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题号:1题目: Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?A. 241-2742 B. 723-1182C.

381-3300 D. 232-6220 真题解析:细节理解题,难度简单,根据关键词opera定位到文章第一段,找到关键词opera,对应相应的电话号码。答案为A知识能力要求:细节定位及信息匹配 题号:2题目: When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra?A.

February. B. May. C. August. D.

November. 真题解析: 细节理解题,难度简单,根据关键词Chamber Orchestra定位到文章第二段,原文为“which offers several concerts from March through June.”句意为音乐会在3月至6月之间举办,排除选项得出答案为B 知识能力要求:细节定位及句意理解 题号:3 题目: Where can student go for free performances with their I.D. cards?A. Music Hall. B. Memorial Hall.C. Patricia Cobbett

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Theater. D. Riverbend Music Theater. 真题解析: 细节理解题,难度较简单,可知题目问的是地点,根据关键词free performances定位到文章第四段,原文为“Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free. ” 读完可知本句在重复题目,所以正确答案在关键信息附近,扩大范围阅读,得到信息“Performances are on the main campus(校园) of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater.” 故答案为C知识能力要求:细节理解及已定范围内的信息寻找 题号:4 题目: How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places?A. It has seats in the open air.B. It gives shows all year round.C. It offers membership discounts.D. It presents famous musical works. 真题解析: 细节理解题,难度中等,根据题目关键词 “Riverbend Music Theater” 和“different from the other places”定位到文章最后一段,读完整段之后,结合之前段落读到的信息,可知不同点在于Riverbend Music Theater与其它地方的不同在于它在户外设有座位,故答案为A 知识能力要求:细节定位及全篇信息理解题号:5 题目: What happened when Welty was with her friends at the cafe?A. Two strangers joined her.B. Her childhood friends came in.C. A heavy rain ruined the dinner.D. Some people held a party there. 真题解析: 细节理解题,难度偏难,根据题目中的关键词“Welty”和“at the cafe”可知文章第一段至第四段所发生的地点都在cafe中,阅读第一段至第四段,可知B,C选项未提及,由原文“They settled in at a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes, another customer was approaching their table.”“When her dinner partner showed up, she also pulled up a chair.”可知对于Welty来说,这两个人都是stranger,故正确答案为A 知识能力要求:细节定位,较大范围内文章理解,阅读细致程度 题号:6 题目: The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 6 refers to Welty’s ________.A. readers B. parties C. friends D. stories 真题解析: 词意猜测题,难度中等,看到题目判断为代词词意猜测,所以勇敢向前文看,由前文中的句子“Now we believe your stories”可知them代指的是stories,故正确答案为D 知识能力要求:根据前文内容进行推测 题号:7 题目: What can we learn about the characters in Welty’s fiction?A. They live in big cities.B. They are mostly women.C. They come from real life.D. They are pleasure

seekers. 真题解析: 推断题,难度中等,结合题目关键词fiction定位到文章倒数第二段,原文为“I don’t make them up,” she said of the characters in her fiction these last 50 or so years. “I don’t have to.” 结合本句及前文可知Welty的故事都是来源于真实的生活,故正确答案为C 知识能力要求:结合文意及句意进行理解推测题号:8题目: What can people do at the apple events?A. Attend experts’ lecture. B. Visiting fruit-loving families. C. Plant fruit trees in an orchard. D. Taste many kinds of apples. 真题解析: 本题为细节题,难度为容易。定位关键词apple events,找到文章第二段第一句话:Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see, and often taste, a wide variety of apples. 对照选项为D项,many kinds of 同义替换a wide variety of。 知识能力要求:细节理解 题号:9题目: What

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can we learn about Decio?A. It is a new variety. B. It has a strange look.C. It is rarely seen now. D. It has a special

taste. 真题解析: 本题为细节题,难度为容易。定位关键词Decio,找到文章第二段第4行,关键词所在句子没有对应选项,根据就近原则继续读下一句话:Although it doesn’t taste of anything special, it’s still worth a try, as it the knobbly (多疙瘩的) Cat’s Head which is more of a curiosity than anything else. 特别强调其外表与众不同,选项正确答案B。知识能力要求:细节理解 题号:10题目:What does the underlined phrase “a pipe dream” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. A practical

idea. B. A vain hope.C. A brilliant plan. D.

A selfish desire. 真题解析: 词义猜测题,难度为中等。词义猜测一般在放在语境中结合上下文来解答。One of the very best varieties for eating quality is Orleans Reinette, but you’ll need a warm, sheltered place with perfect soil to grow it, so it’s a pipe dream for most apple lovers who fall for it. 定位句中说到一种口感非常出色苹果,但是对种植要求很高,对于苹果爱好者来说只能是一个pipe dream,所以正确答案为B。知识能力要求:语境结合阅读理解能力,同时要知道vain的意思。 题号:11题目: What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?A. To show how to grow apples.B. To introduce an apple festival.C. To help people select

apples.D. To promote apple research. 真题解析: 主旨大意题,询问作者写作意图。主旨题定位一般看首段和尾段,再结合其它细节题,可以看出作者的目的是向读者介绍名为Apple Day的节日。 知识能力要求:写作意图理解题号:12题目: What do the classic rules mentioned in the text apply to?A. News report. B. Research papers. C. Private e-mails. D. Daily conversations. 真题解析: 细节题,难度容易。题目询问文章中提到的经典规律用于哪个方面,关键词classic rules定位文章第一段第二句话,Those are the classic rules for the evening broadcast and the morning papers. 选项为A项。 知识能力要求:细节理解 题号:13 题目: What can we infer about people like Debbie Downer?A. They’re socially inactive.B. They’re good at telling stories.C. They’re inconsiderate of others.D. They’re careful with their words. 真题解析: 推断题,难度中等。关键词Debbie Downer定位文章第二段末句。根据句意推测的一般出题规律,重点看前面:They want your eyeballs and don’t care how you’re feeling. But when you share a story with your friends, you care a lot more how they react. 他们只想吸引眼球而不关心你的感受,但是当你给朋友分享故事时,你更关心他们的反应,你不想让他们觉得你是个Debbie Downer。所以本题选择C项。知识能力要求:推断理解能力,理解inconsiderate的意思。 题号:14 题目: Which tended to be the most e-mailed according to Dr. Berger’s research?A. Sports news. B. Science articles. C. Personal accounts. D. Financial review. 真题解析: 细节题,难度容易。关键词the most e-mailed定位文章第三段:He and a Penn colleague analyzed the “most e-mailed” list for six months. One of his first

findings was that articles in the science section were much more likely

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to make the list than non-science articles. 科学家经过六个月的分析发现,科学板块在“喜欢分享清单”上占很大比重。所以正确选项为B。 知识能力要求:细节理解,重点要明白make the list的意思。 题号:15 题目: What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Sad Stories Travel Far and WideB. Online News Attracts More PeopleC. Reading Habits Change with the TimesD. Good News Beats Bad on Social Networks 真题解析: 主旨大意题,难度中等。本题询问文章最佳标题,一般需要看首段和尾段,再结合其它细节题来综合考查。首段末句:scientists have found that good news can spread faster and farther than disasters and sob stories 尾段末句:The more positive an article, the more likely it was to be shared,可以推出最佳标题为D项。知识能力要求:篇章综合概括能力。题号:16 题目: Everyone knows that fish is good for health. ___16___ 真题解析: 难度容易。本空为七选五第一空,文章开篇第二句话。结合前一句话fish is good for health,综合考查选项,G项内容包含fish和prevent disease,有相关词的复现,所以选G项。 知识能力要求:上下文综合理解,关键词复查。 题号:17 题目: Buying, storing and cooking fish isn’t difficult. ___17___ This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an

easy way. 真题解析: 难度中等。本空位于第一段末,后文提到本文的写作意图,前一句话说到买鱼、储存和烹饪都不难。综合考查选项,只有C项能符合承上启下的要求,“它不需要太多的知识”,a little knowledge和isn’t difficult 相互呼应。 知识能力要求:承上启下,句子结构综合理解。 题号:18 题目___18___ Fresh fish should smell sweet: 真题解析: 难度容易。本空位于第二段首句,有“启下”的功能,参照后一句话中的关键词smell定位选项F,有关键词smell,且句意有呼应:当你买鱼的时候,你首先应该闻一闻。新鲜的鱼闻起来有舒服的味道:你会觉得自己好像站在海边一样。 知识能力要求:关键词定位。 题号:19 题目: Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isn’t home, you’d better store the fish in the refrigerator if you don’t cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. 真题解析:难度较难,前后文干扰大,读完本段之后,可知空前部分在讲如何挑选新鲜的鱼,空后在讲买鱼之后需要放入冰箱,所以此空会在A和E之间存在疑问,根据空后的句子“but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two.”可知如果本题选择A则与此句冲突,故正确答案为E知识能力要求:前后文理解,细节把握 题号:20 题

目: There are many common methods used to cook fish. 20 First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices(调料).

Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, it’s ready to serve. 真题解析: 难度简单,根据空前句意可知,本段将要讲述如何烹饪鱼,A至G当中只有B选项在说烹饪这一话题,且根据后文中的steam pot可知为原词复现,故正确答案为B 知识能力要求:结合前后文理解答案

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题号:21题目: When I was 13, my only purpose was to become the for B. beating out C. relying on D. staying with

真题解析: 通过联系后半句“Miller是最好的”,结合上文“我唯一的目的是变成球队球星”可知“那意味着击败Miller”,B符合文意。知识能力要求:本题考察动词短语辨析,A选项为“鼓舞”,B选项为“击败”,C选项为“信赖”,D选项为“与……待在一起。” 题号:22题目: who was the best 22 at our school.22. A. coach B. student C.

teacher D. player

真题解析: 通过联系前文“football team”可知,Miller是最好的球员,D选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察名词辨析,A选项为“教练”,B选项为“学生”,C选项为“老师”,D选项为“球员。” 题号:23 题目: Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my B.

show C. comfort D. pleasure 真题解析: 通过联系上一句“足球赛季开始于九月,整个夏天我都训练”可知“我到哪儿都带着足球只为练习”,A选项符合文意。知识能力要求:本题考察名词辨析,A选项为“练习”,B选项为“表演”,C选项为“安慰,舒适”,D选项为“乐趣”。

题号:24题目: Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he A. school B. vacation C. hospital D. training

真题解析: 通过联系上一句“在九月之前,Miller被车撞了并且失去了右臂”可知“他从医院回来后我去看他”,C选项符合文意。知识能力要求:本题考察名词辨析,A选项为“学校”,B选项为“假期”,C选项为“医院”,D选项为“训练”。 题号:25 题目: pale B. calm C. relaxed D. ashamed 真题解析:结合上文可知Miller失去了右臂,加上后半句“但是他没有哭”可知,他看上去很“苍白无力”,A选项符合文意。知识能力要求:本题考察形容词辨析,A选项为“苍白的,无力的”,B选项为“平静的”,C选项为“放松的”,D选项为“羞愧的”。 题号:26 题目: all of Miller’s records B. broke C. set D. tried 真题解析: 联系前文“我想击败Miller和我一直在训练”,结合本句选项需搭配的名词“records(记录)”可知意为“打破纪录”,B选项符合文意。知识能力要求:本题考察动词辨析,A选项为“持有,拥有”,B选项为“打破”,C选项为“设置;创立”,D选项为“尝试”。 题号:27题目: That season, I 26 all of Miller’s records while B. judged C. organized D. watched真题解析: 联系前文“Millers受伤”,结合本句“在板凳上……主场比赛”可知意为“在板凳上观看主场比赛”,D选项符合文意。知识能力要求:本题考察动词辨析,A选项为“报告”,

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题号:28 题目: We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable blame for Miller’s B. then C.

but D. thus 真题解析: 结合28题前半部分“我被提名最有价值球员”情感色彩正向,而后半句却说“我因Miller的……而被责备”情感色彩负向可知C选项符合文意。知识能力要求:本题考察连词辨析,A选项为“并且”,B选项为“然后,当时”,C选项为“但是”,D选项为“因此”。 题号:29 题目: We dreams in which I was to blame for Miller’sdecision B. mistake C. accident D.

sacrifice 真题解析: 结合前文“Miller被车撞失去右臂”可知此处意为“Miller的事故”,C选项符合文意。 知识能力要求 :本题考察名词辨析,A选项为“决定”,B选项为“错误”,C选项为“事故”,D选项为“牺牲”。 题号:30 题目: One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw which wasn’tboth arms.30. A. stuck B. hurt C.

tired D. lost 真题解析: 结合整句大意 “我一天下午回家时偶然看见Miller被栅栏……,这对有双臂的人而言并不……”可知A选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察动词辨析,A选项为“困住”,B选项为“伤害”,C选项为“厌倦”,D选项为“失去”。 题号:31 题目: One afternoon, I

was fence --- which wasn’tsteady B. hard C. fun D. fit 真题解析: 结合整句大意 “我一天下午回家时偶然看见Miller被栅栏……,这对有双臂的人而言并不……”可知B选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察形容词辨析,A选项为“稳定的”,B选项为“困难的”,C选项为“有趣的”,D选项为“适合的”。 题号:32 题目: I’m sure I was the last person in the world B.

advice C. assistance D. apology 真题解析: 结合后文可知“Miller接受了挑战,慢慢移向栅栏”可知此句意为“我可以确定的是我是这世上他最不想接受帮助的人了”,C选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察名词辨析,A选项为“称赞”,B选项为“建议”,C选项为“帮助”,D选项为“道歉”。 题号:33 题目: I 33 him move slowly over the fence.33. A. let B. helped C. had D. noticed 真题解析: 结合后文可知“我们最后到了另一边”可知此处意为“我帮助他慢慢移向栅栏”,B选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察动词辨析,A选项为“让”,B选项为“帮助”,C选项为“有,让”,D选项为“看”。 题号:34 题目: When on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didn’t tell you this during the dropped B. ready C. trapped D.

safe 真题解析: 结合本句“当我们最终……到了另一边”可知应该是“安全的”,

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D选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察动词辨析,A选项为“掉”,B选项为“准备”,C选项为“陷入”,D选项为“安全”。 题号:35 题目: When we were the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didn’t tell you this during the B.

wrong C. quickly D. normally 真题解析: 结合前文“作者打破纪录”和后文“Miller感谢作者及作者的反思”可知,此处意为“你做得很好”,A选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察副词辨析,A选项为“好地,优良地”,B选项为“错误地”,C选项为“迅速地”,D选项为“正常地”。 题号:36 题目: Thank you for filling in for 36 .36. A. us B. yourself C. me D. them 真题解析: 结合“前文作者帮助Miller”及本句“谢谢你代替了我(加入球队)”可知,C选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察代词辨析,A选项为“我们”,B选项为“你自己”,C选项为“我”,D选项为“他们”。 题号:37 题目: His words freed me B. ideas C. attitudes D. dreams 真题解析: 结合前文“我常常做梦感觉自己应该为Miller的事故负责”可知“他的话让我从噩梦中解脱”,D选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察名词辨析,A选项为“记忆;回忆”,B选项为“主意,想法”,C选项为“态度”,D选项为“梦”。 题号:38 题目: I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged B. also C. yet D. just 真题解析:结合上文“Miller虽然失去右臂却还是愿意接受挑战”可知此处意为“损伤却未被打败,他依然领先于我”,A选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察副词辨析,A选项为“仍然”,B选项为“也”,C选项为“还,但是,已经”,D选项为“刚刚”。 题号:39 题目: B.

cured C. invited D. admired 真题解析: 结合前文“我的目标是击败Miller”可知,此处意为“我之前想要挑战他是正确的”,A选项符合文意。知识能力要求:本题考察动词辨析,A选项为“挑战”,B选项为“治愈”,C选项为“邀请”,D选项为“钦佩”。 题号:40 题目: From that day B. bigger C. cleverer D. cooler 真题解析: 此句为全文结尾句,练习全文主旨,结合and后“更真实”的语义线索可知此处意为“从那天开始,我变得更强大且真实”,B选项符合文意。 知识能力要求:本题考察形容词辨析,A选项为“更健康”,B选项为“更大”,C选项为“更聪明”,D选项为“更冷静/凉爽”。

题号:41 题目: In much of Asia, especially the so-called “rice bowl” of cultures of China, Japan, Korea, __41__ Vietnam, food is

usually eaten with chopsticks. 真题解析: 本题没有提示词,考察虚词。根据该题位置处China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam4个国家是并列关系,填入

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连词and。 知识能力要求:连词的用法。 题号:42 题目: Truly elegant chopsticks might __42__ (make) of gold and silver with Chinese

characters. 真题解析: 本题有提示词make,考察动词。空前有情态动词,主语chopsticks和make是被动关系,填be made。 知识能力要求:被动语态。 题号:43 题目: Skilled workers also combine various

hardwoods and metal __43__ (create) special design. 真题解析: 本题有提示词create,考察动词。本句已有谓语动词combine,考察的是非谓语。文中的意思是结合多种硬木金属去创造特别的设计,填入to create。 知识能力要求:非谓语-不定式用法。 题号:44 题目: People probably cooked their food in large pots, __44__ (use) twigs (树枝) to remove it. 真题解析: 本题有提示词use,考察动词。本句已有谓语动词cooked,考察的是非谓语。空所在的句子和主语people是主动关系,且用逗号和句子连接,是状语。填入现在分词using. 知识能力要求:非谓语—现在分词做状语。 题号:45 题目: Over time, __45__ the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly. 真题解析: 本题没有提示词,考察虚词。本题空连接后面两个句子,需使用连词。这里表示随着人口增长,填as。 知识能力要求:连词的用法。 题号:46 题目: Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which __46__ (gradual) turned into chopsticks. 真题解析: 本题有提示词gradual,考察形容词副词。本题gradual修饰动词turned into,所以填入副词形式gradually。 知识能力要求:形容词副词的用法。 题号:47 题目: Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, __47__ lived from roughly 511 to 479

B.C., influenced the __48__ (develop) of chopsticks. 真题解析: 本题没有提示词,考察虚词。本句是一个定语从句(先行词Chinese scholar Confucius),对应修饰先行词填入关系代词who。 知识能力要求:定语从句 题号:48 题目:Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, __47__ lived from roughly 511 to 479 B.C.,

influenced the __48__ (develop) of chopsticks. 真题解析: 本题有提示词develop,考察动词。根据空前的冠词the确定空内需要名词,把提示词转换为名词,填入development。 知识能力要求:动词-名词词性转换。 题号:49 题目: Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and __49__ (be) too violent for use at the table. 真题解析: 本题有提示词be,考察动词。本句连词and 连接两个并列句,并列的动词是remind和be的适当形式,结合主语knives和事态,填入were。 知识能力要求:并列结构,主谓,时态一致。 题号:50 题目: Chopsticks are

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not used everywhere in Asia. In India, for example, most people traditionally eat __50__ their hands. 真题解析: 本题没有提示词,考察虚词。本句空前的动词eat和空后名词their hands的结构和文章首句eaten with chopsticks.对应。填入介词with。

题号:错误1 题目: The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the

most difficult time for me. They were also the best and worse years in my life. 真题解析: 第一句的主语是year而谓语是were,遵循主谓一致的原则和后一句中They的提示,将第一句中主语year变成复数years. 知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握句子谓语动词应与主语保持一致,掌握“主谓一致”原则。 题号:错误2题目:They were also the best and worse years in my life. 真题解析: and 并列两个成分best和worse不一致,根据best前面有the可知这里需要两个最高级并列,所以要将worse改成worst知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握and前后一致,形容词的最高级变化 题号:错误3题目: At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself. 真题解析: 根据文意这里想要表达“起初,开始”,固定搭配是at first,所以要把the去掉 知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握冠词的固定搭配用法 题号:错误4 题目: At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself. 真题解析: 根据文意想要表达的是“我以为我知道了一切并且可以自己做决定”,而不是“你自己做决定”,所以要把yourself改成myself。知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握代词的基本含义及用法 题号:错误5 题目: However, my parents didn’t seem to think such. 真题解析: 根据文意想要表达的是“我的父母似乎不这样认为”,这里的“这样”需要把such改成so。因为such只能指代名词而so可以指代整个句子内容。 知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握形容词副词的基本用法,so的固定用法 题号:错误6 题目: They always tell me what to do and how to do it. 真题解析: 根据前后句时态都是一般过去时可知这里tell的动作也应该是发生在过去,所以要把tell改成过去时told。 知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握高考动词时态常考考点 题号:错误7 题目:At one time, I ever felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them. 真题解析: 根据文意想要表达的是“我甚至觉得父母不理解我所以我希望我能够摆脱他们”,这里的“freely”放在be动词之后,需要用形容词形式,所以把freely改成free。 知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握形容词和副词的位置和基本用法 题号:错误8 题目: I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes. 真题解析: 介词后面的动词要用doing形式,所以要把wear改成wearing 知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握

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非谓语动词的考点 题号:错误9题目: Now I am leaving home to college. 真题解析: 根据文意想要表达的是“现在我离开家去上大学”,“离开去…”是一个固定用法leave …for …,所以这里要把to改成for。 知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握高考常考介词的基本用法。 题号:错误10题目: At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help. 真题解析: 最后一个从句whenever need help句子结构不完整,缺了主语,根据前文语境要表达“我需要帮助的任何时候”,所以要在whenever和need之间添加I。 知识能力要求:此题要求考生掌握代词的基本含义及用法

真题解析: 第一段:问候+写作意图(道歉)How is everything going? I am writing to express my regret at being unable to go to bookstore with you next weekend, which I have promised. I feel terribly sorry about it and want you to know what happened第二段:①解释详细原因;②另约时间例一:What makes me concerned is that my final exam will be held two weeks later, so I had to make a preparation for it at that time. I hope you could appreciate that I must spare no effort to do well in my final exam. If possible, could we make another appointment to go to

bookstore together? How about three weeks later?例二:Just now, my cousin, Li Ming, who left home to Australia for his further study last year, informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family. I hope you could appreciate it. If possible, could we make another appointment after my final exam?第三段:①希望解接受释道歉;②请求回复I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Please let me know what time is ok for you. Looking forward to your reply. 参考范文 How is everything going? I am writing to express my regret at being unable to go to

bookstore with you next weekend, which I have promised. I feel terribly sorry about it and want you to know what happened.What makes me concerned is that my final exam will be held two weeks later, so I had to make a preparation for it at that time. I hope you could appreciate that I must spare no effort to do well in my final exam. If possible, could we make another appointment after my final exam?I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Please let me know what time is ok for you. Looking forward to your reply. 推荐句

式 I am writing to express my regret at being unable to do I am

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terribly sorry that… I feel sorry about it and want you to know

what happened What makes me concerned is that… If possible, could we … I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. 知识能力要求:从文章素材来看,是属于校园生活类;从文体来看,是属于比较常规的书信类;从要点来看,要点一是典型的语言应用:表达道歉,要点二和要点三是对原因的介绍和约定时间,都是紧扣课标卷注重的英语的介绍和应用能力;从要求来看,和过去几年没有重大变化。只要学生可以按照题目要求规范写作,清晰表达要点并且做出适当的扩展,且有意识用上几个高级句型,拿到一个及格或者更高的分数是不难的。 答案仅供参考

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