陕旅版小学英语四年级上册教学设计全册 - 图文

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科目 教学内容 教学目标 重点难点 英语 班级 四年级 执教者 李爱丽 Lesson 1 Look at the picture of my family 1.会说会用这些句子: This is my family .This is my Dad.His name is…. 2.会说会用会写这些单词 family dad mum picture 。 会说会用这些句子: This is my family .This is my Dad.His name is…. 1.教师准备自己的家庭照片,一些各地名胜的照片或一些名人教学准备 的照片。 父母的单人照片各一张和一张姚明的照片。 2.学生准备自己的家庭照片,爸妈的单人照片各一张 。 1.教师拿出自己家庭的照片,利用手偶进行对话引出话题: A:Hello. I’m Miss Smith.My name is Linda Smith. B:I’m Mr Chen.My name is Chen Hua. Nice to meet you. 教 A: Nice to meet you ,too. What’s that ? B: Oh. This is a picture. A: A picture? Let me have a look. B: OK. Look! This is my family. This is my dad. A: What’s his name? B: His name is Chen Gang. This is my mum. 学 A: What’s her name? B: Her name is Wang Chunmei. 2. 新课展示 过 程 对话词汇学习: 教师通过自己的家庭照片和一些各地名胜的照片或一些名人的照片,父母的单人照片等来讲解句型和词汇: 学习单词时要引导学生学会按音节,按基本的读音规则来拼读单词。 1)教师出示主图中的家庭照片,让学生边看,老师边反复说picture picture picture 。 然后让学生和老师一起拍着手或打着节奏读这个单词,引导学生注意这个单词有两个音节: pic-ture, picture ,pic-ture, picture 。板书时同样注意拼写的节奏,如:写出pic 读/pik /,再写出ture 读/ /。板书的同时让学生空书。 接着,老师用准备的各地名胜的照片或一些名人的照片,还有一些熟人的照片向学生作介绍:

This is a picture of Beijing. This is a picture of my school. This is a picture of my teacher. Is this a picture of your brother? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. 2)教师拿出自己家庭的照片,教授单词family 。 教师拿着自己家庭的照片,故装神秘的说: What picture is it? This is a picture of my family. 然后,声音从大到小,重复五遍family family family family family 。让学生学着老师重复这个单词。 学生和老师一起拍着手或打着节奏读这个单词,引导学生注意这个单词有三个音节。 fa-mi-ly family 老师随手收取几个同学的家庭照片,和自己的家庭照片放在一起,再随手拿出一张,问: Whose family is this? 某个同学一看是自己的家庭照片 ,立刻站起来回答: It’s my family. 然后全班同学大声说: It’s …’s family. 3) 教师再拿出自己的家庭照片,流露出温馨的样子,指着上面的人说: Look. This is a picture of my family. This is my dad. This is my mum. 拼读拼写单词dad。 教师出示自己父亲的单人照片说: Is this your dad? No, he isn’t. He is my dad. He isn’t your dad. 不管是 your dad还是 my dad,人称代词都是“他”,用 he来代替 。 比如:He isn’t your dad. He is my dad. 4) What’s his name, do you know? 他叫什么名字? Bob Smith.鲍勃 ·史密斯。His name is Bob Smith. 拼读 Bob Smith 。 拼读拼写单词his。 his他的。男性“他的” 都用his。老师指着班上任意一男生引导学生理解 he和his.随手用该男生的物品学习应用人称代词和物主代词。 如:He is Li Dong. He is my friend. He is a good boy. His name is Tom. This is his pen/ his book / his bag. 3.巩固活动: (小组游戏练习人称代词和物主代词) 两个同学一组一一从教室的走道走过,前一个同学先快速走

过时, 用手摸摸每一个男同学的头说:he,he,he,he,he…. 等他走完时,第二个同学也走过这个走道,当他快速走过时,也用手摸摸每一个男同学的头说:his , his , his , his , his …. 4.小结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 Whose family is this? It’s …’s family. 不管是 your dad还是 my dad,人称代词都是“他”,用 he来代替、 his他的。男性“他的” 都用his。 教 学 反 思 在课堂教学中,要面向全体 在我的教学中,要面向全体,要为学生全面发展和终身生展奠定基础。 1、创设各种情境,鼓励学生,大胆的使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的英语和错误采取宽容的态度。 2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。 3、鼓励学生,通过体验、实践、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。 4、创设条件让学生能够探究他们自己的一些问题,并自主解决问题。

教学内容 Lesson 1 Look at the picture of my family

教学目标 重点难点 教学准备 教 学 过 程 1 理解会用会写物主代词my his her 。 2. 能够认读Linda Smith Ann Smith Bob Smith 物主代词 1.教师准备自己的家庭照片,一些各地名胜的照片或一些名人的照片。 父母的单人照片各一张和一张姚明的照片。 2.学生准备自己的家庭照片,爸妈的单人照片各一张 。 1.复习单词 1)教师出示家庭照片,让学生说picture picture picture 。 2)教师拿出自己家庭的照片,复习单词family 。 3) 教师再拿出自己的家庭照片,复习单词dad. mum. 4)复习,男性“他的” 都用his。随手用男生的物品复习人称代词和物主代词。. 2. 新课展示 1)This is my mum. (示主图中的家人照片,指着上面的妈妈说。) Her name is Ann Smith.安·史密斯 拼读 Ann Smith 。 拼读拼写单词 mum 。 教师出示自己母亲的单人照片对学生说 :This is my mum. Show me your mum . Please say ‘ This is my mum.’ 让学生们出示自己母亲的照片一起大声说 :This is my mum. 练习活动: 这个活动横排同时进行。每排的第一个学生出示自己母亲的照片 ,向旁边一个同学介绍: This is my mum. Her name is Wang Ying. 然后指着旁边同学母亲的照片说: That’s your mum. What’s her name? 旁边同学接着说: This is my mum. Her name is Wang Ying. 然后再问旁边下一个同学。活动依次进行。 拼读拼写单词 her。 her她的。表示女性“她的”,我们要用her 。 (示白雪公主图片) The girl is very nice. What’s her name,do you know? Her name is Snow White.她的名字叫白雪公主。She is a nice

girl. Her name is Snow White. 老师出示另一女教师的照片,引导学生理解 she和her.师生问答: T: Who is she ? Ss:She is our teacher. T:What’s her name? Ss: Her name is Zhang Xi. 3.小结: 我们熟悉的I you he she 是人称代词(主格),代表某人。我们可以说我,你,他,她是什么,或者怎么样。而 my your his her叫物主代词,用来表示某人的(什么东西)。 板书: I-my you-your he-his she-her 4.总结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 教学内容 教学目标 Lesson 2 Come to see my uncle’s family! 1.会说会用这些句子: Who is this ? Who is that? This/That is my dad. His name is… 2.会说会用会写这些单词who uncle aunt cousin 。 教 人称代词 物主代词 I - my you - your 学 He - his She - her They - their We - our 教学中,关注学生的情感 在我的教学过程,应多关注学生的情感,创设民主、和谐的教学气氛。学生只有对自己,对英语及其文化有积极的情态,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩,刻板的情态,不仅会影响英语的学习效果,还会影响其他发展,情态是学好英语的重要因素. 反 思

会说会用这些句子: Who is this ? Who is that? This/That is my dad. His name is… 1.准备第11页挂图。 教学准备 2.教师准备自家的全家福照片。 3.学生准备自家的全家福照片 。 1.复习 展示第11页挂图 ,让学生看图,教师(A)同小女孩Ann(B) 的手偶进行对话引出话题 。 教 A:Is this your dad? B:Yes. A:What’s his name? B:His name is Bob Smith. A:Who is that? B:He is my uncle. 学 A:What’s his name? B:His name is Sam Smith. A:Is that your Mum? B:No. A:Who is that? B:She is my aunt(示图中的人—婶婶). 过 A:What’s her name? B:Her name is Nancy Smith. A:Who is the boy? B:He is my cousin. (示图中的人—小男孩) His name is Billy. Billy Smith. 重点难点 程 2. 新课展示 句型词汇学习: 1) Who is that? “ Who ” is to ask something about a person. Who 是个疑问代词,问人的身份,‘谁’。学习这个单词时,引导学生学习字母组合wh/ h / 的读音。 我们询问某人的身份时会问:Who is this? Who is that? Who is he? Who is she? Who is the girl? Who is the boy?等。 The answer can be: He is … She is … 2) He is my uncle(指示主图中对应的人). She is my aunt. (指示主图中对应的人) .

按音节拼读拼写单词:un-cle uncle 注意单词重音。 在英语中,叔叔,伯伯,舅舅等与父母同辈的男性 都是uncle 如: That is my uncle. He my dad’s brother.爸爸的兄弟 This is my uncle,too. He is my Mum’s brother妈妈的兄弟 . Hello, Uncle Liu.你好,刘叔叔。 老师指着主图中的叔叔问答: --What’s his name? --His name is Sam Smith.他叫山姆。 板书:uncle--- Sam Smith. 老师指着主图中的婶婶问答: Who is that? She is my aunt. 师生一起拍着桌子大声读:aunt aunt aunt 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词: aunt 在英语中,婶婶,姨姨,姑姑等与父母同辈的女性都是aunt 。 如:Mum’s sister is my aunt. Dad’s sister is also my aunt. 再指着主图中的婶婶问答: What’s her name? Her name is Nancy Smith.他叫南希。 板书: aunt--- Nancy Smith. 3)Who is the boy? He is my cousin. 向学生出示词卡,师生一起拼读拼写单词: cou-sin cousin cousin 是堂兄妹 ,children of my uncle and aunt.叔伯家的子女,男孩女孩都叫cousin 。 如: The boy is Billy. Billy is my cousin . The girl is my cousin,too .Her name is Sue. 比利是我的堂兄 ,那女孩是我的堂妹,她叫苏。 3.播放Listen and read部分录音. 听,并跟读这些句子。 4. 巩固活动: 1) Ask and answer in pairs.可让学生看着第11页的挂图两人一组进行问答。 Who is this? This is … Who is that? That is… Who is he? He is … Who is she? She is … Who is the girl? Who is the boy? 5.小结,并布置作业。

板 书 设 计 Who is this? Who is that? Who is he? Who is she? Who is the girl? Who is the boy? 教 学 反 思 学习英语一个重要的目的是运用英语进行交际,两人之间的交际是活动的重要形式,因此,语言训练中应常开展二人活动 教学内容 教学目标 重点难点 教学准备 教 学 过 Lesson 2 Come to see my uncle’s family! 1. 复习物主代词my his her 。 2. 学会认读Sam Smith Nancy Smith Billy Smith. 物主代词 1.教师准备小女孩Ann 的手偶。 2.教师准备who uncle aunt cousin 单词卡片。 1.复习单词who uncle aunt cousin并用这些单词说话。 2. 新课展示 1.游戏活动: Guess活动。把一个学生蒙上眼睛,班上另一个学生跟他打招呼 “Hello!”,其他同学问:Who is he/she? 让他听声音猜:Is he /she… ? 猜对了,大家给予鼓励“Yes.You are clever.”“You are right.” 猜错了,大家可以给他更多的信息,让他再猜两次 “No.He is tall . Try again.” “Sorry.He has big eyes. Try again.”一次猜对了给3 分,两次猜对了给2分,三次猜对了给1分。 2. 播放Listen,look and match部分录音. 听并连线,看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。 3.Let’s practice(II) 看图说话。读一读这段文字,看她是怎么介绍她的家庭的。

程 小组活动: 每个同学先把自己的家庭成员的情况列出来,再拿出自己的全家福在小组内把家庭成员给大家逐一介绍。 要尽量多的介绍他们的个人情况,如年龄,职业,高矮,胖瘦,眼睛大小,头发长短等。 Name age what else I: Dad: Mum: Uncle: Aunt: Cousin: 4.Let’s play. 做做玩玩说说:让学生把自己的家庭成员和叔叔家或姑姑家的家庭成员如图那样列出来,写上他们的名字。 My family Uncle’s family Dad Mum uncle aunt me cousin 然后把一个家庭做成一个小卡片,两人一组,玩石头剪子布。 赢家在对方(输家)的卡片里随意挑一张,读出上面的人名,输家要立即说出这个人是自家的什么人,如: He is my uncle . Or:She is my Mum. 5.总结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 My family 教 Dad Mum me 学 Uncle’s family uncle aunt 反 cousin 两人之间的对话活动是最常见的两人活动。要求学生就某一话题、某一张图片、某一个人等进行一问一答形式的对话,也可要求学生发展一个发指令,另一个做的活动,还可以开展两人之间的讨论、辩论、商量等活动. 思

教学内容 教学目标 重点难点 教学准备 教 学 过 程 Lesson 2 Come to see my uncle’s family! 1. 复习物主代词my his her 。 2. 复习家庭称谓 物主代词 Family tree 1.复习单词who uncle aunt cousin并用这些单词说话。 2.家庭成员: Name age what else I: Dad: Mum: Uncle: Aunt: Cousin: 3.Family tree My family Uncle’s family Dad Mum uncle aunt me cousin 4.物主代词: 第一人称:I we 第二人称:you 第三人称单数: he she it 第三人称复数:they 5.总结,并布置作业。

板 书 设 计 物主代词: 第一人称:I we 教 第二人称:you 第三人称单数: he she it 第三人称复数:they 在教学活动中,教师要充分发挥学生的个性化行为的作用加入,努力创设情境,营造良好的学习氛围,采用各种手段,有意无意地为学生设下学 反 思 陷井,启发引导他们主动地去读,专注地练,兴致勃勃地模仿,自主地去发现,并主动提出,相互启发,并相互交流,及时反馈,发现差异,及时改正。. 教学内容 教学目标 重点难点 Lesson 3 I love them! 1.会说会用这些句子: Who are they? They are kind. I love them. 2.会说会用会写这些单词grandpa grandma love kind 。 会说会用这些句子: Who are they? They are kind. I love them. 1.教师准备第18页挂图。 教学准备 2.教师准备自家的全家福照片。 3.学生准备自家的全家福照片 。 4.教师准备grandpa grandma love kind lovely friendly 单词卡片。 1.复习 展示第18页挂图 ,让学生看图,教师同学生进行对话引出话题 。 T: Look at this picture again. The girl is lovely. Who 教 is the girl? Ss:She is Linda Smith. T:Who is the man? Ss:He is Linda’s dad.

学 过 程 T:What’s his name? Ss:His name is Bob Smith. T:The lady is friendly.Who is she? Ss:She is Linda’s mum. Her name is Ann Smith. T:Is this lady Linda’s aunt? Ss:Yes, she is.Her name is Nancy Smith. T:This is her uncle,am I right? Ss:Yes. His name is Sam Smith. T:The boy is lovely.Who is he? Ss:His name is Billy Smith.He is Linda’s cousin. 2. 新课展示 学习句型和词汇: 1)老师指着自己全家福上的家人,同学生采取谈话的方式介绍生词: Who is he ? Who are they? He is my dad . Who is she? She is my mum. Who are they? They are my mum and dad. They are my parent. I love them. parent 是父或母中的任意一方。 pa-rent有两个音节。 注意这个单词的读音:第一个音节中的元音字母a 读双元音 / / 。 2)They are friendly. 教单词friendly 时,老师热情的跟几个同学一一握手或拥抱,边做边说: I’m friendly. I’m friendly to A.我和A 同学友好。 等A 同学作出友好地反应后,老师继续说:A is friendly to me. 再让A和B做出同样的友好的举动,老师说: A is friendly to B. B is friendly to A. They are friendly. 出示词卡,师生拼读单词:friend-ly friendly 。 学生们已经学过了朋友friend这个单词,这里老师要重点介绍friend 和 friendly 的关系和区别。 friend是名词,朋友。 如:We are your friends . Let us be friends.让我们成为朋友。 friend-ly friendly是形容词,友好的,友善的。 如:Chinese people are friendly .中国人民是友好的。 His Mum is friendly to me.她妈妈对我很友善。 3)教单词 love时, 老师教学生一起用双手作成心形,放在左胸前,口中说着:I love you. You love me. We love each other.

Dad loves me. Mum loves me .My parents love me. I love my Dad. I love my Mum. I love my family. 3.小结,并布置作业。 教 grandpa grandma love kind lovely 学 friendly 板 书 设 计 两人活动,很容易在课桌上开展,不需要学生离开课堂,有时为了活跃课堂气氛,或者提供更多与不同人进行训练的机会,可以让前排的学生转身和后排的学生进行两人活动。 反 思

Lesson 3 I love them! 1. 学会用 lovely kind friendly来描述某人怎么样。 教学目标 2.了解they和them的用法区别,还可拓展到he-him, she-her,I-me的用法。 教学内容 重点难点 教学准备 会用 lovely kind friendly来描述某人怎么样 1.教师准备自家的全家福照片。 2.学生准备自家的全家福照片 。 3.教师准备grandpa grandma love kind lovely friendly 单词卡片。 1.复习单词grandpa grandma love kind lovely friendly 教 学 2. 新课展示 1) Who is the boy? The boy is Billy .He is my couson. Billy is lovely. 刚刚学过love之后,再学习 lovely ,主要是理解这两个单词的用法区别: love是动词,爱,喜欢的意思。 love-ly lovely 是形容词,意思是 可爱的。 如:The doll is lovely. These monkeys are lovely. Is the panda lovely? Yes. It is lovely.

过 程 2) Who are they? They are my grandpa and grandma(老师指着全家福中的两位老人分别介绍) grandpa and grandma 是两个合成词,这两个词都比较长。教的时候把他们分成两部分grand 和pa ,就好记多了。 隔辈人常用grand 来合成。如: grand-pa grand-ma, grand-son孙子 grand-daughter 孙女. 3)kind(示词卡)老师作出和蔼可亲的样子对学生,让学生也作出和蔼的样子,大家一起拼读单词。 Miss Li is kind to her students. Miss Li 对他的学生和蔼可亲。 She is a kind teacher. Look at my grandpa and grandma.They are old. They are kind. 3.巩固活动: 1)举例,归纳本课词法: n. adj. love lovely friend friendly kind 说说做做: T: Show a lovely way . 让学生作个可爱的样子。大声说 : I’m lovely. T: Show a friendly way . 作出个友好的样子 大声说 : I’m friendly. T: Show a kind way . 作出和蔼的样子 大声说 : I’m kind. 2)归纳代词: 主格 宾格 I me You you They them He (him) She (her) 填空练习: (1) Billy is a ____( love, lovely ) boy. We all ______ ( love, lovely ) ________(he,him). (2) My grandpa and grandma are old. ______( They,Them ) love ______( I, me) and _____( I, me) Love ______( they,them ) 4.播放Listen and read部分录音. 听,并跟读这些句子。 5. 播放Listen,look and match部分录音.

听并连线,看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。 6.做Let’s practice(I)。 两人一组,指指说说,看着图中的这些人,你能说说他们是谁吗?用:Who is this/that? He/She is…. His/Her name is…. 这些句子。 Pair work.Talk about the family. A:Look at this picture. (示照片) This is a party on my birthday.All my family are here. B:Who are they? Let’s say.Oh,I know.This is you.The man is your Dad and this is your Mum.Am I right? A:Yes.You are right.This is my uncle,Sam.He is friendly. B:Who is that? A:That’s my aunt Nancy.She is nice. B:Who is the boy? A:My couson,Billy.He is lovely. B:Who are they? They are old. A:Yea.He is my grandpa and she is my grandma. B:They look very kind. A:Yea.They love me.And I love them,too. 7.Let’s practice(II) 看图中的人物都是谁,填出这些空。再把你的家庭成员象这样列成家庭树。 8.小结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 主格 宾格 I me You you They them He (him) She (her) 教 学 反 思 学生是教学的主体,在教学中,教师利用多种教学手段拉近与学生间的距离,体现学生的主体性。 教学内容 教学目标 Lesson4 How many people are there in your family? 1.会说会用这些句子: How many people are there in your family? There are three people in your family . 2.会说会用会写这些单词people beach cinema

重点难点 教学准备 教 学 过 程 会用 l How many people are there in your family? There are three people in your family . 教师准备people cinema Beach 单词卡 1.复习单词grandpa grandma love kind lovely friendly 2. 新课展示 1)展示课文挂图 ,让学生看图,教师同学生进行对话引出话题 。 T:I have a big family.Do you know them all? Who are they? Ss: Your grangpa grandma,Dad, Mum,uncle, aunt,cousin and you. T: How many people are there in my family? Let’s count. Grangpa, grandma,Dad, Mum,uncle, aunt,cousin and me. One,two,three,four,five,six,seven. There are seven . How many people are there in your family,A? Let’s count. A:My grangpa, grandma,Dad, Mum and me. T/Ss: One,two,three,four,five. There are five people in your family. 2)讲解句型和词汇: 1) 讲解句型 How many people are there in your family?你家有多少人? many许多,很多。 老师可数着全班男生 说,One,two,three,four,five … .many boys 数着全班女生 说,One,two,three,four,five … .many girls 数着全班学生 说 many ,many students 拿出图片,或拿许多同类型的实物边展示边讲解。 many students ,many monkeys, many elephants, many pencils and pens。 how怎样.如: How are you? Fine .Thank you. 而how many 就成了固定搭配了,用来询问数量,是“多少”的意思。对可数名词的数量进行提问。 老师拿一把钢笔,边数边说: --How many pens? Let’s count. --Five. There are five pens in my hand. 之后进行师生对话,让学生根据自己有的东西进行回答。 How many erazers are there in the box? Please guess.

There are … in the box. How many books are there in my bag? Please guess. There are five books in my bag. 板书句型: How many … are there on / in …? There are … . 3.讲解词汇: (1)出示词卡 people : peo-ple ,many men, women and chidren.人,人们。这个词本身是个集合名词,只能表示多人,不能表示单个的人。 读写单词people 让每个学生数数自己的全家福,答出自己家有多少人。 How many people are there in your family? Please count. 用21页图片问答: How many people are there in Tom’s family? There are…. How many people are there on the beach? There are … . (2)用21页图片学单词: beach Beach 海滩, on the beach 是个介词短语,在海滩上。, The beach is very nice. There are three people on the beach. (3)How many people are there in the cinema? ci-ne-ma cinema 电影院的意思。 在电影院是 in the cinema We see movies in the cinema.我们在电影院看电影。 There are many people in the cinema. 电影院有很多人。 去看电影可以说:go to the cinema 3.巩固活动: 疑问句How many… are there…?对某处的物品数量提问, 回答用There is/are… 1)把学生分成两组,用教室里的物品进行对抗问答.具体这样做: 老师指向教师里的一样物品,A组先问,B组回答,老师指向教师里的另一样物品组 B来问,A组回答。表现好的组获胜。 所问的物品如下: How many doors are there in the classroom? How many windows? How many blackboards? How many desks? How many chairs? How many teachers? How many boys are there in our class?

How many girls? 2)Pair work.先由两人自己问答练习,然后老师请几位同学在全班做。 Ask and answer with your deskmate. How many pens/pencils/erazers/rulers are there in your box? How many books are there on your desk? How many books/boxes in your bag? 只有一个物品时,用There is 这种单数形式。如: There is only one. 有两个以上时用There are这种复数形式。 4.小结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 How many … are there on / in …? There are … .《在什么地方有什么东西》 教 学 反 思 创造学认为,人人都有创造欲,人人都有创造潜能,小学生也不例外。

Lesson4 教学内容 How many people are there in your family? 1. 复习11以内数词。 学会用happy描述某人的心情。理解会教学目标 用代词 each other。 2.会用介词 in. on表示地点 。 重点难点 教学准备 教 1. 会用How many 句型提问,There be回答。 2. 会用介词 in. on. Under. 教师准备people cinema Beach 单词卡,数词卡。 1.游戏复习数字: (1) 手指数数:老师扳着手指和学生一起复习11以内数词。 What’s this? It’s a finger. It’s a finger,too. fing-er,finger finger How many ? How many fingers? Let’s count. One,two,three,four,five,six,seven, eight, nine, ten. There are ten fingers.

学 过 程 (2) 手指游戏:老师先教学生用一只手表现十个数。然后由老师发指令,学生做。 Show me one. Show me four. Show me seven. Show me nine…. 然后作简单加法:由老师发指令,学生用两只手表现老师说出的两数之和,而且要尽快说出答案。做法如下: T:Show me two and three. Ss:It’s five.学生双手分别表现出two and three,并快速说出它们之和。 T:Show me four and two. Ss:It’s six T:Show me one and nine. Ss:It’s ten. T:Show me eight and two. Ss:It’s ten. T:Show me…. 2..播放Listen and read部分录音. 听,并跟读这些句子。 3. 播放Listen,look and match部分录音. 听并连线,看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。 4.做Let’s practice(I)。 两人一组,指指数数,看着图中有多少只猴子。 In the tree:藏在树上 . On the tree:长在树上. Under the tree:掉在树下. 5.做Let’s practice(II)。 看图中的人物你还能记得清他们吗?问答。 How many people are there… Who’s this/that? Who are they? What’s his/her name? 6.小结,并布置作业。

板 书 设 计 教 作为英语老师也绝不能轻视One,two,three,four, five,six,seven, 学 学生在英语语言学习中的创造潜eight, nine, ten. 反 思 能,这就需要正确的学习方法,让学生自主地去探究知识。同时,辅之以教师的引导和帮助,从而培养学生的创新能力.

Lesson 5 My father is an engineer 1.会说会用这些句子: 教学目标 Is that man your father? What is he ? He is an engineer. How old is he? 2.会说会用会写这些单词 engineer girl sister housewife taxi driver 3.会说会用 boy brother 3. 会用What is 句型提问,并回答。 重点难点 4. 职业单词。 教师准备engineer girl sister housewife taxi driver教学准备 单词卡。 1. 复习 老师与学生A,B各自带一身份牌进行对话引出话题: 老师跟学生A 对话。 教 T:Hello. Who are you? A:I’m Chen Hua.Who are you ? T:I’m Linda Smith.What are you? Are you a teacher? A: No.I’m not. I’m a pupil . 老师跟学生B 对话。 T:Are you Chen Hua? 学 B:No, I’m not. T:Who are you? B:I’m Li Dong. T:What are you? Are you a pupil ? B:Yes,I am. What are you? T:I’m a teacher. 教学内容 过 2. 新课展示

程 讲解句型和词汇: 1)Who are you? I’m Linda Smith. I’m your friend. 你是谁?Who ,谁,用来问姓名,身份 。 比如你想知道那个人是谁,就问: Who is the man? 你想得到的回答是: He is my dad.His name is Wang Jian. What are you?你是什么?问职业。 回答是,teacher, pupil,worker, farmer等表示职业的名词。 老师指着自己问: What am I? 然后反复说:I’m a teacher. To the stadents:老师指着学生们大声问: What are you? 学生们也大声回答: I’m a pupil .We are pupils。 2) 老师戴起安全帽,手里拿一份图纸,扮工程师的样子,再指着自己跟学生问答: T:Am I a pupil? Ss:No, you are not. T:Am I a teacher? Ss:No, you are not. T:What Am I? Ss:??? T:I’m an engineer.(老师慢悠悠的对学生说) 出示图片,拼读拼写单词:en-gi-neer en-gi-neer 这个单词是多音节词,一定要引导学生先划分音节,再拼读拼写单词,以降低记单词的难度 。我们已经学过,以元音开头的名词单数前用an表示一个。 那么一位工程师 就应该是an engineer 。让学生想想看,还有那些我们学过的但单词是这种情况: an orange一个桔子 an egg一个鸡蛋 ,还有 an apple. 3)展示挂图。 Look at the picture. Who is the man? He is my dad. 再慢慢的说:He is my father. 老师引导学生分别用声调和降调重复: father father father father 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词: fa-ther,这个单词要让学生发准th / / 的这个音,不要读成/z /. father ,父亲,虽然和 dad 同指一个人,但要正式的多。 老师再指向图中的Bob Smith 对学生说一遍: That’s Bob Smith.He is my father.

What is he ? He is an engineer. 4)老师再指向图中的Sam Smith 继续讲述: Who is he ? He is my uncle Sam smith. What is he? 老师故作神秘的自问自答: Is he an engineer? No,he isn’t. Is he a teacher? No, he isn’t. What is he? 老师做开车的动作, 慢悠悠的对学生说 : He is a taxi driver. 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词: taxi driver 分音节朗读:ta-xi taxi dri-ver driver 老师拿出出租车司机,公交车司机和小车司机的图片,同学生问答: T:What is he? Ss:He is a bus driver. T:What is he? Ss:He is a car driver. T: What is he? Ss:He is a taxi driver . 说一说,做一做。Act like a driver. 师生一起做着开车的动作,说 Driver,driver,I’m a bus driver. Driver,driver,I’m a taxi driver. Driver,driver,I’m a car driver. Driver,driver,I’m a good driver. 5)老师再指向图中的Nancy Smith 继续讲述: Who is that? That’s my aunt,Nancy. What is she? She is a housewife. 老师系上围裙,一边做着做饭,扫地的样子,一边小声不断的说: I’m a housewife. I’m a housewife.I’m a housewife.I’m a housewife. 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词:housewife house-wife是个合成词,由house房子,家 和wife妻子 组成。 housewife是家庭妇女 老师提问,让学生试着说回答: T:What is Nancy ? Ss: Nancy is a housewife. She is a housewife.

6)老师拿出一个女孩的照片,向学生介绍: Who is the girl? She is my sister. 老师引导学生分别用声调和降调重复:sister sister 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词: sis-ter sister 老师拿出一个女孩的照片,向学生介绍: Who is the boy? He is my brother. He is a pupil ,too. 老师向学生提问,让学生试着回答出真实情况。 Do you have a sister? What is she? Do you have a brother? What is he? 6.小结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 思 单词: engineer girl sister housewife taxi driver 教 学 反 学生的学习动机、求知欲以及全新意识,不会自然涌现,它取决于教师所创设的教学情境,因此教师要积极实行启发教学,创设恰当适宜的问题情境,触动学生的思维,引导学生积极思考和主动探索,激发起他们的创新意识,让学生在同一学习情景中提出不同层次的具有创新意识的问题,并能设法解决自己所提出的问题。 教学内容 教学目标 Lesson 6 What is your mother? 1.会说会用这些句子: What is your mother ? She is a nurse. What are you? I’m a doctor. 2.会说会用会写这些单词

nurse photo cook barber doctor policeman 1.会说会用这些句子: What is your mother ? She is a nurse. … 教师准备nurse photo cook barber doctor policeman单词教学准备 卡。 1.老师展示这些有人物身份特点的手偶,讲解句型和词汇: Look. What’s in my hand? (展示手偶人物)What is he? 教 慢速说出句子。 He is a policeman. 1)示词卡,拼读拼写单词:po-lice-man policeman是个合成词,由 police 警察和man男人构成 Who can act like a policeman? 让一个学生做一个警察的代表性动作。 学 老师出示一名强壮的警察的图片对学生们说: Look. Uncle Zhang is a policeman. He is tall. 2)展示另一个手偶人物: The girl is my sister. She is a nurse. He is lovely. 示词卡 ,拼读拼写单词 nurse (To a girl) Can you cat like a nurse? 过 让一个学生做一个nurse 的代表性动作。 学用这个单词,说句子: My sister is a nurse. She is very kind. 3)再展示另一个手偶人物: Is he a nurse? No, he isn’t. He is a doctor. He is kind. 程 出示单词卡片,拼读单词:doc-tor doctor Let’s act like a doctor. 让全班学生想象一个doctor 的代表性动作。 师生问答;Is your father/mother a doctor? Is your aunt/uncle a doctor? Whose father/mother /aunt/uncle is a doctor? 4)再展示另一个手偶人物: Look.Is she a doctor? No.She is a barber. 示词卡 ,拼读拼写单词 bar-ber barber 出示一barber 的图片. Mir. Wang is a barber. He is tall but thin. He is friendly. Let’s act like a barber. 让全班学生想象一个barber 的代表性动作。 再展示另一个手偶人物: Is that man a barber? 重点难点

No.He is a cook. 示词卡 ,拼读拼写单词 cook . This cook is fat. He is friendly. Act like a cook. 让全班学生想象一个cook 的代表性动作。2.小结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 nurse photo cook barber doctor policeman 教 学 反 思 我认为只有促使学生从一个成功走向另一个成功,学生才能体会到学习的乐趣和成功的喜悦,也只有学习成功,学生学习英语的兴趣才能长久保持。 教学内容 教学目标 重点难点 教学准备 教 学 过 复习职业单词 复习职业单词 职业单词 1.复习: 单词: farmer 农民 Worker 工人 Barber 理发师 Driver: 司机 Teacher 老师 Doctor 医生 Nurse 护士 cook 厨师 housewife 家庭主妇 policeman 男警察 policewoman 女警察 clerk 公务员 engineer 工程师 pupil 小学生 句型: What is…. What is he ? Lesson 6 What is your mother?

程 板 书 设 计 He is an engineer……. What is she ? she is . …….. What is her/his mother/father… ? He/She is… 2.巩固活动: 本课单词多,着重辅导学生记忆单词。并运用句型问答。 3.小结,并布置作业。 farmer 农民 教 小学英语也应该适当的时候Worker 工人 Barber 理发师 学 总结总结,并把相关的知识归类Driver: 司机 Teacher 老师 一下。分类记忆更有助于学生的反 Doctor 医生 学习。 Nurse 护士 思 cook 厨师 housewife 家庭主妇 policeman 男警察 policewoman 女警察 clerk 公务员 engineer 工程师 pupil 小学生 教学内容 教学目标 Lesson 7 Welcome. 1.会说会用这些句子: Welcome to …. Nice to meet you. This is my daughter,Linda. I am a puple in Grade Four. 2.会说会用会写这些单词 welcome son daughter classmate 1.会说会用这些句子: 重点难点 Welcome to …. Nice to meet you. This is my daughter,Linda. I am a puple in Grade Four. 教师准备welcome son daughter classmate单词卡。 教学准备 1,复习单词:welcome son daughter classmate 复习句型:Welcome to …. Nice to meet you.

教 学 过 程 板 书 设 计 This is my daughter,Linda. I am a puple in Grade Four. 2.播放Listen and read部分录音. 听,并跟读这些句子。 3. 播放Listen,look and match部分录音. 看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。 4.做Let’s practice(I)。 读一读这些对话,看看他们见面怎么打招呼,互相介绍,认识对方。 5.Let’s practice(II) 想想我们跟人见面怎么打招呼,互相介绍,认识对方。 完成这段对话。 Tom:Hello. David:Hello,Tom. Tom:This is my friend.His name is Mike. David:Nice to mee you. Mike:Nice to meet you,too. David:Are you a puple in Grade Four? Mike:Yes.What about you. David:Me,too. 6.小结,并布置作业。 Tom:Hello. David:Hello,Tom. Tom:This is my friend.His name is Mike. David:Nice to mee you. Mike:Nice to meet you,too. David:Are you a puple in Grade Four? Mike:Yes.What about you. David:Me,too. 教 学 反 思 本堂课我让学生不看课本只听录音,对话听完后让学生说出你听到了什么,再把学生说的句子板书出来又让学生确认,这样学生不仅听懂了而且还看懂了,最后再让学生自己“找朋友”,仿照录音机里的对话以小组合作学习,编自己想编的对话,学生感受到学习的自主权掌握在自己手里,自由选择空间扩大了,参与面进一步扩大,都能表演了。但是我发觉有的学生可能是基础较差或是胆小,磨磨蹭蹭不敢上台表演,后来我鼓动一些胆大的学


Lesson 8 Who is the young woman on the right? 1.会说会用这些句子: 教学目标 Who is the young woman on the right? The old woman on the left is my grandma. The girl in the middle is me. 2.会说会用会写这些单词 left right middle beautiful 1.会说会用这些句子: 重点难点 Who is the young woman on the right? The old woman on the left is my grandma. The girl in the middle is me. 1.教师准备left right middle beautiful单词卡片。教教学准备 师准备welcome son daughter classmate单词卡。 讲解句型和词汇: T:I Have some pictures here. 1)示图3:一张爸妈领着孩子的图片: 教 Look. What a beautiful photo! 示词卡,拼读拼写单词: beau-ti-ful beautiful 老师可拿 很多漂亮的物品,也可以指着某个漂亮的女孩,领着学生一起说:a beautiful girl, her beautiful eyes, her beautiful dress What a beautiful photo! 这是一个感叹句。由What a+ adj+n.学 构成。例如: What a lovely dog!多可爱的狗啊! What a nice girl!多漂亮的姑娘! What a kind old man!多和善的老人啊! 2)示图3: T:This is a photo of a family.Look. The dad is on the right. 过 The mum is on the left .What about the boy? He is in the middle.男孩在中间。 教学内容

程 学习词汇:right left middle : 老师用肢体演示,并让学生一起做:right hand left hand right foot left foot right arm left arm right eye, left eye right ear left ear 游戏: (1)韵律操:Follow me,please. 老师先演示:说到left时伸左脚,说到right时伸右脚,说到middle时双脚立正。 left,right, left,right, left middle left right, left, right, left, right ,middle, right (2)Listen and do: Show you right/left hand. Show you right/left arm. Show you right/left leg. Show you right/left foot . Show you right/left eye. Show you right/left ear. 此游戏可先由老师发指令,全班学生集体做,指令由慢到快。还可以由两个学生一组,一个人发指令,另一个做,然后再反过来另一个发指令,这个做。 (3)Listen and do: 由老师发指令,全班学生站起来集体做,也可以请一组学生站在前面来做,指令由慢到快。做错的人罚坐下,做到最后的人获胜。指令为: Turn right.Turn left. Turn right. Turn right. Turn left. Turn right. Turn left. Turn left.Turn right. Turn right. Turn left. Turn right. 指令中Left,right无规律。 此游戏也可以请一组学生站在前面来做,由全班同学看着老师的暗示统一发指令进行。 3)学短语: on the right on the left 让学生看着自己的座位位置问答:Who is on your right? Who is on your left? 学单词:mi-ddle middle in the middle T:(肢体演示)I have two ears. One ear is on the right. Another ear is on the left. (肢体演示) One eye is on the right. Another eye is on the left. What is in the middle? (肢体演示) Nose. The nose is in the middle. ..小结,并布置作业。

板 书 设 计 left right middle beautiful 教 学 反 思 好奇是学生的天性,他们生来就对周围的世界充满了好奇心。对平学生的好奇心,我们应该加以保护、引导,并给他们“自由”,允许他们大胆地去想象。即使学生产生了一些稀奇古怪的想法,教师也不能盲目否定,而应采取他们能理解的方式,耐心地解答,

Lesson 8 Who is the young woman on the right? 1.会说会用这些句子: 教学目标 Who is the young woman on the right? The old woman on the left is my grandma. The girl in the middle is me. 2.会说会用会写这些单词 left right middle beautiful 1.会说会用这些句子: 重点难点 Who is the young woman on the right? The old woman on the left is my grandma. The girl in the middle is me. 1. 准备第43页挂图。再准备几幅图片: 教学准备 1)图上有三只动物,猫在左边,狗在右边,兔子在中间。 2)图上 女孩在左边,男孩在右边,小狗在中间。 3)图上爸爸在左边,妈妈在右边,女儿在中间。 4)图上爷爷在左边,奶奶在右边,男孩在中间。 5)一张一二三班教室并排的片。 6)左面是辆吉普车,中间是辆自行车,右面是辆小汽车 。 1.老师站在学生A,B中间进行演示,会话,引出话题: T:Hello,A and B.Nice to meet you again. A&B: Nice to meet you,too. 教 T:Now I’m here. Look.A is on my right. B is on my left.I’m in the middle. 老师与学生A,B调换位置进行会话。 T:Now look. Am I in the middle? Ss: No. 教学内容

学 过 程 T:No.I’m not in the middle.A is in the middle. I’m on the left.And B is on the right. 老师与学生A,B再调换位置,继续进行会话。 T:Now , Who is in the middle? Ss:Now B is in the middle.I’m on the right.And A is on the left. 2.巩固活动: 1)Talk about the pictures: 每组发一张图,让学生互相问答,然后每组选派两个人在班上示范问答: Which class is in the middle? Is the car in the middle? What is on the left? Who is on the right? 3.播放Listen and read部分录音. 听,并跟读对话。之后让学生两人一组看图问答: Who is the young woman on the right? Who is the old woman on the left? Who is the girl in the middle? 4. 播放Listen,look and match部分录音. 看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。 5.做Let’s practice(I)。 看着图读一读这些对话,看看谁在哪个位置。 6.Let’s practice(II) 判断错对。看看图,判断下面的句子说得对吗? 7..小结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 Who is the young woman on the right? Who is the old woman on the left? Who is the girl in the middle? 教 学 反 思 分层创设情境,利用课程表和书中简表,引导、启发学生一步步地进行观察、思考、讨论、交流,再逐次让他们通过对比,亲自叙述,发表自己的见解,由浅入深地练说些类句型,并根据情况及时给予鼓励、评价。从而达到预期效果。

教学内容 Lesson 9 The family are getting together.

1. 会说会用会写这些单词 Sunday dinner fruits evening plate 2.理解会说单词和短语,会把这些动词变为-ing式 : play the violin draw play football play basketball have banana have cakes fish swim 理解会说单词和短语,会把这些动词变为-ing式 : 重点难点 play the violin draw play football play basketball have banana have cakes fish swim 2.教师准备Sunday dinner fruits evening plate 单教学准备 词卡片和图卡。 1.出示第49页挂图,师生进行对话引出话题: T:Look at this picture .Who is the girl on the right? Ss:(老师给出女孩的名字)She is Li Shan. 教 T:Who is the man in the middle? Ss:He is Li Shan’s father. T:The old man on the left is kind. Is he Li Shan’s grandpa? Ss:Yes.He is . T: What are they doing? Oh.They are getting together. 2) 词汇学习: 学 板书句子: They are getting together. 用彩色粉笔书写 are getting 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词:get together get together 是个动词短语,聚会,团聚。 如:Our class get together on Sunday. Our family are getting together . 过 3) All the people are very happy on the Sunday evening . 出示日历,出示词卡,拼读拼写单词:Sun-day Sunday 。 在周几前用介词on,on Sunday 。 4)出示图卡,词卡,拼读拼写单词: eve-ning, evening 在晚上要说in the evening.但在某天晚上或周几晚上要用介词 on…. 程 如;on Sunday evening 同样我们也说on Monday morning, on Tuesday afternoon。 5)板书句子: They are having a dinner. 用彩色粉笔书写are having 。 示词卡,拼读拼写单词:din-ner dinner 正餐,一顿饭。 have a dinner 用餐,吃顿饭。have 在这里不是“有”的意思。可当吃,喝,用餐讲。如:have an apple 吃个苹果 have some tea喝点茶,have somr fruits吃些水果。 6)What’s on the table? 教学目标

There are fruits and food on the table.桌上有水果和食物。 出示果蓝,出示词卡,拼读拼写单词:fruits 通过问答,让学生回想我们都学过了那些水果。 What fruits do we have? Apple, pear,pineapple,orange,banana … . 7)The moon in the sky is bright and round. 只要学生看图能懂,并能认读单词,句子。 看图理解,拼读拼写单词:moon sky in the sky bright and round It is like a big plate. 出示图卡 ,词卡,拼读拼写单词:plate What a happy family!多么幸福的一家人啊! 8..小结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 Sunday dinner fruits evening plate 教 只有让学生处于一学 种无拘无束的空间中,反 他们才会尽情地“自由思 表达”与“自由参与”。

Lesson 9 The family are getting together. 1.了解现在进行时态的基本含义,掌握现在进行时态的基本教学目标 结构 2.理解会说单词和短语,会把这些动词变为-ing式 : play the violin draw play football play basketball have banana have cakes fish swim 了解现在进行时态的基本含义,掌握现在进行时态的基本结构 教学内容 重点难点 教学准备 一根钓鱼竿。 1. 教师准备一个果篮,一把小提琴,一个篮球,一个足球, 并准备以上短语的词卡。 2.第49页挂图。

教 学 过 程 展示第49页挂图。师生边看边进行句型学习,这是本课的重点: 1) T: What are they doing? Oh.They are getting together. 这个句子中的动词get 用的是它的现在进行时态。 老师先用大量的例句,让学生体验,理解这种时态所表现的意义,然后进行必要的归纳。 老师在黑板上边画画边自问自答: What am I doing? I’m drawing. 然后要求学生们照着老师的动作做,跟老师一起说:I’m drawing. I’m drawing. I’m drawing. 边写字边自问自答: What am I doing? I’m writing. 要求学生们照着老师的动作做,跟老师一起说: I’m writing. I’m writing. I’m writing. 指着听讲的一个学生自问自答: What is she doing? She is listening. 要求学生们跟着老师一起大声说: She is listening.She is listening.She is listening. 自己站着自问自答: What am I doing? I’m standing. 引导学生们说; You are standing. You are standing. You are standing. 指着坐着的学生们自问自答:What are you doing? You are sitting. 引导学生们说; We are sitting. We are sitting. We are sitting. 活动后老师进行归纳,也可以引导学生们进行归纳; be doing 是一种动词的特殊形式,构成了现在进行时态,这种时态用来表示某个动作正在进行。其中的be 动词是个助动词,本身没有意思,用来帮助其后面的实意动词构成现在进行时态。be 动词的形式要随着动作者的人称和数进行变化,在句子中就是is am are的形式。 - ing 的加法也可以随着练习的进行逐步教给学生: (1)一般情况下在词尾直接加ing 如; do doing go going walk walking play playing listen listening (2)重读闭音节的单词,词尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加ing 如:sit sitting get getting run running (3)以不发音的e结尾的单词,去后再加ing 如:write writing ride riding drive driving 小结,并布置作业。

板 书 设 计 play the violin draw play football play basketball have banana have cakes fish swim 教 学 反 思 教学中创设和谐、自由、宽松的学习氛围和建立民主的师生关系是利于形成一个起码的要求。要激发学生的怕英语,总认为自己学不好怪毛病,为他们树立自信,让他们找回自我,自豪地说:“我能行。” 教学内容 教学目标 重点难点 教学准备 教 学 过 Lesson 9 The family are getting together. 1.会说会用这些句子: Li Shan’s family are getting together. They are having a big dinner. Li Shan’s family are getting together. They are having a big dinner. 第49页挂图。 1) T: What are they doing? Oh.They are getting together. 引导学生们说; We are sitting. We are sitting. We are sitting. be doing 是一种动词的特殊形式,构成了现在进行时态,这种时态用来表示某个动作正在进行。其中的be 动词是个助动词,本身没有意思,用来帮助其后面的实意动词构成现在进行时态。be 动词的形式要随着动作者的人称和数进行变化,在句子中就是is am are的形式。 - ing 的加法也可以随着练习的进行逐步教给学生: (1)一般情况下在词尾直接加ing 如; do doing go going walk walking play playing listen listening (2)重读闭音节的单词,词尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加ing 如:sit sitting get getting run running (3)以不发音的e结尾的单词,去后再加ing 如:write writing ride riding

程 drive driving 2.巩固活动: 师生一起熟悉这些单词和短语后,做游戏。 play the violin draw play football play basketball have banana have cakes fish swim 游戏是这样的:先通过击鼓传花选种同学两人A和B,一个同学A上前来在这些词卡中抽取一张,看词后依照词义作动做,全班同学向B提问:B, B,What is A doing? B答: He/She is playing viollin… . 3.播放Listen and read部分录音. 听,并跟读课文。 4. 播放Listen,look and match部分录音. 看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。 5.做Let’s practice(I)。 读一读这些句子,再看看图,他们到底在做什么?选择: She is playing the violin. They are playing basketball. He is having banana. The cat is fishing. 6.Let’s practice(II) 看图读文。今天有人生日,想让大家聚聚,看大家怎么说 小结,并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 - ing 的加法也可以随着练习的进行逐步教给学生: (1)一般情况下在词尾直接教 学 在教学中要突破传统的教学模式,构建自主、合作、探究的教学模式,引导学生利用课程资源,选择生动形象、富有个性的体验形式,创最佳的教学情境,使学生以探索者、研究者的角色独立思考,亲自尝试,全身心地参加各种教学活动。要让学生在情趣中进行学生,在愉悦中克服困难,在体验中感悟知识,在满怀热望中不断取得成功,并体加ing 反 如; do doing go going walk walking 思 play playing listen listening (2)重读闭音节的单词,词尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加ing 如:sit sitting get getting run running (3)以不发音的e结尾的单词,去后再加ing 如:write writing ride riding drive driving


Lesson 10 Where do you live? 1.会说会用这些句子: 教学目标 Where do you live? Do you live in Xi’an? We live in a new flat . 2.会说会用会写这些单词 village farm flat house 会说会用这些句子: 重点难点 Where do you live? Do you live in Xi’an? We live in a new flat . 1. 教师准备village farm flat house 单词卡片和图片。 教学准备 2.教师准备 Beijing,Hangzhou,Xi’an,Shanghai,Xinjiang ,New York,London,Paris等地一些有当地人特点的生活画面和有代表性的建筑画面,把两张画面分开制成幻灯片。 3.给第18页挂图的桌子上加上饭菜当本课挂图。 1.出示挂图,师生进行对话引出话题: T:It’s Sunday again. Look! Our family are getting together.What are we doing? 教 Ss:You are having a dinner. T: I have a big family.How many people are there in my family,do you know? Ss:One, two, three,… .There are eight people in your family. T:Yes.Eight people in my family. But we are not together 学 every day.My father,mother and I live in the new flat.My grandpa and grandma live on a farm.My uncle,aunt and my cousin live in a village. 教学内容

过 程 2. 新课展示(New Presentation) 讲解句型和词汇: 1)T:Where do you live? I live in a new flat. 理解,会用:where where是个疑问副词,常用来提问地点,意思是‘在哪里?’ 如果你找不到Tom 了,就这样问: Where is Tom?汤姆在哪儿? 回答时常用表示地点的介词短语in… on… at… under… 例如: He is in the classroom. 他在教室。 Where is my dog? It’s in the garden.它在花园里。 Where are the cows? They are on the farm.它们在农场里。 Where do you live? 你住在哪儿?I live in Beijin. 理解 会认读动词live ,居住,生活。 理解会说Where do … live? 问某人住在哪?同样要用介词短语回答出地点。 老师拿出一些不同地点人们生活的图片,同学生回答: 如:Where do they live? They live in Beijing . 老师还可拿一些动物的生活图片,师生进行问答; Where do the monkeys live? They live in the mountains. Where do the fish live? They live in the sea. Where do the elephants live? They live in zoo . Where do the pandas live? They live in the mountains. 句子结构只要学生懂了,会说就行,不必讲解。但当学生问起do 的意思时,应告诉学生do 助动词,在这里没有意思,用来帮助其他动词构成疑问句或否定句的。陈述句中不用。否定时可以缩写为don’t 3.小结并布置作业。

板 书 设 计 village farm flat house 教 学 反 思 认读练习新单词—拍手歌巩固新单词—找规律写单词—歌曲唱出新单词。无不体现由浅到深,由易到难。 —采用不同形式读学习新单词—同桌在新授环节,讨论、对话的形式引出新单词—讲述有关星期知识,明白新单词

Lesson 10 Where do you live? 1.了解一些中外有名的地方Beijing,Hangzhou,Xi’an,New 教学目标 York,London,Paris . 2.会说会用会写这些单词 village farm flat house 会说会用这些句子: 重点难点 Where do you live? Do you live in Xi’an? We live in a new flat . 1. 教师准备village farm flat house 单词卡片和图片。 教学准备 2.教师准备 Beijing,Hangzhou,Xi’an,Shanghai,Xinjiang ,New York,London,Paris等地一些有当地人特点的生活画面和有代表性的建筑画面,把两张画面分开制成幻灯片。 3.给第18页挂图的桌子上加上饭菜当本课挂图。 1.复习单词: village farm flat house 2) 老师拿出一张农场的图片同学生问答: 教 Where do your grandpa and grandma live? Do they live in Changsha? Yes,they do. Or:No, they don’t. They live in a village.(出示乡村 的图片) My uncle and my cousin don’t live in the flat. They live 学 on a farm. (出示农场的图片) 出示图卡,词卡,拼读拼写单词: flat farm 和 village 老师拿出城市人生活的高楼大厦给学生说短语和句子: live in a flat Many people live in the flats in big cities. 老师拿出在农场生活的图片给学生说短语和句子: 教学内容

过 程 live on a farm 住在农场 注意,在农场的介词要用 on 。 如:What’s on the farm? There are many apple trees on the farm. There are many tomatoes and potatoes on the farm. There are many fruits and animals on the farm. 老师拿出 乡村人生活的 图片给学生说短语和句子: live in a village 生活在村子里 如: Many people live in the village. That village is small but beautiful. 游戏:快快回家练习单词。 老师先把flat farm 和 village 的图片贴在教室的不同地方,找三个同学出来,把flat farm 和 village 的单词卡片分别分给他们,让他们读读,记住自己的单词,然后把单词卡片分别 贴在他们背上,老师再暗示全班同学发指令: I live in the village. 背上贴着village 的同学听候要马上反应,跑向village 的图片贴的地方,并击打图片,重复句子 I live in the village. 依次做完: I live on the farm . I live in the flat. 作的最快的同学获胜。 3.巩固活动: 1)Do a survey.Then talk about it in pairs. Where do you live? Where do they live? 4.小结并布置作业。 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 在结束课堂环节,布置的作业体现“下要保底,上不封顶”原则,一是让学生会写七个单词,二是让学生把今天的收获说给父母听。。 Where do you live? Where do they live? 教学内容 Lesson 10 Where do you live?

