北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 20《New Frontiers》(Futurology)教

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Instructional Design

Module 7 Unit 20 New Frontiers Lesson 1 Futurology (Reading)

Chen Xiaoqing

Teaching aims:

a.To share statistics and information of predictions about the future


b.To encourage students to take part in Sci-Fi activities.

c.To practise writing an essay using the future tenses.

Analysis of the text:

Futurology is an easy but severe topic which can arouse learners’ interest immediately. What’s more, the reading and discussion tasks in this lesson pave a good way for students to do the writing exercise focused on using key words and the future tenses.

Analysis of students:

They have collected many statistics and useful expressions concerned with the topic. However, to write an essay about the future world is also a challenge for them.

Teaching difficult & important points:

a.How to organize the activities in class scientifically and effectively.

b.How to improve students’ Sci-Fi awareness through teamwork in and

after class.

Teaching activities: Brainstorm, quiz, inpidual, pair and group work, etc.

Teaching aids: Computer, projector, blackboard, learning sheet, etc. Teaching procedures:

Step ⅠGreetings

Play a short movie to show the theme in this period. Sum up the key points in the movie.

A. Brainstorm


What would the future world be like?

Can you tell us some Sci-Fi books or films?

How can we develop our world in a right way?

Students exchange statistics and information collected from lessons in this unit, notes, libraries, the Internet, encyclopaedias, magazine articles,

television and radio documentaries, friends, etc. Take notes inpidually and compare in pairs.

B. About the word: future, biology, futurology

Step Ⅱ. Reading (Competition time)

Students work in groups. Make sure every student take part in the quiz. Exercises include matching headings with each part, words and meanings and multiple choice.

A. Divide the text into four parts and match headings with each part.

Part.1 Paragraph A. Some predictions of the future.

Part.2 Paragraph B. What is the futurologist.

Part.3 Paragraph C. The writer’s plan to the meeting.

Part.4 Paragraph D. The introduction about the meeting.

B. About futurology and futurologist

Futurology -- The study or ___________ of future _____________ ,as in science, technology, and ________ ,according to current conditions and _________ . Futurologist -- __________________________________________________________________. C. About the title

The best title of the text ( )

A. From the Past to the Future

B. The Future Business World

C. Tomorrow’s World

D. A Perfect Future

D. Read the text with questions

How many predictions did the writer find?

What are the predictions? When may the predictions come true?

1.In the next __________________, computers will become ________ and smarter.

2.By the year ___________, clothes that remain___________ will be produced.

3.By the year_________, no one will die of ___________ because of enough food.

4.By the year_________, it’s possible for us to live for at least ____ years.

5.By the___________ of the century, a new type of ________________ might have developed.

6.By the___________ of the century, other places in our solar system suitable for _____ will have been discovered.

E. Extra questions

1.Which of the following predictions is NOT mentioned in the passage? ( )


B. clothing

C. transportation

D. medical care

2. Where did the author find information about the seminar? ( )

A. on TV

B. in the newspaper

C. on the radio

D. on the Internet

Step Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Post-reading:


How can we develop our world in a right way?

Step Ⅳ Assignment

1. Write an essay about the predictions of the future inpidually and display them on the class micro-blog.

Key Words:

convenient; stainless; worn; adequate; peace; equality; assess; handy; robot; handle; danger; suitable; crowded; meanwhile; protect; rescue

Requirements: 100-120 words, using “will do, will be doing and will have done”

No. 430915 Deadline: April 24

2. Design a plan for an Sci-Fi films promotion activity, a poster included.

3.Read the text again and make notes of predictions.

Step Ⅴ Records on the blackboard


Future Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Step Ⅵ Records after class

When human beings are developing the earth, they should enhance the awareness of the importance of environmental protection. In addition, students need to collect and write more to improve their skills.

