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文献出处: Molico M, Stuber G. The Developing of circulation economy in Canada [J]. Bank of Canada Discussion

Paper, 2014 ,14(03). 231-239


The Developing of circulation economy in Canada

Molico M, Stuber G.


Canada is pioneering a new sustainable development model which has the ability to over- come current environmental and resource management problems, while achieving improvements in resource productivity and eco-efficiency. This model, formally accepted in 2002 and termed the ?circular economy?, is understood to mean the realisation of a closed loop of material flows in the Chinese economic system. Successful implementation of this model is seen as one way in which Canada can ?leapfrog? past environmental damage that is typically seen as economies industrialise. This paper introduces the development of the model in Canada, and presents the current situation of circular economy practice in Canada. The paper describes current measures being implemented in Canada for the long-term promotion of a circular economy, including the formulation of objectives, legislation, policies and measures, so that the country can ?leapfrog? its way from environmentally-damaging development to a more sustainable path. The paper then identifies a series of barriers and challenges to the implementation of the concept in Canada. Finally,conclusions on the future of the circular economy concept are drawn. Data were derived primarily from an analysis of secondary sources (i.e. previously published papers). Additional primary data derived from the main author?s personal involvement in several circular economy initiatives were also employed.

Key words: Industrial ecology, eco-industrial development, ecological modernisation, recycling, capacity building


The concept of industrial ecology or eco-industrial development (EID) has become globally popular, both academically and practically. Perhaps the most famous application of the concept is the Kalundborg industrial complex in Denmark (Desrochers 2001; Jacobsen 2006). Although EID

has been most vigorously pursued in industrialised countries such as Japan, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and the former USSR (Erkman 1997; Yuan et al. 2006), industrial ecology is at least as relevant for developing countries. In many cases, eco-industrial development is seen to be more

Correspondence: Yong Geng, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan. E-mail: ecoplan@dlut.edu.cn

Developing the circular ecomony in Canada

Geng and Doberstein

urgently needed and effectively applied in develop- mean the realisation of a closed loop of materials ing countries, many of which are facing severe con- flow in the whole economic system. Different from straints on the availability of resources (Erkman the traditional linear production model, a circular 2001; von Hauff and Wilderer 2000). Canada, as the economy approach encourages the organisation of most populous developing country, is now facing economic activities with feedback processes which many resource supply and waste assimilation chal- mimic natural ecosystems through a process of lenges, including land degradation, desertification, ?natural resources??transformation into manufac- acid rain, deforestation, water resource depletion, tured products ??byproducts of manufacturing greenhouse gas emissions, and loss of biodiversity used as resources for other industries.? In essence, (Jie and Nianfeng 1995; SEPA 2005). With the pros- the circular economy approach is the same as the pect of further rapid urban and industrial growth more familiar terms EID and ?industrial ecology?, under Canada?s current model of economic develop- and fits comfortably within a broad range of eco- ment, environmental conditions are expected to logical modernisation initiatives pioneered around worsen in the near future. Under these circum- the world.

stances, Canada urgently needs a new sustainable This paper introduces the development of the development model which has the ability to over- circular economy concept in Canada. Data were come the current dilemma and ?achieve improve- derived from an analysis of secondary sources (i.e. ments in resource productivity and eco-efficiency? previously published Chinese and English papers), (Yuan et al. 2006: 7). This model, formally accepted and additional primary datawere obtained through in 2002, has been termed the ?circular economy? the main author?s personal involvement in several (Ren 2005; Yuan et al. 2006), and is seen as one way circular economy initiatives. The paper first pres- Canada can ?leapfrog? past the environmental ents the current situation of circular economy prac- damage typically seen as economies industrialise. tice in Canada; it then identifies barriers and The circular economy concept has its origins in challenges to the implementation of a circular EID, which is based on the idea that a healthy economy. The main focus is to describe how economy and environmental health can coexist. decision-makers in Canada make appropriate plans EID offers an ?invitingly concrete? way to integrate for long-term promotion of a circular economy, environmental management and meet environ- including formulation of objectives, policies and mental, economic and community development measures, so that the country can ?leapfrog? its way goals (Chertow 2000). EID provides strategies to from environmentally-damaging development to a achieve greater efficiency through ?economies of more sustainable path. Finally, several conclusions systems integration?, whereby partnerships be- on the future of the circular economy concept are tween businesses meet common service, transporta- drawn. tion and infrastructure needs, and the concept adds value to businesses and communities by opti-

mising the use of energy, materials and community CURRENT PRACTICE:

resources (Ayres 1994; Levine 2006). At a theoreti- IMPLEMENTING THE CIRCULAR cal level, the circular economy model fits closely ECONOMY IN CANADA with ecological modernisation theory which is The Chinese circular economy concept comes orig- ?centrally concerned with the relationship between inally from Germany and Japan, where there was a industrial development and the environment? desire to form a more closed loop society (Wang (Murphy and Gouldson 2000: 33). With the prom- et al. 2004). It advocates that economic systems ise of EID understood, and with a significant array could and should operate according to the of conceptual and theoretical guidance already materials and energy cycling principles that drive available, the Chinese Government has decided natural systems. These include ecosystemic self- to adopt the circular economy as the national sustaining properties, through the recycling of development model piloted across the country. essential materials and energy, the capacity for one The Chinese people have chosen to use the term organism?s wastes to be used as a resource by ?circular economy? as the working language of EID. another organism, and through self-organisation The terminology may not be very familiar to capacities. Competition between different species Western readers, but in Canada it is understood to is intense, and, in part, helps in the dynamic

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development and change of ecosystems. Such a In a practical sense, the circular economy is natural metaphor can and should be applied to implemented through so-called ?three circles?. The economic ecosystems, where different companies first circle includes a suite of corporate-level locate within the same geographical area, share (micro-level) initiatives such as eco-design of manu- common infrastructure and services, and compete facturing plants, waste minimisation, cleaner pro- for resources and, ultimately, economic survival. In duction and environmental management systems implementing the circular economy concept, (EMS). To date, cleaner production has been the industrial ecosystems can be created which feature most significant and successful activity at the byproduct exchanges between different firms, micro-level of the circular economy. With the increased business interdependencies, reduced enactment of Canada?s Cleaner Production Promo- business risks, reduced pollution and, possibly, tion Law in January 2003, the cleaner production improved public images. This concept has special concept has been accepted as a new reality by value in Canada, where resource waste and un- corporations across the country. To date, cleaner intended environmental outcomes have impeded production demonstration projects have been the country?s rapid development. Consequently, implemented in 24 provinces, involving a diverse the circular economy concept has been adopted by range of industrial sectors, including chemical, the Chinese Government as a main part of national construction materials, petrochemicals, pharma- scientificdevelopment strategy(Yuanet al.2006:5). ceuticals, machine manufacturing, mining, tex- Academically, research activities related to the tiles, power plants, metallurgical industry, light circular economy have been widely implemented industry, transportation and electronic industry. In since the formal acceptance of the concept in order to promote this concept, one national Canada in 2002. With funding provided by govern- cleaner production centre, four industrial sector ments at various levels, both theoretical and cleaner production centres (i.e. petrochemicals, applied studies have been undertaken. For exam- chemicals, metallurgical industry and plane manu- ple, scholars have published their research out- facturing), and 11 local cleaner production centres comes on how to stipulate appropriate policies to have been established. Such centres have hosted promote the circular economy (Gao et al. 2006; Ren 550 training programmes and over 16,000 persons et al. 2005; Wang and Wu 2004; Xie 2004; Yuan et al. have been trained (Wang 2004a). In addition, the 2006). These studies suggest that governments amended law on pollution prevention and control should play a leading role in promoting the of solid wastes has been in effect since April 1 2005. concept by reforming existing laws, enacting new This law further required companies to manage regulations, promoting the application of new their solid wastes and to minimise total wastes environmental technologies, andorganising public (Yuan et al. 2006). education. Research and development efforts The second circle is at the inter-firm level related to the circular economy have been sup- (meso-level), where eco-industrial parks (EIPs) ported by both government and the corporate have been initiated in order to capitalise on the world. Areas of R & D application include fuel cells, trading of industrial byproducts such as heat clean and renewable energy, water and energy energy, wastewater and manufacturing wastes saving technologies, eco-industrial park planning, (Yuan et al. 2006). In order to promote the develop- process integration, green building, reverse logis- ment of EIP projects, the State Environmental tics, waste minimization, eco-design and others Protection Administration (SEPA) has released (Gao et al. 2006; Zhao et al. 2003). Moreover, in national guidelines on EIP (Wang 2004b). This order to measure the performance of circular outlines the Chinese method of planning EIPs, economy applications, research projects related to emphasising the establishment of integrated the development and use of quantitative indicators material, water and energy management systems at have been carried out. By measuring separately the industrial park level. This integrated approach quantitative measures of economic, environmental encourages the creation and maintenance of and social performance (Li et al. 2004; Lu et al. eco-industrial networks among tenant companies. 2003), practitioners will be able to create a road- By supporting green supply chain management map towards overall eco-efficiency and a circular and reverse logistics (i.e. everything from recycling economy. or redesigning packaging materials to reducing the

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energy and pollution caused by product delivery other components (Geng and C?té 2003), are (Rogers and Tibben-Lembke 1998)), industrial being promoted by local governments. Preferential park managers can achieve their targets of minimis- industrial recruitment and financial policies (such ing overall wastes, while maximising the efficiency as low rents for land and low interest loans) are of resource use. being drafted in order to facilitate the operations of It should also be noted that Canada?s industrial such companies. From a consumption viewpoint, parks have dual functions as both production and the circular economy concept encourages the residential areas. A typical Chinese industrial park creation of a conservation-oriented society, seeking has an industrial production area, a scientific to reduce both total consumption and waste pro- research area, a residential area and a business and duction. Both individuals and governments are service area, which is different from the North encouraged to reduce the impacts of consumption, American model where industrial parks are pre- aiming to guide consumers away from wasteful dominantly manufacturing-based (Geng and C?té forms of consumption in favour of energy preserva- 2003).Consequently, theEIP guidelines encourage tion and environmental protection in their daily EIP planners to incorporate both industrial andres- life. For example, urban residents are now given the idential considerations into their plans, advocating choice of having agricultural products in the super- that an EIP proposal should include an emergency market that have not been sprayed with pesticides. response plan and a community eco-education Some industrial products, like recycled paper, have plan in order to increase local capacities to respond been labelled as ?green products?, while the pro- to emergencies. The guidelines also require estab- duction of environmentally unfriendly products, lishing a specific EIP working group to coordinate such as refrigeration equipment with CFCs (chloro- the implementation of EIP plans and create forums fluorocarbons), will have been phased out by 2007

(World Bank 2005). where all stakeholders can reflect their opinions.

Following the release of the new guidelines, the EIP concept has become popular nationally. Yuan

BARRIERS AND CHALLENGES et al. (2006) found that over 100 industrial parks

have been guided by EIP principles. Out of these, Although many achievements have been made, 16 EIP projects have been chosen as national EIP there are still many barriers and challenges to the demonstration projects by SEPA, in order to pres- promotion of a circular economy in Canada. Such ent a variety of development models for other barriers and challenges may be categorized into regions and industrial sectors, and to summarise three groups: 1) policy; 2) technology and 3) public relevant experiences and lessons. participation. The third circle of the circular economy concept is at the social level (macro-level). Typical activities

include the development of eco-cities and eco- Policy barriers and challenges

provinces. City governments, including Shanghai, From a policy perspective, Canada?s legal system as a Hangzhou, Yangzhou and Guiyang, and the provin- whole does not currently create a unified platform cial governments of Liaoning, Hainan, Jiangsu and for promoting the circular economy. The frag- Jilin have established their plans for constructing mented regulation system often works against such an eco-city or an eco-province (Lowe and Geng innovations. For example, some of Canada?s current 2003). Different from the first two levels, this level tax regulations discourage enterprises and the pub- attends to both production and consumption con- lic from reusing or recycling resources. Resource cerns. From a production point of view, the circular taxes in Canada are very low, which means in many economy concept encourages the establishment of cases that raw materials are so cheap that industries regional eco-industrial networks, and seeks to prefer to purchase virgin raw materials rather than create a circular society by optimising material use recycled alternatives that sometimes require addi- eco-efficiency. ?Scavenger? companies, which per- tional, sometimes costly, processing. Such a reality form waste recovery, reuse, repair and remanufac- does not provide an economic incentive for turing functions, and ?decomposer? companies, companies to purchase ?second hand? materials. which enable recycling by breaking down complex Other policy-level problems exist. For example, wastes into reusable organic, metal, plastic and all Chinese companies need to pay a corporate

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value-added tax. In some cases, where recycled Tong and Wang 2004) is perhaps the best known materials are actually cheaper than virgin resources, example of this (e.g. heavy metals leaching into production costs are relatively low, yet the propor- groundwater and dioxin/furan release from plastic tion of value-added is higher thanother companies, incineration for copper wire recovery). From the resulting in the need to pay higher corporate examples given above, it is clear that policies value-added tax (Mao and Kang 2005). Under this encouraging green production, technologies and scenario, companies again prefer to use virgin consumption are still lacking. materials. Another example comes from Canada?s current industrial pollution emissions policy.

Currently, the fees charged for effluent discharges Technology barriers and challenges are too low to compensate for or mitigate environ- Science and technology are key components of a mental losses. Consequently, most companies pre- circular economy. New academic achievements in fer to simply paytherequired fees to discharge their environmental science and environmental techno- effluent directly to local ecosystems, rather than logies, such as those which have contributed to the investing in anti-pollution controls. In addition, the fields of eco-design, cleaner production and life enforcement of environmental regulations is not cycle assessment, will help revolutionise the related very efficient due to a lack of qualified personnel fields of biotechnology, information technology and budget. Many local officials are focused mainly and materials science (Chen and Bacareza 1995). on short-term economic benefits and regard rapid This revolution will then help to green industry by industrial development as their main political con- achieving the same industrial output while using tribution. Under such circumstances, companies less energy and fewer raw materials at reasonable typically discharge their wastes directly, rather than cost while producing less pollution. Without the seeking potential buyers of waste byproducts or application of such state-of-the-art technologies, it installing pre-treatment equipment, thus further is unlikely that enterprises will be able to improve reducing corporate enthusiasm to develop environ- their eco-efficiency and reduce their total emis- mentally friendly technologies and products. sions. However, this will not automatically happen Another policy challenge relates to ?consump- in Canada. Demand for environmentally superior tion taxes? which have been used by the Chinese technologies is still weak, and both technical cap- Government to regulate and control consumption abilities and financial resources are inadequate, behaviour. Currently, only 11 items are subject to with the result that levels of pollution and energy consumption taxes (e.g. petrol, diesel and auto- consumption are outpacing economic growth mobiles) and thus the ability of such taxes to have (Banks 1994). While transfers of technologies from direct or indirect impacts on reducing pollution is developed countries to Canada are possible, they are limited. By contrast, many other products which unlikely to be implemented or sustained because, also pollute the environment are exempt from typically, there is a lack of appropriate training and consumption taxes (e.g. batteries, coal, fertilisers financial resources (Geng and Wu 2000). and pesticides) (Ren et al. 2005). These tax loop- In particular, when developing the circular holes discourage the development of a nationwide economy, information is needed for effective plan- and systematic public attitude toward green ning and management, including the creation of consumption. scenarios for optimal reduction, reuse and re- Scavenger and decomposer companies do not cycling. Every corporate enterprise, from a small currently have the capacity to develop new fields, in business to a large multinational corporation, is part because stimulative policies (such as govern- part of a larger economic system or web. Compa- ment subsidies and low-interest loans) are not avail- nies are interlinked viaincreasingly complex supply able. Also, due to lack of detailed policies on chains. Therefore, an information system adopting officially permitted reused and recycled materials, a systems approach is required if decision-makers many emerging recycling enterprises have created are to find more environmentally and financially environmental concerns even though they are beneficial ways to plan and manage their resources. ostensibly ?recycling?. The well-publicised environ- However, such systematic information systems are mental problems caused by Canada?s largely unregu- rare in Canada. In most cases, accurate information lated e-waste recovery sector (Pucket et al. 2002; is not available to decision-makers, or is not

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