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Unit 2 Cultural relics课文填空

1. A cultural relic is something that has survived (survive) for a long time. 2. It is your job to look into (调查) any reports of cultural relics that have been found (find) in China. 3. You are sent to a small town where(引导词)you find a relic that was stolen (steal) from a palace. 4. The man who has it insists that it belongs to (属于) his family。

5. Think of a cultural relic you know about. How would you feel if it got lost (lose). 6. Although (连词) the amber feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated(heat) 7. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into (做成)any shape. 8. The design for the room was of (介词)the fancy style.

9. In return (作为回报), the Czar gave the king of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers.

10. About four metres long, the room served as (介词) a small reception room(接待室) for important visitors. 11. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved (move) to the palace outside St Petersburg where(引导词)she spent her summers.

12. Almost six hundred candles lit (light) the room at that time. 13.This was a time when(引导词) the two countries were at war (处于交战状态)。 14.But some of the Nazis secretly(秘密地)stole the Amber Room itself.

15. In less than (不到,少于) two days, 100,000 pieces of the room were put inside twenty-seven wooden(木制的)boxes.

16 She was at work(在工作)in the garden all this morning. 17. Children who are at play (在玩)often make a lot of noise. 18. When we called, the family were at dinner(在吃饭dinner) 19. What are they doing now? They are at meal(在吃饭meal)

20. The old man saw some Germans taking apart (拆开) the Amber Room and moving(移走)it away. 21. The judge cares only whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which must be facts, rather than opinions.(而不是观点)

22. A fact is anything that can be proved (prove). 23. Of course, some people will never believe something is a fact even though (连词)they are given lots of evidence。

24..They think the men are not telling the truth. (说出事实).

25. An opinion is what (引导词) someone believes is true but has not been proved. 26. I think highly (副词)of those who are searching for the Amber Room。 27.Nor do (助动词) I think they should give it to any government.

28. This blue and white vase, from the period of the Qing Dynasty belongs to(属于)a Hong Kong merchant. 29.There is no doubt (毫无疑问) that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 30. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return(回报)。

31.Several years ago, however ,(副词) he put down his pen and began to protect cultural relics in Tianjin, where(引导词) he lives。

32.One of his biggest projects was to protect (protect) the oldest street in Tianjin. 33. The old man said he would give it to his grandson, who had not yet been born.(出生) 34. He knows the past is not only for us to enjoy but also (短语)for the children of the future


Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics

1. culture n.

(1)[U] 文化,艺术 (2)[C/U]文明 (3)修养,教养 2. survive v.


(1)vt. 比??长寿 “A survive B”

eg. The man survived his sister by 3 years.这个人比他姐姐长寿三年。 (2)vt. 经历某事物幸存

eg. survive the accident幸免于难

eg. Few of the houses survived the war.没有几幢房子保留到战后 (3)vi.继续生存或存在

eg. Of the wounded, only three survived.伤员中只有3个人活了下来。


survive from…从??留存下来

eg. Many strange customs have survived from the earlier times.有许多古怪的习俗源远流长。 survive on靠??幸存下来

eg. I can?t survive on 30 dollars a week.我没有30美圆难以活命。 派生词:

survivor n.生还者,残存者

eg. Send help to the survivors of the earthquake. 救助地震中的幸存者。 eg. survival of the fittest适者生存


survive v.------survival n. refuse v.------refusal n. arrive v.-----arrival n.

3. remain

(1)vi.留下,剩下,遗留,逗留 “remain + adj./ n./p.p/ to be done”

eg. remain standing/ seated一直站着/ 坐着 (2)link v.保持,依然

eg. remain/ keep silent保持沉默

eg. The situation remained unchanged.这种情形保持不变。

注意:remain作 vi不能用被动语态表达:“??留下来被做 ”,而用: “ Sth. remains to be done.”

eg. It remains to be seen (see) whether you are right 你是否正确,以后可见分晓。 eg. Much remains to be done (do)要做的事情还很多。 派生词:


survival n.生存,幸存

eg. culture shock n.文化冲击 eg. ancient Greek culture古希腊文明 eg. a man of little culture没有教养的人

(4)[U]栽培,养殖 eg. bee-culture养蜂

remaining adj剩下的(前置定语)------left adj.剩下的(后置定语) remains 古代遗迹,废墟

remainder 剩余物,其他人员,剩余时间 练习:

1. The children remained still (保持安静)until after class.

2. The lady said that she would buy a gift for her daughter with remaining 20 dollars.(剩下的20美


区别:remain/ stay


eg. Much remains to be done

(2)表示“继续停留”“继续存在”时remain= stay

eg. Country music today remains/stays much the same as before. eg. The window stayed /remained open all the night.这扇窗子整夜开着。 (3)表示“暂住,暂留”而不与他人比较时用stay

eg. I would rather he stayed in the countryside now. eg. stay at home.待在家里。 4. imagine +n./ pron. + sb/ sb?s doing sth. + sb./ sth. +宾补(n./ adj./) + that/ how so/ not imagination n.想像力,创造力

区别:imaginative. / imaginable/ imaginary

(1) imaginative.表示“富有想像力的,爱想像的 ”

(2)imaginable“可以想像得到的”常与形容词最高级或all, every, only等连用,可放在被修饰的名词


(3)imaginary“想像的,虚构的,假想的” 练习:

1。富有想像力的艺术家an imaginative artist 2。唯一想得出的办法the only solution imaginable 3。假想敌人an imaginary enemy 5. state n.


eg. state-owned railways国有铁路 state secrets国家机密 (2)州,邦


eg. a state of war战争状态 eg. a state of emergency紧急状态

eg. The house was in a dirty state.那房子很脏 v.说明,阐明,陈述


eg. This book states women?s rights very clearly. 这本书对女权问题阐述得很清楚

statement n.[U/C]陈述,声明,eg. make a statement发表声明

区别:state/ nation/ country/ motherland



country:“国家,国土”,侧重地理,领土,还指“乡下,乡村”可做定语 eg. country music 乡村音

乐,而countryside“乡下,乡村” 不能做定语

motherland:“国家,祖国”带有感情色彩 区别:state/ announce/declare/ claim

state:“陈述,声明”,指在书面和演讲中正式地表达出来。 announce:指首次公开宣布某事,但不一定是正式的。

declare宣布,断言,与state接近,但主要指口头的,尤指官方的声明。 claim断言,宣称,尤指面对反对意见。

6. look into调查

look on (as)看作,旁观,观看 look out (for)留神,当心 look to sb.指望,仰仗 look down on/ upon轻视 look up to sb.尊敬,仰慕某人 look after照看

look ahead (to/into sth.)向前看,展望未来 look through看穿,浏览 look round/ around/about环顾 look up查找,仰视 look for寻找

look (sb.)up and down到处搜寻,仔细地上下打量 look over检阅,检查 look forward to盼望

not look yourself气色不像往常一样好

eg. You are not yourself today= You don?t look yourself today. 你今天气色不像往常一样好

7. rare adj.


eg. It?s rare for him to be late.他很少迟到。 (2)(由指空气)稀薄的

eg. The rare air (稀薄的空气)of the mountains makes people difficult to breathe. rarely=barely, hardly, scarcely, seldom adv.稀有地,很少,位于句首,部分倒装。 eg. Rarely do (助动词)we see them nowadays. 区别:short/ rare/ scarce/ uncommon/ unusual


(1)short adj.短缺的,不足量的,(常用于缺少量的前面) be short of…缺乏? (2)rare adj.指罕见而珍贵的事物;很少发生的事或人的行为反常等,关于时间常用rare (3)scarce adj.指有用而不够

(4) uncommon/ unusual 指因不经常发生而值得注意的事物。 练习:用rare/ short/ scarce/ uncommon/ unusual填空

1. Gold is a rare metal. 2. He gave me short change.(零钱) 3. It is very rare for him to arrive late.

4. The higher we go above the earth, the rarer the air is. 5. They kept us short of water for days. 6. Can you name some rare elements?你能说出几种稀有元素么? 7. Water is scarce in the desert.沙漠中缺水。 8. His family name is quite uncommon. 他的姓很少见

9. It?s no longer unusual for a girl to play football now.今天女孩子踢足球已经不是什么稀罕事了。

8.dynasty n.[C]王朝,朝代

区别:dynasty/ period

(1) dynasty朝代,表示一姓皇族统治,前面要加冠词

(2) period时代,表示历史上混乱,分裂,非一姓所统治的时期

eg. the Ching dynasty清王朝

eg. the period of the Warring States战国时代

9. belong


eg. Put it where (连词 )it belongs.

belong to


eg. That dictionary belongs to the library. 那本书是这个图书馆的。 (2)为??的一员

eg. He belongs to Class 5。 他是5班的一员。 (3)和??有关联

eg. That key belongs to the lock那把钥匙是这把锁的。

注意:belong to和其他表示“拥有,属于”的词 have, own, possess不用进行时,也没有被动语态。 练习:改错

1. I don?t know whom it belongs because I am a stranger. 2. This umbrella is belonging to me now. 3. Who is this dictionary belonged to? 答案:

1. I don?t know to whom it belongs because I am a stranger.(或belong后加 to) 2. This umbrella belongs to me now. 3. Who does this dictionary belong to? 派生词:belongings n.财产,所有物,行李


