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(满分:120分,时间:120分钟) 第I 卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



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Buy a Starbucks Card handy to create an account.

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Look for the Starcode symbol on specially marked Starbucks? products where you buy groceries. Three levels with increasingly greater rewards To reach each level in our Loyalty Program, you need to collect more Stars. ( Remember, to earn a Star you must pay with a registered Starbucks Card. ) Welcome level

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Collect 30 Stars within 12 months and you’re at the Gold level. What is included in the Green, level plus

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1. Which of the following is a way you can apply for membership? A. To enter a Starcode from specially marked Starbucks? products. B. To buy a Starbucks Card over the phone.

C. To update the Starbucks? App from the official website. D. To buy a drink at a Starbucks on weekends. 2. With the Starbucks? App, you can ________.

A. change the prices B. earn a Star C. pay for rewards D. view current offers 3. With a Starbucks Card of Green level, you will get ________. A. a free cake C. free in-store refills

B. personalized Green Card D. all purchases 15% off B

The pounding(重击声) was driving Edward crazy. A new neighbor had just moved into the apartment below him. The newcomer was deaf, or seemed to be, because he played his stereo loud enough for the whole building to hear.

On the first day he heard the stereo rocking over, Edward marched downstairs and politely told the newcomer that his stereo was too loud. He asked the new tenant to turn the volume down and keep it down as long as he lived in the building. The tenant appeared surprised and embarrassed, and said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was that loud.”

So, Edward returned upstairs, feeling good, because he had taken a stand and politely let the newcomer know that loud music was not going to be tolerated. The next day all was quiet, and

Edward continued to be pleased with himself. The following day, Edward thought it must be Fourth of July, because a marching band was playing on his street. In fact, it was the new neighbor who was playing his music loud again.

Edward was not one to repeat himself, feeling that each time you repeated yourself, you diminished the value of your words. So, he did what he always did with rude neighbors-grin and bear it. Eventually, they would move away. What else are you going to do?

In Los Angles a year ago, a woman had complained to her upstairs neighbor that he was playing his drums too loud and too often. The drummer repeatedly ignored her. One day the woman walked upstairs and shot the drummer in the head and his girlfriend in the chest. The woman was sentenced to prison for 20 years.

The dead drummer won’t bother anyone with his drums, but the woman might be wishing now that she had learned to grin and bear it. If she were still living in her apartment, she could always move. When you’re in prison, you don’t have that option. 4.The man living below where Edward lived was . A.a deaf man C.a tenant

B.the owner of the house

D.an old neighbor

5.What did Edward always do with rude neighbors? A.Grinning and bearing it. C.Shouting them to dead.

B.Persuading them to stop repeatedly. D.Moving away from the rude neighbors.

6.The woman killed her neighbor because . A.he ignored her advice repeatedly

B.she could not stand his playing the guitar too loud C.she could not put up with him any longer D.he played the drums too often

7.The author writes the last paragraph to prove that . A.being in prison means the loss of freedom B.grinning and bearing it is the best policy

C.Edward should follow the example of the woman D.the woman was right to kill her neighbor


Picture the scene: You come home after work feeling too exhausted to cook –only to find a delicious meal worthy of a Michelin-starred restaurant waiting for you. It sounds like a fantasy, but it could be about to come true thanks to a robot chef developed by British scientists.

Those scientists have come up with a set of robotic arms so smart that they are capable of cooking meals all by themselves. The device will be sold from as early as 2017 as part of a purpose-built high-tech kitchen.

Scientists at Moley Robotics spent almost 18 years developing the hands. According to its creators, the arms can chop, stir, whisk and baste well enough to recreate almost anything you would care to eat, whether it is a simple home-cooked supper, or a complicated creation designed by a world-class chef. The hands move a little slowly, hovering strangely above the work surface whenever they are not busy, but they imitate human movements closely enough that they can do things such as wiping a spoon on the edge of a pan to prevent drips.

Mr Oleynik, who is leading the project, said, “All the things which are possible with the hand are possible here. There is no limitation. A lot of people want to go to Michelin-starred restaurants, but they are quite expensive and may be quite far from the home. This is an opportunity for people to enjoy very good food, and for a reasonable price. ”

The only cuisine that is off the robot’s menu at the moment is sushi, which requires extremely steady pressure and nimble fingers to make, but the team plan to conquer that as well by the time it goes on sale.

8. People go to Michelin-starred restaurants in order to______. A. appreciate car tires. B. enjoy delicious meals C. see the new robot chefs D. escape from work 9. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. British scientists

B. The robot chef’s arms

C. Cooks at restaurants D. Household wives

10. Which kind of food CAN’T the robot chef cook at present? A. Bread

B. Beef

C. Sushi D. Sandwich

11. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Hands of a robot chef can perform exactly like a cook. B. Robot chefs are available at shopping malls.

C. Michelin-starred restaurants are suitable for many people. D. It is uncertain when the robot can cook all kinds of food.


Has this happened to you? You’re about to drift off to sleep when suddenly you feel like you’re falling or coming down on a roller coaster.

You then wake up to realize that you’re safe in your bed. You may have been confused or frightened for a second or two and your heart may be beating faster. You may have also felt the muscles in your body jerk(抽搐) when this all happened. Did you ever wonder why?

This falling sensation, together with a body movement known as a “sleep start”, is what doctors and scientists call a myoclonic(肌阵挛的)jerk, and it usually happens right before going into deeper stages of sleep. Here’s why doctors think the falling feeling and myoclonic jerks happen. When you fall asleep, normally your body temperature goes down and your heart start to beat just a little slower. This is because your brain signals your body to relax to prepare for sleep. When your muscles are relaxed, you go into the very first stages of sleep, but you’re not sleeping too deeply yet.

This brain activity may cause your larger muscles to contract(收缩) a little bit. In response, another part of your brain will make up a very quick mini-dream to go along with what is happening. You might think this would take a while, but your brain works so fast that it makes up the story almost at the same instant that your muscles jerk.

During this light sleep, you can be awakened easily. People who wake up during this light

sleep believe they haven’t fallen asleep yet. That’s why you may think that your body jerked right before you were about to fall asleep.

Myoclonic jerk are a normal part of sleep. Most people have them at one time or another. But

many people don’t realize their muscles are jerking during night sleep if it doesn’t wake them up.

So the next time you dream about falling and wake up in a sweat, don’t worry! Your body is

just telling your muscles to relax and get some rest!

12. People sometimes wake up during a light sleep because______. A. they are disturbed by others. C. their bodies are preparing for sleep.

B. they are too tired to fall asleep. D. they believe their lives are in danger.

