lesson 22 导学案草稿

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Unit4 Food and Restaurant

Lesson 22 In the Restaurant


Learning aims:学习目标


1.掌握单词和短语:waitress、order、fourteen、eleven、beef、dumpling、menu、a can/bottle of…

2. 句型:Are you ready to order?How much is/are/for…? Would you 。。like…?No problem 能力目标

Learn to use simple sentances in restaurant 学会简单的饭店用语 情感目标

1 通过积极有效的学习增加自信;2 保护动物,敬畏生命 教学重点:

1. 使用本课的词汇及句式谈论饭店中就餐。 2. 掌握文中英语菜单的汉语意思。

教学难点:运用所学知识编写对话并表演。 Ⅰ、lead-in导入

It’s lunch time. We are hungry. We want to go to the restaurant. Ⅱ、New Words and phrases:order、fourteen、eleven、beef、dumpling、something、problem、menu、a can/bottle of…

Ⅲ、巩固新单词Listen to the dialogue,and fill in the blanks.

It's lunch time. Li Ming and Jack are ready to ______(点菜). The noodles are ________ yuan with ______ or chicken. Rice with fish or chicken is _______ yuan each. ________ yuan for ___________with meat and cabbage, and thirteen yuan for dumplings with carrot and egg.

Ⅳ、Read the dialougue and underline the following sentences.读课文,找出以下句子并在原文中画出来。

Are you ready to order? How much is/are/for? Would you like...? Would you like something to drink?

—What would you like? — Some apple juice,please./I'd like some apple juice. —No problem. Ⅴ、知识点

1、It's lunch time.(同义句转换)

It's _____ ___ ____ lunch. It's _____________.

以上三句话的意思是该吃午饭了。it,代词,常指时间、距离、天气及上文中提到过的事物或者说话双方都知道的事物。 2. Are you ready to order? 你们要点菜吗? ready的固定搭配:

① be ready意为“准备好”。例如: Everything is ready. 一切就绪。

② be ready to do sth.意为“已准备好做某事”。例如: I’m not ready to leave. 我没准备离开。

3、Read the menu and translate into Chinese.

Dumlings with meat and cabbage 15 yuan Dumplings with carrot and egg 13 yuan Beef/chicken noodles 14 yuan Tomato and egg noodles 11 yuan Rice with fish/chicken 12 yuan A can of coke 3 yuan A glass of juice 4 yuan A cup of tea 3 yuan A bottle of water Ⅷ2 yuan A glass of milk 5 yuan

Ⅵ、学以致用:Make up a dialogue with your partners and act out小组编对话并表演

Ⅶ 、看视频,感受肉食背后的残酷

Some sayings about protecting animals:

I agree that animal has its rights as human rights,are as.This is the kind of expansion.——The United States President Lincoln.


A nation's moral is great,can from the animal 's attitude to see. ——India Mahatma Gandhi

一个国家的道德是否伟大,可以从其对动物的态度看出. ——印度圣雄甘地

A pair of animal cruelty,also will become the human cruelty. ——Thomas,equinox.

一个对动物残忍的人,也会变得对人类残忍 — 汤玛斯.艾奎纳 Ⅷ Homework 1、Read the dialougue fluently ,remember words and phrases and sentences.熟读课文,掌握本课所学字词句。

2、Make up a dialogue about having meals in the restaurant and act it out.编对话并演出来。

3 Search on the internet and think :Can where survive without killing animals?思考:如果我们人类不去屠杀动物,我们会好好地活着吗?

