Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners

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Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners


Brand names, as the bridge between products products and their potential buyers, play an increasingly important role in the promotion of in today’s society. The paper attempts to probe into definition of brand names as well as their functions in the hope of paving a path for further study in this field.

Key words: Brand name; Functions I. Introduction (小四、加粗)

The word “Brand” comes from the old Norse “Brandr”, whose initial meaning is to burn. Ancient people once used hot iron to mark their products so as to show their ownership. As time goes by, “brand” has more coverage than its original meaning. In the Dictionary of Business and Management, brand is defined as: “a name, sign or symbol used to identify items or services of the seller(s) and to differentiate them from goods of competitors.” (Law Johnathan, 2009, p.97) A Glossary of Marketing Terms defines brand as “a trademark that has been given legal protection and has been granted solely to its owner.”(John Paul, 1996, p.112) 注意引用加注格式(作者名+书出版年限+引用所在页码)

II. Functions of Brand Names (小四、加粗)

Brand name serves as a bridge connecting merchants and consumers. On the part of all businessmen, all they desire is that customers are willing and even eager to buy their products at the first sight of their brand names. In order to attain this goal, not only should a brand name has a strong appeal to consumers, but also contain the main following functions: distinguishing function, informative function, stimulating function and protecting function, which are key to promote sales.

2.1 Distinguishing Function(小四、加粗)

As the definition of brand in the New Columbia Encyclopedia says, the brand is a distinctive mark placed on or attached to goods by a manufacturer or dealer to identify them as made or sold by him. It is apparent that a brand name mainly and fundamentally acts on differentiating certain products or services. With the competition growing keener and keener, there appear a great variety of goods of the same kind. How to make products outstanding depends on their specific brand names, which awaken consumers to the discrepancy in products of the same kind and help them to keep the names firmly in mind. Take Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz, Bentley, Maybach, Bugatti, Aston Martin as examples. They all belong to luxurious car brand names, but each distinctive name varies.

2.2 Informative Function(小四、加粗)

Another main purpose of a brand name is to provide consumers with some information in detail of the brand itself, such as who invents the brand, where products come from, what functions products have and so on so that consumers can know better about the brand. To illustrate, in the fields of cosmetics and clothes, a brand name is usually the name of the producer, such as Chanel, Elizabeth Arden, Jimmy Choo, Stella McCartney, Dolce and Gabbana, etc. In the field of medicine, brand names like “川贝枇杷糖浆”, “复方氨酚烷胺片” tell patients the ingredients contained in the products . In the field of tobacco, brand names show the place of the products, for instance, “玉溪”, “黄山” and “红塔山”.

2.3 Stimulating Function (小四、加粗)

Brand name is the face of a product. A saying goes that everyone likes beauty. Providing that the brand name is attractive, to some extent, consumers will have the desire to see or try the products. How to leave a deep impression on consumers is what a brand designer should chiefly focus on. They need to try every means to create unique brand names by considering the words they use, the color they choose, the style they show, the target consumers they cater to and other related elements. In a large sense, a remarkable brand name determines sales volume, amount and profit. To be more detailed, the reason why buyers or shoppers are more likely to purchase the goods of a brand name with long history like Burberry is that the brand name both enjoys a high reputation and symbolize superior quality among the same kind. It is no exaggeration to say that Burberry is almost an equivalent to a quality wind coat. In a similar way, consumers’ frenzy on brand names after persons’ names owes to their admiration for those originators and the psychology of becoming a man and woman as successful as them.

2.4 Protecting Function(小四、加粗)

Brand name is, in terms of law, called trademark. One of the explanation of trademark in The Random House Dictionary of the English Language points out that a trademark is a proprietary term that is usually registered with the patent and Trademark Office to assure its exclusive use by its owner. If a brand name is registered and authenticated by some governmental related departments, as far as the owners are concerned, their intellectual property and technological patents are guaranteed. That is to say, it is illegal for any person or firm to appropriate the brand name unless both sides reach an agreement. Particularly, those very well-known enterprises like LVHM whose brand name is worth¥604.946 billion or Apple which is worth $670 billion will suffer less loss from counterfeit and shoddy products thanks to the existence of brand names .

III. Conclusion (小四、加粗)

In fact, the faster the world of business has developed, the more critical brand names have become in domestic and international markets. An impressive brand name can contribute to establishing brand consciousness in the public and stimulating consumption. Thereby, it is essential we should be aware of the definitions of brand names as well as their functions so that it is possible to come up with an eye-catching and brilliant brand name.


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