. forge 参考答案:forge

95. This automation system of communication has many flaws and must be __________ before it is put to use.

A. separated B. remedied C. flourished D. concentrated 参考答案:remedied

96. Many investors have suffered great losses as the stock market has been __________ for six months on end.

A. exposing B. detecting C. generating D. declining 参考答案:declining

97. Financial aids are needed for the preservation of the __________ building and monuments in Xi'an.

A. intentional B. virgin C. historic D. serial 参考答案:historic

98. To increase the revenue, the government decided to __________ new duties on wines and cars.

A. impress B. impose C. embody D. compel 参考答案:impose

99. Lost in the forest without any food, they were __________ to starve until rescue came. A. controlled B. imposed C. compelled D. composed 参考答案:compelled

100. Under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people were __________ from all kinds of exploiters.

A. lifted B. liberated C. released D. relieved 参考答案:liberated

101. It isn't always easy for the management to __________ the company's regulations, as some of the terms are not agreed upon by the labor. A. enforce B. remedy C. assault D. dismiss 参考答案:enforce

102. As for the runaways, they were transported to safer places, __________ as a funeral procession.

A. disguised B. concealed C. hidden D. faked 参考答案:disguised

103. Working day and night, Jane seems __________ accomplishing the task ahead of time. A. intended on B. inclined to C. intent on D. attended to 参考答案:intent on

104. The company's accounts will be __________ to careful and detailed examination before the new project starts.

A. subjected B. defeated C. erased D. dismissed 参考答案:subjected


105. The media usually __________ what is generally accepted as "normal" and attracts the readers' eyes at any cost.

A. plays in B. plays on C. plays up D. plays with 参考答案:plays up

106. You are __________ to draw a draft on our bank against this credit for the amount of the invoice.

A. attributed B. authorized C. dominated D. disguised 参考答案:authorized

107. Faced with the serious situation, some people took additional jobs __________ to support their families.

A. by the side B. in the side C. of the side D. on the side 参考答案:on the side

108. When his brother died, he volunteered to take on the __________ to raise his nephew and niece.

A. commission B. commitment C. assignment D. conviction 参考答案:commitment

109. The new country is busy with __________ favorable relationships with its neighbors. A. making B. setting C. founding D. forging 参考答案:forging

110. At that point, it seemed almost impossible to negotiate a peaceful __________ of the conflict.

A. segment B. settlement C. salvation D. starvation 参考答案:settlement

111. __________ from Harvard University, he returned to China and became the general manager of a state-owned company.

A. Graduating B. Having graduated C. Graduated D. Being graduated 参考答案:Having graduated

112. It was when the company was in heavy debt __________ some idea about the seriousness of the situation.

A. did the manager have B. had the manager had C. that the manager had D. when the manage had 参考答案:that the manager had

113. In the remote mountainous areas, the local government laid great emphasis on education, with children __________ to go to school. A. to be encouraged B. be encouraged

C. having been encouraged D. being encouraged 参考答案:being encouraged

114. Mr. Smith has made it known that 90 percent of his properties __________ to the society. A. are to be left B. are to leave C. have left D. would leave 参考答案:are to be left

115. __________, he does not want to spoil her.

A. As he loves his daughter much B. Much as he loves his daughter C. As much he loves his daughter D. He loves his daughter as much 参考答案:Much as he loves his daughter


116. Smoking is so harmful to people's health that it kills people each year __________ than automobile accidents.

A. seven more times B. seven times more C. over seven times D. seven times 参考答案:seven times more

117. It's easy to blame the lack of communication on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes __________ place in our ever-changing world. A. taking B. to take C. take D. taken 参考答案:taking

118. The problem __________ over-population in big cities deserves serious consideration. A. resulting in B. resulted in C. resulting from D. resulted from 参考答案:resulting from

119. The conference, which is expected to be held in Hong Kong, __________ a full week by the time it ends.

A. must have lasted B. will have lasted C. could last D. would last 参考答案:will have lasted

120. After we made the improvement of the assembly line, there were only __________ as before.

A. one-tenth defective products as many B. one-tenth as many defective products C. as many one-tenth defective products D. defective products as many as one-tenth 参考答案:one-tenth as many defective products


Unit 3


Most people : burden desert equivalent injustice escape revenge protect trick

arranges violently

There is nothing : unusual Communities extinction estimates average comparative

bothering bound survive endangered

Obesity is : BADBD A Rolls-Royce : CBAAB An important task : ADBAC Since the early : AACAB

61. On Thanksgiving Day all the stores in the small town were ___________ and people went back home to have celebrations with their family members. A. hooked up B. closed up C. kept up D. put up 参考答案:closed up

62. The appearance of strange circles in the skin of the patient has __________ all the experts. A. patrolled B. dismissed C. puzzled D. discharged 参考答案:puzzled

63. Mrs. Black was one of the potential gun buyers and one of the millions who __________. A. caught the plunge B. made the plunge C. considered the plunge D. took the plunge 参考答案:took the plunge

64. You'd better ___________ your reservation by writing a letter to the company five days before your departure.

A. affirm B. confirm C. conform D. inflict 参考答案:confirm

65. We will see that those suggestions are __________ in the third round of the negotiation between the two parties.

A. put on B. put off C. put in D. put up 参考答案:put up

66. Mountains and lakes are the main __________ of the landscape of Wales which attracts lots of people.

A. premises B. features C. properties D. qualities 参考答案:features

67. I'd like to __________ when these measures will take effect in the local district. A. attach B. grab C. expire D. confirm 参考答案:confirm

68. People have been so accustomed to electronic friskers that they would not even bother to give them a(n) ___________ glance.

A. aside B. sideways C. sliding D. puzzled 参考答案:sideways

69. It is impossible to make an accurate ___________, but we expect to see some increase in profits this coming year.

A. prophecy B. forecast C. prediction D. prognosis



70. This program is expected to function as a ___________ that prevents children from viewing unhealthy programs on the Internet.

A. barricade B. premise C. barrier D. reflection 参考答案:barrier

71. According to statistics, by the year 2003 urban residents have outnumbered ___________ residents in most developing countries.

A. suburban B. tranquil C. rural D. vulnerable 参考答案:rural

72. With the application of the new technology, the productivity has increased ___________. A. on the latch B. of great significance C. by a large margin D. at man's service 参考答案:by a large margin

73. The studio was using all sorts of marketing tricks to __________ as much profit from the movie as possible.

A. distribute B. generate C. diminish D. squeeze 参考答案:squeeze

74. The suffering __________ on the captured soldiers in the Xeroy jail was terrible to see. A. fascinated B. distressed C. inflicted D. frustrated 参考答案:inflicted

75. This type of bank account gives you the __________ to withdraw up to 5,000 dollars without prior arrangement.

A. option B. safety C. defense D. target 参考答案:option

76. People in different countries sometimes cannot communicate smoothly with each other simply because of the language __________. A. reflection B. security C. barrier D. legacy 参考答案:barrier

77. The saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" means that people could keep illness at ___________ by eating apples every day.

A. barrier B. barricade C. bay D. transformation 参考答案:bay

78. Some people would __________ their early lives in their hometown when they moved to a new place.

A. reach out for B. live up to C. look back on D. put up with 参考答案:look back on

79. My friend helps me ___________my computer ___________ the Internet, so I can communicate with my families via E-mail.

A. hook up ... to B. close up ... to C. put up ... with D. work up ... with 参考答案:hook up ... to

80. He __________ the return of capital punishment as his company had been converted into legal business.

A. verified B. advocated C. pronounced D. confirmed 参考答案:advocated

81. It is advisable to ___________ your life and property against accidents so as to reduce the


possible loss.

A. ensure B. assure C. insure D. advocate 参考答案:insure

82. Some insurance companies offer lower premiums to people who make their houses more __________.

A. secure B. confused C. tranquil D. dismayed 参考答案:secure

83. Pictures of __________ scenes in the museum truly reflect the beauty of the nature. A. gross B. intense C. rural D. medium 参考答案:rural

84. The highway over the famous valley is thought to be a necessary ___________ by some people, because though it may destroy the natural beauty of the town, it can reduce the commuting time.

A. devil B. evil C. barrier D. impact 参考答案:evil

85. When they decorated the new house, they had all the cupboards ___________ the wall so as to make the house look more spacious.

A. taken off B. bathed in C. aimed at D. built into 参考答案:built into

86. After knowing the result of the exam, he was very upset and worried about his future, so he ___________ around the campus.

A. wondered B. wandered C. patrolled D. pasted 参考答案:wandered

87. Fred has thought about changing his job for a while and finally an incident makes him ___________.

A. draw the line B. look the part C. lose his balance D. take the plunge 参考答案:take the plunge

88. Radio reception wasn't very good because of a disturbance in the atmosphere; the announcer's voice sounded very ___________.

A. disputed B. distorted C. disguised D. dismissed 参考答案:distorted

89. We regret to inform you that accepting your counter-offer will leave us no __________ of profit.

A. insurance B. edge C. discount D. margin 参考答案:margin

90. The death of President John F. Kennedy has ___________ people for a long time and it still remains a mystery.

A. pasted B. reflected C. civilized D. puzzled 参考答案:puzzled

91. You'd better work hard so that later when you ___________ on your life, you will not regret for what you have done.

A. look back B. hold up C. reflect upon D. take up 参考答案:look back

92. Please establish the letter of credit __________ one month proceeding the stipulated time of



A. of our favor B. in our favor C. by our favor D. on our favor 参考答案:in our favor

93. The volunteers are determined to ___________ the illiterate people in that out-of-the-way village.

A. analyze B. allege C. patrol D. civilize 参考答案:civilize

94. Hotels and restaurants located in a beautiful and __________ lake area are usually popular with visitors.

A. private B. mobile C. tranquil D. elegant 参考答案:tranquil

95. Under no ___________ will China be the first country to use nuclear weapons. A. circumstances B. occasions C. reflection D. transformation 参考答案:circumstances

96. When the Prime Minister visited this country, a large number of protesters put up ___________ across several major streets.

A. advertisements B. statistics C. barricades D. premises 参考答案:barricades

97. The program started from the __________ that all the employees are on equal terms in the company.

A. era B. premise C. security D. permission 参考答案:premise

98. My little sister admired the famous and popular band so much that she ___________ their pictures on the wall.

A. analyzed B. protested C. protected D. pasted 参考答案:pasted

99. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center has shocked the __________ world. A. analyzed B. organized C. stabilized D. civilized 参考答案:civilized

100. Thanks to our __________ marketing tactics, our sales have risen dramatically this season. A. aggressive B. negative C. conservative D. passive 参考答案:aggressive

101. MBA is generally accepted to __________ Master of Business Administration, which is quite popular among young people in China.

A. stand for B. stand on C. stand by D. stand up 参考答案:stand for

102. The terrible storm lasted two days and ___________ heavy damages. A. influenced B. affected C. inflicted D. conflicted 参考答案:inflicted

103. The president is now ____________ on a number of foreign policies and defense issues and is always attacked on these issues by his opponents. A. vulnerable B. sensible C. dramatic D. sensitive 参考答案:vulnerable

104. The proposals were intended to soften the __________ of the reformed tax system.


A. target B. instance C. impact D. evidence 参考答案:impact

105. People in that area used to leave the front door __________ at night, but now they no longer have trust in their neighbors.

A. on the latch B. in the latch C. of the latch D. by the latch 参考答案:on the latch

106. The ___________ indicate that the public support for the president has dropped by 3.8% during the last ten months.

A. collection B. information C. reflection D. statistics 参考答案:statistics

107. After the terrible explosion, his main concern is to ensure his own political __________. A. circumstance B. reluctance C. combination D. survival 参考答案:survival

108. A high crime rate is a ___________ of an unstable society, so the local government now tries every means possible to reduce the crime rate.

A. reflection B. relaxation C. transformation D. protection 参考答案:reflection

109. Mr. Lee seemed to have __________ off the subject when he was talking about the ill-treatment of the captured soldiers.

A. wandered B. reflected C. wondered D. pondered 参考答案:wandered

110. The man was __________ to have attacked several women in the district and was finally sentenced to five and half years in prison.

A. quested B. presumed C. occurred D. alleged 参考答案:alleged

111. The impact of Thoreau's "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" might not have been so far-reaching ___________ for Elizabeth Peabody, who dared to publish the controversial essay. A. it is not being B. being it not C. had it not been D. it not having been 参考答案:had it not been

112. The life expectancy of blacks in 1850 was shorter than ___________, yet it was much longer than the life expectancy of the United States city dwellers. A. white Americans' B. that of white Americans C. white Americans D. that of white Americans' 参考答案:that of white Americans

113. If you keep on eating a lot of fast food for supper, ___________ are that you will put on several pounds within weeks.

A. opportunities B. influences C. chances D. signs 参考答案:chances

114. There is every indication __________ the number of the employees of the company will remain constant.

A. what B. that C. as D. which 参考答案:that

115. The story reinforced the idea that all individuals were capable of becoming wealthy __________ they were hardworking.


A. if only B. in order that C. ever since D. so long as 参考答案:so long as

116. __________ her parents' objection, Miss Jones would have been sent to work in the mountainous area.

A. It had not been for B. Hadn't it been for C. Had it not been for D. If had not been for 参考答案:Had it not been for

117. I'm afraid that we have no choice but __________ the business as it is. A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. will leave 参考答案:to leave

118. ___________ exerted by tornadoes that they are said to have lifted railroad locomotives off their tracks.

A. So great is the force B. The great force is C. The force is great D. How great the force is 参考答案:So great is the force

119. When we were young, we were advised not to do naughty things, however ___________. A. might they be enjoyable B. enjoyable might they be C. they might be enjoyable D. enjoyable they might be 参考答案:enjoyable they might be

120. Among the most harmful species of insects are __________ that spread terrible diseases. A. which B. that C. these D. those 参考答案:those


Unit 4


Have you ever : audience professional concert nervous circus comedians personalities

stunt well-paid dangerous

Note-taking : essential organize pace reduce shortening minimum appropriate

abbreviations columns personal

When you close : ACABD It all started : BADAC Before planes : CBCAA Every artist : BDACC

61. The economy in Asia is in a __________ condition after many years' painstaking efforts in a series of reforms.

A. generous B. stable C. apparent D. sincere 参考答案:stable

62. As time goes by, with little progress being made, the students' enthusiasm for learning English ___________.

A. comes around B. fades out C. disposes of D. passes away 参考答案:fades out

63. The economic situation in that country is rather good, for markets are flourishing and prices are ___________.

A. steady B. constant C. reliable D. stable 参考答案:stable

64. Foreigners wishing to work in Britain have to go through the complicated __________ of getting a work permit.

A. extent B. content C. process D. measure 参考答案:process

65. The old woman was small and thin and only God knows what she had to __________ each time she did a wash!

A. suffer B. ensure C. endure D. affect 参考答案:endure

66. My father __________ behind the curtain and kept watching me for an hour or two on that Christmas day when I was crying in the stable. A. left B. hid C. concealed D. covered 参考答案:hid

67. That life on the deserted island is lived or __________ largely depends on how you look at it.

A. charged B. endured C. preserved D. declined 参考答案:endured

68. The situation in Iraq now is rather __________ and even experts are not certain about its future.

A. involved B. tangled C. complicated D. complex 参考答案:complicated


69. These new shoes are __________ to slip on wet grounds, so I couldn't go very fast. A. capable B. apt C. able D. reliable 参考答案:apt

70. He has been writing articles for the travel __________ in Washington Post ever since he graduated from the university.

A. orbit B. volume C. circle D. column 参考答案:column

71. An amount of money will be deducted from the salary and put into an account for retirement ___________.

A. mansion B. pension C. compensation D. suspension 参考答案:pension

72. The students' interest in taking summer English programs abroad __________ because of the serious situation.

A. faded in B. faded on C. faded out D. faded up 参考答案:faded out

73. The new terms of the contract have been __________ after three rounds of serious negotiation.

A. adapted B. adopted C. affected D. afforded 参考答案:adopted

74. I feel much more optimistic about our ability to face and solve the problems which __________ our civilization.

A. confront B. punish C. reject D. ignore 参考答案:confront

75. Under the new __________, it would be possible to pay for the professional services on installment.

A. department B. arrangement C. commitment D. achievement 参考答案:arrangement

76. Mary and Betty have been friends since primary school and now they are __________ in interest and tastes.

A. alike B. unlike C. like D. familiar 参考答案:alike

77. The residents couldn't bear the heavy taxes __________ on them, so finally they decided to rebel.

A. proposed B. supposed C. imposed D. opposed 参考答案:imposed

78. The 1960s saw a change in the form and content of movie treating subjects that, for many years, were considered ___________.

A. oppressed B. confined C. denied D. prohibited 参考答案:prohibited

79. We need to __________ all the animals with the disease so that the others are not infected. A. revolve B. exist C. abolish D. isolate 参考答案:isolate

80. Without much thought, they decided to discard the traditional methods that have been in use for years and __________ new ones.


A. adapt B. appoint C. adopt D. affect 参考答案:adopt

81. The flight was delayed __________ the terrible weather and the passengers had to stay in the airport lounge for the night.

A. on behalf of B. on account of C. in favor of D. in honor of 参考答案:on account of

82. He took it __________ that the reduced prices would bring about the increase of the sale of the company's products.

A. in granted B. for granted C. on granted D. with granted 参考答案:for granted

83. According to a survey, a large proportion of men do not __________ women who have a higher education background or earn more money than them. A. go for B. stand for C. work for D. get by 参考答案:go for

84. The old houses in this district are to be __________ to make way for skyscrapers. A. knocked off B. put aside C. knocked down D. left alone 参考答案:knocked down

85. His outstanding __________ in the final competition proved that he was a convincing winner.

A. behavior B. performance C. activity D. personality 参考答案:performance

86. Many people got a company __________ from their former employers when they retired. A. premium B. allowance C. pension D. discount 参考答案:pension

87. Scientists usually have the power of __________ of the things in their natural surroundings. A. determination B. resolution C. observation D. recommendation 参考答案:observation

88. In order to get more evidence, they kept the man under close __________ and finally found a clue.

A. reflection B. complexion C. suspension D. observation 参考答案:observation

89. To defend the motherland is the __________ glory of all the soldiers and the citizens. A. subtle B. energetic C. delicate D. supreme 参考答案:supreme

90. I __________ a slight change in his attitude toward the case, but I didn't lose confidence. A. detected B. witnessed C. conveyed D. attained 参考答案:detected

91. In the United States, a lot of __________ soldiers of the World War II used the government financial aid to go to college.

A. veteran B. innocent C. absurd D. intelligent 参考答案:veteran

92. When I'm upset or angry, I would rather be __________ instead of staying with a group of people or even friends.

A. put aside B. left alone C. knocked off D. knocked down


参考答案:left alone

93. A movie with a very __________ plot and world-famous stars usually attracts an audience of millions.

A. complicated B. advocated C. sophisticated D. indicated 参考答案:complicated

94. We can't deny that in the __________ of man's evolution, labor has played an important role. A. possession B. progress C. procession D. process 参考答案:process

95. It is reported that teenagers from single-parent families are likely to __________ themselves from other people rather than staying with others. A. disable B. isolate C. associate D. dispose 参考答案:isolate

96. Henry was appointed deputy manager on the __________ of the chief executive. A. recommendation B. protection C. commission D. approval 参考答案:recommendation

97. The factory was fined $20,000 because it had __________ of all the waste in the river, which caused the death of the fish in the river.

A. disproved B. disposed C. consisted D. proposed 参考答案:disposed

98. Several villagers claim that they have __________ a UFO and can even describe the landing scene in great detail.

A. caught sight of B. got hold of C. took care of D. make arrangement for 参考答案:caught sight of

99. Because of heavy commitment, some employees in the company __________ at 10 pm these days.

A. knock down B. knock on C. knock off D. knock over 参考答案:knock off

100. His theory is abstract; __________, most people cannot figure out what it is really about. A. in other words B. of other words C. on other words D. with other words 参考答案:in other words

101. The __________ of life in the remote village has hardly changed though the population has greatly increased.

A. mode B. target C. measure D. wisdom 参考答案:mode

102. This experiment shows that even the smartest, most extraordinary robots, like human beings, can become __________ in some situations. A. enabled B. isolated C. adopted D. disabled 参考答案:disabled

103. Although you are not hungry now, I'm sure that after the exercises you will __________ an appetite.

A. work up B. put up C. take up D. get up 参考答案:work up

104. Several projects have been suggested to __________ the gigantic object to the roof of the building, but in vain.

