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Key to Exercises:

Unit 1

Exercise I:

1. 普通教育除了专业训练的内容外,还指对人的全方位的培养过程。

2. 从严格意义上来说,大学是为了把普通学生教育成为有文化修养、具备优秀专业技能的


3. 大学是一个推动探索、使各种发现得到不断完善和证实的地方; 在那里,轻率和鲁莾


4. 以科研作为主要的教学手段,教授的作用在于把科研和教学结合起来——科研活动转变


5. 获取信息和理解信息是最基本的人权,而我们现在拥有人类历史上前所未有的信息量。 6. 信息对个人和社会的发展都非常重要,信息技术将使那些能够获取并利用它的人拥有相


7. Men are not always made thoughtful by books; but they are generally made thoughtful by

association with men who thinks.

8. Basic education is currently funded primarily by the state in most countries.

9. The impact of globalization is not just on trade and production, it also has an important impact

on education.

10. A new challenge to teaching is the pressure to internationalize curriculum offerings.

Exercise II:

1. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.





2. Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.

I often hear university presidents say, \And indeed they act just like strict but loving parents, telling the students that they should get at least eight hours of sleep, that everyone must get up for morning exercises at six a.m., that they aren't allowed to walk around campus in slippers.

I have always considered university presidents to be visionary policymakers who set the course of academic research and education rather than mere nannies in charge of feeding steamed bread and porridge to infants. Some educators might say, \independence and self-discipline before they came to college, I wouldn't need to spoon-feed and discipline them like this. It is because they were not taught all these things in primary and secondary school that I, a university president, have to teach them now.”

These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical. Since it is because the


students have all along been taught in a spoon-fed manner that they haven't acquired independence and self-discipline after 12 years of schooling, wouldn't it merely result in an endless vicious circle if this sort of \our university education? To turn out submissive and rule-abiding students, or students who are able to independently assess a situation, make decisions and pass judgments?

Unit 2

Exercise 1.

中国经历了一系列艰苦的变革和试验。我和其他的美国人都没有资格告诉中国应采取什么样的经济制度。最适合中国的是一个在中国扎了根的制度――扎根于中国的习惯、传统与行事方式。检验任何制度要看它的结果:看它在多达程度上能更大地满足人民的需要。中国人民所需要的与美国人民所需要的不会在所有方面完全一致,但在某些方面会是一致的。对任何经济制度的最终检验要看其是否有效。一个有效的经济制度能激发生产的积极性,能公平地分配其产品。什么样地奖励是有效的,什么是“公平”的分配。――这些问题不同的文化会有不同的回答,甚至同一文化在不同的历史时期或不同的发展阶段也会有不同的回答。 在大国中,美国的经济制度在历史上最成功地制造了繁荣。中国的制度在历史上最成功地创造了平等。我们面临的共同挑战是避免强迫人民在二者之间做出一个困难的选择:在一个极端是一个能提供平等,但延续贫困的制度,在另一个极端是一个能提供繁荣,但会无视贫困的制度。贫困对平等和繁荣来说都是一个过高的代价。中国所面临的挑战是坚持平等的原则而不损害其人民的生产力。美国所面临的挑战是提供繁荣,以便给予全体人民一个摆脱贫困的机会。我们的制度有着巨大的差别,但从长远的观点来看,我们为全体人民谋求更美好的生活的目标是一致的。



2. When talking about China-US trade, we should not overlook one fundamental fact, that is, in the past 25 years, two-way trade has experienced a tremendous expansion … Does such a huge increase benefit only one side at the expense of the other? … In fact, both countries have reaped tremendous benefits from the rapid expansion of China-US trade. … china is the world’s largest developing country with a huge market, fast development and a low cost of labor, but short in capital and relatively backward in technology and management. … such diversity and complementarity will remain for a long time, and are likely to feature more prominently in the ongoing economic globalization.


Unit 3

Exercise 1. 你会认为这应该是一个摆脱了偏见的时代,可当听到一名普通男子谈论他对一名普通女子的看法时,你就不会这样认为了。妇女早已赢得了独立。她们经过长期艰苦的斗争,在全球大部分地区可以与男子享有同等的教育机会。她们一次又一次地证明,妇女在几乎所有领域里都不比男子差,甚至还常常胜过男子。 这场艰苦的女性能力认可战虽已打赢,却远未终结。延续这场战斗的是男性而非女性,因为许多男子对女子的态度基本上仍然是敌视性的。许多国家和地区的妇女仍然贝视为二等公民。如果听信一些男人所言,你甚至会得出男女两性非同种同类的可怕结论。 从表面上看,这些男人对女性能力的评论似乎只是一种戏言,可这表面现象却无法掩饰许多男人对女性所抱的鄙视态度。无论这些男子怎样讥讽妇女,他们那种自认为比女性优越的看法是没有事实依据的。我们现以驾车为例。我们都知道,女性开车时所出的车祸远远少于男性驾驶员的车祸。妇女通常非常谨慎小心,事实上她们已能胜任任何一种你能叫得出名字的职业。政治家、士兵、医生、工人、大学教授、农民、经理、律师、科学家、国家元首中的女性成员所作出的成就常常使许多男性感到羞愧。我们不可忘记,女性在这些领域里取得辉煌成就的同时还肩负着生儿育女的重任呢。 2.

There is a population of over 1,200 million in China, among which rural population is over 900 million. Although further differentiation is taking place in rural society, its population is increasing rather than decreasing. According to a survey by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the rural population increased by over 8 million compared with 1978. A survey report points out: “Without the development of urbanization, the problem of rural areas, agriculture and farmers cannot be solved. In the past, it was often said that farmers’ problem was in the final analysis a problem concerning land, which has been basically solved now. The present problem of farmers is one of obtaining employment.” Therefore, it is urgent that urban and rural social problems should be regulated, urbanization should be accelerated, the serious situation of urbanization lagging behind industrialization should be changed. Some economists estimated that in 2005, the surplus rural labor in China would rise to 200 million, which needed to be absorbed by cities.

Big cities are far from enough in realizing the shift of the large rural population, because the employment pressure in big cities is universally heavy. Some experts consider that the outlets for the shift of rural population are mainly small cities and towns. The life expense and children’s education expense of urban citizens are far higher that those of rural ones, hence more employment opportunities. Unit 4

Exercise 1. 信息技术正从根本上改变着世界,改变着人们的居住、工作、管理和交际方式。在进入21世纪之际,全球信息革命已不是一种遥远的展望,而是一种迫近的现实。 作为信息革命核心催化剂的信息技术和通信技术,其加速发展正在对经济活动和社会结构的几乎所有方面产生越来越大的影响。技术进步的特点是大幅度提升了的信息储存与处理的速度、容量和功能,以及成本更为低廉的传播能力。更重要的是,技术的本质是将模拟技术转变为数字技术,将半导体转变为微处理器,将有线电信和固定电信转变为无线电信和移动电信,将专有系统转变为开放系统,将互为独立的声音、资料、文字和图像传播方式转变为交互式的多媒体方式。 2.


High and new technology represents up-to-date productivity and a strong driving force for the progress of human society. Constant innovation of knowledge and rapid progress in science and technology have substantially promoted global economic development, and changed and enriched people’s life in a deeper way. Science and technology development in China is inseparable from that in the rest of the world, and the progress of world science and technology also needs China’s contribution. As a WTO member, China is actively moving with the tide of globalization with all-around opening up. As an important force in the international high-tech field, China will bring into play its rich resources in science, technology and knowledge, conduct broader and deeper exchanges and cooperation in the international high-tech area and contribute further to the cause of world science and technology development and human progress. Unit 5 Exercise 1. 你是否曾在开会时走神,是否曾在电脑前猛然醒过神来,或者在看电视节目时打瞌睡? 成千上万的美国人都这样,这就令人关注了。华盛顿的一个非赢利性的研究机构——国家睡眠基金会最近一项民意调查显示,三分之二的美国人夜间睡眠都达不到专家建议的时间。斯坦福大学医学院睡眠障碍中心主任威廉·迪蒙特医生说,这意味着睡眠不足“在这个国家已到了流行病的地步。” 不管是由失眠症引起的,还是当今流行开夜车的生活方式造成的,睡眠不足都会使人判断力下降,创造力缺乏,记忆力减退,甚至得忧郁症。它也会使你更容易受病毒和细菌的感染。芝加哥大学的研究人员发现,睡眠不足只要超过六个夜晚,就会损害新陈代谢和激素分泌的功能。久而久之,这会引发或加重高血压以及该疾病的常见形式——乙型糖尿病。 2. For a long time, Westerners have been skeptical about the efficacy of China’s patent drugs made of medical herbs. In the past few years, traditional Chinese medicine has been subject to rigorous scientific scrutiny worldwide. To prove and enhance the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, the mainland of China has poured huge amounts of money into hard research on this field. While Hong Kong has been endeavoring to make itself the world leader in research on traditional Chinese medicine, Taiwan has put forward a plan to transform itself into a traditional Chinese medicine technology center. Research into traditional cures is also blossoming at universities and other institutions outside Asia. These efforts to unlock the secrets of traditional remedies could produce benefits for sufferers of diseases that have confounded both Western and traditional Chinese medicines. Unit 6 Exercise 1

??然而,有太长时间,在我们英国以及整个发达世界,人们一直认为使用能源不成问题。??我们太依赖现有的能源了,然而它们并非取之不竭,并非安全可靠。对能源的需求正在超出其供应能力。 ??在那里,对非安全能源进口的依赖和供应不平衡通常会造成毁灭性的经济压力。非洲、拉丁美洲和亚洲许多地区缺乏持续的能源供应,制约了经济增长和发展,形成了贫困与落后之间永不停息的恶性循环。 2


A country with a large population, relative insufficiency of natural resources and an expanding economy, China suffers an increasingly outstanding disparity between economic development on the one hand and natural resources and the environment on the other. We, therefore, must correctly handle the relationships between economic development on the one hand, and population growth, natural resources consumption and the environmental protection on the other. We should exploit our natural resources more rationally and make use of them in an integrated manner. We should do our best to protect and improve our ecological environment, so as to ensure that our economic development will not only meet the current needs of this generation, but benefit future generation. Unit 7 Exercise I

1. 工业区外的乡村是田野与树木的天地,郁郁葱葱,青绿相间,美不胜收;色彩之细微与


2. 西北的湖畔区被公认为全英格兰风景最美的地方。一切都那么小巧玲珑,因而山峦也显


3. 英格兰虽是弹丸之地,但是在那里走走,你会觉得距离比想象的要远;而且,如果稍事

旅行,你就会发现景随步移,美不胜收。 4. 美国幅员辽阔,土地肥沃,气侯温和。

5. 去芝加哥的交通十分方便,大多数国内航线和许多国际航线都直达芝加哥。

6. 芝加哥充满活力,慷慨好客,令人振奋。在那里,弥漫着一种“无所不能”的精神——


7. 弗吉尼亚州的自然风光多姿多彩。切萨皮克湾是北美渔产最丰富的港湾,而蓝岭则是世


8. 新罕布什尔州森林茂密,绿树长青,泉水蜿蜒流淌,湖边风景如画,到处都是幽然寂静


Exercise II

1. Since the publication of Lost Horizon by James Hilton fifty years ago, Shangri-La has become

the dreamland for many tourists and adventure lovers.

2. A web of waterways, tiled houses and stone bridges holds together Zhouzhuang, a small canal

town located on the picturesque shores of the Dianshan Lake, west of Shanghai.

3. Around West Lake, the air is clean, the landscape green and tranquil, and the avenues of

willows and arched stone bridges conform to everyone’s idea of what Chinese scenery should look like.

4. The Jianhu Lake in Shaoxing is also known as the Mirror Lake for its crystal clear water and

picturesque landscapes around.

5. Vast lawns extend like sheets of vivid green, with here and there clumps of gigantic trees,

heaping up rich piles of foliage.

6. Within the bounds of Yueqing City are the Northern Yandang Mountain and the Central

Yandang Mountain, both of which are among the first group of the key national scenic resorts designated by the State.

7. As a favorite itinerary , the two scenic mountains have become famous summer and tourist

resorts as well as sanitaria.

8. Zhejiang is located in the south wing of the Yangtze River Delta on the southeast coast of


China. It borders Shanghai, the country’s largest city, on the northeast with Hangzhou as its capital.

Exercise III 1. Huangshan Huangshan, a well-known tourist mountain resort, occupies an area of 1200 square kilometers in South Anhui Province. Boasting 72 peaks, including the best known Lianhua, Tiandu, Shixin and Qingluan Peaks, Huangshan blends the grandeur of Mount Tai, the awe of Huashan Mountain and the elegance of Mount Emei. Huangshan is most noted for its four attractions unparalleled elsewhere, namely, extraordinary pines growing out of rock crevices, grotesque rocks, seas of clouds swirling around the peaks, and hot springs. The world-famous Visitor-Greeting Pine has long been known for its singular build.

2. Chinese Gardens An important characteristic feature of the Chinese garden is that no one point gives an overall view of the garden. It is made up of more or less isolated sections which have to be discovered gradually. As the composition is never entirely revealed, it retains some of the charm of the unknown. The variety among Chinese gardens is due to differences in climate, vegetation and location. A garden in Shanghai cannot resemble one in Beijing. City gardens are different from gardens in the country, or mountain retreats as illustrated by the painters. In Yu Garden, elements of both the Northern style and Southern style of architecture and landscaping are here happily married into a magnificent unified whole. Due to the artistic attainment of the architects, the garden has been well known in southeast China for its harmony, symmetry, proportion and balance in layout. Unit 8 Exercise 1 黑人是唯一非自愿到美国来的“移民”。几百年来,非洲人被迫离开自己的家园到新世界为奴。那句“人人生而平等”的话在他们的时代并不适用于黑人。1865年,南北战争的结束终于为黑奴带来了自由,但是黑人的社会地位仍然较低。黑人和白人上不同的学校,在不同的餐馆吃饭,甚至连喝水都用不同的饮水机。 20世纪50年代至60年代的民权运动帮助黑人得到许多宪法中所保障的权利。1954年最高法院的一个判决决定了在公立学校里不准实行种族隔离政策。虽然民权运动有所收获,但是种族问题仍然存在。此外,黑人和白人并不是唯一为和平相处而挣扎的种族群体。多元文化的美国拥有无数力争得到平等待遇的少数族裔群体。 2

The Tang Dynasty

The Tang dynasty (A.D. 618-907), with its capital at Chang’an, is regarded by historians as a high point in Chinese civilization——equal, or even superior to, the Han period. Its territory, acquired through the military expansion of its early rulers, was greater than that of the Han. Stimulated by contact with India and the Middle East, the empire saw a flowering of creativity in many fields. Buddhism became a permanent part of Chinese traditional culture. Block printing was invented, making the written word available to a vastly greater public. The Tang period was the golden age of literature and art. A government system supported by


a large class of Confucian literati selected through civil service examinations was perfected under Tang rule.

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is the time when people bid farewell to the old year and welcome in the new. When they bid farewell to the old year, they hope bad luck and misfortune will be left behind; when they welcome in the new year, they wish for a happier year ahead. Usually New Year’s Eve is the busiest day of the year. Within one day people must finish all the work that is taboo to do in the following days, such as the slaughtering of pigs and cattle, replacing the old with the new, cleaning the house and all the other jobs that need to be done with knives and scissors. Most importantly, the family reunion dinner must be well prepared. This is an auspicious and the most sumptuous meal of the year, and part of the food must be left over for the coming year, symbolizing that the family have food enough to spare from year to year. Such a bountiful feast is known as the “Crossing-the-Year Meal”. When the meal is prepared, the food is first used as a sacrificial offering to the gods and ancestors. Unit 9 Exercise 1 教育是美国青少年体育运动中的重要主题。禁锢在教室里的小孩子精力旺盛,不服管教。 他们渴望在橄榄球场、篮球场或是棒球场上一展身手,获得自由。孩子们想要扑啊、踢啊, 相互扑打,而有组织的赛场为他们提供了可以尽情发泄的场所。在橄榄球场上,孩子们相互厮打基本上是受到鼓励的。尽管场面一片混乱,但是大人们始终在进行指导和监督,而且孩子们在体育赛场上度过的时间必定会有所收获。尽责的教练会努力教孩子们学习团队精神、自我牺牲、竞争,以及胜不骄败不馁的态度。老师们至少是希望学生们在球场上玩累了之后能老老实实地坐在教室里上文化课。 2

New Beijing, Great Olympics

Reform and opening up to the outside world have brought about great changes in Beijing, a city with a 3,000-year history. The city has taken on a completely new look as it enters the new century. It will embrace the athletes and friends from the rest of the world attending the Olympic Games with great enthusiasm. The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 years. Should the Olympic Games be held in China, the most populous nation in the world, the Olympic spirit will be even further disseminated and a new page will be turned in the Olympic history; and the Olympic Movement will show its unique splendor to the world in the new millennium? Unit 10 Exercise 1 我愿借此机会谨代表我所有的同事,对你们热情的接待以及无与伦比的款待表示感谢。在中国度过的这六天,确确实实令人愉快,令人难以忘怀。 我特别要赞颂我们的中国合作伙伴,没有他们的努力我们是无法成功地达成合作协议的。我在此敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司永久的友谊与合作,为我们中国同仁的身体健康,干杯! 2 Mr. Chairman, it is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting. On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the host for


this opportunity to address the topic of peace and development, and pay my high respect for all the representatives present at the meeting. This meeting provides us with an ideal arena where we will exchange views, clear up misunderstandings and reach common ground. I would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on the position and views of my government on the issues concerning the establishment of a new international political and economic order at the turn of the century, the prospects of world peace and development, and the role of the United Nations. 3

A: 我深感荣幸,欢迎你们今天出席这个历史性的场合。我代表教职员工以及商学院的学生


B: Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to begin by sincerely thanking the President

for his kind invitation. Harvard is a world famous institution of higher learning, attracting the best minds and bringing them up generation after generation. In its 367 years of history, Harvard has produced seven American presidents and more than 40 Nobel laureates. You have reason to be proud of your university. It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you.

A: 谢谢您。作为一名历史学家,我有很多问题想要问您,但是现在不是我问问题的时候。



