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1 2014广东省高考英语读写任务

【2014广州一模】第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)

I came from a family that never liked to waste money,and my parents taught me that living within my budget was the most important thing.

I had a very comfortable childhood,and never felt the need to throw away money on unnecessay things.

But things changed in my twenties,when I found myself in a city with plenty of food and shopping attractions!I burned through my income in the development stores on Saturday mornings,then burned my credit cards at the night clubs on Saturday nights.Before too long,I was deeply in debt and constantly borrowing more money from my friends.It was during this time that I reflcected on my behaviour,and decided that life was a lot more comfortable when you weren ’t continually stressed about money.

For me,being thrifty(节俭)is not about being short on money.It ’s about being smart with your money so you can enjoy your life to its fullest.I love recycling and getting back to nature,and teaching the kids about eco-friendly and responsible living.

Whether I like it or not,my natural feeling is to find ways to do everything for less.Less money,less time and less stress!


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词就“节俭”的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:




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【2014 湛江一模】第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


The officials in the White House and CIA (中央情报局)are rejecting Edward Snowden ’s beg for mercy.“Mr Snowden has been against the U.S. Law,”White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer said on Sunday about the former sysrems analst who has turned fugitive(逃亡者) in Russia,“He should return US and face the justice and judgement,and there is no possiblity for mercy and forgiveness ”

However,many people support Snowden and a sociology professor Svallfors in Sweden has recommended Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize for his “heroic effort at great personal cost ”disclosing the spying conducted by the National Security Agency of United States.He wrote, “Because of his bravery, Snowden helped to make the world a little bit better and safer ”.

It may be too late for Snowden to recieve the award this year,but the nomination should be taken seriously by the Nobel Peace Prize committee for next year ’s prize.If Snowden is awarded the prize in 2014,he would be the youngest Nobel Peace Winner in the history of the prize.







One possible version:

American officials refuse to forgive Edward Snowden because he is believed to have done harm to national security, but someone supports and recommends him for the Nobel Peace Prize for his courage.

We are now stepping into the Information Age, in which security is becoming vital because it greatly affects many aspects like politics, commerce and our daily life. Thus, much emphasis must be placed on it ,or a range of losses will be brought to us.

Take an experience of mine for example. Once my QQ was stolen by a hacker. Not only did he change the password, but also he pretended to be me and told my friends that I had got in

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trouble and been in urgent need of a large sum of money. My friends were worried and some hurriedly sent money into the hacker’s bank account. As a result, my friends were cheated due to information exposure and I felt rather sorry about that.

Therefore, it is high time that we did something to keep information secure. Personally, laws and regulations must be established. Besides, to improve technology is another solution. Meanwhile, we are supposed to raise the awareness of self-protection. Only in this way can we ensure our rights and interests.

【2014广州调研】第二节读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


The 11.11 Shopping Festival, as the event is now called, occurs on the day known in China as Singl e’s Day, a holiday on which young people cry about or celebrate being single. Five years ago the shopping website Alibaba began promoting the day as a shopping festival, and it has now turned to be the country’s busiest day for online sellers, millions of shopping lovers and thousands of delivery companies.

Every Nov. 11, millions of Chinese shoppers go to the e-commerce websites operated by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., which is the world’s largest e-commerce platform: The total value of goods sold last year by Taobao and Tmall, the company’s two main shopping sites, topped one trillion yuan ($160 billion), larger than last year’s totals for 25c53a2a852458fb770b5670 and eBay combined.

But not everyone likes shopping on that day. Chen Jing, a lawyer in Beijing, says, “Nobod y knows what anything is really worth. Online shoppers are guided by shallow tips (“this is cheaper than that”) and vague emotions (“it just feels like a good deal”) rather than knowledge and deliberate thinking.” Critics like Chen complain that people believe the most popular day of the year to shop is the best day of the year to buy anything. But the fact is that the prices of many items on that day are not the lowest of the year and usually shoppers buy lots of things they don’t need.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词就“网络购物”的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:




One possible version:

The article describes how the Chinese festival of Single’s Day has become a most profitable online shopping holiday. It also points out the risk of buying unnecessary things at high prices.

I think online shopping has made the lives of many people much easier and more enriched, which partly explains the Nov. 11 e-shopping phenomenon.

Personally I have been able to buy many things online that I could not find in our local stores, such as an old Japanese comic I bought from a comic book website recently. Shopping online has also allowed me to save a lot of money. This year, for example, I purchased a pair of glasses from an American website. These glasses cost 1500 yuan at the department store near my home. But I paid only 100 dollars online, less than half the department store price!!!

Of course we must be careful when shopping online. We should only use websites that have a good reputation for quality and honesty otherwise our personal information may be stolen and the goods we buy may be of poor quality.


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4 【2014 湛江调研】第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our mental power.

As we know ,interest is the best teacher of learning ,so you must be willing to learn and cultivate interest in learning.Try to understand why learning is necessary and how it will help you now and later;math makes us flexible;histories make men wise ’phiosophy makes one deep;logic makes people able to debate;knowing how to spell makes writing easier in your whole life.

Here ’s some advice on how to study effectively:manage your time,like making a weekly schedule and devote a certain amount of tine per day to studying.Find a good study spot so that you should feel comfortable that you risk falling asleep —a bed isn ’t a very good study spot when you ’re tired!Clear your mind and write some notes about what you ’re thinking about before studying.Rewrite your notes at home because taking notes hurriedly during class might lose the neatness.







One possible version:

The passage above states the importance and necessity of study, emphasizes that we must be willing to learn and finally offers some practical advice for us to be a good learner.

Knowledge is power, and learning is the key to it. Only when we are armed with the power of wisdom can we get closer to our aim. It is by learning that we can understand the world better and have a brighter future.

There is no royal road to learning. Take Li Yang for example. Being in college, Li Yang was poor at English and always failed in exams. But he didn ’t give up and determined to learn it best. From then on, he insisted on getting up early to yell English crazily every morning and seized every chance to practice oral English. Finally, he succeeded and became an outstanding English learning pioneer in China.

How can we study efficiently? Firstly, show interest in study and be eager to learn. Besides, create a quiet environment to learn in it and keep a peace mood while obtaining knowledge. Last but not least, have adequate sleeping and organize time properly in every subject. One more thing to remember is “Practice makes perfect and efficient ’.

【2014深圳一模】第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


What a bad day today! Tom suddenly fell ill and was sent to hospital by my

neighbors. The doctor said he has been suffering lung cancer and his life is in

danger! Everybody was shocked and felt a pity for this good man.

Tom, who is a famous writer about 40 years old, lives just next door. He is

kind and worm-hearted and always ready to give a helping hand to others when By Jesse

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in need, so he enjoys great popularity in our neighborhood.

He often came to my house to tell me how to write stories and encourage me with his own experience. He told me he was born in a poor family. As a little boy, he had a dream to become a famous writer. He overcame thousands of difficulties to have entered a university. After graduation, he began to publish story books, and up till now, he is very famous around the country.

Unfortunately, when he was young, he just got into the habit of smoking and became a heavy smoker, which has ended up as an invisible killer of his health.



2.以约120个词就“Health and Cause”为题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1)邻居们为汤姆感到惋惜的原因是什么?



One possible version:

Health and Cause

Tom, a kind and hardworking professional writer, suddenly fell ill, and was suffering from lung cancer due to the bad habit of smoking, which shocked his neighbors and made them feel sorry.

All the neighbors felt it a pity for Tom because he is really a promising writer. He is so young and maybe it is just the beginning of his great career. Moreover, his great personality has gained their sincere respect. Unfortunately, the deadly cancer will stop him from his work.

Tom has always been my good model, because he is so nice and outstanding in his career, but life was not easy for him on the way to being a successful writer. His strong will has helped him to have overcome so many setbacks to realize his dream, and this is what I should learn from him.

From Tom’s story, we understand better that physical health and career are both important. Anyway, health should come first, without which we can achieve nothing. But if a man is just strong in body but has no ambitions for career, his life will become aimless and worthless. Therefore, we should have the right attitude towards career and health.

【2014清远一模】第二节读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)

请阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇150 词左右的英语短文。

According to a report from Qilu Evening News (Shangdong Province), Wu Minghua, a retired teacher who works in the canteen in Yantai University as a cleaner, collected the “uneaten food” from the students’ bowls and plates and ate it for lunch and dinner. In this way, he wanted to make the students become aware of the importance of thrift (节俭),a good virtue that has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years in China.

Now aged 62, Wu Minghua has been eating the leftovers of the students for the last six months. When interviewed, he said, “When I was growing up in the 1960s, people lived such a hard life that many couldn’t even provide their family with adequate food and clothin g. So people of my generation are fully aware of the merit of being thrifty. However, with the improvement of the living standards, many people, especially the young, are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty. What they pursue is the latest fashion. In their eyes, thrift is already out of style.”


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“Waste might lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well,”

a reporter said. Therefore, it’s of great importance to fight against wasting and encourage everyone to eat up everything on their plates.


1. 以约30词概括以上新闻报道的主要内容。

2. 以约120词就“勤俭节约、杜绝浪费”发表你的看法,内容包括:




One possible version:

It’s reported that Wu Minghua, a cleaner working in the canteen in Yantai University, ate the leftovers from the students so as to remind them of the importance of thrift and encourage them to fight against wasting.

I can’t agree more with what the cleaner did. Being thrifty is a good virtue. I t’s a shame to waste food.

However, it’s common to find the waste of food, water and electricity among students in our school. Many students throw away the food just because they don’t like it. Besides, many students always wash their clothes with the water running. Some even leave the classroom with all the lights and fans on. Few students are aware of the importance of environmental protection.

To be thrifty and fight against wasting in our daily life, we should raise our awareness of saving energy, which will do good to us in the long run. Besides, we’d better remember to turn off the lights before we leave the classroom. Most importantly, we should form a good habit of being thrifty.



Plumb was a successful US pilot in the war against Vietnam. However, once his plane was destroyed by the enemy and he was forced to jump out. Fortunately, with the help of the parachute (降落伞)he landed safely,but he was caught by the enemy and was put in prison for 6 years.

One day, many years after the war, Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant when he found a man staring at him.

Plumb looked back but didn' t recognize him. The man stood up and said, "you 're Captain Plumb?" Plumb looked up at him and nodded. The man said, "You were a pilot soldier in Vietnam. You landed into the enemy land with the help of your parachute."

Embarrassed and surprised, Plumb asked, "How did you know all that?"The man continued, "Because I packed your parachute and it worked well."

Plumb stayed awake that nigh.He wondered how many times he had walked past his life saver without saying anything or ignored him completely.

Think about this for ourselves. We sometimes completely ignore the people around, who help us out when we need them badly. They are just like the man who was just out there packing parachutes.




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(1) 读完这篇短文的感受

(2) 举例说明你周围的人是如何默默帮助你的

(3) 你会成为一个懂得感恩的人吗?说说你的做饭

Possible version 1 :

Plumb met a man unexpectedly, who packed his parachute and saved him during a flight in the war. However, during the war time, Plumb even didn’t notice such a man at all.

After reading this passage, I am moved a lot. We also pay little attention to the neighboring people who have been helping us on our way to growth. Sometimes we even take others’ help for granted and hardly appreciate the goodness.

Take my mother for example, mom has always been accompanying me since I was able to memorize something. Whenever I am ill or something wrong is with me, mom will take care of me without any reason. I enjoy such a privilege and never think of saying “thank you”. Besides, I often keep my mouth shut after shopping or eating outside and so on. How shallow I am!

Appreciating others is a kind of good virtue. Of course, I want to be a grateful person. First of all, I begin to s ay “Thank you” to whoever has helped me. Moreover, I will encourage my friends or the people around to appreciate others for the smallest offer, even a simple “Good morning”. Without a thankful heart, our life would be meaningless.

Possible version 2:

Plumb came across a man who packed his parachu te and saved him during a flight in the war, but before that Plumb even d idn’t notice such a man at a ll.

A fter reading this passage, I can’t help feeling ashamed of myself. In the past, not only did I pay little attention to those who helped me out of dilemma, but also I took other s’ help for granted. However, now I come to realize that learning to be grateful is of great importance in our life.

On my way to growth, there is no doubt that many people helped me a great deal. Take my English teacher for example. My English teacher, Mr Li, has a lways been paying special attention to me since he taught me. Finding my writing ability terrible, he instantly asked me to his office and conducted face-to-face correcting. It w as his help and encouragement that made me have more confidence and gradually improve my writing ability.

Appreciating others is a kind of good virtue. Of course, I want to be a grateful person. First of all, I will begin to say “Thank you” to whoever has helped me. Moreover, I will encourage my friends or the people around to learn to be grateful. Last but not least, I will try my utmost to do what I can for others in return.



China now boasts the world's largest publishing industry by volume, with 8.1 billion books printed in 2012, up from 7.7 billion the year before. Never before have Chinese readers had such easy access to a wide selection ranging from classical Chinese poetry to the top titles on Amazon's best-sellers list.

However, while the supply of books has exploded in China in recent decades, people's interest in them has not kept up. According to a survey result published by the Chinese Academy


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of Press and Publication in April, Chinese people read 4.39 books per capita in the past year, a figure that trails far behind major developed countries; for example, the average American read 7, the average French and Japanese person 8.4, and the average South Korean 11. And, on average, Chinese people allocated just over 15 minutes a day to reading, compared to almost 100 to watching television and over 45 for using the Internet.

An amazing number of the Chinese are turning away from reading books. Zhang Lijia, a freelance writer based in Beijing, thinks the days when friends got together to discuss the books they were reading are gone. "People are too restless, too utilitarian(功利)," she reflects. "You need some peace in mind in order to be able to sit down with a book."

Zhang's opinion is echoed by a number of longtime professionals in the book industry. “Best sellers in China today consist mainly of child-rearing manuals (育儿手册), cookbooks, health and fitness guides, test-preparation books, thrillers, and romance novels."said He Xiongfei, a well-known publisher of popular books. "Some of them buy books, but this is just for the purpose of killing time or for test preparation. They are looking for things they think are useful to them. They are not reading," He added.







One possible version:

Despite the promising publishing industry in China today, many Chinese people spend little time reading. Some of them read just to kill time or prepare for the tests rather than enjoy the reading itself.

As far as I am concerned , Chinese people don’t read as much as they used to for the following reasons. For one thing, people have too much going on in their mind as China is now experiencing great changes, so it has become difficult for them to enjoy reading quietly; for another, with heavy work load, people in China only read when they need something for practical use or something relaxing to keep them away from working pressure.

I personally believe that reading is of great significance in life. It not only provides a source of satisfaction and pleasure, but also serves as a means to seek information and to acquire, develop and apply knowledge. Besides, people can read to develop thinking skills, to enhance language proficiency and to broaden life experience as well.

I myself have improved learning English a lot through reading English novels. At the beginning, I thought it difficult to read English novels as my vocabulary was limited. However, it later turned out that when I was engaged in the story, focusing more on the enjoyment of reading instead of trying to understand every word I came across, reading English novels became very pleasant. And gradually, my language proficiency was enhanced before I realized it.


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A father came home from work late, tired and exhausted. He worked day and night, hoping to earn more money for his only child. His 5-year-old daughter was waiting for him at the door.

“Dad, how much do you earn an hour?”asked the daughter.

“Why do you ask that?”

“I just want to know. Please tell me how much you earn an hour.”

“If you really want to know ... I earn $20 an hour.”

“Oh,”the little girl replied with her head down. Looking up, she said, “Dad, may I borrow $10?”

The father became angry. “Go to bed right now! Think about how selfish you are. I work hard every day, but you just want to buy your silly toy!”

The little girl quietly went to her bedroom, feeling sad. After an hour or so, the father calmed down and started to feel sorry because she really di dn’t ask for money very often. So he went to his daughter’s room and gave her $10.

The little girl jumped from the bed. “Oh, thank you, Dad!”She was really happy indeed. Then she took out her own savings and said,“Dad, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home earlier tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”







One possible version:

A little girl asked her father, who often came home late from hard work, how much he earned an hour. Then she borrowed some money from her father and asked him to sell one hour of his time to accompany her.

After reading the passage, I was lost in thought. From my own perspective, however busy parents are, they should make time to accompany their children.ks5u

My parents are such persons who are always willing to spend time with me. I can well remember that three years ago, my parents gave up their once-in-a-life-time opportunity of visiting the UK and accompanied me to the new senior school. So nervous did I feel in the new environment that I was at a loss what to do. Fortunately, with their company and encouragement, I overcame my fear and fit in well. It was the first time that I had felt so close to my parents.

As far as my personal experience is concerned, parents’ company is like the lighthouse, with the guidance of which we will go forward in the right direction and reach our goals.



Florence Chadwick was a great swimmer. However, not all of her efforts worked out. In addition to working hard, she had a secret for success. At the age of 34, her goal was to become the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast. However, in 1952, the sea


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was like an ice bath and the fog was so dense that she could hardly see her support boats. Her body was numb(麻木) and she had been swimming for nearly 16 hours. Against the cold grip of the sea, she struggled on—hour after hour—while millions watched on national television. Alongside Florence, in one of the boats, her mother and her trainer offered encouragement. They told her it wasn’t much farther. But all she could see was fog. They urged her not to quit. She never had…until then. With only a half mile to go, she asked to be pulled out. Still warming her chilled body several hours later, she told a reporter, “Look, I’m not excusing myself, but if I could have seen land I might have made it.”It was not tiredness or even the cold water that defeated her. It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. Two months later, she tried again. Despite the same dense fog, she swam with her faith intact(未受影响的)and her goal clearly pictured in her mind. She knew that somewhere behind that fog was land and this time she made it!


你准备参加学校最近组织的一次英文演讲比赛,主题是“The Value of Goals”。在准备演讲时,你读到上面的文章,给你很大的启发。请准备一份演讲稿。开头部分已给出,但不计入总词数。






One possible version

Several days ago, I came across a story about Glorence Chadwick, the first woman who succeeded in swimming the Catalina Channel. It was a goal in her mind that enabled her to make the breakthrough regardless of dense fog, which failed her in her first attempt.

I was deeply inspired by such a story, as it makes me realize the power of a goal in shaping one’s success and gives me strength to pursue my goal, despite the hardships I am to go through.

In my view, goals are crucial to guiding our lives. To begin with, as goals often go with hopes, they have the magic to enable us to be positive towards ups and downs. Moreover, bearing goals in mind, we are less likely to be blind to the ideals of our life and be distracted from our way to success. Finally, as goals are what we are longing for, they thus can motivate us to strive for greater achievement, making our lives more fulfilling.

Since goals are so significant to our lives, it is worthwhile for us students to set up goals and accomplish them with every effort we can make.



Right after the Second World War, Germany was in ruins. Almost all the houses, factories and schools were destroyed. Plenty of people were homeless as well as jobless. Worse still, the supply of water and electricity was often cut off in the city. Two American journalists interviewed a German family living in the basement. The husband was disabled from the war and the wife was


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just dismissed from a clothing company. Worse still, there were bills for them to pay—four children to care for and food to buy. Life was hard for them at that time.

After the interview, the journalists chatted with each other on the way back to the company.

“Do you think the Germans could rebuild their homeland?”


“But I can’t see any hope for the country at all. How can you be so certain about that?”

“Have you noticed what they put on the table in the basement? There was a vase of flowers. A na tion, suffering at such moment, hasn’t forgotten about flowers. It shows that hopes are not lost. They are still able to dream. A nation with hope can create miracles. They are sure to be able to rebuild their homeland.”


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 以约120个词就梦想改变命运的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:

(1) 你赞同文中的观点吗?

(2) 举例证明你赞同或不赞同的原因;

(3) 谈谈你对梦想的看法。

One possible version:

Two American journalists interviewed a German family after the war. Though living a poor life, the family still placed flowers on the table, which convinced a journalist that Germans were bound to rebuild their homeland.

As is often the case, a man who can dream will try hard to overcome any difficulties in front and make it in turn. Therefore,I agree that dreams can change one’s life.

For example,Lisa is my friend and former classmate. She was an energetic girl who always dreamed of becoming an actress. However, at the beginning almost everyone tried to persuade her out of her dream because she was no more than 1.55 meters tall. There is no denying that actresses are usually much taller than her. However, she didn’t lose heart. With great determination, she wrote a play by herself and eventually acted as a leading role in it. The show was a success.

As far as I am concerned, one who has a dream can see further, work harder, and gain much more. Please hold fast to your dreams.



A nation without a dream is a nation without hope. We have a China Dream. It includes the strong will of the Chinese people for the renewal (香兴) of the Chinese nation and a better life.

The China Dream is the people's dream. To make it come true, the government should always be service-oriented. People will only act responsibly for the country and help to achieve tile national dream when their dreams are realized, too. You cannot ask inpiduals to make sacrifices for the nation if they receive nothing in return.

Moreover, the government have to know what people want and what they need. As Xi Jinping said in his first public speech after the 18th Party Congress, the Chinese people want better education, stable jobs, higher incomes, greater social security, better medical and healthcare, improved housing conditions and better environmental quality.

However we still have a long way to go to achieve the China Dream. Chinese people used to think that economic growth would solve all the problems, but now we realize that the renewal of our nation will require much more than just money.


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One possible version

The passage tells us what the China Dream includes and in order to achieve it, the government should be service-oriented and find out what people want and need, which requires constant effort.

A dream plays quite an important role in our life, providing us with guidance and motivating us to overcome all kinds of difficulty. A person without a dream is like the world without the sun. We students may face may many challenges, such as endless homework, failures in exams, pressure from parents. When these drown us in sadness, dreams will cheer us up. Only those who have a dream and pursue it regardless of any obstacle can own success in the end.

I am deeply impressed by the story of Jia Zuosheng, who pursued his dream with great determination. Although he never finished high school, his college ambition never stopped. He became a security guard at Qinghua University. By taking advantage of the academic resources at Qinghua, he finally made his way to Shandong Normal University last year. Jia's success tells us if we find a dream, we have to fight for it and never give it up.

To achieve the China Dream, I think first I have to study hard and be admitted by a renowned university. Then I can learn some professional knowledge, find a good job and lead a good life, which is part of the China Dream. Every bit of effort counts in the process of realizing the China Dream.



During the recently televised Chinese Character Dictation Contest by CCTV-10, when the host asked the 14-year-old contestant Yu Shuang from Guizhou Province to write the word for toad(蟾蜍), the audience frowned. Yu failed as she wrote the character with one dot missing. However, among 10 adult participants offstage, only three had written the word correctly.

Meanwhile, those sitting at home also felt embarrassed during the broadcast, since on several occasions they were stumped as to how to write words that are commonly used in daily conversation.

According to a survey by Beijing-based Horizon Research Consultancy in May, up to 94.1 percent of respondents said they had encountered memory lapses(疏忽) concerning how to write certain characters while writing and 26.8 percent said such lapses were frequent.

Cell phone and computers are common devices to most urban children. A report on the lifestyle of Chinese children published by Beijing Women's Federation in July showed that mobile phones, instant messenger QQ, Weibo and tablets have become a major part of urban children's daily lives. According to the report, 52.6 percent of kids aged 4 to 6 had used the Internet. The percentage for kids aged between 7 and 9 reached 58.6 percent, and 77 percent for 10 to 12-year-olds.



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One possible version

Taking Chinese Character Dictation Contest broadcasted on CCTV as an example, the passage points out that many people now have trouble in writing Chinese characters in daily life, which may be caused by the overuse of digital devices.

Nowadays, many people often encounter the problem of spelling Chinese characters correctly, including me. I feel a bit ashamed every time I am unable to write some words, some of which are commonly used in our everyday life.

What causes this phenomenon? As is mentioned in the reading passage, the popularity of digital devices is a major contributing factor. Unlike older generations, young people today prefer typing instead of writing by hand. Besides, some wrongly-written advertising signs can be seen everywhere, which mislead people a lot.

We should attach great importance to Chinese traditional culture. First, we should call for the popularity of handwriting because Chinese characters are the most important part of Chinese culture. Opening calligraphy lessons in schools would be a meaningful method to rebuild children's interest in handwriting. Then, celebrating Chinese traditional festivals is also significant to pass on Chinese history and culture. In addition, don’t forget to protect the cultural relics around our country, which are precious heritages left by our ancestors.



I was pushed into writing the "Top ten problems teenagers face" after I attended a school program, where I had the opportunity to interact with many teenagers. Each conversation was only adding one more item to the list of problems.

About two thirds of girls in grades nine to twelve "worry about their appearance." While there were no gender differences in worries about school, girls worry about getting along with parents and what to do when they are older. Girls are proven to worry more about personal problems, romantic relationships, being liked by other kids and being concerned about what kind of person they are. In fact, the only thing boys worry about more than girls is succeeding in their physical activities.

What parents need is to look at ways to help teens and take responsibility for what we are exposing our teens to right now. We cannot afford to ignore the parental duties of bringing them up well from the time they are little. Televisions, computers and other gadgets that they spend most of the time with cannot give them the nurturing that only parents can.







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One possible version:

When interacting with teenagers,the writer found teenagers,especially young girls,have different worries.The author suggests that parents should play their part in helping teens get away from worries.

As a teenager,I have my worries too,though I am basically an optimistic person.For example, I occasionally get upset about my poor social skills.I want to make friends but I am just too shy,and my awkward jokes and embarrassment often fall me in social situations.

When I get frustrated like that,I always turn to my older sister.She can offer me advice that helps to deal with my worries,and I have more confidence in myself after talking with her.

Of course,I also have some other simple but effective ways for handling my trouble. I often take a jog because physical exercise helps release stress.Besides,a good book or a funny movie can distract my attention from worries.I wish my way can also help you.

【2014中山一模】第二节读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


More than five years I was working at a little clinic after I graduated from college. Actually I didn’t like the job and felt depressed every day. One day while working at the cash register, an elderly couple came in with a little girl in a wheelchair.

As I looked closer at this girl, I realized that she was disabled. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and torso. She was in red. That is a warm color.

As I took the money from her grandparent, I looked down at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, largest smile I have ever seen. All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, and her smile, just like the warm sun in the winter melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about.

It was her smile that took me from a poor, unhappy college student and brought me into her world; a world of smiles, love and warmth.

Now I’m a successful business person and whenever I get down and think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught me.【写作内容】






One possible version:

The writer encountered a little disabled girl when he was working as a cashier in a clinic. The girl’s smile taught the writer a profound lesson, and inspired him to become successful.

After reading the story, I was deeply touched too. I’m in favor of the idea that when you smile to the world, the world will smile back to you.

The story reminds me of my friend Joe, who used to complain a lot when he came across any kind of difficulty or whenever something unpleasant happened to him. Later, Joe’s classmate sitting next to him in Senior Grade One helped him to change greatly. The classmate was born in a


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very poor family, but instead of complaining, he always smiled to everybody around and devoted himself to his studies. Ever since he met his deskmate, more and more smiles appeared on Joe’s face and soon he even made greater progress in his studies.

In a word, attitude is everything. Only when we take a correct attitude toward life can we enjoy a better, more meaningful and more beautiful life.



“The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.”—Thomas Macaulay

One day, some thirty years ago, Mrs. O’Neill gave us a test to our class. When the papers were marked, she discovered 12 boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test. There is nothing new about cheating in exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs. O’Neill didn’t even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to remain after class. I was one of them.

Mrs. O’Neill asked no questions, and she didn’t scold us either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the above words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to copy these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.

It was the most important single lesson of my life. Thirty years later, the words still seem to me the best yardstick, because they give us a way to measure ourselves rather than others.



2.然后以约120个词从“作者”,或者他的老师“Mrs. O’Neill”的行为中任选一个角度发表你的看法,内容包括:

(1)谈谈你对“作者”对待自己的错误或者他的老师“Mrs. O’Neill”对待学生犯错的处理方式发表你的看法,并说明理由;


One possible version:

Instead of being criticized severely, the author, together with other 11 boys who cheated in a test, was ordered to copy an instructive sentence a hundred times, which he thought was the most important lesson of his life.

In my point of view, the author was somewhat brave enough to face his fault and deal with it in a right way, nevertheless he had cheated in the test. Thanks to his teacher, Mrs. O’Neill, he received an impressive and particular lesson from which he obtained a way to measure himself.

As a saying goes, “A fault confessed is half redressed.” In fact, faults are like road humps, they slow you down temporarily but you can enjoy the smooth road afterwards. Since mistakes can’t be avoided, it is our duty and commitment to cultivate an ability to overcome whatever mistakes we are confronted with. With this ability, no obstacles can overwhelm us and interfere with our long range goal. Only when we build it up will we almost inconceivably triumph.


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【2014揭阳学业水平】第二节读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


Dear editor,

I have been getting along well with my father. However, as I’m in Senior Three now, the question whether I should live at school or come back home for the nights has come to our family discussion. My father and I have different opinions over the matter and we are arguing over it these days.

My father insists that I should live at school. In the previous two years, I have been spending about 80 minutes every day to and from school. Living at school can help save a lot of time. In this way, I can have more time for my studies.

On the other hand, what I believe is that I should spend my nights at home. First of all, if I come home for the nights, I will have more freedom to arrange my studies. Meanwhile, I will have more time to communicate with my parents, which will make us understand each other better.

I don’t want to make compromises(妥协)and neither does my father, as it seems. Could you tell me what I should do? I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.

Your sincere reader,



1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容。

2. 以约120个词表达你对整件事情的看法,内容包括:




One possible version:

Dear Teddy,

From your letter, I know that you and your father are having an argument. Your father wants you to live at school to save more time for your studies, while you prefer to spend your nights at home, arranging your studies and communicating more with your parents.

Both of you are quite reasonable, but personally, I think you should follow your father’s advice. For one thing, with fewer distractions at school than at home, you’ll be more focused on your studies and thus more efficient. For another, without your parents’ help, you’ll have to deal with all kinds of problems all by yourself, which will make you more independent.

I lived at school for three years in junior middle school and I felt it was beneficial to my study as well as my life. During night classes, everyone was quiet and focused. When I came across problems that I couldn’t solve, I could go to the teachers for help in the office. Then there was a 20-minute break when I could go out to enjoy some fresh air and chat with my friends. This drove away my tiredness and made me energetic again.

It is my advice that you put aside your opinion and imagine living at school, which will help you make the right decision. I believe it will not only delight your father, but also bring benefits to you.


Editor Li


