How to Make a Resume Stand Out

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How to Make a Resume Stand Out - Smart Strategies to Beat the Competition

When seeking employment your resume will be one of the most important tools in your arsenal. I think that many people believe that a resume is just words on a paper however it is much more than that. The resume is your future employer's first glimpse of your skills, therefore you want to ensure that employers can take one glance at your resume and see your skills displayed concisely and efficiently. Your resume should gain trust not provide any source of reservation in the eyes of an employer. They are literally looking for resumes that don't foot the bill so they can easily weed them out. Then how to write a resume and make it stand out is the focus of todays lesson.

★ Choose an appropriate format.

The first decision you need to make is choosing a resume style or resume format. Generally, there job seeker. The important factor to figure out is the style .

If you start out with the wrong resume style, you'll have a considerable re-write chore ahead of you. So start out on the right foot, and pick the most appropriate resume format using the following information and links as a guide:

1. Chronological Resume Style

Perhaps the most traditional of the three resume styles, the chronological resume style places your work experience up front in reverse chronological order. This makes potential employers or recruiters feel more at ease about your work history. But if you have employment gaps, or are looking to make a career change, then there are better choices.

The chronological resume has four essential components:

A. Heading: The Heading section includes your name—usually typed in bold capital letters to make it stand out from the rest of the heading—address, phone number and E-mail address.

B. Objective (求职意向): The objective section is a description of your job/career objective. It gives your resume a sharp focus and it is a way to show the employer at a glance what you want to do and what you're good at. One way to sharpen your focus is through an objective statement. , we don’t say “A position that can show my capabilities (大展手脚)”. But we may say “A position of management job potential in the banking department specializing in Foreign change”or we just tell the potential employer an exact position such as “Seeking an office building architectural designer position in a small-to-middle sized architectural firm”or just simply “Public Affairs Coordinator”.

C. Work Experience (工作经历,履历): The Work Experience section presents your work history . Each job listed in the section has a description that may include the following:

a. Dates of employment

b. Employer

c. Job title

d. Job responsibilities

e. Major accomplishments


Be specific and quantitative when describing your successes and strengths, using percentages and dollar amounts.

eg. Improved interdepartmental communication efficiency by 15%.

eg. 20XX-20XX Martin Mental Health Center (Chicago Regional Office), Public Relations Associate,

Assist Public Relations Director in developing and coordinating fund raising and PR

acticities for non-profit organizations

Attachment 1: 行业词汇网

D. Education (学历): The Education section summarizes your education history in . The section should include the following facts:

a. Degree earned

b. Institutions (schools) attended

c. Year of graduation

d. Major field of concentration

e. Honors received

eg.1 M.A., Michigan State University, 20XX

Major: Communication

B.S., Johnson College, 20XX

Major: Computer Science

Minor: Mathematics

Fillmore Scholarship (2 years)

eg.2 In Progress B.A., Mass Communication, Woodside College, Rocks Town, PA.

Graduated Wellington High School, Lowland, PA. Attachment 2: Degrees各种学位名称

B.A. or BA 文学士 (Bachelor of Arts)B.S. or BS 理学士 (Bachelor of Science)

M.A. or MA 文科硕士 (Master of Arts)M.S. or MS 理科硕士 (Master of Science)

M.B.A. 工商管理硕士 (Master of Business Administration)

Ph.D 哲学博士 (Doctor of Philosophy)(注意并非所有的博士都是Ph. D)

D.S. 理学博士 (Doctor of Science)

M. D. 医学博士 (Doctor of Medicine)

Eng.D 工学博士 (Doctor of Engineering)

Attachment 3: Scholarships and Honors 奖学金名称

Top class / level Scholarship 特等奖学金 First class/ prize Scholarship 一等奖学金

Second class/ prize Scholarship 二等奖学金 Third class/ prize Scholarship 三等奖学金

Diligence/ Endeavourers Scholarship 励志奖学金 National Scholarship 国家奖学金

Outstanding new Scholarship 优秀新生奖学金 Outstanding Students 优秀学生

Well-behaved Students 文明学生 Outstanding League Member 优秀团员

Advanced Groups/ Individuals 先进集体/个人 Excellent Clerical Workers 优秀干事

Excellent League Cadres 优秀团干部 Excellent/ outstanding Student Cadres 优秀学生干部 merit student; “three good” student(good in study, attitude and health)三好学生 ?

Attachment 4: Majors 专业 见word文档 《学科专业名称英语》


Chronological Resume is clear and traditional, but for almost all of you here including teachers like me, there will be a biggest disadvantage, what do you think it is? The focus of a chronological resume is on work experience, but we do not have much or enough work experience. So we must find a resume format to help us to make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages.

2. Functional Resume Format

The functional resume style is a good formatThis format emphasizes Unfortunately, this style also makes some employers uncomfortable since you do not include a formal account of your work history.

The typical functional resume often consists of the following essential components:

A. Heading

The same to a chronological resume.

B. Objective (optional)

The objective section is not the focus of a functional resume. You can name it according to the recruitment advertising, or you want to have a “Summer internship in journalism or public relations”.

C. Summray of qualifications or credentials/ Profile (对一个人的能力,个性的摘要描述;简况) The intent of the summary or profile is to highlight your field of expertise and your key strengths in relevant areas so as to interest the prospective employer to read the rest of your resume.

Attachment 5: Descriptions of Abilities and Personalities

With a pleasant and mature attitude. 开朗成熟。

Be elegant and with nice personality. 举止优雅、性格好。

Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively. 善于同各种人员打交道。

Confident,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition. 自信、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

A Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.


Strong determination to succeed. 有获得成功的坚定决心。

Ability to work independent1y, mature and resourcefu1. 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 Be highly organized and effecient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高.

Willing to learn and progress. 肯学习进取。

Good presentation skills. 有良好的表达能力。

Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.


Initiative,independent and good communication skill.


Energetic,fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。

Having good and extensive social connections. 具有良好而广泛的社会关系。

Being active, creative and innonative . 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。

D. Education

In this section, you can put stress on the courses you’ve had in your college or vocational trainning programs to show that you are prepared for your future career even though you don’t have enough work experience.


eg. XXUniversity, shanghai, B.S. in architecture, June 2002

Completed four-year course of architectural design.

Courses included:

▲Urban Design ▲Architectural Planning ▲Structural Engineering,

▲Interior Decoration ▲Office Facilities Management ▲Computer-aided Architectural Design

E. Key achievements/ Skills Summary

In this section you are supposed to highlight your special skills. You list your skills item by item. eg. ▲Familiar with MS Words, MS Excel, AutoCAD

▲Good command of building codes and standards knowledge

▲independent work ability

▲Proficient in English,(TOEFL 632, January 2001)

F. Work experience/ professional experience/ related experience

If you don’t have part time job experience, or haven’t been to any internship site, you can list some related experience such as assist your teacher/ supervisor in doing something or mention some extracurricular activities. Gather any experience that you think might be helpful for your job application. Your resume is no place to be modest. Give yourself credit for the work you’ve accomplished.

G. Interests and Hobbies (optional)

Here you’d better list some interests or hobbies that can be related to your new position or can show your bright side and potentials.

eg. Sketching, painting, photography, developing films

3. Combination Resume Style/ Linear Resume Style

This is arguably the most marketable of the three resume styles. The combination resume/Linear style leads with a functional resume format, and finishes up with a chronological account of your work experience. This format gives you the best of the earlier mentioned styles, but is really more appropriate for someone that has a lot of experience they can pull from. (See model 3 on page 244)

★ Weigh your words.

1. Brevity is the top feature of resume language.

You need to pay attention to several pionts in order to have brevity.

A. Leave out the subject “I”.

Since you have mentioned your name at the very beginning of your resume, if you keep using “I” before every piece of information, you’ll make the employer sick of it and make yourself appear too arrogant and inefficient to be employed.

B. Leave out articles

Generally speaking, resumes aren’t written in sentence form, but in concise phrases that have become an accepted shorthand that employers understand. Articles tend to clutter up that shorthand. Your resume will read in a more streamlined manner without those little words “a,” “an”, and “the”. Consider these


C. Use simple sentences. Avoid compound sentences.

eg. As I have been a computer operator for 4 years, I can type very quickly and accurately.

可缩减为:4-year experience of computer operator.

Can be a quick and accurate typist.

2. Make sure you’ve got plenty of resume power words appearing in the document.

If you want to give your resume that extra edge then make sure you’ve got plenty of resume power words appearing in the document. Resume writing is like a personal advertisement and if you want to get noticed then you need to make sure you've got enough power words to separate you resume from the rest of the pack.

So what exactly is a resume power word and how are they used? In simple terms, they’re commonly called “power words”A. Nouns

The strongest words on your resume are almost always nouns. Not verbs. Employers and their software aren’t scanning for “managed” and “assisted.” They’re looking for skills, certifications, degrees, job titles, names of products or services, names of processes, names of hardware and software, company names, names of professional or trade organizations, or names of schools.

One great way to discover which nouns your potential employer cares most about is to study the job description. Use those nouns and noun phrases in your resume. For example, if the employer is looking for someone who knows how to “build customer databases,” then those are the exact same words you want to use on your resume (assuming you know how to build customer databases).

Don’t forget to spend time checking out your potential employer’s website. You’ll learn a lot about the corporate culture and maybe glean some valuable words to include in your resume. While you’re at it, take a look at their annual report for more clues.

If you notice the same keywords on both the employer’s job description and the website, not only should you use them on your resume, you should use them more than once. Some resume writers recommend using the most important keywords both in your objective (if you have one) and in the body of your resume, as close to the beginning as possible. That helps those terms stick out not only for a computerized keyword search, but also for the in-person resume reader.


Eliminate “responsibilities” words from your resume vocabulary. Never use expressions like “Duties included”, or “Responsibilities included”, on your resume. Why? Because your resume should be B. Action words

To get the interview don't sound robotic instead you need to start all your sentences with action verbs. When you do use verbs to describe your background, choose

eg. You don’t just say, “I answered incoming calls”.

Instead you should say, “Provided incoming phone support with 98% efficiency and one call resolution”.

This gives more details not only does it tell that you handled incoming calls, but it tells that you handled them efficiently and that your customers didn’t have to call back after talking to you. This is what any good company wants to know.

Try “achieved,” “broadened”, “completed”, “managed”, “doubled”, “increased”, and“resolved”. Words like “contributed” or “supported” are less impressive.

Don’t mix noun and verb phrases. Let's look at this example:

o Managed and controlled all aspects of company's West Coast presence. [verb]

o Complete ownership of inventory and financial standards. [noun]

o Full P&L responsibilities. [noun]

o Analyzed market and forecast sales, prepared corporate budgets and monitored results to

achieve ROI objectives. [verb]

Instead, be consistent with verbs:

o Supervised inventory and financial standards.

o Completely oversaw profit and loss aspects of operation.

Attachment 6: To see more in the document of Power Action Word List—300 words listed.

C. Adjectives

Skip words like “dynamic”, “experienced”, and “strong”.

D. Adverbs

Avoid adverbs like "skillfully," "effectively," and "successfully"—basically any word that ends with “ly.”

★ Eliminate clutter from your resume.

1. Unnecessary dates

Don’t list dates that don’t add anything to your resume; for example, dates you spent involved in college extracurricular activities. If you were involved in these activities during college, the reader can pretty much guess your dates of involvement, and listing the dates will just clutter up your document. Same with dates of involvement in professional or civic organizations; ask yourself if those dates will be meaningful to the employer reading your resume.

2. Parentheses [ p 'renθisi:z ] (圆括号)

Jobseekers have a particular tendency to set off dates of employment with parentheses. It’s easier on the reader if you just use commas.


3. The line “References Available upon request.”

This statement is highly optional because it is a given that you will provide references upon request. If you couldn't, you would have no business looking for a job. The line can serve the purpose of signaling: “This is the end of my resume”, but if you are trying to conserve space, leave it off.

★ Proofread the Resume.

Once you think you’Put it aside, and don't look at it. After some time has passed, pull out the resume and read it again. This passage of time will ou don’t want to stand out in a bad way so ensuring you have no grammatical errors, no missing punctuation, and no crazy claims resume.

Now that you’Try to pick a friend that is also a good writer. When you ask them for this favor, Ask them to trust that you put the resume together in the right order. In short,

Hopefully, by following the above basic tips will make your resume stand out. The next time you are filling out your resume make sure that you follow these simple steps because they will help your resume get pushed to the top of the stack. Finding a job can be tough, being properly prepared will go a long way to finding employment.

And herewith I attach some internet sites for you to make use of.




