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★ 模块8 (Selling the product)


Unit 1 Selling

Session 1 What is selling?

instalment: one of a number of successive payments in settlement of a debt分期付款

Session 2 Presenting the product

versatile: having varied uses or serving many functions万用的

Session 3 Sales negotiations

win-win: of or being a situation in which the outcome benefits each of two often opposing groups双赢

Unit 2 Caring for customers

Session 4 Complaints – a positive approach

lousy: terrible非常糟糕的

Session 5 Customer care in practice

Session 6 Follow up and after sales

Unit 3 The wider world

Session 7 Globalisation and its impact on the business world

to play off: to bring people into conflict or competition of one's own advantage挑拨离间 millennium: a span of one thousand years千年

Session 8 Management and business styles in different countries

Session 9 Personal experience of doing business abroad

What are the most frequent symptoms of culture shock?

The most frequent symptoms of culture shock are feelings of isolation, anxiety, worry, a drop in performance at work and helplessness.

Listening Test

11月7月 Part 1 (10-11二): P277 Extract 8

11月1月 Part 1 (10-11一): P284 Extract 21

06月7月 Part 1 (05-06二): P284 Extract 22


06年7月 Passage 1 (05-06二) : P205 Activity 3


Vocabulary and Structure

11年7月II (10-11二)

11年1月 II (10-11一)

06年1月 III (05-06一)


Module 8 Selling the Product

1. What is selling? Different aspects of selling a product or service?

2. How do you find your customer?

3. How do you know what your customer needs?

4. What are the personal qualities and skills that a salesperson needs?

5. How do you present your product to your (potential) customer?

6. What is the process of sales negotiation? What language skills (or any other skills) are needed?

7. How do you take customer's complaint? Are complainers the best friends of a company? If so, why do we say so?

8. Does globalization have some impact on your business? Have it brought some benefits?

9. How do you deal with the different management and business styles in different cultures?

10. Any advice for Chinese business people in terms of doing business with people from other countries?

Reading materials

10 Quick Creativity Hacks

1. Color Me Blue

A 2009 study found that subjects solved twice as many insight puzzles when surrounded by the color blue, since it leads to more relaxed and associative thinking. Red, on other hand, makes people more alert and aware, so it is a better backdrop for solving analytic problems.

2. Get Groggy

According to a study published last month, people at their least alert time of day─think of a night person early in the morning─performed far better on various creative puzzles, sometimes improving their success rate by 50%. Grogginess has creative perks.

3. Daydream Away

Research led by Jonathan Schooler at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has found that people who daydream more score higher on various tests of creativity.

4. Think Like A Child


When subjects are told to imagine themselves as 7-year-olds, they score significantly higher on tests of divergent thinking, such as trying to invent alternative uses for an old car tire.

5. Laugh It Up

When people are exposed to a short video of stand-up comedy, they solve about 20% more insight puzzles.

6. Imagine That You Are Far Away

Research conducted at Indiana University found that people were much better at solving insight puzzles when they were told that the puzzles came from Greece or California, and not from a local lab.

7. Keep It Generic

One way to increase problem-solving ability is to change the verbs used to describe the problem. When the verbs are extremely specific, people think in narrow terms. In contrast, the use of more generic verbs─say, 'moving' instead of 'driving'─can lead to dramatic increases in the number of problems solved.

8. Work Outside the Box

According to new study, volunteers performed significantly better on a standard test of creativity when they were seated outside a 5-foot-square workspace, perhaps because they internalized the metaphor of thinking outside the box. The lesson? Your cubicle is holding you back.

9. See the World

According to research led by Adam Galinsky, students who have lived abroad were much more likely to solve a classic insight puzzle. Their experience of another culture endowed them with a valuable open-mindedness. This effect also applies to professionals: Fashion-house directors who have lived in many countries produce clothing that their peers rate as far more creative.

10. Move to a Metropolis

Physicists at the Santa Fe Institute have found that moving from a small city to one that is twice as large leads inventors to produce, on average, about 15% more patents.





2. 不必太清醒


3. 做做白日梦

Serge Bloch


加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)的乔纳森·斯库勒(Jonathan Schooler)领导的一项研究发现,爱做白日梦的人在各种创造力测试中得分更高。

4. 像孩子一样思考


5. 开怀笑一笑



6. 想象自己生活在别处

印第安纳大学(Indiana University)的研究发现,如果告诉受试者他们要解答的脑筋急转弯问题来自希腊或加州,而不是来自当地的实验室,他们的成绩就会好得多。

7. 使用含义更宽泛的词


8. 走出工作间


9. 放眼世界

亚当·加林斯基(Adam Galinsky)主持的一项研究显示,有海外生活经历的学生能够更好地解决脑筋急转弯问题。在另一种文化中的生活经历赋予他们宝贵的开放性思维。这种效应也适用于专业人士:在许多国家生活过的时装设计师所设计的服装在同行中看来更具创意。

10. 搬到大城市

圣菲研究所(Santa Fe Institute)的物理学家们发现,从一个小城市搬到规模大一倍的城市会让发明家的专利数量平均增加15%左右。

Travel Priorities: Light Bags, In-Flight Privacy

Road Warrior provides travel tips from those who know best: busy executives and other globetrotters.

Designer Michael Young has developed concepts for everything from bicycles to iPhone speakers to Lacoste polo shirts, and his work is included in the collections at the Louvre and Centre Pompidou in Paris.

The 45-year-old, who founded his studio in London, today splits his time between Hong Kong and his family home in Sydney, while traveling throughout Asia and Europe developing new projects such as one of his latest designs, a lightweight suitcase with 35-liter capacity.

Mr. Young shared his thoughts on Shanghai hotels, Cathay Pacific's color scheme and the importance of 'privacy without claustrophobia.'


How often are you up in the air? Since becoming a father I have been traveling a lot less. Nowadays I usually do a quick long-haul once a month and another local flight. My son had been to Australia, Tokyo, Shanghai and Hong Kong by the time he was 6 months old.

Where do you go the most? These days I am heading to Shanghai a lot. I am also in Milan and Sydney a good bit. In Sydney I have a hideaway beach hut that I use when I need to escape.

What frequent-flier plans do you use? [Cathay Pacific's] Marco Polo, of course; it is essential if you are based in Hong Kong.

What's your favorite airport? Hong Kong, because it works really well. It is great that you can get a buggy from the lounge to the gate easily. I love the buggy rides, and I always meet characters on them. Also, if you have a Hong Kong resident's card, you are through the gate in seconds and into the city with no traffic in 30 minutes. I don't know any large city like that. If I had to pick a worst I would say I hate London airports. I detest landing from Asia to be greeted by miserable ground staff.

What is the best hotel in the region? In Shanghai I settle for the PuLi Hotel and Spa most of the time, since it's part of Luxury Hotels of the World, and I've been using them for years.

Is there a hotel that you believe incorporates superior design? I stayed in the main suite at the Waterhouse Hotel at the South Bund, Shanghai, with my family. The only problem is that the air-con units are on the outside wall, so the room vibrates when they are on, and the service is like 'Fawlty Towers.'

What's your favorite airport-to-city journey? Sydney to Palm Beach, because once you get to Avalon, you are in your own zone. There is this feeling of, 'It's all over, and it's all going to be all right.'

Who is your preferred carrier? Cathay Pacific. I guess it's just a solid airline. There are no surprises, and the staff are peaceful and nice. The cabins' colors are terrible, though, and so is the majority of the design, but it's better than most.

Best airline food? Cathay Pacific First Class. I just traveled to Milan first class, and they have great caviar with salmon. I don't normally eat the stuff, but up in the air it is fun. I actually don't eat food on planes as a rule, even in business class. I always try to eat prior to flying.

If you were to design an airline seat, what would you change? For me, privacy without claustrophobia is paramount. Also, I would love to be able to put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign up to stop attendants bothering me.

How do you beat jet lag? I don't. I'm not big into sleeping tablets, so I tend to look like a lizard in Milan most of the time. A few glasses of red wine can help with a power nap, but it's a gamble.

What's your advice on scoring an upgrade? I always travel business, so it could definitely be worse, but if I had to say one thing it would be don't order special food, because that really screws your chances up. Otherwise, travel on your birthday or arrive with a walking stick.

Do you have any essential travel gadgets? These days I carry an iPhone and a Macbook Air so I can get online most of the time. I always carry a music magazine for the flight, but generally I don't like gadgets. I don't need them, and I don't like to carry extra stuff. Generally I just need my brain to keep me entertained.

Any packing tips? Do it the day before you leave, or you will end up in Milan with no socks or a warm jacket.


What are the most important things to remember when picking luggage? Don't waste weight on looks. A case should always be light.

What were your main concerns when you were designing your suitcase? Weight and organization. I wanted to make it easy to get at all your bits and have places to organize them all. I designed the pockets in all the right places, put pegs on the underside of the case so it does not drop out of the overhead compartment, and kept it light. Super-light.

Do you have any interest in designing airplanes? Of course I do! We design a lot of cabin equipment at my studio at the moment, so I hope it evolves to bigger projects, but I would love to design a private jet or first class on Cathay Pacific or Singapore Airlines. I've got the miles, after all.

Michael Young Studio

设计师迈克尔 杨(Michael Young)


们的“商旅达人”(Road Warrior)系列文章为大家提供各种出行建议。这些建议来自这一领域的专家:常年在旅途中奔波的公司高管和频繁往来于全球各地的人士。

从自行车到iPhone扬声器,到鳄鱼(Lacoste)polo衫,设计师迈克尔 杨(Michael Young)为各种各样的东西打造过概念,他的作品已被纳入巴黎卢浮宫(Louvre)和蓬皮杜中心(Centre Pompidou)。


迈克尔分享了他对上海酒店和国泰航空(Cathay Pacific)配色方案的看法,并解释了“不会造成幽闭恐惧感的私密性”的重要性。



你使用哪些常旅客计划?当然是国泰航空的马可孛罗会(Marco Polo);如果你长期在香港的话它就是必不可少的。


亚洲最佳酒店是哪里?在上海我大都住在璞丽酒店(PuLi Hotel and Spa),因为它是世界豪华酒店联盟(Luxury Hotels of the World)的成员,多年来我一直都在用他们的服务。

你认为有没有哪家酒店融入了出众的设计?我和家人住过的上海水舍酒店(Waterhouse Hotel at the South Bund)的大套房。唯一的问题是空调主机装在了外 ,所以空调开着时房间会感觉到震,服务也像是《弗尔蒂旅馆》(Fawlty Towers)里演的那样。








你有没有出行时必不可少的电子设备?最近我带着iPhone和Macbook Air,这样大部分时间就可以上网了。我总是带着一本音乐杂志乘机,但一般来说我不喜欢电子设备。我不需要它们,我也不喜欢带过多的东西。通常我只需要我的大脑给自己娱乐。




你有没有兴趣设计飞机?当然有兴趣!目前我们在我的工作室设计了很多机舱设备,所以我希望以后能有更大的项目,但我希望能设计私人飞机或者国泰航空或新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)的头等舱。毕竟我手头积攒有它们的里程。

