The ways to keep fit

更新时间:2023-03-10 10:41:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Outline: topic sentence: there are number of ways for us to keep fit. Supporting sentence: A. do some regular exercises can keep fit. B. make s balanced diet can keep fit. C. have a good emotion can keep fit. 1. A good emotion can reduce the

probability of some diseases and live an activity life.

2. A gloomy mood will bring some

stranger diseases even if you do exercise and keep a balanced diet.

Concluding sentence: do regular exercise, make a balanced diet and

have a good emotion can keep fit and gain a health life.

There are number of ways for us to keep fit. First, do some

regular exercises is necessary for us to keep fit. The reason is that do exercises not only help us to lose unwanted weight and become slim, but also good for our bone and body. Second, a balanced diet will good for us to keep fit. A balanced diet is a guidance of nutrition which is the source of our organs operates. We should eat all kinds of food to provide nutrition for our body. Finally, we should have a good emotion. It means we should live a confidence life and have optimistic attitude. A good emotion can reduce the probability of some diseases no matter what happened we can live an activity life, while a gloomy mood will bring some stranger diseases even

if you do exercises and have a balanced diet. All in all, do regular exercise, make a balanced diet and have a good emotion can keep fit and gain a health life.

