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Lesson1 Planting Trees


Stage 1


T: Good morning, my dear children, Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again. Ps: Nice to see you, too.

T: Catherine, how about your Spring Festival? P1: Perfect. T: Good! 2.值日生报告。

1)建议教师引导学生谈论寒假生活及新学期的打算。 2)复习有关动词词组,为本课句型教学做铺垫。 Stage 2

Work in pairs.

通过复习前几册学过的动词及动词词组,引出新句型“be going to …”及其问答方式。

1.教师出示图片或单词卡片,集中复习Work in pairs中的动词及动词词组do my homework, fly a kite, sing, swim, dance, have breakfast, draw, read a book, have lunch, go skating等。教师最好能根据实际情况增加复习的内容。

2.创设情景,让学生感知新句型“What are you going to do?” “I’m / We’re / They’re going to …”.

T:(拿着笔和作业本)What am I going to do? What am I going to do?教师边做动作,边重复句型。 Ps: Do homework.

T: Yes. I’m going to do my homework.(加重、放慢和重复画线部分的读音,让学生反复感知) Now, class please ask me “ What are you going to do?”

Ps: What are you going to do?

T: I’m going to do my homework. Ask me again.

学生再次问教师同样的问题,教师回答,然后以小组为单位进行问答。 G1: What are you going to do?

G2: I’m going to do my homework. What are you going to do? G3: I’m going to do my homework. What are you going to do? G4:…




4.在以上练习的基础上,教学用”We’re /They are going to …”作答。 Stage 3

Let’s learn: make the bed, sweep the floor, clean the windows 1.复习歌曲This Is the Way.

2.将make the bed套入This Is the Way中,让学生听录音,回答在做什么,然后学习词组,并演唱。以同样的方式教学sweep the floor和clean the windows. 3.听录音,跟读。

4.用游戏“What’s missing”和抢答等方式巩固新学词组,并检测所学情况。 5.将所学词组套入句型“What are you going to do?”和“I’m /We are / They are…”中练习。 6.将本课的句型“What are you / they going to do?’和“I’m /We are / They are going to clean the bed” 套入This is the Way中进行小组间的对唱。 Stage 4

Listen and sing: The Spring.

1.让学生根据插图熟悉单词shine (shining). Move (moving), flow (flowing)和sun, breeze,river.

2.听歌曲,回答问题,理解歌曲大意。 1)What season is the song about? 2) What’s shining?

3) What are moving and flowing?

3.感知歌曲的旋律,用la la la试唱歌谱。 4.练习歌词。

5.将歌曲套入旋律中演唱。 6.分组练习,并表演。 Stage 5

Assign homework. 1.总结本课所学内容。




Stage 1

1.师生常规问候。 2.复习。

1) Enjoy the song, and do duty report.

2) Review the phrases.可以让学生做小老师发指令,全班做动作。 3) Ask and answer questions. T: P1, what are you going to do? P1: I’m going to…

T: P2, P3, what are you going to do? P2&P3: We are going to …

3.创设情境,复习” What are they going to do ?”及其答语” They are going to …”. T: (出示一幅春季的景色图)Boys and girls, what season is it now?

Ps: Spring.

T: Yes. It’s spring. The weather is getting warmer and warmer.The flowers come out, The green.(出示日历显示3月12日) What’s the date? Ps: 3月12日

T: You’re right, It’s March 12th. What are we going to do on March 12th? Ps: Plant trees.

T: Right. We are going to plant trees. T: Class, what are P2 and P3 going to do? Ps: They are going to …

学生分三人小组进行练习。 Stage 2

Let’s learn: wash vegetables, do some washing, put away the clothes 1.教师用单词卡片教学新的词组,并进行练习。



3.套入句型”What are you /they going to do?”进行问答练习。

4.教学新句型” What is she/ he going to do?”及其答语”She/ He is going to …”将所学词组带入句型中练习。 5.通过游戏巩固所学内容。 Stage 3

Listen and circle the correct pictures. 1.根据图片,大声说出英语。

2.先自己预先一个答案,然后听录音检测。 3.再听,根据对话表演。 Stage 4

Listen, number and say.

1.学生先将词组大声朗读一遍。 2.教师纠正发音,并领读一遍。

3.听录音排序,然后检测,完全正确的学生可以自己在教材上画一张笑脸。 Stage 5

Look, listen and say: ch, tch

1.教师先将China, cherry, peach三个单词写在黑板上,请学生找出拼写上的相同之处。



4.用上述方法介绍字母组合“tch”的发音,得出结论:字母组合“ch ”和“tch”的发音相同。

5.补充一些简单的单词,让学生自己拼读后,再请几名学生来读。 T: P1, can you read this word? Have a try, OK? P1: OK.


6.教师领读这些单词,注意发音抑扬变化。 7.用游戏“找陌生人(odd man out)”进行巩固练习。 Stage 6

Read and match.

1.让学生找出有字母组合“ch”的单词,自己试拼。 2.教师纠正发音并让学生跟读。

3.学生将图与句子连接起来,教师订正并练习。 Stage 7




Stage 1


2.复习上两节课所学内容:单词、句型、字母组合“ch”“tch”的发音和歌曲。 Stage 2


1)出示代表四季的卡片,复习单词spring, summer, autumn和winter. 2)教师出示本课挂图,学生看图听教师讲解,感知新内容。

T: Class, look at the picture. What season is it now? Ps: It’s spring.

T: How do you know? Ps: I can see swallows.

T: Clever! There are two swallows in the picture. So we know spring is coming. Look at the two children. What are they going to do?


Ps: They are going to plant trees.

T: Right. They are going to plant trees. Now let’s listen to the tape and find out what they are talking about.


--What are they talking about?---They are talking about___________. A. seasons B. how to plant trees C. two boys 4)听录音,检测预测是否正确。 2.创设情境,教学对话第二部分。

1)听录音前,先让学生分组讨论植树的步骤,然后板书,让学生尝试读句子。 T:The children are going to plant trees. Do you know how to plant trees?

Ps: No.

T: It doesn’t matter. Let’s listen to the second part of the dialogue and then you can find the answer. First, let’s learn the words “earth” and “stamp”.

教师引导学生根据图画和动作猜测”earth”和”stamp”的意思并操练。 2)将学生分成小组,将植树的过程重新排序。

Put the tree in the hole. ( ) Put the earth back again.( ) Water it well.( ) Dig a hole.( ) Stamp the earth.( ) 3)听录音,检测答案。

4)跟读,然后分组操练,学生扮演园艺师,现场表演植树的过程,边做示范边介绍步骤。 Stage 3

Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct answers.

1.将对话的两部分完整地听一遍,完成练习Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct answers. 2.逐图跟读。

3.分组练习对话,并请几人组进行表演。 4.可以在教学内安放一个花盆,让学生植树。 Stage 4

Listen, match and act it out.



2.听录音,与右栏的句子进行配对。 3.再听,并跟读练习,然后表演。 Stage 5

1.总结本课所学内容。 2.布置家庭作业:

1)复习单词、对话和字母组合”ch” “tch”的拼读规则。 2)向你的父母或家人用英语表演并介绍植树的过程。 3)预习Read and understand,熟练朗读Read and match. 3.演唱歌曲The Spring,与学生道别。


Stage 1


2.通过游戏复习上节课所学词组,并表演对话和。 Stage 2

Read and understand.


T: Spring is here. It’s time to plant trees. Boys and girls, look at the picture. What can you see in the picture?

Ps: I can see mountains.

T: Are there any trees on the mountains? Ps: No.

T: How to make it beautiful? Some students: Plant trees …

T: Yes. We must plant trees on all the mountains. Trees can make our earth more beautiful. 2.将3月12日和6月5日写在黑板上,了解有关植树节的知识。 Arbor Day(Tree-planting Day) is on March 12th in China.


Arbor Day( Tree-planting Day) is on June 5th in New Zealand.

学习“植树节”的说法:Arbor Day, 也可以是Tree-planting Day. T: What are you going to do on March 12th in China? Ps: We’re going to plant trees.

T: What are they going to do on June 5th in Australia? Ps: They’re going to plant trees,too.

3.让学生阅读短文,在教材中标出国家名称和植树节的时间,然后再完成练习Read and fill in the table.

4.让学生再读,勾出理解不了的句子或者单词,鼓励学生互相帮助,如果同学不能解决,教师再进行解读。 5.朗读练习。 Stage 3

Read and finish the ad.



We have only one earth.( Only one earth we have.) A tree today, a forest tomorrow. Protect our earth, protect our home.

3.学生分小组讨论如何进行环保,教师总结,教育学生爱护环境,爱护我们的家园。 Stage 4

Read, correct and write.

本课是训练月份首字母须大写这一规则。 1.首先复习有关月份的单词,确保学生会读。


3.给出错误的句子进行改错练习。 4.学生写一个含有月份的句子,如: A: When is your birthday? B: It’s in __________. Stage 5




Lesson 2 Talking about Squirrels


Stage 1

1.师生常规问候。 2.复习以前所学内容。 1)所学动物类类单词。

2)通过游戏,复习介词in, on, behind, between, in front of, next to. Stage 2

Let’s learn: table, watermelon, rock, garden 1.创设情景,教学新单词。

T:Boys and girls, look at the picture. What’s this?(指着P9图画中的桌子) Ps: 桌子。

T: Good! Say it after me. Table. Ps: Table.

以同样的方式教学watermelon, garden和rock. 2.通过快速认读卡片等形式巩固单词。 3.将单词套入”There is …”的句型中练习。

4.教师可以通过疑问句型”Is there a table in the garden?”进行提问,巩固所学单词,学生可以尝试用”Yes,there is.” /”No,there isn’t.”回答。 Stage 3

Work in pairs.

1.学生看图说话,练习”There be …”句型。


1)教师先引导学生说出图中的人和物,如tree, tortoise, river,注意让学生区别单、复数的不同表达,如tree, trees; bird, birds; cup, cups; dog, dogs; flower, flowers; chair, chairs.另外也要注意介词的使用。

2)教师引导学生将单词套入”There be”(在。。。。。。地方有。。。。。。)句型中练习。 3)将学生分成小组练习看图说话。 4)检测练习情况。 5)造句比赛。

Stage 4

Let’s talk: ---Look! There is a big squirrel. ---Where?

---Over there, in the tree. ---Oh, really. It’s so cute. 1.教师出示教材中的图画讲解。

T: Look, class. What’s this? Ps: Squirrel.

T: Yes. There is a squirrel. Where is it? Ps: In the tree.

T: You’re right. There is a squirrel in the tree. Is it cute? Ps: Yes.

2.听录音,学习对话。 3.分组练习,表演对话。

4.将所学单词,如bird, bee, butterfly, dragonfly, ball等带入对话中练习。 5.检测学生的练习情况。 Stage 5


T: Today we have learned some new words. What are they? Ps: …

T: We have also learned some new structures. Please tell mw what they are. Ps: …




Stage 1



T: (出示花园的图片)Class, do you like this garden?

Ps: Yes. T: Why?

Ps: Because there are many flowers in the garden. (Because there is a ….) Stage 2

Let’s learn: watermelons, three people, on the grass 1.教学单词watermelons.

T: I like this garden too. Because there is a watermelon. Look at this picture. How many watermelons are there? Ps: Two.

T: Yes. There are two watermelons in the garden. 教师可以出示更多的图片进行练习。 T: Are there five watermelons in the garden? Ps: Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t. 2.教学three people.


1)让学生听点数游戏one people, two people, three people, four people, …more. 2)让学生判断所有的people是否有区别。

3)将文字写在黑板报,让学生进一步观察,然后总结people的单复数同形。 3.用句型”There be…”教学on the grass.

1)出示图片,用句型帮助学生理解grass的意思,如: There is a watermelon on the grass. 2)让学生推测grass大意,然后练习。 Stage 3

Let’s play和句型”Are there any birds in the tree?” “Yes, there are.” /”No, there aren’t.” 1.用”Bingo”游戏巩固本课所学单词。

2.教学句型”Are there any birds in the tree?” “Yes, there are.”/ “No, there aren’t.”, 并将所学


单词带入句型中练习。 Stage 4 Let’s talk.

1.看图听录音,回答下列问题。 1) How many students are there in the picture? 2) How many squirrels are there? 3) Where are they?

2.再听一遍录音,完成练习Listen to the dialogue and write T or F, 教师对学生不理解的句子进行必要的讲解和练习。 3.再听录音,跟读。 4.小组练习并表演课文。 5.表演对话。

6.完成一份调查报告,调查小组内的同学们都喜欢哪些动物及原因。 --What are your favorite animals? --My favorite animals are… --Why do you love…? --Because they have… Stage 5


2.布置作业:复习本课单词和对话;预习Read and write部分。


Stage 1

1.师生互致问候。 2.复习单词和对话.

Stage 2

Look, answer and write.

通过看图说话,巩固所学句型以及说、写和理解能力。 Stage 3


Listen, chant and tick: With Many, Many Teeth

1.看图猜测小诗的大意,如:What is the chant about? 2.帮助学生理解小诗。 T: What’s this? Ps: It’s a mouse. T: What are these? Ps: They are eyes. T: How many eyes? Ps: Two eyes. T: Good!

3.将全班分成三个组,各组互相问答。 T: Group A, you ask. Group B, you answer. Group A: What’s this? Group B: It’s a mouse. Group A: What are these? Group B: They are ears. Group A: How many ears? Group B: Two ears.

教师先解释with many , many teeth意为“有许多牙齿”,然后Group B和Group C再用同样的方式进行问答练习。

4.听录音,完成教材中练习,培养学生获取主要信息和细节的能力。 5.分小组根据图画记忆小诗并检查。 6.以小组为单位仿编小诗并表演。 Stage 4


2.布置家庭作业:复习前三节课所学内容;完成You can do it;预习故事。


Stage 1



2.复习单词,对话和小诗。 Stage 2

Read and understand.

1.将学生分成四人小组,猜测故事大意,并猜测以下句子是否正确。 1) The man is the boy’s uncle. ( ) 2) The boy wants to eat the fish. ( ) 3) They will have a big dinner. ( ) 4) The man and the boy let the fish go. ( ) 5) Do you like fish? Why? ( ) 2.阅读故事,检测自己的猜测是否正确。

3.改编故事,如抓到一只bird, dragonfly, turtle等又放归森林或大海捞针的故事。 4.表演自己创编的故事。 Stage 3

Listen, say and write.

1.复习上节课所学的字母组合”ch”和”tch”发音的两种情况。 2.出示图片,让学生读出单词,并自己拼写单词。 3.教师订正。 4.全班跟读。

Stage 4

Read, write and match. Stage 5

Read, correct and write.

节日名称首字母也要大写。 Stage 6




Lesson 3 A Book about Animals


Stage 1


2.复习学过的动物、国家和地区类单词,如:China, Canada, Beijing, rabbit ,horse等为本课的教学作好铺垫。 Stage 2

Work in pairs: ----Where do you live? ----I/ We live in … 1.创设真实情景,教学本课新句型。

T:(与班上一名学生对话) Hello, xxx! How are you today?

P1: I’m OK, Thank you. What about you?

T: Fine. Thanks, xxx, can you tell me where you live? Where do you live? I live…

教师放慢语速,并用汉语翻译一遍“你住在哪儿?”然后引导学生用“I live…”回答。

P1: I live in …(可让几位学生回答) T: Please ask me “Where do you live?” P1: Where do you live? T: I live in Chongqing. 教师再问另一名学生。


3.学生分为三人小组, 根据教材中提供的提示词进行练习。

4.在学生进行小组练习期间,教师四处走动,提供帮助并用此句型采访班上5位同学,再总结班上的同学都来自何处。 Stage 3 Let’s play.


让学生各自将自己喜欢的城市或国家名称写在卡片上,放在一个全盒子里,学生轮流从盒子中抽取一张写有地名的卡片。当被提问住在何地时,学生必须根据所抽卡片上的地名和国家名进行回答。 2.教师与一名学生演示。 T: Where do you live? P2: I live in …




Stage 4

Let’s learn: earth, desert, mountain, forest. 1.教学本课新单词。 1)教学earth.

T: We live in different cities. We live on the earth. We live on the earth.

教师放慢语速,强调earth,同时出示地球仪,教学单词earth,并套入句型中练习。 顺便复习earth的另一个词义----泥土。 2)教学camel和desert.

T: (出示教材中的desert背景和camel的图片) What’s this, class? Ps: 骆驼。

T: Camel, Camel, Who would like to say it? P1: Camel.


T: Where do camel live? Where?(指着刚才那张图片的背景) Ps: 沙漠。

T: Desert. Camels live in the desert, in the desert. 练习单词和句子。


1)出示tiger, monkey, fox, wolf等单词的卡片引出mountain的教学。 2)出示squirrel, bear, lion, peacock等单词的卡片引出forest的教学。 3.学生听录音, 指图画,并跟读。 4.用前面所学游戏巩固本课所学新单词。 Stage 5





Stage 1


2.复习上节课所学单词和句型。 Stage 2

Let’s learn: sea, river, grassland 1.教学sea.

T: We live in different cities. Animals also live in different places. Let’s see where they live. Before that, Let’s learn more new words.

教师出示whale, shark, turtle等单词卡片引出单词sea的教学。 T: What’s this? Ps: It’s a whale. T: What are these? Ps: They are whales. T: Where do they live? Ps: They live in the …

教师写出单词sea,请学生自己拼读。 T: Please read it. Ps: / si:/.

T: Say the whole sentence. Ps: They live in the sea.

教师再提问,学生回答,然后学生相互问答。 2.教师用同样的方法教学其他单词。 3.听录音,指图画,并跟读。

4.将所学新单词套入句型” Where do …live?”和”They live in /on the …”练习。 Stage 3 Let’s talk.

1.教师通过图片,复习动物类单词squirrels, giraffes, sharks, camels, fish, tigers, bears, deer等。

2.将以下单词的卡片贴在黑板上,学生听教材中”Where DO They Live?”部分录音,并勾出听见的单词。

3.然后再听录音,将图片与动物栖居地的单词forest, grassland, sea, desert, river, mountain匹配。


4.师生进行问答练习。 T: What are they? Ps: They are bears. T: Where do they live? Ps: They live in the forest. 5.创设情景,教学完整对话。 1)出示问题,为阅读做准备。

1. ---What are you doing?

---I’m reading a book about_________.

A. fruits B. vegetables C. animals D. colours 2. The book is ________________.

A. boring B. interesting C. funny D. easy 3.---Where do we live? ---We live ______.

A. in the sea B. in the house C. in the forest D. on the earth

2)事先安排一名学生专心看有关动物的书。听对话的第一部分,完成练习。 T: Hey, P1, what are you doing?

P1: I’m reading a book about animals. T: About animals? P1: Yes.

T: Good! May I have a look? P1: Sure. Here you are.

T: Thank you.(做出专心阅读的模样)

Oh, it’s interesting.



T: The book is interesting, Who wants to have a look? P3: Me.

P4: Let me have a look. P5: May I have a look?

T: Sure. But let me ask you a question first. If your answer is right, you may have a look. Ps: Go ahead, please!

T: Q1:Where do tigers live? P3: They live in the mountains.

T: Great. Now you may have a look.(故意做出只给这名学生看的模样,以调动其他学生的参与积极性)


P3: It’s interesting. …

6.再听对话,完成练习Listen to the dialogue and write the answers. 7.听录音,跟读对话。

8.小组内表演对话,并创编对话。 Stage 4




Stage 1

1.师生常规问候。 2.复习本课前面所学内容。 Stage 2

Look, match and say: What Can They Do? 1.创设情景,引入新知识。

T: Look at me. Guess. What am I doing?(做出游泳、爬树、飞翔等动作让学生猜测) Ps:…

T: Fish can swim, right? Ps: Yes.

T: Can any other animal swim? Ps: Turtles can swim. T: Yes. Turtles can swim. 2.学生看图,连线。 Stage 3

You can do it.


1.在学习各种动物能做什么的基础上,学生以小组为单位讨论自己能做什么,可以用采访的方式进行,如: P1: What can you do? P2: I can dance.

2.每人至少采访5位同学,并记录下他们会做的事情。 3.向全班汇报采访或讨论结果,如:…can dance and draw very well. Stage 3

Work in pairs: ---Where does he/ she live? ---He/ She lives in… 1.让学生讨论以下问题:Where do they live?


Fish live in the rivers. A fish lives in the rivers. Swallows live in the nest, A swallow lives in the nest. Rabbits live in the hole. A rabbit lives in the hole. …


4.教学教材中的句型:---Where does he / she live? -- He /She live in America/ Japan. 5.根据教材中的图片进行练习。 Stage 4

Make an interview in fours. Stage 5





Stage 1

常规问候,复习上节课所学内容。 Stage 2

Read, guess and write.

1.教学谜语中的生词,如Africa, country等。

2.让学生观察教材中提供的图画,然后教师朗读一至两遍,学生猜谜。 3.让学生自己读一遍,并说或写出所猜动物单词。 4.鼓励学生分小组用其余三个动物仿编谜语。

5.每组推出一名同学在全班说出谜语,其他同学来猜谜。 Stage 3

Look, listen and say.

1.学生听单词ship, fish, shop,判断这三个单词中都包含有哪一个音。

2.将单词写在黑板上,让学生找出这三个单词中都包含有哪两个相同的字母,并在其下面画上横线。 Ship fish shop 3.将字母组合”sh”写在三个单词上方,告诉学生sh在此的发音,不要标注音标,只需读出即可。

4.跟读两遍,让学生记忆单词特征。 5.给出更多的例子,让学生练习拼读。 Sheep shake shape shed sheet 6.教师读单词,学生根据发音听写。

字母组合”ph”的教法相同。要让学生注意和记忆字母组合”ph”的读音/f/,尽可能通过拼读练习巩固所学知识。 Stage 4

Read and match.

1.学生能根据自然拼读法的规律读出短句。 2.理解各句大意,完成练习。 Stage 5

Read, correct and write.


通过观察、讲解、练习,帮助学生了解表示城市和国家名称的首字母必须大写。 Stage 6


1)自己编写谜语,请父母或朋友猜谜。 2)预习Self-assessment中的故事片The Wise Tortoise.

Unit 2 Four Seasons Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes


Stage 1


2.快速出示卡片或实物,学生认读单词,复习所学服装类单词hat, dress, skirt, cap. T: What’s this?

Ps: It’s a hat / dress/ skirt /cap… Stage 2

Work in pairs.

1.创设情境,引入对话教学。 T:(将帽子戴在头上) I wear a hat.

更换帽子或卡片,让学生反复感知”I wear…”. 2.句型练习。

1)教学句子“I wear…”.

2)学生选择hat, cap, skirt, dress 练习句型” I wear…”.

3)在分组和个别操练后,教师问一名学生” I wear a hat. What do you wear?’ 引导该生回答:” I wear…”.

4)学生说”What do you wear?’

5)用问答的方式操练句型” What do you wear?” “I wear…”


3.做教材中的游戏。 P1: What do you wear? P2: I wear skirts.(举卡片) P1: Me too.(举相同卡片) Stage 3

Let’s learn: shirt, T-shirt, coat, sweater 1.通过游戏,引出新单词的教学。 Ps; What do you wear?

T: I wear a shirt.(用肢体语言引导学生明白skirt的意思) 2.出示单词卡片,操练shirt,并练习说” I wear a shirt in spring.”

3.通过启发式教学,引入T-shirt, coat, sweater等其他新单词的教学,并练习说” We / I wear trousers/ blouses/ shirts in spring.” T: What do we wear in summer? Ps:裤子、衬衣。。。。。。

以同样的方法教学T-shirt和shorts(短裤)。 T: What do you wear in autumn? Ps:… 4.操练。


2)教师出示单词卡片,学生在规定时间内记忆,然后教师藏起卡片请学生回忆刚才见到的单词。出示单词的数量由少到多,以培养学生的记忆。 3)猜一猜。

请一名学生选择单词并悄悄告诉老师,其余学生问”What do you wear in…?”若猜对了,该生回答”Yes, I wear… in …”;若猜错了,该生回答”No, I don’t wear…in …”. Stage 4 Play a game. Stage 5

Find the difference and read aloud.



P1: Mom, I’m home. P2: Mum, I’m home.

2.以此方法进行其他单词的教学。 Stage 6




Stage 1



1)快速认读词语: trousers, blouse, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, cap, hat ,dress等。 2)句型”What do you wear?” “I /We wear…”

Stage 2

Let’s learn: jeans, shoes ----what does she/ he wear? ----She/ He wears… 1.通过复习,自然引入新单词的教学。 T: What do you wear?

P1: I wear trousers and a shirt.

T: P2, now it’s autumn, What do you wear?(出示牛仔裤卡片) P2: I wear a blouse and牛仔裤。

T: How to say “牛仔裤” in English? Listen . Jeans, jeans. Ps: Jeans, jeans.

T: P2, please say the sentence again. P2: I wear a blouse and jeans. T: Very good!

2.通过启发式教学,引出coat的教学,并练习说”We/I wear sweater/coat in winter.” T: What do we wear in winter?


Ps: 毛衣、大衣、手套、围巾。。。。。。 3.用“猜一猜”游戏巩固所学单词。 4.在此基础上练习句型。 ---What does he/ she wear? ---He/ She wears… Stage 3

Listen and tick.

1.引导学生读出图片里有关服饰的单词。 2.播放录音并要求学生选出相应的图片。 3.教师核对答案并作必要的讲解。 Stage 4

Let’s talk: Pictures 1 and 2 1.看图说话。

1)教师出示一棵正发芽的树的简笔画,启发学生进行描述。 T: Look at the tree, What season is it now? Ps: Spring.

T: Yes. Spring is here. It’s getting cold?(做“冷”的动作) Ps: No. It’s getting warm. T: What do you wear in spring? Ps: I wear…


3)将句子写在黑板上,并将要替换的词加着重符号或用彩色笔书写,为后三幅图的学习作铺垫。 Spring is here. It’s getting warm. We wear shirts and trousers. 4)学生跟读并练习,教师抽查。





5.四人小组操练表演课文内容,教师可为每幅图配上不同的轻音乐以营造气氛。 Stage 5

1.总结本课所学内容。 2.布置作业:

1)完成教材的练习Read, write and draw. 2)预习自然拼读法。


Stage 1


2.复习:表示颜色和服装的单词,并将两类单词进行组合:a yellow T-shirt. Stage 2

Let’s talk: Pictures 3 and 4

1.出示图画,呈现树叶开始变黄落叶的情景,教学第三幅图。 2.出示图画,呈现树木变得光秃秃的情景,教学第四幅图。


4.听整篇课文的录音,思考交回答下列问题: 1) How many seasons do you know? What are they? 2) What do we wear in spring? 3) What do we wear in summer? 4) What do we wear in autumn? 5) What do we wear in winter? 5.再听录音,并跟读,纠正读音。


6.四人小组操练表演课文,教师可为每幅图配上不同的轻音乐以营造气氛。 Stage 3

Read the text and tick the correct answers. 1.学生熟悉选项,教师给予必要的帮助。 2.听课文录音,选择答案。 3.学习对话,并操练。 4.检测对话。 Stage 4

Look, listen and say.

1.让学生听单词train, rain, pail,判断这三个单词中都包含有哪一个相同的读音。 2.将单词写在黑板上,让学生找出这三个单词中都包含有哪两个相同的字母,并要其下面画上横线。

train rain pail 3.将字母组合”ai”写在三个单词上方,告诉学生ai在此发/ei/的音,不要标注音标,只教发音。

4.跟读两遍,让学生记忆拼读规律。 5.给出更多的例子,让学生练习拼读。 Lain pain main gain vain 6.教师读单词,学生根据发音听写。 Stage 5

Read and match.

1.让学生先各自将句子读一遍,注意带有字母组合”ai”和”ay”单词的读音。 2.学生分小组互相检查各自的读音是否正确。

3.小组讨论它们的汉语意思,并把它们与对应的图连起来。 Stage 6





Stage 1

1.师生常规问候。 2.复习前三节课所学内容。 Stage 2

Read and understand. 1.教师示范描述一位学生。

T: Look! This is my friend. She has long black hair and big eyes. She is wearing a striped T-shirt, blue jeans and…


3.学生两人小组相互描述,并请学生上台描述,教师给予评价。 4.游戏:我说你猜。 Stage 3

Draw and describe your partner.

1.教师先以一名学生为例演示描述的方式。 2.全班分成4人小组进行描述练习,教师巡回指导。 3.各小组向全班展示练习结果。 Stage 4

Read, write and draw.

1.通过此题巩固所学形容词和服装类单词,培养学生初步阅读的能力。 2.请学生阅读,然后画出所读内容并写出词组。 Stage 5

Learn to use punctuation.

帮助学生了解这几个标点符号的名称。 Stage 6


2.布置作业:复习本课所学内容;预习下一课Work in pairs和Listen and practice.


Lesson 2 Seasons and Months


Stage 1

1.师生常规问候。 2.复习以前所学内容。

1)引导学生介绍自己喜欢的季节及其原因。 如:” I like spring because it’s warm.”

2)通过快速认读单词比赛,复习下列单词:coat, skirt, T-shirt, blouse, trousers, jeans,

sweater, gloves, white, blue, green, orange, red, yellow.

3)教师出示一幅包含12个月份的挂图,复习表示12个月份的单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Stage 2

Work in pairs.


T: Boy and girls, how many seasons are there in a year?

教师放慢语速让学生感知句子的发音,同时指着转盘上的四季图启发学生回答,如果学生不理解,可将问句翻译为中文“一年有几个季节?” Ps: Four.

T: You’re right, There are four seasons in a year. What are they? Ps: They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

T: Please look at the picture.(旋转图片,并指定一个月份) What season is it? Ps: It’s summer. T: When is summer?

Ps: Summer is from June to August. 2.学生练习问答。

3.将spring, autumn和winter三逐步形成单词套入句中训练。 Spring is from March to May.

Autumn is from September to November. Winter is from December to February. 4.学生分小组练习,并检测。 Stage 3 Let’s learn.



T; Look at the picture. What season is it? Ps: It’s spring.

T: Look, What are they? Ps: They are…

T: They are plants, Do you know ”plants”?(重复”plants”并示意学生跟读) 教师出示动物、交通工具、植物三张图片让学生选择,练习单词plants. Ps: Plants, plants, plants.

T: How about the plants now?(可以做种子发芽的动作,帮助学生理解grow) Ps: They are 发芽,生长。 T: Yes, they are growing. (出示单词,教学单词grow) Ps: Grow, grow, grow.

教师将两张单词卡片合并在一起。 T: Look, plants grow.(放慢速度演示) Ps: Plants grow.

也可以让学生整体记忆Plants grow. 2.听录音,跟读单词,纠正读音。 3.双人练习。 1)示范。

T:(出示单词卡片Plants 和grow) What season is it? Ps: It’s spring. T: When in spring?

Ps: It’s from March to May. T: What colour is spring? Ps: It’s…

T: Do you like spring? Why? Ps: Because plants grow.


学生拿出准备好的图片(照片),同桌相互介绍照片中的季节及景色特点。 P1: Look at this picture. What seasons is it? P2; It’s …

P1: What colour is it?


P2: It’s …

P1: Do you like …? Why? P2: Because…

3)请学生上台表演对话。 Stage 4

Look, listen and say.

1.学生听单词sea, bee, feet,判断这三个单词中都包含有哪一个相同的读音。 2.将单词写在黑板上,让学生找出这三个单词中都包含有哪两个相同的字母,并要其下面画上横线。

See bee feet 3.将字母组合”ee”写三个单词上方,告诉学生”ee”在此发/i:/的音,不要标注音标,只读音。

4.让学生跟读两遍,记忆单词特征。 5.给出更多的例子,让学生练习拼读。

Meet deed need jeep keen teen seen weed 6.教师读单词,学生根据发音听写。

其他两组单词教法相同,但要让学生注意和记忆字母组合”ee”有/i:/和/e/两种读音,尽可能通过拼读练习巩固所学知识。 Stage 5

Fill in the blanks with ee or ea. 1.学生看图大声读出单词。

2.小组内互相检查昨天作业的完成情况。 3.教师检查,并订正。 Stage 6

1.总结本课所学内容。 2.布置作业。

1)练习介绍自己所喜欢的季节,并说出原因。 2)预习单词和小诗。



Stage 1

1.师生常规问候,值日生报告。 2.复习上节课所学内容。

Stage 2

Let’s learn: wind blows, leaves fall, harvest, snow 1.通过图画,教学wind blows和leaves fall. T: Look at the picture. What season is it? Ps: It’s autumn.

T: Look. What are they? Ps: They are …

T: They are leaves(重复leaves并示意学生跟读) Ps: Leaves.

T: This is a leaf. These are leaves.(上学生理解一所树叶是a leef,许多树叶则用leaves) Ps: A leaf and leaves.

T: How about the leaves now?(可以做树叶飘落的动作,帮助学生理解fall) Ps: They are 落下。

T: Yes, they are falling. Leaves fall. Fall. (出示单词卡片,教学单词fall) Ps: Fall, fall, fall.

教师将两张单词卡片合并在一起。 T: Look, leaves fall.(放慢速度演示) Ps: leaves fall.

T: Look. Wind blows and leaves fall.(做刮风的动作,帮助学生理解blow) 将两个句子连在一起练习,然后检测。 2.创设情景,引出新单词harvest 的教学。 T: Class, what season do you like?

Ps: I like…

T: I like autumn, It’s cool. The wind blows. Leaves turn yellow and fall. It’s time for harvest.(慢读,同时出示图片,让学生正确理解harvest意思) 3.教读新单词harvest并操练。


4.慢读snows同时出示图片,让学生正确理解snow的意思,并教读这个单词。 5.师生共同创编小诗。

Spring, spring, plant grow.

Summer, summer, flowers come out.

Autumn, autumn, wind blows/ leaves fall. Winter, winter, it snows. Stage 3

Read and write.

通过阅读的方式,巩固本课所学单词。 Stage 4

Read, draw and write: Where Is Spring?


2.引导学生通过图画预测小诗描述的内容,为小诗的学习和创编做准备。 3.与学生交流各季节的特征,并学习相关表达法。

4.将小诗从头至尾地欣赏一遍,然后逐句理解。学生四人小组阅读小诗。 5.完成配图,并给小诗找出合适的标题。 6.练习读小诗。

7.以问答的方式分角色朗读。四人小组成员中一人提问“Where is spring?” 时,其余三位同学回答”Spring is in the green grass.” 8.选四人作为领诵,全班进行朗读表演。

9.分小组长进行小诗的创编,可以分别以夏、秋、冬等季节为主题。 Stage 5 Play a game.


T: Class, do you still remember Sunny? Ps: Yes.

T: Sunny is very strange. He likes some things. All his likes and dislikes have something in common.

Ps: What does he like?

T: Sunny likes grass and hates red apples.

Sunny likes trees and hates red flowers.


Sunny likes peas and hates carrots.

P1: He likes vegetables but hates red tomatoes. T: Quite right.

P1: Sunny likes every thing green. 2.分小组进行游戏。 Stage 6


2.布置作业:仿编一首有关四季的小诗;预习Let’s talk的图画一、二和歌曲。


Stage 1

1.师生常规问候。 2.复习上节课所学内容。

1)检测学生所编小诗情况,巩固所学内容。 2)复习月份表达法。 Stage 2

Let’s talk: Pictures 1 and 2 1.教师引导学生看图说话。

T: Kids, look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Ps: Swallows , trees, children… T: What season is it now? Ps: Spring.

T: Yes. It’s spring. It’s warm. Plants … Ps: Plants grow.

T: Plant grow and birds… Ps: Birds sing.

T: Good. When is spring?

Ps: It’s from March to May.(教师可出示单词卡片提醒学生)

T: Yes. It lasts from March to May. It lasts.(学生last用法,此处可与is互换) 2.教师解释练习要求,学生听录音,选择答案。


1) Spring lasts from March to ________.

A. April B. May C. June 2) In spring, it’s _______.

A. cold B. cool C. warm D. hot 3) In spring, ________ grow and birds sing.

A. trees B. plants C. flowers D. grass. 4) It’s time for ________.

A. an outing B. sleeping C. reading D. planting trees


4.学生再听录音,将句子排序。 5.学生听录音跟读,教师纠正发音。 6.学生练习,并表演。 第二幅的教法相同。 Stage 3

Listen and sing: Months of the Year 1.学生听录音,熟悉歌曲旋律。

2.初步感知歌曲大意和歌曲音乐所表达的意境。 3.教师提问,学生回答。

T: How many months are there in a year? Ps: Twelve.

T: What are they? Ps: …

T: Let’s play a game. Any volunteers? Good. Stand up, please. Count from January to December. One, two, go , Ps: …

4.分小组比赛演唱。 5.教师提问,练习有关内容。

将全班分成若干小组进行抢答比赛。 T: Let’s have a “how many” quiz. Ps: Yeah!

T: How many days are there in a week? Ps: Seven.

T: What are they? Ps: Sunday, Monday…


Stage 4

Listen and colour. Then make up your poem. Stage 5


2.布置作业:复习歌曲和已学的图Picture 1 and 2的内容;预习Picture 3 and 4.


Stage 1

1.师生常规问候。 2.复习所学内容。 1)歌曲。

2)教师将以下八张卡片随意粘贴在黑板上,让学生一起先读一遍,然后将学生分成三人小组,按以下方式组成句子,说得又快又准确的组获胜。 Plants + grow-----Plants grow.

Flowers + come out ------Flowers come out Wind+ blow-----Wind blows. Leaves + fall------Leaves fall.

3)以看图说话的方式,复习本课Let’s talk r Picture 1 and 2的内容。 Stage 2

Let’s talk: Picture 3 and 4 1.教师引导学生看图说话。

T: Class, look at Picture 3. What colour are the leaves? Ps: Yellow.

T: Leaves are falling. What season is it now? Ps: Autumn.

T: Yes. It’s autumn. Is it warm or cool? Ps: It’s cool.

T: Good. When is autumn?

Ps: It’s from September to November.(教师可出示单词卡片提醒学生) T: Yes. It lasts from September to November. What happens in autumn?

Let’s listen to the tape and choose the correct answers. 2.教师解释练习要求,学生听录音,选择答案。


1)Autumn lasts from September to ______ .

A. December B. November C. October D. August 2) In autumn it’s ______.

A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold 3) In autumn wind blows and ________ fall.

A. leaves B.rain C, snow D.flowers 4) It’s time for _______.

A. sports B. skating C. swimming D. harvest 3.再听一遍,讲解答案。 4.学生再听,将句子排序。

5.学生听录音跟读,教师纠正发音。 6.学生练习,并表演。

7.小组活动:小组内谈论关于四季的景色特征,并推选出代表参加“小小气象员”的评比活动,鼓励学生描述自己家乡的四季变化,以培养学生的观察、思维能力,达到学以致用。 Stage 3

Ask your partner and complete the dialogue. Then draw a picture of winter.通过对话,鼓励学生灵活使用Let’s talk所学知识,发展学生的综合技能。 Stage 4

Learn to use”.”

1.学生以三人小组形式自读,并讨论答案。 2.若有不解之处向教师寻求帮助。

3.教师解答学生的疑惑,学生再读,修改答案。 Stage 5


2.布置作业:复习本课所有内容, 完成You can do it;预习本单元第三课。


