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一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Writing{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:106.00)

1.收入悬殊是当前社会的一种现象; 2. 人们对之褒贬不一; 3. 我的看法。 {{B}} My View on the Income Gap{{/B}} (分数:106.00)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()

解析:{{B}} My View on the Income Gap{{/B}} Now the income gap is getting wider and wider. In some privately owned firms, joint ventures, or foreign - owned companies, an executive's yearly income is ten times or even a hundred times as much as an ordinary worker's. Facing with this situation, people will undoubtedly have different opinions. Some believe that it benefits the social and economic development since driving force is often derived from the gap. In other words, the gap inspires one's desire and gives an impetus to advancement. Others speak of its side effect. Income gap is often the root of social unrest and also contrary to our country's principle. From my point of view, though it is true that the income gap may stimulate the social development to some extent, it causes trouble as well. The income gap that is too wide for most people to bear can neither benefit the stability of our country nor promote our economic development. Therefore, while we are advocating the rapid development of our country, we should tolerate the narrow income gap but narrow the wide one.

二、{{B}}Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning){{/B}}(总题数:10,分数:70.00)

2.Americans are making new friends all the time and few Americans stay in one place for a lifetime. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Y)

解析:[解析] 根据文章第一段的内容,第一句话就说很少有美国人总是呆在一个地方,他们从城镇搬到城市,再搬到郊区;读高中和大学是在不同的网,先在这里工作后又换到另外的地方做另外一个更好的工作等等,他们老在不停地更换位置,而且在这个过程中他们永远都在结交新朋友(forever making new friends)。因此,这句话是正确的。

3.People in different countries have different expectations of what makes for friendship. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Y)

解析:[解析] 文章第三段大概讲述了不同国家的人对友谊的理解及期待是不同的。The difficulty when strangers from two countries meet is not a lack of appreciation of friendship,but different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how it comes into being.可见,这句话的概括是准确的。

4.For French people the best friendship is that between a roan and a woman. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:N)

解析:[解析] 文章在讲到法国人的友谊时说,“In France,as in many European countries,friends generally an of the same sex,and friendship is seen as basically a relationship between men.”所以,在法国友谊是男人们间的事情,而这句话说“最好的友谊是一个男人和一个女人间的”是完全错误的。

5.In France friendship is based on compatibility of outlook. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Y)

解析:[解析] 文章第十一段的最后一句说明这句话是正确的,“The special relationship of friendship is based on what the French value most--on the mind,on compatibility of outlook,on vivid awareness of some chosen area a of life.”

6.In Germany ties of friendship are meant to be forever. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Y)

解析:[解析] 德国人的友谊与法国人的不同,对他们而言,友谊更像是一种感觉(feeling),而且,“Like ties kinship,ties of friendship are meant to be irrevocably binding”,关键要理解这句话的意思,即像亲属的纽带一样,友谊的纽带是不可撤回的有法律约束力的,也就是—辈子的事情。因此,这句话是正确的。

7.English friendships come to an end when one friend seriously misunderstands the other's feelings, point of view or actions. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Y)

解析:[解析] 英国人的友谊的终结不是不能调解相互不同的观点或感觉的结果,而是误会、误解的结果,也就是一个朋友严重地误会了另外—个人的想法(feel)或行为(act),所以,他们的友谊也就结束了。 8.There are four common elements in friendship which make possible bridges between different people. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:NG)

解析:[解析] 文章的最后一段讲述了不同国家、社会的人们建立友谊的桥梁的相似点,但并未说有四个普遍性。因此,这种说法是不明确的。

9.For a Frenchman, a German or an Englishman friendship is usually more particularized and carries heavier (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:burden of commitment) 解析:[解析] 答案见文章第三段最后一句。

10.Friendship between 1 people can be taken up again easily even if friends are separated for some time. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:American)

解析:[解析] 填此空需对照不同国家友谊的特点来做,很显然美国人的友谊符合此特点,在他们分离一段时间后很容易又可以继续他们的友谊。

11.In 1, if a friend is complimented as a \close to the person as a friend. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:France)

解析:[解析] 在法国,如果一个朋友恭维地说另一个人为“好朋友”的话,他实际要表达的意思是这个人还没有“a friend”对他而言亲密。

三、{{B}}Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:56.00)

{{B}} Questions 11 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}

{{B}} Questions 11 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}(分数:56.00) A.Two blocks. B.Five blocks. √ C.Three blocks. D.Four blocks.

解析:[听力原文] M: Excuse me, can you please tell me how to get to the People's Bank of China? W: Sure. Go straight across two blocks, then turn left and walk three more blocks until .you get to the drugstore. It's right across the street. Q: How far must the man walk m get to the bank?

[详细解答] 女士告诉问路的男士向前走两个街区,然后向左转,再走三个街区,一直走到药店,他要找的地方就在街对面,加起来共5个街区,因此只有B是正确答案。 A.He suggests that she buy the sweater in another color. B.He suggests that she buy a jacket instead of the sweater. C.He suggests that she buy the sweater at its original price. D.He suggests that she buy the sweater on Friday. √

解析:[听力原文] W: I'm crazy about the blue woolen sweater in the window. Could I see it, please? M: We're about to mark down all of our winter. goods, including our jackets, suits, and woolen sweaters in several colors. Why don't you wait until Friday? Q: What does the man suggest that the woman do? [详细解爷]男士提及他们所有的冬季物品在星期五会打折出售,并建议女士等到星期五买,因此D是正确答案。 A.It was cleaned.

B.There was a large sale.

C.The employees had to work very late. D.There was a robbery. √

解析:[听力原文] W: Did you hear that the neighborhood convenience store was held up last night? M: Yes, I heard it on the radio this morning. Q: What happened at the convenience store last night? [详细解答] 关键在女士话中的“the neighborhood convenience store was held up”一句,词组hold up在此处意为“持枪抢劫”,因此D是正确答案。 A.Be a bad boy. B.Eat too fast. √ C.Go to a game. D.Skip his lunch.

解析:[听力原文] W: Don't wolf down your lunch. It's not good for you. M: Ok, Mom, but the boys will be hero any minute, and I don't want to miss the game. Q: What did the woman ask her son not to do? [详细解答] 把握住文中的关键词wolf down(狼吞虎咽),我们可推知女士劝她的儿子不要吃得太快,因此可知B是正确答案。 A.A salesman.

B.A telephone repairman C.A plumber.

D.An electrician. √

解析:[听力原文] W: This is Mrs. Jones. My heater is not getting any power and the temperature is going to get down below freezing. Could you come over and fix it? M: This is our busiest time of the year, but I will speak to one of our men about getting over there sometime today. Q: Whom has Mrs. Jones called to come over? [详细解答] 根据关键词heater,power,fix,我们可得知女士的暖炉出了故障,需要修理,因此她肯定是给电工打电话,那么只有D合适。 A.She didn't understand what Eva was saying. B.Eva should have been more active.

C.Eva didn't seem to be nervous at all during her presentation. √ D.Eva needs training in public speaking lessons.

解析:[听力原文] M: Did you hear Eva's presentation in the meeting last night? W: How she could be so calm in front of such a large audience is really beyond me. Q: What does the woman imply? [详细解答] 本题的关键是理解对话中的几个词和习语的意思。女士说“How she could be so calm in front of such a large audience is really beyond me.”意思是“我真没想到她在那么多观众面前竟然表现得那么镇定。”由此我们可以推出C是最佳答案。 A.Whether to change his job. √ B.Asking for a higher salary. C.Accepting a new secretary. D.Getting a better position.

解析:[听力原文] M: You know I'm not too sure if the new salary will be high enough or even the new position is really what I want. Be sides, I like the work that I'm doing now. W: It sounds as though you've already made up your mind about what you are going to do. Q: What is the man thinking about? [详细解答] 在会话中,男士谈到了职位和工资,并谈到他现在的工作很令他满意,因此我们可推测他是在考虑是否要换工作,因此A是正确答案。 A.He could help her with the problems. √ B.He could go out together with her. C.She should go out for a while. D.She should do the problems herself.

解析:[听力原文] W: I'm getting absolutely nowhere with these physics problems. M: How about my going through them with you? Q: What does the man mean? [详细解答] 要注意对话中用到的词组“get nowhere”,意为“没有进展”,“go through”意为“完成”,对话中女士说她一点都不会做那些物理题,男士说帮她做,因此A是正确答案。

四、{{B}} Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:28.00)


A.Since he was born. √ B.Since his early childhood. C.Two years. D.Two months.

解析:[听力原文]19-22 W: So, how long have you lived in New York? M: All my life. I was born hero. Sounds like you're new in town. W: Two months. I just moved here from Michigan. Sounds like you're new in town. M: Wow! That's a big change. New York must be quite a shock. W: Well, not exactly. I lived here once before, when I went to the graduate school. So, I guess you could say that I'm used to life in New York, if that's possible. M: When did you live hero? W: Oh, let's see .... it must have been about eight years ago. Boy, the city sure has changed since then. M: I suppose so. I mean, they've really cleaned up Times Square. It used to be so dirty. I mean, now it's just full of tourists. W: Yeah. And the subways seem to run more on schedule now. M: Basically, I think the city is safer anywhere you go, probably be cause we have so many more police officers on the street. W: Oh, that's for sure! You know, though, one thing I can't get used to is the noise especially those garbage tracks! They come at five in the morning and are so loud. The noise wakes me up every time! M: I guess I've lived hero so long I don't hear it anymore. I can sleep through just about anything. You know the one thing I am tired of--the weather. I mean, I'm so sick and tired of these long, cold winters. I'm thinking aobut moving next year. W: Really? M: Yeah. I mean, like I said, I've lived hero all my life, and I feel like I need some kind of change. You know, a new environment. It's time to get out of New York. W: Hmm. Not me! I love the nightlife: the theater and the great restaurants. I can't wait to get out to discover all that New York is offering! 19. How long has the man lived in this city? [详细解答] 这位女士首先问这位男士,“你在纽约住了多久?”他问答道,“我的一生。我是在这里出生的。”所以本题的答案是A选项的Since he was born.

A.Two months ago. B.Five months ago. C.Five years ago. D.Eight years ago. √

解析:[听力原文] When did the woman come to this city for the first time? [详细解答] 这位女士是从Michigan搬到纽约来的,已经来了两个月了,但是她曾经也到纽约来生活过,她想了一会后说那已经是八年前的事情了,所以她第一次来纽约是在八年前。 A.The long, cold winters. B.Bad traffic at peak times.

C.Noise from garbage trucks. √ D.So many police officers on the street.

解析:[听力原文] About which of the following does the woman feel unhappy about? [详细解答] 他们一起谈论了纽约的变化,男:上说现在城市比以前安全多了,可能是在马路上我们有很多警察执勤,女士认为也是如此,但是有一件事她不能忍受的是那些装垃圾的车辆制造的噪音。 A.Exhaustion. B.Cold weather. √ C.The job opportunity. D.The environment.

解析:[听力原文] What makes the man think about moving somewhere else next year? [详细解答] 因为男士住在纽约的时间很长,他也习惯厂这的一切,晚上睡的也很好,但唯一让他厌倦的就是这儿的天气,他身体不是很好,所以他不喜欢这里又长又冷的冬天。

五、{{B}} Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:21.00)


A.He didn't really enjoy it very much. √ B.He liked its story, but the music was awful. C.He enjoyed every minute of the movie.

D.He was excited with the development of the story.

解析:[听力原文]23-25 W: Hey, Bob! So how was the movie? M: Well, I didn't really enjoy it very much. W: Why? That film got great reviews. It's really popular. M: Oh, the movie was fine. I just got irritated by the people sitting in front of me. W: What happened? M: Well, first they came in late. It took them a while to get into their seats. All this was happening during an exciting part of the movie. And then they started talking. W: Oh, I hate when that happens! M: There were two of them: a man and a woman. The man had seen the movie before. He was telling the woman the entire story. W: Unbelievable! M: Well, yon won't believe what happened next! Another person asked them to be quiet. Politely, of course. W: Right. M: And they started arguing! Their voices were getting louder and louder. One guy was saying, \guy was saying, \had to be called in because it was getting out of hand. Everyone quieted down eventually, but it was too late. They had ruined the movie for me. 23. How did Bob enjoy the movie? [详细解答] 在对话的开头,这位女士就问Bob这部电影怎么样?Bob说,“I didn't really enjoy very much.”(我不是很喜欢),所以选项A的回答是正确的。 A.The usher.

B.The people sitting next.

C.The people sitting in front of him. √ D.The people standing in the back.

解析:[听力原文] By whom exactly did Bob get irritated? [详细解答] Bob认为电影是很好,但是他很反感坐在他前面的人(the people sitting in front of me),因为他们首先来迟了,花厂一段时间找位置,然后就一直在讲话。

A.The man was cutting jokes all the time. B.The woman was talking about her boss.

C.The woman was making comments on the performance of the actress. D.The man was telling the woman the entire story of the movie. √

解析:[听力原文] What were the irritating people talking about? [详细解答] 令Bob讨厌的是一男一女,因为这位男的已经看过这部电影,所以他就向这位女士讲电影的整个情节,He was telling the woman the entire story。

六、{{B}}Section B{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:21.00)

{{B}} Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}} {{B}} Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}(分数:21.00)

A.The national department of education. B.School boards.

C.Public schools in the United States. D.Local control of school. √

解析:[听力原文]26-28 My report is on local control of schools. First, I was surprised to learn that public schools in the United States are not the same in every state or even from community to community within the state. The reason for differences in organization, curriculum, and school policies is because each school district has a governing board, called the school board, which makes the decisions about the way the schools in their district will be run. Of course, a superintendent is selected by the board to carry out policies and the superintendent is usually a professional educator, but the board, often made up of community leaders who are not professional educators, must approve the recommendations of the superintendent. 26. What is the presentation mainly about? [详细解答] 这是一道推断主题大意,根据文章的第一句my report is on local control of schools,我们可以得知D是正确答案。

A.Public schools are not the same throughout the United States. √ B.The school board members are not professional education.

C.The federal department is not the same as a department of education in many other countries. D.The members of the school board serve without pay.

解析:[听力原文] What surprised the presenter about her research? [详细解答] 问题中的surprise一词很关键,短文中的surprised一词之后的内容就是正确答案,在这里选项A最能体现原文这句话的意思。故选A。

A.He governs the local school district.

B.He carries out policies of the governing board. C.He selects the superintendent of a school. √ D.He runs the business of the school.

解析:[听力原文] What is the major responsibility of a school board member in the United States? [详细解答] 根据文章中“Of course,a superintendent is selected by the board to carry out.policies”我们可以得出C选项最符合原文的意思,故C正确。

七、{{B}} Passage Two (总题数:1,分数:21.00)


A.The local Sunday newspaper. √ B.The local Saturday newspaper. C.The local Friday newspaper. D.Not mentioned in this passage.

解析:[听力原文]29-31 If you plan to remain in the United States for any length of time, you will soon find it toe expensive to stay in a hotel and will want to find another place to live. As is true in cities everywhere in the world, the farther you live outside the city, generally the lower the rents will be. However traveling to and from the city by bus, ear, or train may make it as expensive as living in the city. Naturally, it is easier to join in the life of a city if one is close to the center of the cit y. For this reason, you may prefer to live as close to the center of the city as possible. Or, you may prefer to rent a place for only a month or two until you become more familiar with the area. Your best source of information about either houses or apartments is likely to be the local newspaper. Usually, the week's most complete listing of houses or apartments to rent appears in the Sunday newspaper, which, in many cities, can be obtained late on Saturday night. Many people looking for houses or apartments believe that they have a better chance of finding a place to live ff they have all the in formation as soon as possible.

On Sunday morning, they are ready to call or visit. 29. Which may be the best source of information about houses? [详细解答] 只要听懂文章第二段第一句中的“the week's most complete listing of houses or apartments to rent appears in the Sunday newspaper,”这部分就可推出正确答案是A。 A.Because the traveling expenses are high. B.Because the rents are too high for most people. C.Because it is easier to get familiar with the area. D.Because it is easier to join in the life of a city. √

解析:[听力原文] Why somebody prefers to live as close to the center of the city as possible? [详细解答] 把握住关键句“it is easier to join in the life of a city if one is close to the center of the city.”的意思,我们就可以知道住在离市中心越近的地方就越方便享受城市的生活,四个选项中只有D项意思最贴切,故选D。

A.The farther you live outside the city, the lower the rents will be. B.Traveling to and from is as expensive as living in the city. C.Many people start to look for houses from Saturday morning. √

D.In many cities the Sunday newspaper can be obtained late Saturday night.

解析:[听力原文] According to this passage, which of the following is NOT true? [详细解答] 由于文中提到一周最完整的购房信息一般登在周日的报纸上(the week's most complete listing of houses or apartments to rent appears in the Sunday newspaper),C选项却是从周六早报上寻找,与文中观点相悖。因此,应该选C。

八、{{B}} Passage Three (总题数:1,分数:28.00)


A.Nine out of ten. √ B.One third.

C.Elven out of thirty. D.One fourth.

解析:[听力原文]32-35 Dr. Williams in New York carried out a study of cats, which had fallen out of windows of apartment blocks. Nine out of ten survived a fall of two storeys or more. One cat fell from a flat on the thirty- second floor and only lost a tooth. Interestingly, the cats were most at risk from injury or death if they fell from the seventh floor. Falling from either a lesser or greater height gave them a better chance of survival. What is the significance of the seventh floor? The study shows that this is the distance cats take to reach their terminal speed, i. e. , the final speed that does not change once it is reached. After the seventh floor, it may be that they relax and spread out their legs like a flying squirrel. This would slow them down and allow their muscles to absorb more of the force of impact, which would reduce the damage. Cats also have a very well - developed sense of balance. They can change position while falling so that they land on their feet. This has the advantage of spreading the force of impact with the ground over four legs and so does less damage to each leg. 32. What's the rate of survival in a fall of two storeys or more? [详细解答] 短文中第一段第二句话“Nine out of ten survived a fall of two storeys or more.”是做好这题的关键句,听懂了这句话,就可以得出答案是Nine out often即选项A。 A.The cat can reach their terminal speed. B.The cat does not change its final speed.

C.His legs spread out and muscles absorb more force of impact. √ D.He will slow down and reduce the damage.

解析:[听力原文] How can a cat survive when falling from a height more than the 7th floor? [详细解答] 根据短文中第二段第三句话“if may be that they relax and spread out their legs likes flying squirrel.”我们可得出正确答案是C。

A.Cats can change their position while falling.

B.The force of impact with the ground over four legs is spread. √ C.Cats can land on their feet after falling.

D.Their muscles can absorb more of the force of impact.

解析:[听力原文] What's the advantage of the well - developed sense of balance? [详细解答] 根据短文最后一段第三句“This has the advantage of spreading the force of impact with the ground over four legs and so does less damage to each leg.”我们可以推出猫较强的平衡性可以缓解地面对具四肢的冲击力,B项与此最相符,故选B。

A.Nine out of ten cats have a better chance of survival. B.What is the significance of the seventh floor? C.What's the cats' terminal speed? D.Most cats can survive when falling. √

解析:[听力原文] What does this passage tell us about cats? [详细解答] 根据对全文的理解,我们知道本文主要讲述了猫从高空中摔下还能存活的原因,四个选项中只有D项与之最接近。故选D。

九、{{B}}Section C{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:77.00)

The Tomato Growers Association, or TGA, has set out to grow a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}tomato at an{{U}} (37) {{/U}}farm near San Diego, California. Employing biotechnology and developments in DNA research, the TGA has determined to grow the \of tomorrow. \(38) {{/U}}a repellent in the form of an odor, the tomato plant would be able to fight off{{U}} (39) {{/U}}by insects. It would{{U}} (40) {{/U}}disease and rot, and would{{U}} (41) {{/U}}maintain its shape when{{U}} (42) {{/U}}at the bottom of a{{U}} (43) {{/U}}of tons of to matoes.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}. Its heavy, thick leaves would prevent it form becoming sunburned. All tomatoes on a plant would ripen at the same time, to prevent the loss from machine harvest of under - or - over ripened fruit.{{U}} (45) {{/U}}. While development of this plant will prove to be extremely expensive, TGA scientists believe that{{U}} (46) {{/U}}.

The Tomato Growers Association, or TGA, has set out to grow a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}tomato at an{{U}} (37) {{/U}}farm near San Diego, California. Employing biotechnology and developments in DNA research, the TGA has determined to grow the \of tomorrow. \(38) {{/U}}a repellent in the form of an odor, the tomato plant would be able to fight off{{U}} (39) {{/U}}by insects. It would{{U}} (40) {{/U}}disease and rot, and would{{U}} (41) {{/U}}maintain its shape when{{U}} (42) {{/U}}at the bottom of a{{U}} (43) {{/U}}of tons of to matoes.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}. Its heavy, thick leaves would prevent it form becoming sunburned. All tomatoes on a plant would ripen at the same time, to prevent the loss from machine harvest of under - or - over ripened fruit.{{U}} (45) {{/U}}. While development of this plant will prove to be extremely expensive, TGA scientists believe that{{U}} (46) {{/U}}.(分数:77.00) 填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:super)

解析:[听力原文]36-46 The Tomato Growers Association, or TGA, has set out to grow a (36) {{U}}super{{/U}} tomato at an (37) {{U}}experimental{{/U}} farm near San Diego, California. (38) {{U}}Employing{{/U}} biotechnology and developments in DNA research, the TGA has determined to grow the \the tomato plant would be able to fight off (40) {{U}}attacks{{/U}} by insects. It would (41) {{U}}resist{{/U}} disease and rot, and would maintain its shape when (42) {{U}}shipped{{/U}} at the bottom of a (43) {{U}}load{{/U}} of tons of tomatoes. (44) {{U}}The skin would be tough, to permit it to be harvested by machine without damage.{{/U}} Its heavy, thick leaves would prevent it form becoming sunburned. All tomatoes on a plant would ripen at the same time, to prevent the loss from machine harvest of under - or - over ripened fruit. (45) {{U}}And it would be just as .juicy and tasty as the consumer wants it to be.{{/U}} While development of this plant will prove to be extremely ex pensive, TGA scientists believe that (46){{U}} if they can achieve their goal, the industry will eventually benefit from the many advantages and cost savings, particularly from harvest labor expenses and ship ping loss, that the new tomato will bring.{{/U}} 填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:experimental) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Employing) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:emitting) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:attacks) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:resist) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:shipped) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:load) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:The skin would be tough,to permit it to be harvested by machine without damage.) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:And it would be just as juicy and tasty as the consumer wants it to be.) 解析:

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:if they can achieve their goal,the industry will eventually benefit from the many advantages and cost savings,particularly from harvest labor expenses and shipping loss,that the new tomato will bring,) 解析:

十、{{B}}Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth){{/B}}(总题数:5,分数:45.00)

12.Scientists think the moralists' warning is 1. (分数:9.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:nothing important)

解析:[解题技巧]找出文中相关内容。 [详细解答] 文中对于伦理学家的态度有如下描述:But,scientists assailed the moralists concerns as alarmist,他们认为伦理学家的担忧和警告只是大惊小怪。因此可以得出结论,科学家认为伦理学家的警告是无关紧要。

13.The phrase\(分数:9.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:be put into an embarrassing situation)

解析:[解题技巧]根据上下文和字面猜测词义。 [详细解答] 试想一个人光着身子被人抓住是如何一种情景?当然是很尴尬的。再加上文中说明because cloning human beings would serve no discernible scientific purpose.Now the cloning of human is within reach更加可以确定这是一个很尴尬的场面。 14.The main idea in the second paragraph is 1. (分数:9.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:US government highly concerns with cloning of humans) 解析:[解题技巧]归纳总结,得出答案。 [详细解答] 第二段阐述了克隆人类在伦理学上是否合理已经成为美国政府讨论的一个重要议题。克林顿总统也成立了一个由专家组成的咨询小组,专门讨论这个问题。因此,这也是本段的中心。

15.What the government can do is to set regulations to 1. (分数:9.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:researchers)

解析:[解题技巧]找出文中相关内容。 [详细解答] 文中说到:The government could prohibit the cloning of human beings or issue regulations limiting what researchers can do.很容易得出答案。 16.Should human be cloned? McCormick insists that 1. (分数:9.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:humans should not be cloned)

解析:[解题技巧]归纳总结,得出答案。 [详细解答] 根据文中McCormick的态度:any cloning of human is morally repugnant.任何克隆人类的行为都是令人厌恶的,可以得出本题的答案。

十一、{{B}}Section B{{/B}}(总题数:5,分数:44.50)

17.The closest restatement of \that ______. (分数:8.90)

A.industries tend to compete with one another B.industries tend to combine into bigger ones

C.one industry may increase its staff at the expense of another D.one industry might be driven out of business by another industry √

解析:[试题分析] 直接题型语义指代题。 [详细解答] 参阅第一段倒数第三句,destroy与本题正确选项中的be driven out of相关。

18.From the passage it can be inferred that ______. (分数:8.90)

A.all school children are offered a course in the use of computer B.all unemployed workers are being retrained

C.in reality only a certain portion of unemployed workers will be retrained √ D.retraining programmes are considered very important by the government

解析:[试题分析] 暗示推断题。 [详细解答] 参阅第二段第一句后半句“but retraining pro grams are not high on the nation's agenda”,but前后互为反义,因此C是最佳答案。 19.The major problem discussed in the passage is ______. (分数:8.90)

A.the importance of lifelong retraining of the unemployed workers

B.the social consequences of the widespread use of computers in the United States √ C.the barrier to the employment of young people D.the general rule of the advancement of technology

解析:[试题分析] 段尾结论题。 [详细解答] 参阅第三段第一句“Such social problem are not the fault of the computer,of course,but a consequence of the way the American society might use the computer.”,我们可以判断B项是最佳答案。

20.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? (分数:8.90)

A.Computers are efficient in retraining unemployed workers. √ B.Computers may offer more working opportunities than they destroy. C.Computers will increase the unemployment rate of young blacks. D.Computers can help smaller organizations to function more effectively.

解析:[试题分析] 直接题型细节辨别题。 [详细解答] 参阅第二段第二句,就可以得出正确答案。 21.The word \(分数:8.90) A.discouraging √ B.convincing C.misleading D.interesting

解析:[试题分析] 语义指代题。 [详细解答] chilling有令人不舒服之意,参阅第二段第三句,选项中只有A项意思同chilling最接近。

十二、{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}(总题数:5,分数:44.50)

22.By \(分数:8.90)

A.who has not been instructed how to use a life preserver √

B.who has a little experience in using a life preserver C.who uses a life preserver without permission D.who becomes nervous before a disaster

解析:[试题分析] 语义指代题。 [详细解答] 根据文章最后一段第一句,我们可推出“the un initiated individual”就是指的那些不知道怎么使用救生衣的人。故A是正确选项。

23.What would happen if a person were supported by the life preserver in a wrong position? (分数:8.90)

A.The waves would move him backwards. B.The water would choke him.

C.He would immediately sink to the bottom. D.He might be exhausted or unconscious. √

解析:[试题分析] 细节辨别题。 [详细解答] 第三段第一句后半句中a face-down position和本题中的in a wrong position相对应。因此选项D“他可能太累了或者是已经失去了知觉”是正确答案。 24.A coastguard does NOT require the life preserver to be made ______. (分数:8.90)

A.with as few strings as possible B.capable of being worn on both sides C.according to each wearer's size √ D.comfortable and light to wear

解析:[试题分析] 事实细节题。 [详细解答] A项和B项都涉及method,其相关部分见最后一段第三句,A,B,D三项都是文章中提及的,C项是与本题无关的内容,因此应该选C。 25.The passage is mainly about ______. (分数:8.90)

A.the uses of life preservers B.the design of life preservers √ C.the materials for life preservers D.the buoyancy of life preservers

解析:[试题分析] 文章主旨题。 [详细解答] C项和D项都是对救生衣设计中设计材料的说明。A项为陷阱,指救生衣的用途,尽管开头提到,但范围不着边际。故只有B是正确选项。 26.According to the passage, a life preserver should be first of all ______. (分数:8.90) A.adjustable B.comfortable C.self-evident D.self-righting √

解析:[试题分析] 事实细节题。 [详细解答] 本文第三段主要讨论救生衣对不同落水方向的影响,应设计得能“自动扶正”,或稍向后仰。B项是对材料的描述,范围太窄,而A和C不合题意,因此D是正确答案。

十三、{{B}}Part Ⅴ Cloze{{/B}}(总题数:20,分数:70.00)

A.time B.speed √ C.fuel D.performance

解析:[命题宗旨] 句意理解。 [详细解答] 参照后面的of 40 m. p.h,可知此处讲速度。 A.motor B.vehicle √ C.transport D.carriage

解析:[命题宗旨] 词义理解。 [详细解答] motor发动机或装有发动机的车辆;carriage马车;transport交通;vehicle泛指车辆等一切交通工具。文中所谈车辆是靠电池充电行进的,显然不属于motor。 A.average B.common C.regular √ D.typical

解析:[命题宗旨] 词义理解及词语搭配。 [详细解答] average平均的;common普遍的;average flower普通的花,强调不特别,随处可见,不与passenger service相搭配。regular定期的;typical典型的。 A.each √ B.every C.apart D.once

解析:[命题宗旨] 词义理解。 [详细解答] each和every的区别在于:every是形容词性的代词,如:every student;而each则是名词性的代词,还有each of结构。 A.existence B.process C.occurrence D.operation √

解析:[命题宗旨] 词义理解及固定搭配。 [详细解答] go into existence存在,若用此处,则有这种公汽在曼彻斯特被发明之意;结合本句后半部分,另一批公汽将投入使用,所以这是首批投入使用的。So into operation实施,执行,例:The law is to go into operation next week.(go into operation:实施,执行)

A.undertaking B.underlining C.understanding D.undergoing √

解析:[命题宗旨] 形近词辨析。 [详细解答] undertake承担(工作,责任),如:She undertook responsibility for the changes.她为这些改变承担责任。undergo接受(检查,核查),如:She's undergoing treatment at the hospital,她在医院接受治疗。underline指“强调”,如:She underlined her disapproval by going out.她走了出去,以示她的反对。 A.fuel B.speed C.range D.cost √

解析:[命题宗旨] 句意理解。 [详细解答] 从前面的capital(资本)一词能判断该空答案。 A.at B.with √ C.under D.for

解析:[命题宗旨] with用法。 [详细解答] with引导短语,修饰名词,表示名词的属性,表伴随。 A.pollution B.trial C.service √ D.charge

解析:[命题宗旨] 文章内容理解。 [详细解答] 参照文章第五行going into regular passenger service。提示:这种汽车服务于民。而且本句上半部分“那些政府资助的汽车正在试用”,与之对应。“我们这种与它们不同,马上要真正服务于民”。 A.change B.check

C.chase D.charge √

解析:[命题宗旨] 句意理解。 [详细解答] 参照前面的名词batteries,charge battery充电;此词语在文中多次出现。 A.expected √ B.estimated C.wished D.found

解析:[命题宗旨] 词语用法。 [详细解答] 有一类动词可接动词不定式作复合宾语,如本题中的expect和wish,但wish用于此结构表want(需要)之意。I wish him to go.我想让他走。文中本句实际上就是该结构的被动态,因此be expected to…“预料会”。estimate(估计)和find不能用于estimate/find sb.to do sth.这种结构。 A.them B.one C.it √ D.that

解析:[命题宗旨] 重复与替代。 [详细解答] it代替前面某个提到的名词;而one代替前面提到的同—种类的名词。 A.with B.of √ C.for D.from

解析:[命题宗旨] 固定搭配 [详细解答] be confident of..对……有信心,如:I am confident of your future.我对你的未来充满信心。 A.further √ B.farther C.more D.much

解析:[命题宗旨] 词语用法。 [详细解答] more表“另外的”之意时,前面不能用不定冠词 a,(因为有another代表此意)。give me two more apples(再给我两个苹果);much为副词,不能修饰batch,further和farther,同为far的比较级,一个意指抽象“进一步”,一个意指具体“更远”。 A.and B.or C.as D.but √

解析:[命题宗旨] 句意理解。 [详细解答] 空格的两边分别是higher和lower,意思相对,故选择but。 A.keeping B.putting C.taking √ D.bring

解析:[命题宗旨] 固定搭配。 [详细解答] take...into account把……考虑进去。此处是不把环境受益考虑进去。 A.as B.which C.that D.whose √

解析:[命题宗旨] 定语从句。 [详细解答] 先行词为the small government sponsored battery bus,在从句中作定语。 A.place

B.its place √ C.a place D.the place

解析:[命题宗旨] 固定搭配。 [详细解答] take one's place找到某人位置。如:This new work will take its place among the most important paintings of this century.这幅作品是本世纪最重要作品之—。 A.of √ B.with C.in D.from

解析:[命题宗旨] 定语从句。 [详细解答] which指代前面的16 tons。of which=of the 16 tons,在16吨之中。 A.down √ B.up C.about D.out

解析:[命题宗旨] 动词词组辨析。 [详细解答] bring down降低;bring up抚养;bring about导致; bring out出版。

十四、{{B}}Part Ⅵ Translation{{/B}}(总题数:5,分数:35.00)

47.The crops were 1(被洪水冲跑了). (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:washed away by the flood) 解析:

48.Specialties in colleges and universities should be adjusted 1(以适应社会需要). (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:to meet the needs of the society) 解析:

49.The 1967 UN document calls for the settlement of 1(中东冲突) on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab acknowledgement of Israeli's fight to exist. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the Middle East conflict) 解析:

50.You must be a very bad learner, 1(要不) you must be going to a very. bad teacher. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:or else) 解析:

51. 1(一个接一个), speakers called for the liberation of the oppressed people of the world. (分数:7.00)

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:One after another) 解析:

