GNU Radio的安装

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GNU Radio和USRP的安装

by DZZ, WDL, 2014.4.29

1. 安装GNU Radio的基本概念和安装尝试

GNU Radio是Linux环境中运行的程序,官网建议的Linux系统是Fedora和Ubuntu。在Windows OS下可以采取下列形式安装GNU Radio:

Windows OS + VMWare(虚拟机)+ Linux(Ubuntu或Fedora)+ GNU Radio

因此、要安装GNU Radio,首先需要安装虚拟机,在虚拟机上安装Linux(Ubuntu或Fedora)。

对于GNU Radio本身的安装,官网建议了三种安装方法:

(1)直接安装GNU Radio的可执行文件。也就是说不下载源码和进行源码编译。显然、这种安装适合于仅仅使用GNU Radio提供的模块搭建通信系统。关于官网的安装建议参见: 但是,安装尝试表明在Ubuntu下键入下列命令

apt-get install gunradio


(2)采用安装工具安装。这种情况下,源码下载和编译均由安装工具负责,最重要的是检查package和library的相互依赖关系,对于非专业开发人员和对GNU Radio了解不足的人来说,是比较困难的事,因为GNU Radio包含的文件很多。安装工具完成了这一任务。


(a)Using PyBOMBS安装。这是GNU Radio正在推进和开发的安装方法。DZZ安装了两次,源码下载成功,也通过了部分编译,但进程过大半后都失败了,出错的原因相同,最后的提示信息如下:

[ 22%] Generating doxygen xml for pmt_swig_doc docs /bin/sh: 1: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND: not found

make[2]: *** [gnuradio-runtime/swig/pmt_swig_doc_swig_docs/xml/index.xml] Error 127 make[1]: *** [gnuradio-runtime/swig/CMakeFiles/pmt_swig_swig_doc.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... [ 22%] [ 22%] Building CXX object


Building CXX object gnuradio-runtime/lib/pmt/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-pmt.dir/

[ 22%] Building CXX object gnuradio-runtime/lib/pmt/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-pmt.dir/ [ 22%] Building CXX object gnuradio-runtime/lib/pmt/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-pmt.dir/ Linking C shared library [ 22%] Built target volk [ 23%] Building CXX object

gnuradio-runtime/lib/pmt/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-pmt.dir/ Linking CXX shared library [ 23%] Built target gnuradio-pmt make: *** [all] Error 2 ERROR:root:PyBOMBS Make step failed for package (gnuradio) please see bash output above for a reason (hint: look for the word Error)


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开始安装时需要输入一些选项,但估计不输入会采用缺省值安装,因此安装过程中基本都是直接回车。有个估计和doxygen有关的ON/OFF选项,两次安装时分别选择的是OFF和ON;(2)GNU Radio的PyBOMBS安装工具尚未成熟。希望有同学根据错误信息作些调研,再尝试一下这种方法。因为该方法是GNU Radio未来的推荐安装方法,并且安装过程中,交互很好,感觉速度也快些。而下面介绍的成功安装方法,其最大的问题是:安装过程中交互性太差,没有进度显示,“一停”就是几个小时,一般安装者都会怀疑安装出问题了。DZZ成功安装之前,曾经启动安装2-3次,每次到check...等上2-3分钟,一点动静没有,以为“死了”,按ctrl+c退出。(3)也可能是未安装依赖包doxygen。

(b)Using Marcus Leech的building script安装(官网链接同上)。DZZ先采用了PyBOMBS安装,只是到building阶段出错,需要的packages安装是成功的。因此没有再重新下载所需的packages,所以不是全程在此方法下安装。该方法的最大问题是安装过程显示信息太少,交互性差,但优点是安装全程全自动化。



(1)成功安装案例的环境说明和用时情况(供参考) DZZ的安装环境:

主机:PC = DELL机(4核,CPU主频2.2GHz,最高可达3.2GHz);内存=8G;OS=win8.0 虚拟机:VMWare 10.01 build-1379776,虚拟机内存分配=2G;虚拟机内核分配=2核;


Linux操作系统(虚拟机下):Ubuntu 12.04.1

安装用时:5-6小时(网速:360加速球显示在下载文件时多为100K/s左右,WiFi连接) WDL的安装环境: (由WDL补充)


(a)关闭主机操作系统和虚拟机操作系统的节能休眠模式(休眠会导致安装停止); (b)安装GNU Radio时会自动安装USRP所需要的文件UHD,同时不需要连接USRP


(c)适当熟悉Linux操作系统命令和目录结构,例如 cd;cd.;ls;

(d)Marcus Leech building script安装方法需要用户以普通用户身份运行安装命令。 (3)安装步骤(很简单,过程几乎全自动)

预先安装VMWare(详细步骤参见 XXX.doc) 预先安装Linux操作系统(详细步骤参见 XXX.doc) 第一步:安装Marcus Leech building script所要求的packages

参照前面apt-get命令的使用格式,使用sudo apt-get install命令安装如下依赖包: libfftw3-dev

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libfontconfig1-dev libxrender-dev libpulse-dev swig g++ automake autoconf libtool python-dev libcppunit-dev libboost1.48-all-dev libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev fort77 libsdl1.2-dev python-wxgtk2.8 git-core libqt4-dev python-numpy ccache python-opengl libgsl0-dev python-cheetah python-lxml doxygen qt4-dev-tools libqwt5-qt4-dev libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools python-qwt5-qt4 cmake wget libxi-dev python-docutils gtk2-engines-pixbuf r-base-dev python-tk

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liborc-0.4-0 liborc-0.4-dev libasound2-dev python-gtk2

第二步:在桌面系统左栏点击Home Folder,打开后点鼠标右键,建立一个目录(例如

gnuradiosrc),以存放安装的GNU Radio的源码。该安装目录的绝对路径为




GNU Radio所安装的文件主要存放在两处:系统目录下(待明确)(主要存放GNU的package, library, 命令等)和新建的目录下(主要存放源码和例子)


$ wget && chmod a+x ./build-gnuradio && ./build-gnuradio

下面是输入上述命令后,安装过程中的全部屏幕信息(网上的: 1120/21042.html,DZZ的安装显示信息和这个几乎完全相同)。红色字符是安装过程需要输入的内容,只是几个y(yes)和密码,蓝色字体是DZZ的加注。

--2013-11-20 13:44:05-- 正在解析主机 (

正在连接 (||:80... 已连接。 已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK 长度: 36545 (36K) [text/plain] 正在保存至: “build-gnuradio”

100%[======================================>] 36,545 58.3K/s 用时 0.6s 2013-11-20 13:44:26 (58.3 KB/s) - 已保存 “build-gnuradio” [36545/36545])

This script will install Gnu Radio from current GIT sources

You will require Internet access from the computer on which this script runs. You will also require SUDO access. You will require approximately 500MB of free disk space to perform the build.

This script will, as a side-effect, remove any existing Gnu Radio

installation that was installed from your Linux distribution packages. It must do this to prevent problems due to interference between

a linux-distribution-installed Gnu Radio/UHD and one installed from GIT source. The whole process may take up to two hours to complete, depending on the capabilities of your system.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: if you run into problems while running this script, you can re-run it with the --verbose option to produce lots of diagnostic output to help debug problems.

This script has been written to anticipate some of the more common problems one might encounter building ANY large, complex software package. But it is not pefect, and there are certainly some situations it could encounter that it cannot deal with gracefully. Altering the system configuration from something reasonably standard, removing parts of the filesystem, moving system libraries around arbitrarily, etc, it likely cannot cope with. It is just a script. It isn't intuitive or artificially intelligent. It tries to make life a little easier for you, but at the end of the day if it runs into trouble, a certain amount of knowledge on your part about system configuration and idiosyncrasies will inevitably be necessary. Proceed?y

Starting all functions at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 13:44:28 CST

SUDO privileges are required

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Do you have SUDO privileges?y Continuing with script

[sudo] password for holic:

Installing prerequisites.(下列40多个packages需在运行命令前已经安装,check才能成功)

====> THIS MAY TAKE QUITE SOME TIME <=====(耐心等待)

Checking for package libfontconfig1-dev Checking for package libxrender-dev Checking for package libpulse-dev Checking for package swig Checking for package g++

Checking for package automake Checking for package autoconf Checking for package libtool Checking for package python-dev Checking for package libfftw3-dev Checking for package libcppunit-dev

Checking for package libboost1.48-all-dev Checking for package libusb-dev

Checking for package libusb-1.0-0-dev Checking for package fort77

Checking for package libsdl1.2-dev Checking for package python-wxgtk2.8 Checking for package git-core Checking for package libqt4-dev Checking for package python-numpy Checking for package ccache

Checking for package python-opengl Checking for package libgsl0-dev Checking for package python-cheetah Checking for package python-lxml Checking for package doxygen

Checking for package qt4-dev-tools Checking for package libusb-1.0-0-dev Checking for package libqwt5-qt4-dev

Checking for package libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev Checking for package pyqt4-dev-tools Checking for package python-qwt5-qt4 Checking for package cmake Checking for package git-core Checking for package wget

Checking for package libxi-dev

Checking for package python-docutils

Checking for package gtk2-engines-pixbuf Checking for package r-base-dev Checking for package python-tk Checking for package liborc-0.4-0 Checking for package liborc-0.4-dev Checking for package libasound2-dev Checking for package python-gtk2 Done checking packages

Checking for library libusb ...Found library libusb

Checking for library libboost ...Found library libboost

Checking for library libcppunit ...Found library libcppunit Checking for library libfftw ...Found library libfftw Checking for library libgsl ...Found library libgsl Done

This script will fetch Gnu Radio version 3.7/maint from the repositories, along with compatible

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Is this OK?y

Fetching various packages (Gnu Radio, UHD, gr-osmosdr, gr-iqbal, etc) via the Internet

=======> THIS MAY TAKE QUITE SOME TIME <========= Fetching Gnu Radio via GIT...Done Fetching UHD via GIT...Fetching rtl-sdr (rtl-sdr, gr-osmosdr, gr-iqbal, hackrf and bladeRF) via GIT Done

Starting function uhd_build at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 13:54:30 CST Building UHD...(DZZ机子上进行了约半小时)

=============> THIS WILL TAKE SOME TIME <============= Done building/installing UHD

Done function uhd_build at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:04:26 CST Starting function firmware at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:04:26 CST

Downloading images to: /usr/local/share/uhd/images Downloading images from: 13.34 MB/13.34 MB (100.00%) Images successfully installed!

Done downloading firmware to /usr/local/share/uhd/images

Done function firmware at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:04:49 CST

Starting function gnuradio_build at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:04:49 CST /usr/local/lib already in Doing ldconfig...

Building Gnu Radio...(在DZZ的安装中,此步经历了约2个小时,期间屏幕上一点动静没有)

=========> THIS WILL TAKE QUITE A WHILE <============= ...Doing cmake ...Cmaking ...Building ...Installing

Done building and installing Gnu Radio GRC freedesktop icons install ...Done

Done function gnuradio_build at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:48:44 CST Starting function rtl_build at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:48:44 CST Building rtl-sdr...Done building rtl-sdr Building hackrf...Done building hackrf

Building gr-iqbal...Done building gr-iqbal Building bladeRF...Done building bladeRF

Building gr-osmosdr...Done building gr-osmosdr Done building/installing rtl-sdr/gr-osmosdr

Done function rtl_build at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:50:43 CST Starting function extras at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:50:43 CST Doing GIT checkout for extra module gr-baz Building extra module gr-baz

Doing GIT checkout for extra module grextras Building extra module grextras

Done function extras at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:20 CST

Starting function mod_groups at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:20 CST

******************************************************************************** This script has just modified /etc/group to place your userid '('$USER')' into group 'usrp' In order for this change to take effect, you will need to log-out and log back in again. You will not be able to access your USRP1 device until you do this.

If you wish to allow others on your system to use the USRP1 device, you will need to use: sudo usermod -a -G usrp userid

For each userid you wish to allow access to the usrp

******************************************************************************** Further

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Done function mod_groups at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:20 CST Starting function mod_udev at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:20 CST Done function mod_udev at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:20 CST

Starting function mod_sysctl at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:20 CST Applying updates to /etc/sysctl.conf

Group 'usrp' now has real-time scheduling privileges You will need to log-out and back in again for this to take effect

Done function mod_sysctl at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:21 CST

Starting function pythonpath at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:21 CST ************************************************************ You should probably set your PYTHONPATH to: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages Using:

export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

in your .bashrc or equivalent file prior to attempting to run any Gnu Radio applications or Gnu Radio Companion.

************************************************************* Done function pythonpath at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:21 CST Done all functions at: 2013年 11月 20日 星期三 14:52:21 CST

All Done

Send success/fail info to Thanks


在terminal中运行命令gedit .bashrc,会打开bashrc文件,在该文件末尾添加如下语句: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages

然后保存文件。 (这个有待论证,DZZ安装实践表明:2.7.3的安装目录不是python2.7)

也可以使用另一种方法,即运行命令vi /etc/profile,在末尾添加同样的语句,之后按ctrl+冒号,输入wq,回车。

第五步:运行GNU Radio的GUI:gnuradio-compainon (简称grc) 在terminal中输入命令: $ gnuradio-companion

grc是一个用可视化GNU Radio模块搭建通信系统的环境,不需用Python和C++编写代码。该环境下只能使用GNU Radio现有的模块,其特点和NI提供的LabView非常相似。





拷贝目的机的环境:PC = 联想笔记本G640,CPU = Intel Pentium P6000,OS = Win XP;虚拟机内存1G,硬盘=20G,CPU核=1


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C:\\Users\\wdl\\Documents\\Virtual Machines\\Ubuntu12\\Ubuntu12.vmx



将需要预装的40多个packages拷贝到Linux系统的相应目录下。此方法的优点:免去下载和安装这些packages。Marcus Leech的building script 检测到这些包后将不在下载和安装。可能的缺点:packages可能不是最新的,和最新的GNU Radio源码可能会有兼容性不好的问题。

