
更新时间:2023-04-07 05:35:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



Online transaction processing (OLTP)(联机事务处理):is the gathering of input information, processing that information , and updating existing in formation to reflect the gathered and processed information

Operational databases(业务数据):databases that s叩port OLTP are more often referred to as operational databases

Online analytical processing(OLAP)(联机分析处理):is the manipulation of information to support decision making.

Database(数据库):a collection of information that you organize and access according to the logical structure of that information

Relational database(关系数据库):use a series of logically related two dimensional tables or files to store information in the form of a database

Relational: often describe each two dimensional table of file in the relational model

Data dictionary: contains the logical structure for the information in a database

Primary key: a field (or group of fields in some cases) that uniquely describes each record Foreign key: a primary key of one file that appears in another file

Integrity constraints: rules that help ensure the quality of the information

DBMS: database management system(数据管理系统)


1.DBMS engine(DBMS 引擎):accepts logical requests from the various other DBMS

subsystems, converts them into their physical equivalent, and actually accesses the data and data dictionary as they exist on a storage device

2.physical view(物理视图):deals with how information is physically arranged .stored, and

accessed on some type of storage device

3.logical view(逻辑视图):focus on how you as a knowledge worker need to arrange and

access information to meet your particular business needs

data definition subsystem(数据管理子系统):a DBMS helps you create and maintain the data dictionary and define the stiucture of files in a database

data manipulation subsystem(数据操作子系统):help you add, change , and delete information in a database and query it for valuable information

view(视图):allow you to see the contents of a database file , make whatever changes you want, perform simple sorting,and query to find the location of specific information.

Report generator(报表生成器):help you quickly define formats of reports and what information you what information you want to see in a report.

Query-by-example(QBE) tools (范例査询工具):help you graphically design the answer to a question

SQL(structured query language )(结构化查询语言):is a standardized fourth-generation query language found in most DBMS

Application generation subsystem(应用程序生成子系统):contains facilities to help you develop transaction-intensive applications

Data administration subsystem(数据管理子系统):helps you manage the overall database environment by providing facilities for backup and recovery, security management .query optimization, concurrency control, and change management

Recovery: is the process of reinstalling the backup information in the event the information was lost

CRUD: create, read, update, delete

Data warehouse: is a logical collection of information-gathered from many different operational database-used to create business intelligence that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks

Data-mining tools(数据挖掘工具):are the software tools you use to query information in a data warehouse ?

Query-and-reporting tools(查询与报表工具):are similar to QBE tools, QBL, and report generators in the typical database environment

Multidimensional analysis(MDA)tools (多维数据分析工具):are slice-and techniques that allows you to view multidimensional information from different perspectives

Statistical tools: statistical tools help you apply various mathematical models to the information stored in a data warehouse to discover new information

Data mart: is a sunset of a data warehouse in which only a focused portion of the data warehouse in formation is kept

CI(competitive intelligence) : is business intelligence focused on the external competitive environment

Digital dashboard: display key information gathered from several sources on a computer screen in a format tailored to the needs and wants of an inpidual knowledge worker

Data administrator: is the function in an organization that plans for, oversees the development of, and monitors the information resource

Data ministration: is the function in an organization that is responsible for the more technical and operational aspects of managing the information contained in organizational information repositories ?


Decision making:

Intelligence(情报阶段)[find what to fix]:find or recognize a problem, need, or opportunity(also called the diagnostic phase of decision making)

Design(find fixes): consider possible ways of solving the problem , filling the need , or taking advantage of the opportunity

Choice(选择阶段)(pick a fix): examine and weigh the merits of each solution , estimate the consequences of each ,and choose the best (which may be to do nothing at all)

Implementation(apply the fix): carry out the chosen solution, monitor the results, and make adjustments as necessary

Satisficing: is making a choice that meets your needs and is satisfactory without necessarily being the best possible choice avaible

Structured decision(结构化决策):which involves processing a certain kind information in a

specified way so that you will always get the right answer

Nonstructured decision(非结构化决策):is one for which there may be several “right" answers, and there is no precise way to get a right answer

Recurring decision(重复'性决策):is one that happens repeatedly, and often periodically, wether weekly , monthly、quarterly , or yearly

Nonrecuring decision: is one that infrequently(perhaps only once),and you may even have different criteria for determining the best solution each time

DSS(decision support system)(决策支持系统):is highly flexible and interactive IT system that is designed to support decision making when the problem is not structured

Component of DSS: model management, data management, user interface management

Model management(模型管理):consist of both the DSS models and the DSS model management system

Data managenient(数据管理):perform the function of storing and maintaining the information that you want your DSS to use

User interface management(用户界面管理):allow you to communicate with the DSS Analytic or predictive analytics: is highly computational process of measuring and predicting customer behavior and attitudes to aid in business decision making by providing quantitative answers to particular questions.

GIS(地理信息系统):geographic information system is a decision s叩port system designed specifically to analyze special information

Al(人工智能)artificial intelligence一the science of making machines imitate human thinking and behavior

Al include: expert system, neural networks(and fuzzy logic), genetic algorithms, intelligent agents

Expert system also called knowledge-based system, is an artificial intelligence system that applies reasoning capabilities to reach a conclusion

Expert domain: accounting, medicine , process control, human resource management, financial,management, production, forestry management

Neutral network often called an artificial neutral network or ANN is an artificial intelligence system that is capable of finding and differentiating patterns

Fuzzy logic(模糊逻辑):is mathematical method of handling imprecise or subjective information Genetic algorithm(遗传算法):is an artificial intelligence system that mimics the evolutionary, survival-of-the-fittest process to generate increasingly better solutions to a problem. Three concepts of evolution: selection , crossover, mulalion(变异)

Intelligence agent: is software that assists you , or act on your behalf, inperforming repetitive computer-related tasks

Information agents:(信息、代理):are intelligent agents that search for information of some kind and bring it back, the best known information agents are buyer agents? A buyer agent also called shopping hot , is an intelligent agent on a web site that help you , the customer, find products and services that you need

Monitoring-and-surveillance agents(also called predictive agents):are intelligent agents that constantly observe and report on some entity of interest, a network, or manufacturing equipment

Data-mining agent(数据挖掘代理):operates in a data warehouse discovering information. User agent(also called personal agent)【用户代理】:are intelligent agents that take action on behalf

Biomimicry(仿生学):leaming from ecosystems and adapting their characteristics to human and organizational situations

Multi-agent system(多代理系统):groups of intelligent agents have the ability to work independently and to interact with each other

Agent-based modeling: is a way of simulating human organizations using multiple intelligent agents ,each of which follows a set of simple rules and can adapt to changing conditions

Swarm(collective)intelligence(群体智能):is collective behavior of groups of simple agents that are capable of devising solutions to problems as they arise, eventually leading to coherent global patterns

