语用学课程论文:Positive Politeness Strategies in Oral Communication

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Positive Politeness Strategies in the Communication

Theory Introduction

In this paper, I would like to focus on the usage of the positive politeness strategies in oral communication. Then what is positive politeness strategies? To clear up the theory, we should take the terms, such as face, politeness theory into consideration.

Politeness theory, which is developed by Levinson and Brown, is based on the concept that people have a social self-image and meanwhile, people consciously project and try to protect it. This sense of self-image is referred to as “face.” And the theory holds that people use various politeness strategies to protect the face of others. Under politeness theory, there is a positive and a negative face. Positive face is the need to be concerned, reflecting the desire to have one’s self-image accepted by others. While negative face is the need to be independent, reflecting the desire not to be imposed on by others.

According to a person is dealing with another’s positive or negative face, the politeness strategies will differ, that is positive politeness strategies and negative politeness strategies. As to positive politeness strategies, it leads the requester to appeal to a common goal, and even friendship, by orienting to preserving the positive face of other people, briefly, it emphasizes the closeness between speaker and hearer in the communication.

Using Positive Politeness Strategies in Oral Communication

In order to make sense of what is said in communication, take my word for it, the positive politeness strategies should be given priority for its potential benefits.

On one hand, the usage of positive politeness strategies is a good way to avoid being refused. To a great extent, the positive politeness strategies orients to preserving the positive face of the listener in the communication. Since the self-image of listener is concerned, he is likely willing to cooperate with the speaker, thus making the communication continuous. For example:

A: You must be hungry, it is a long time since breakfast. How about some lunch ? B: Good idea.

In the conversion , it seems that A really cares about B, actually, A is using positive politeness strategies to make his invitation being accepted.

On the other hand, the usage of positive politeness strategies is a good way to reach a consensus in the communication. The positive politeness strategies emphasizes the closeness between speaker and listener. Linguistically, the strategies will include the usage of nicknames and shared dialect or slang, even the expressions of admiration. Since people get closer, a common goal can be easily achieved. For example:

A: What lovely roses! I wish ours looked like that. How do you do it? B: Oh, you like it ? it is kind easy …

In the conversation, A is using the kind word to narrow the distance, at the same time, they reach a consensus that is they are both flower lovers.

From above, using the positive politeness strategies can easily make the request being accepted and reach a common goal, thus making the communication quite smooth going.

Now and then, the misunderstanding across cultures is so dramatic and at such an impolite level, that it is necessarily to choose the appropriate and suitable politeness strategies according to the different cultural contexts. Only in this way can we can avoid misunderstandings and make the communication more smoothly, thus promoting greater friendship in the days to come.

