
更新时间:2023-09-16 05:13:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


Allusions Chapter one

1. fig leaf: the covering of one’s embarrassment 2. bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh: as close as 3. the old Adam: original sin, unchangeable, evil nature 4. Adam’s profession: farming and gardening 5. Adam’s apple: the node of throat 6. since Adam was a boy: long time ago

7. the mark/brand of Cain: crime of murdering 8. raise Cain: cause an angry fuss

9. the curse of Cain: to be an aimless wanderer 10. Noah’s ark: a place of refuge

11. Ark rested on Mt. Ararat: antiquated news

12. hold out the olive branch: emblem of peace, to make a compromise 13. the Tower of Babel: a sheer illusion

14. sell one’s birthright: to give up one’s principal for the contemporary interests 15. in Abraham’s bosom: in the heavens, in the state of being dead

16. curious as Lot’s wife: too curious about something one should not know 17. grain in Egypt: extremely abundant, plentiful 18. Benjamin’s portion/mess: the greatest portion Chapter Two

1. eye for eye, tooth for tooth: to take revenge on

2. make bricks without straw:perform a task without essential materials or means 3. worship the golden calf: worship money 4. Egyptian punishment: great disasters

5. like manna from heaven: an unexpected and beneficial gift Chapter Three

1. After one’s own heart: according to one’s own willing, to one’s liking, agreeable 2. Letter of Uriah: something brings one great disaster 3. Wise as Solomon: extraordinary wise 4. David spares Saul: return good for evil

5. Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands: great difference Chapter Four

1. Out-herod Herod: to surpass Herod in cruelty or evil 2. Star of the Magi: sign for something certain to happen 3. Satan, go away: refuse temptation

4. Sabbath was made for man, not man for Sabbath: flexible; not put the cart before the horse 5. Judas’ kiss: betrayal

6. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak: one’s ability falls short of one’s wishes; unable to

do as much as one wishes to

7. Wash one’s hands of something: to absolve oneself responsibility or future blame 8. Bear one’s cross: endure hardships Chapter Five

1. The mote speck of sawdust in another’s eye and the beam plank in one’s own eye: see other’s

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

weaknesses and ignore one self’s shortcomings

Turn the other check: to be magnanimous with an offender

Stain at a gnat and swallow a camel: be careful at small affairs and be careless at big events Wolf in sheep’s clothing: the enemy pretend to be good Build up on the sand: the base is not stable

the narrow gate/the narrow way: the gate of eternal life Lost sheep: someone who is led astray

The salt of the earth, the light of the world: the mainstay in society

Not to hide one’s light or candle under a bushel: examples should be set The tree is known by its fruit: to know about one by his behaviors The parable of the sower and seed: One’s destiny differs from the other

