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英语新闻写作 English news writing2010-03-02

Content of this course Headline writing Lead writing Inverted Pyramid Style and Breaking News Writing Feature Writing Sports news, political news, Business news, social news, Military news writing.

Purposes and Requirements Purposes: Know the Features of Journalistic English style Can write report in English Requirements: Read and Write more.

智利地震死亡人数上升至750人 智利2月27日发生里氏8.8级强烈地震,地 震及引发的海啸导致死亡人数已经上升至 750人。 智利8.8级强震引发了太平洋沿岸各国和 地区对海啸的高度警惕。28日凌晨起,海 啸相继影响澳大利亚、夏威夷、印尼、日 本、菲律宾、中国台湾乃至中国大陆等沿 海10多个国家或地区。

Quake, tsunamis kill 750 in Chile The death toll soar to 750 as a devastating 8.8-magnitude earthquake hit Chile on early Saturday. The violent quake trigger off a tsunami that threatens every nation around the Pacific Ocean. Experts warned that a tsunami could strike Australia, Hawaii, Indonesia, Japan and even China.

The Lantern Festival burns bright across China

Fireworks explode over the Xinghai Square in Dalian, Liaoning province on February 28, 2010 to celebrate China’s traditional Lantern Festival.

The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of Chinese lunar calendar (falling on February 28 this year). It is the night of the first full moon in the Chinese New Year, symbolizing the return of spring.

Dragon dance in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on February 28, 2010

2010―两会”即将拉开帷幕 新华社北京3月1日电 第十一届全国人民代 表大会第三次会议和政协第十一届全国委 员会第三次会议,将分别于2010年3月5日 和3月3日在北京开幕。

China’s annual NPC and CPPCC sessions begin Beijing,Mar.1(Xinhua)— The third session of the 11th National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference are set to start on March 5 and March 3 in Beijing.

新闻的电头 dateline 通讯社发送的电讯稿(news despatches)成了报纸 的主要消息来源 世界上主要的通讯社 AP (Associate Press 美联社) UPI (United Press International 合众国际社) Reuters (The Reuter Ltd 路透社) AFP(L’ Agence France Press) Xinhua News Agency

BAGHDAD, Nov. 26(Reuters) — Iraq’s health minister described here today the West’s refusal to unfreeze Iraqi assets to allow Baghdad to buy lifesaving drugs as ―the crime of century‖ LONDON, Nov. 22(UPI) —A dull, unassuming stamp with a smudgy post-mark fetched a record of 33,000 pounds sterling ($59,000) for a 20th century British stamp at a London auction today, Sotheby’s Auction said here today.

新闻的性质与分类 新闻与新闻价值(news and news value) N

ews value determiners/determinants 时效性timeliness 和新鲜感freshness 重要性importance, consequence, impact or significance 显著性prominence 接近性nearness, proximity or locality

新闻的性质与分类 新闻与新闻价值 奇异性unusualness, bizarreness, oddity or novelty ( when a dog bites a man, that’s not news; but when a man bites a dog, that’s news) 趣味性 interest, crime, morals and ethics, population, life, marriage, family, friendship, love and emotion, money, sex.

新闻的分类与体裁 按传播工具分:Newspaper coverage, magazine coverage, radio news, TV news, cable news, dispatches. 新闻事实发生的地域和范围:home news, local news 报道的内容:political news, economic news, technological news, cultural news, sports news, violence and crime news, disaster news, weather news, obituary, entertainment. 按照新闻的时效性:hard news, soft news. 新闻报道:news, features, commentaries and columns.


新闻简报 News Bulletin BC-Pakistan-Hostage ISLAMBABAD, Oct. 14 (Xinhua)– Chinese engineer Wang Peng was killed and Wang Ende injured Thursday when Pakistani troops launched a rescue operation.

急电:Urgent Urgent: US plans to demolish Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison.WASHINGTON, May 24 (Reuters)– The United States will

demolish Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad if the Iraqi interim government that is to take over sovereignty on June 30 agrees, the White House said on Monday

Urgent: Bush vows not to be intimidated by terrorists WASHINGTON, Oct. 29( Xinhuanet) –US presidentGeorge W. Bush said Friday that the United States will not intimidated and influenced by terrorists. He was speaking to a video tape of Osama Bin Laden aired on Friday.

FBI, police rescue child prostitutes around US WASHINGTON – The FBI has rescued 48 suspected teenage prostitutes, some as young as 13 years old, in a nationwide sweep to remove kids from the illegal sex trade and punish their accused pimps. Over a three-night initiative called Operation Cross Country, federal agents working with local law enforcement also arrested more than 571 suspects on a variety of federal and state prostitution-related charges, the bureau said. The teenage prostitutes found in the investigation ranged in age from 13 to 17. "We may not be able to return their innocence but we can remove them from this cycle of abuse and violence," said FBI Director Robert Mueller. Meanwhile, in Memphis, Tenn., a man pleaded guilty Monday to federal civil rights charges for sex trafficking in minors. Leonard Fox faces at least 10 years in prison

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