高考英语复习选修6 Unit 1 高考试卷分块专练

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选修6 Unit 1 高考试卷分块专练

练?一? 语言知识运用保分练?1篇完形+1篇语法填空,限时25分钟? Ⅰ.完形填空

In 1994 I was in the midst of a depression(抑郁症). When I was depressed, I __1__.One day I was clearing up the rooms and found a CD covered with __2__. I wiped it off, put it in the __3__ and started washing dishes. A man's voice, reading poetry, __4__ my house. The sound of the speaker's voice and the words of the poems reached something deep inside me. I stopped and __5__.

I began to take poems into my __6__, not simply reading them, but developing rich relationships with the __7__. I learned many by heart. They became my therapy (疗法) and __8__.Those poems made me wiser and healthier.

__9__, in the fall of 2008, poetry __10__ me in a way I had never expected. I had put all my __11__ in a small, local fund (基金). Two months later, the leader of the fund left me a message: “The financial crisis __12__ our fund particularly hard. We've lost everything.”

I stood there, __13__.

Suddenly I heard a poem, __14__, called Kindness in my mind. It felt like the poem had been written for me __15__, for this exact moment, like the perfect helper __16__ on the scene at the instant of an accident. Kindness became my __17__. I read it before going to bed, and at breakfast every morning. It reminded me that this was not a __18__, but a path to sympathy, and I was not walking alone. Even now, I __19__ Kindness several times a week to carry me __20__ the heart of what really matters to me.


1.A.ran C.cleaned

B.slept D.sang

解析:选C 根据下句中的“One day I was clearing up the rooms”可知,“我”抑郁时便会打扫房间。C项意为“清除,打扫”,符合语境。故选C。

2.A.dust C.clothes

B.paper D.bedding

解析:选A 根据下句中的“I wiped it off”可知,CD上布满了灰尘。A项意为“灰尘”,符合语境。故选A。

第 2 页 共 7 页

3.A.drawer C.washer

B.player D.fridge

解析:选B 根据下句中的“A man's voice, reading poetry”可以判断,“我”将CD放进了播放器。B项意为“CD、唱片、录像带等的播放机”,符合语境。故选B。

4.A.swept C.decorated

B.occupied D.filled

解析:选D 根据语境可知,此处指正在朗读诗歌的男子的声音充满了整个屋子。D项意为“(声音、气味或光)充满,弥漫,遍及”,符合语境。故选D。

5.A.wept C.laughed

B.left D.listened

解析:选A 根据语境可知,朗读者的声音和诗歌的内容触动了“我”的内心深处;据此可推知,“我”停下手中的活,哭了起来。A项意为“哭泣”,符合语境。故选A。

6.A.home C.class

B.life D.mind

解析:选B 根据该句中的“not simply reading them, but developing rich relationships”并结合语境可知,“我”开始将诗歌带进“我”的生活。故选B。

7.A.tunes C.words

B.rhymes D.CDs

解析:选C 根据第一段倒数第二句中的“the words of the poems”,并结合下一句“I learned many by heart.”可知,此处指诗歌的内容。故选C。

8.A.medicine C.assistance

B.food D.attention

解析:选A 根据上文中的“I was in the midst of a depression (抑郁症)”和该句中的关键词“therapy(疗法)”可知,此处指这些诗歌成为“我”治疗抑郁症的良药。A项意为“药品,药物,良药”,符合语境。故选A。

9.A.Still C.Then

B.Yet D.Soon

解析:选C 结合第一段第一句中的“In 1994”和该句中的“in the fall of 2008”可知,此处指后来,在2008年的秋天。故选C。

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10.A.surprised C.warned

B.impressed D.rescued

解析:选D 根据下文描述的诗歌帮助“我”从钱财损失中恢复过来并成为“我”的精神支柱可以判断,这些诗歌以“我”未曾预料到的方式拯救了“我”。D项意为“拯救”,符合语境。故选D。

11.A.faith C.hope

B.savings D.expenses

解析:选B 根据该句中的“local fund (基金)”可知,“我”将“我”所有的积蓄都投进了当地的一个小基金中。B项意为“积蓄”,符合语境。故选B。

12.A.hit C.pushed

B.blew D.pressed

解析:选A 根据下文“We've lost everything.”可知,金融危机重创了“我们”的基金。A项意为“产生不良影响,打击,危害,重创”,符合语境。故选A。

13.A.fearless C.breathless

B.thankless D.defenceless

解析:选C 根据上文可知,经济危机使“我”的积蓄打了水漂,故此处指“我”站在那儿,喘不过气来。C项意为“喘不过气来的”,符合语境。故选C。

14.A.by coincidence C.in the distance

B.out of nowhere D.by accident

解析:选B 根据该句“Suddenly I heard a poem ... in my mind.”可知,此处应指不知怎么地,“我”的脑海中响起了一首叫《善良》的诗。B项意为“不知怎么地”,符合语境。故选B。

15.A.immediately C.casually

B.sincerely D.personally

解析:选D 根据该句中“for me”和“for this exact moment”可以判断,“我”感觉这首诗就像是为“我”量身定做的。D项意为“个别地,私人地”,符合语境。故选D。

16.A.reading C.walking

B.arriving D.escaping

解析:选B 根据语境可知,这首诗的出现就如一位合适的施助者抵达了事故现场。B

