
更新时间:2023-05-07 16:14:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




暗池交易dark pool

暗箱操作covert deal

把握大局see the whole picture

白手起家start from scratch

摆花架子talk the talk

版税率royalty rate

包揽;收入囊中clean sweep; wrap up

保障性住房indemnificatory apartment 保证金margin; collateral

保值储蓄inflation-proof bank saving

报复性关税retaliatory duty

暴发户nouveau riche

背黑锅be the scapegoat; bear the blame 贝利乌鸦嘴Pele'sjinx

本本主义bookishness; dogma

边际成本incremental cost

表面文章lip service

薄利多销small profit margins, big sales 补缺选举by-election


不记名投票secret ballot


拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul



超大机构、城市megacity behemoth

扯皮shirk; pass the buck pneumoconiosis 吃空晌freeloading


穿梭外交shuttle diplomacy

传销pyramid scheme

慈善餐会giveaway buffet



打白条pay with lOUs

大做文章make a fuss

点心债券dim sum bond



定锚婴儿anchor baby

动员投票get-out-the-vote (GOTV)

断交信a Dear John letter

断电power outage


恶意透支malicious overdraft

恶意营销smear campaign

二次探底double dip

发疯go bananas


反补贴税countervailing duties

反庐舍联盟Anti-loser Union

防窃听电话eavesdropping-proof telephone

飞絮fluffy catkins

非常设机构ad hoc organization

分分合合的恋情on-again-off-again relationship


粉碎崇拜crushfetish canonization 浮屠pagoda

复式住宅duplex apartment 告密者whistleblower 功夫茶congou

公开征求意见solicit the public opinion 公款吃暍wining and dining on public fund 狗腿子henchman; lackey; hired thug 狗仔队paparazzi

购买力平价property-for-residency scheme 观潮派;观望态度fence-sitter 柜族cupboard tribe 国库券treasury bond 国事访问state visit


海湾战争综合症Gulf War Syndrome 寒潮cold snap 旱地滑雪场mock ski park 航空母舰aircraft carrier 好莱妈大片Hollywood blockbuster 好心人;见义勇为者good Samaritan 合并

重组merger and consolidation 和平破坏者peace saboteur 黑金;回扣kickback 洪峰flood crest 代言人mouthpiece 护身符amulet; tailsman 婚前单身派对stag/hen night 货到付款cash on delivery 机密;保密事件hush-hush affair 积习难改Old habits die hard.

积压航班flight backlog 缉毒队narcotics squad 即席讲话speak impromptu/ off-the-cuff remark

集思广益draw on collective wisdom of the people

挤兑bank run


既成事实fait accompli

夹心层sandwich class


假结婚bogus marriage

驾车过失杀人vehicular manslaughter

交换意见compare notes

脚踩两只船sit on the fence

金边债券gilt-edged bonds

金虫单脱壳escape like a cicada by casting off

its skin; slink off

紧缩银根tight money policy; monetary restraint

精英治国论elitism 酒后冲突drunken brawl 酒肉朋友fair-weather friend 举报网站top-off website 聚众淫乱罪group licentiousness 绝杀球last-gasp goal 军国主义militarism 军事演习military drill/ exercise

consecration 坎儿井Karez

侃大山chew the fat; chatter 手斗胃dissemination of science 可入肺颗粒particulate matter (PM)

空气末日airpocalypse; airmageddon 空头支票empty promise 口头禅pet phrase 快速回应码

Quick Response code 垃圾焚烧waste incineration 拉据战seesaw battle 垃圾邮件spam 蜡染法batik

老调重弹beat a dead horse

礼尚往来kindness deserves reciprocation

礼仪小姐Miss Etiquette

利改税tax-for-profit reform

联体婴儿Siamese twins

恋父情结Electra complex

恋母情结Oedipus complex


溜须拍马dawn on

略胜一筹edge out

裸官naked official




摩天大楼热skyscraper fervor


幕后操纵pull the strings behind the scene

木马Trajan Horse


能源危机energy crunch

逆回购reverse repo


女性专用车厢women-only compartment 欧亚大陆桥Eurasian Land Bridge 盘点;评估take stock 批评风暴blamestorming 剽窃抄袭plagiarize 平均主义levering-off; equalitarianism 凭证式国债certificate T-bonds 普选universal suffrage 妻管严henpecked 旗袍cheongsam; Qi Pao 枪手ghostwriter 敲竹杠fleece

翘尾巴的;高傲的cocky; stuck-up

窃听eavesdrop; eavesdropping

青花瓷blue and white porcelain

情侣装his-and-hers clothes

全天候服务24-hour service; round-the-clock

全天候友谊all-weather friendship 权贵/裙带资本主义crony capitalism 拳头产1S1 competitive product; knock-out product


人头税poll tax 闰日leap day

三连冠three straight championships 三连胜hat-trick feat

三天打鱼,两天晒网work by fits and starts

桑拿天sauna weather

杀手锏trump card

商业间谍industrial espionage

少年犯juvenile delinquent

神来之笔stroke of genius



实弹演习live-fire drill

世外桃源Arcadia; Shangri-La

市盈率price/ earning (P/E) ratio


视频监控系统surveillance camera system 首次展示rollout

首期付款down payment

述职duty visit

双轨制twin-track approach

私募债privately raised bond

死记硬背rote learning


速成班crash course

弹性预算discretionary budget

替罪羊政策scapegoating practice

贴现率discount rate

统一税flat tax


投机性需求speculative demand


退休金双轨制dual pension scheme

囤积居奇hoard for profiteering purposes 脱轨;中止执行derail

挖墙脚swipe talents from others

cut the ground from under somebody's feet


外交庇护diplomatic asylum


夕卜逃资本flight of capital


网络围攻online rioting

微博辟摇Weibo Refutes Rumors/ rumor


违法违规行为foul play 伪科学pseudo-science 未偿货款outstanding loan 乌龙球own goal 无人侦察机spy drone 无为而治govern by non-interference

希腊退出欧元区Grexit 下海venture business 现款提货cash-and-carry 向钱看mammonism 像热锅上的蚂蚁antsy 协定关税conventional tariff 心照不宣give tacit consent 信用紧缩credit crunch 行政审批administrative approval 虚拟存款window-dressing deposits 选美大赛beauty pageant 压轴戏the grand finale 养老保险endowment insurance 摇钱树cash cow 页岩气shale gas —揽子购买lump-sum purchase 异装癖者transvestite 因果报应karma

银弹外交money/dollar/"silver bullet" diplomacy

银根紧縮credit squeeze 应急储备基金Contingency Reserve Arrangement 有偿贷款onerous loan 运球dribble

杂费miscellaneous expenses

赠票complimentary ticket


招标采购seek procurement tenders


征集意见solicit opinion

症结sticking point

职业倦怠job burnout

致命弱点Achilles' heel

钟摆族pendulum clan

专业术语buzzword; jargon


捉人政治gotcha politics

资本外逃capital flight

资金池capital pool

自发罢工wildcat strike


自作自受stew in one's own juices

足球流tS soccer hooligan

钻石庆(60周年庆典)Diamond Jubilee

最后关头达成的协议last-ditch agreement


最惠国待遇Most Favored-Nation status


China people's Anti Japanese War and the 70 anniversary of the victory of the world anti fascist war memorial day 互联网+lnternet Plus 难民refugee

亚投行Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

习马会Xi-Ma meeting

巴黎恐怖袭击事件Paris Terror Attack

屠呦蝴Tu Youyou

四个全面four comprehensives


comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society 全面深化改革

comprehensively deepen reform 全面依法治国

comprehensively implement the rule of law 全面从严治党

comprehensively strengthen Party discipline 大众创业万众创新

Public entrepreneurship and innovation 互联互通共享共治

An Interconnected World Shared and Governed by All

控烟条例anti-smoking regulation 专车tailored taxi service 二维码Quick Response code (QR code, two dimension code)

实名制real-name registration limits 颜值Face Score

创客Maker (创客文化maker culture)

红包Red envelope 提速降费

Facilitating Faster and More Affordable Internet Connection

世界记忆名录Memory of the World Register 获得感sense of gain 十八届五中全会

the 5th Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 十三五规划the 13th five-year-plan 三严三实Three Stricts and Three Steadies 严以修身、严以用权、严以律己;

Be strict in cultivating one's moral character, preventing abuse of power and disciplining oneself;

谋事要实、创业要实、做人要实Be steady in planning matters, starting undertakings and conducting oneself.

_带一路B & R

the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road 脱贫攻坚poverty-relief program 阅兵military parade 北京冬奥Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games


Chinese Communist Party Standards on


民间智库civil think tank

全面二孩the universal two-child policy


the 70 anniversary of the victory of the world

anti fascist war

俄土(两国)交恶fall foul of each other 李光耀Lee Kuan Yew (注意)

打击“伊斯兰国”fight against ISIS 国际足联

International Federation of Association Football (FIFA)

习奥会Xi-Obama summit 新安保法案new security bill 中非合作论坛China-Africa Co-operation Forum


a New Type of International Relations 巴黎气候大会Paris Climate Conference 股市equity market 自贸区free trade area/zone 三证合一


integrate the business license, the organization code certificate, and the certificate of taxation registration into one document

众筹Crowd Funding

中国制造the "2025 Made in China 2025"



banking) WeBank

020 (线上线下)Online To Offline


Special Drawing Right

长江经济带Yangtze River Economic Belt


Group Innovation


大飞机large passenger aircraft

人工智能artificial intelligence

虚拟现实技术Virtual Reality

智慧城市Smart City

断崖式降级free-fall demotion

大病保险critical illness insurance

中高速増长medium-high economic growth,

户籍改革reform of household registration system

蚁贪ants eating style of corruption 两栖干部amphibious officials 空气末日Airpocalypse 网络用语Net Lingo 贩卖儿童child trafficking 冷冻卵子egg freezing

双边投资协定BIT:bilateral investment treaty, 利益共同体 a community of shared interests


the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of

China (the 13th Five-Year Plan )


the decisive stage in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects


uphold the principal position of the people


guide the new normal in China’s economic development


medium-high rate of economic growth


innovative development


Innovation is the primary engine of development.

*上半年(1 月—5 月)*

命运共同体community of common destiny

一带一路the Belt and Road (the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, B&R)

中国核安全观China's approach to nuclear security

中国文明观China's concept of civilization 互联网银行Internet-based banking 第三方支付third-party payments 八项规定the "eight-point" rules

工作纪律workplace rules

公款娱乐personal entertainment financed by public funds 大操大办婚丧喜庆extravagant weddings and funerals 股票、债券融资stock and bond financing 社会/民间融资private financing

融资合作机制bilateral financing mechanisms 引导更多资金用于......等领域channel more funds to the areas of ... 简化审批程序simplify examination and approval procedures 一站式服务窗口a one-stop service window

车展auto/car show

车模auto/car show model 网络文学online literature 换股stock swap

党风廉政建设foster clean governance 坚持零容忍态度take a zero tolerance stance 养老保险old-age insurance

养老金制度pension system/scheme 职业年金occupational annuities 修复安全漏洞patch security vulnerabilities

权力清单clarification of the rights of various departments

自我净化take a "self-purifying" approach 离境退税政策departure tax refund scheme 中国制造的商品China-made commodities 公建民营public-private partnerships 全球新局势the new global context 大众创业mass entrepreneurship

中高速增长medium-to-high speed of growth 双边本币互换协议bilateral currency swap agreement 提供流动性支持provide liquidity support 非盈利性组织non-profit organization

亚太梦Asia-Pacific dream

亚洲新安全观new Asian security concept

中国经济要行稳致远,必须全面深化改革。To ensure long-term and steady growth of the Chinese economy, we need to comprehensively deepen reforms. 用好政府和市场这“两只手”,形成“双引擎”。We need to properly use both the hand of the government and the hand of the market, and rely on both the traditional and new engines of growth.

公共产品、公共服务供给supply of public goods and services 以壮士断腕的勇气推进改革push forward reform with great courage and determination 主动适应新常态adapt to the new normal

开拓第三方市场open up third-country markets

提出“一带一路”建设put forward the initiatives to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

创新对外投资合作方式explore new approaches to investment cooperation with other countries 放宽外资准入provide easier market access for inbound foreign investment

多层次资本市场a multi-tiered capital market

低俗文化vulgar culture

电视剧分级制rating systems for television series

学籍号student code 有偿删帖paid post deletions 网络敲诈online extortion 巡回法庭circuit court 创客文化maker culture

城乡一体化rural-urban integration

国际化、市场化、法治化的营商环境a world-class business environment established on market principles and the rule of law

市场主体market players

中国经济发展虽然取得很大成就,但公共产品与服务不足仍是“短板”。China has made remarkable economic achievements, but inadequate supply of public goods and services remains a weak link in development.

公共设施资本存量capital stock on public infrastructure

审批的“灰色地带”the "grey zone" of administrative examinations and approvals

接受审计监督be subject to auditing supervision

协商民主consultative democracy 违建unauthorized construction 电子证据electronic evidence

“赢者通吃”the "winner takes all" approach 冷战思维与零和游戏the Cold War and zero-sum mentalities 地区互联regional connectivity

决策过程policy-making process 婚恋网站match-making sites 搞团团伙伙forming cliques 巡视disciplinary inspection

全方位合作all-round cooperation

人才驱动的科技创新talent-backed scientific and technological innovations

年夜饭family reunion dinner

羊年题材的金银饰品the sheep-themed gold and silver accessories 传统年货traditional Spring Festival-related goods 构建命运共同体forge a community of shared destiny

全面建成小康社会comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society; 全面深化改革comprehensively deepen reform;全面依法治国comprehensively implement the rule of law; 全面从严治党comprehensively strengthen Party discipline

养老服务elderly care services

居家养老服务home-based elderly care services

年夜饭family reunion dinner

羊年题材的金银饰品the sheep-themed gold and silver accessories 传统年货traditional Spring Festival-related goods 构建命运共同体forge a community of shared destiny

全面建成小康社会comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society; 全面深化改革comprehensively deepen reform; 全面依法治国comprehensively implement the rule of law; 全面从严治党comprehensively strengthen Party discipline

养老服务elderly care services

居家养老服务home-based elderly care services

雾霾记录片smog documentary 干预司法judicial interference 打造新亮点foster new highlights 产品性价比高cost-effective products

对外直接投资outbound direct investment

智慧民生smart livelihood

大气污染防治air pollution prevention and control

阅兵式military parade

高端IT 市场high-end IT market 红包大战battle of red envelopes 电子红包electronic red envelope 创客creators

互联网金融Internet-based finance 全方位对外开放all-round opening up 国际物流大通道international logistics gateways

有权不可任性。Powers should not be held without good reason. 为官不为。Some government officials neglect their duties. 新兴产业集群clusters of emerging industries

新兴产业集群clusters of emerging industries

大众创业、万众创新encourage people to start their own businesses and to make innovations

个人游individual visits

绩效收入performance-based income 任期激励incentive income during the tenure 职务犯罪duty-related crimes

体制性障碍institutional bottleneck

书香社会a nation of avid readers

互联网+ Internet Plus

环保意识弱weak public awareness of environmental protection

管理漏洞administration loopholes

“三期叠加”矛盾deal simultaneously with slowdown in economic growth, structural imbalances and the after-effects of previous stimulus policies

社会信用代码制度unified system of codes for credit rating


“中国制造2025”战略"Made in China 2025" strategy “工业 4.0”战略"Industry 4.0" project

亚洲基础设施投资银行Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 货币政策工具monetary tools 搭便车get a free ride

朋友圈circle of friends

创始成员国founding member

多重困难和挑战相互交织interwoven difficulties and challenges

廉价航空budget airline

准点率on-time/punctuality rate

产业转型industrial transformation 命运共同体a community of common destiny 3D 打印3D printing

可穿戴设备wearable devices 丝路基金Silk Road Fund 隐性就业unregistered employment 中国人讲“大河有水小河满,小河有水大河满”。Chinese people say that when big rivers have water, the small ones are filled; and when small rivers have water, the big ones are filled. 中国经济体量大、韧性好、潜力足、回旋空间大、政策工具多。The Chinese economy is highly resilient and has much potential, which gives enough room to leverage a host of policy tools. 互补共进、协调发展complementary and coordinated development

首付款down payment

改善性住房improved housing

廉价旅馆budget hotel

首要污染源major pollution source 机关事业单位工作人员职业年金annuity for government employees 缴费基数payment base

干预司法meddle/interfere in judicial activities 优进优出quality imports and quality exports 网络售彩online lottery sale 以和为贵。Harmony is the most valuable. 协和万邦。Peace and harmony should prevail.

四海之内皆兄弟也。All men under heaven are brothers.

国际市场需求乏力sluggish global demand

司法公信力judicial credibility

跨区法院cross-regional courts

资本项目可兑换capital account convertibility

上证综合指数Shanghai Composite Index, 深证成份股指数Shenzhen Component Index, 香港恒生指数Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index

制定市场准入负面清单put in place a negative-list approach for market access

双引擎twin engines

全天候战略合作伙伴关系all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation

全面战略伙伴关系comprehensive strategic partnership 巴中友谊比山高、比海深、比蜜甜、比钢硬。The Pakistan-China friendship is higher than mountains, deeper than oceans, sweeter than honey, and stronger than steel.

红色通缉令red notice

家庭式腐败family corruption 银行卡清算业务bank card clearing 个人独资企业sole-proprietorship enterprise 个体工商户individual businesses

财务造假financial fraud

不附带政治条件with no political strings attached “四个全面”战略布局Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy 有权不可任性。Power is not to be used arbitrarily.

抗震救灾earthquake relief 心理疏导psychological counseling 生命探测仪life detection equipment

“中国制造2025”规划"Made in China 2025" plan

高档数控机床high-end numerically-controlled machine tools

保基本、兜底线、建机制build up a basic safety net, ensure there is a cushion in place for those most in need, and make due institutional arrangements

以释放市场活力对冲经济下行压力invigorate the market to offset downward economic


云计算cloud computing 互联网经济Internet economy 虚拟经济virtual economy 智能工厂smart factory "九二共识" the 1992 Consensus 两岸关系cross-Straits relations

城乡一体化发展integrated urban-rural development

移动互联网mobile Internet

"互联网+" 行动计划Internet plus initiative 以市场为导向的价格机制 a market-driven pricing system 医药市场pharmaceutical market

结构性减税和普遍性降费make structural tax reductions and cut fees across the board 精准扶贫、精准脱贫take targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty 加强国际传播能力建设improve our ability to communicate effectively with international audiences

从制造大国转向制造强国transform China from a manufacturer of quantity to one of quality 让更多的金融活水流向实体经济allow more financial resources to be channeled into the real economy

欧亚经济联盟The Eurasian Economic Union

胜利日Victory Day/V-Day

卫国战争the Great Patriotic War

为公平竞争搭好舞台level the playing field for fair competition

存贷款基准利率the benchmark deposit and loan interest rates 健康稳定的大国关系框架a sound and stable framework for major-country relations 强农惠农富农strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and raise rural living standards 企业宣传活动enterprise publicity campaign

超级旅游团super tour group

动漫形象animated image

经济行稳致远maintain sustainable economic growth

保持战略定力maintain strategic focus

创新是人类发展进步的不熄引擎。Innovation is the perpetual engine driving development and progress of humanity.

税收法定原则the principle of law-based taxation

普惠金融inclusive finance 硬骨头tough issue 高压态势tough stance

大众创业、万众创新popular entrepreneurship and innovation 保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平双目标。We must focus on achieving the dual objectives of maintaining a medium-high rate of growth and moving toward a medium-high level of development.

人口红利demographic dividend 人才红利talent dividend 数字媒体digital media

公私合作(public-private partnership,PPP)

自拍杆selfie stick

通勤列车commuter train

债务风险评估和预警机制debt risk assessment and early warning mechanism


网友online peers 偷拍stealthie 智能手机smartphone

经济发展进入新常态,精神面貌要有新状态。China’s economic development has entered a new normal, meaning we must adopt a new mindset. 保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平双目标。We must focus on achieving the dual objectives of maintaining a medium-high rate of growth and moving toward a medium-high level of development.

积极防御军事战略active defense military strategy 打赢信息化局部战争win informationized local wars 微传销pyramid-selling through WeChat 货币互换协议currency swap deal

三严三实three stricts and three honests。三严三实指的是严以修身、严以用权、严以律己(being strict in morals, power and self-discipline),谋事要实、创业要实、做人要实(being honest in

decisions, business and behavior)。

互惠战略伙伴关系strategic partnership for mutual benefit

经济结构互补,发展战略契合mutually supplementary economic structures and shared development strategy

*下半年(6 月—11 月上旬)* 中国的周边外交政策旨在奉行“亲、诚、惠、容”理念,实现睦邻、安邻、富邻。China’s policy towards the neighborhood is guided by the principle of sincerity, amity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. It aims to bring harmony, stability and prosperity to the neighborhood. 立国之道,惟在富民。The only way to build a country is to enrich its people. 履不必同,期于适足;治不必同,期于利民。As the saying goes, “One pair of shoes need not be the same as another; it need only fit the wearer’s feet. Governance need not be of only one kind; it need only benefit t he people.”

为者常成,行者常至。There is a saying that those who keep up their efforts often achieve their goal, and those who keep on walking often reach their destination.

网警Internet/cyber police

治安警察(public security police)、户籍警察(household registration police)、刑事警察(criminal police)、交通警察(traffic police)、巡逻警察(patrol police)、外事警察(foreign affairs police)债券/信贷资产bond/credit assets

微商Wechat Business

大额存单a large-denomination certificate of deposit

二级市场the secondary market 存款保险the deposit insurance 问责机制accountability mechanism

非行政许可审批non-administrative license examination and approval

空中上网服务in-flight WiFi services 学术不端academic misconduct 贪腐丑闻corruption scandal

民之疾苦,国之要事。Ensuring people's wellbeing is a top priority for the government. 求同存异、包容互鉴、合作共赢work together to expand common ground while accepting differences, and seek win-win progress through inclusive cooperation and mutual learning 国际化人才globally competitive talents

降低融资成本lower financing costs 3D 打印技术3-D printing technology

朋友如真金,百炼色不回。True gold never loses its color even after repeated smelting; and the same remains true for real friends.

工业和技术园区industrial and technological parks

以基础设施建设为牵引,以产能合作为抓手,以金融合作为支撑with focus on infrastructure development and cooperation in production capacity, underpinned by financial cooperation 产业对接、共同发展industrial integration and common development 浇花浇根,交人交心。When watering flowers, make sure that water goes down deep to the roots; and when making friends, remember that best friends are those whose hearts are close. 向改革创新要动力,向结构调整要助力,向民生改善要潜力drive growth through reform, innovation and structural readjustment and unleash potential through improving people's lives

依法治国law-based governance of the country

重大决策责任倒查机制mechanism for retroactive investigation into accountability for major decisions

移动终端mobile terminals

付费国产剧pay-per-view homegrown TV dramas

法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设a holistic approach to strengthening the rule of law in the country, in its government, and in society

依宪治国governance of the country on the basis of its constitution

跨国在线贸易cross-border online shopping

提货点pick-up points

法立,有犯而必施;令出,唯行而不返Once enacted, a law must be enforced and anyone who violates it must be held to account.

依法治国和以德治国相结合combine the rule of law with the rule of virtue

共同利益远大于分歧。Common interests far outweigh differences.

优化投资环境optimize the investment environment

增进互信,促进合作,妥善处理分歧enhance mutual trust, boost cooperation and properly handle differences

拥有核心技术或独立知识产权的企业enterprises with core technology or independent

intellectual property rights

有句话叫“心诚则灵”。There is a Chinese saying, “Sincerity can work wonders.”网络叫车服务ride-hailing service

重大决策责任倒查机制mechanism for retroactive investigation into accountability for major decisions

执法责任制accountability system for law enforcement

拓宽投资渠道diversify investment channels

社保基金social security fund

大厦之成,非一木之材也;大海之阔,非一流之归也。As the saying goes, “A building isn’t made of a single piece of timber, and an ocean isn’t created by a single river.”睦邻、安邻、富邻bring harmony, stability and prosperity to the neighborhood

调整产业结构adjust the industrial structure

公募基金public offering of fund 网络版权online copyright 正版音乐patented music

金砖国家要以史为鉴,摒弃冷战思维,拒绝零和博弈,共同维护地区和世界和平稳定。The BRICS nations should draw lesson from history, abandon the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game, to jointly safeguard world and regional peace and stability. 对话让双方找到并扩大了重大利益契合点,实现了互利共赢。Dialogue has helped both of us to identify and expand our common interests and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. 解决分歧和摩擦的办法不止一种,对话是投入产出比最高的方式。There are different ways of resolving differences and frictions, and dialogue is certainly the most cost-effective means for doing so.

转变政府职能transform government functions

简政放权、放管结合streamline government functions and administration and delegate powers while improving regulation

智库、媒体、地方合作think-tank, media and local-level cooperation

密切全方位交往cement multi-faceted exchanges 密切在联合国、世贸组织、二十国集团、金砖国家等国际组织和多边机制框架内的协调和配合closely coordinate in international organizations and under multilateral frameworks, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Group of 20 and BRICS 中国有句古话,唯以心相交,方能成其久远。As an old saying in China goes, only heart-to-heart exchanges can last long.

多年来,中美关系虽经风雨,但人员往来、人文交流从未停止。Over the years, despite twists and turns in our bilateral ties, people-to-people exchanges have never ceased. 建设利益共享的价值链和利益融合的大市场building a value chain of shared benefits and a big market of integrated interests 发挥各成员国在资源禀赋、产业结构上的互补优势,合力拓展更大发展空间。We should leverage our complementary strengths in resource endowment and industrial structures, and expand our development horizons through collective efforts.

双开(开除党籍和开除公职) expel someone from the CPC and remove someone from public office

纪律处分disciplinary punishment

The ties between China and South Africa are at their best time in history, with strong development momentum. 中南关系保持强劲发展势头,正处于历史最好时期。

China and South Africa have scored tangible results in strategic cooperation in important sectors, which significantly enriched the connotation of the comprehensive strategic partnership between them. 双方在一系列重要领域的战略合作卓有成效,极大丰富了中南全面战略伙伴关系内


和平发展的时代潮流更加强劲。The trend of peace and development has gained stronger momentum. 世界仍然很不太平,局部动荡此起彼伏,恐怖主义、毒品威胁、重大疫情、自然灾害等非传统安全挑战层出不穷。The world today still faces threats posed by regional turbulence and non-traditional challenges, including terrorism, drug, pandemic and natural disasters.

飞行里程frequent flyer miles

免费道路toll-free road

三证合一integrate the business license, the organization code certificate, and the certificate of

taxation registration into one document

简化对外投资审批程序simplify procedures for reviewing outbound investment

困难群众financially challenged residents

解决医患纠纷resolve disputes between doctors and patients

互联网从业者Internet professionals 真人动画电影live-action animation 政府责任清单list of government responsibilities 市场准入负面清单market access negative list 做空short-selling


断崖式降级free-fall demotion

组织线上线下互动活动hold both online and offline activities

筑牢民意基础consolidate public support

开展多元化、本土化、分众化传播carry out multi-dimensional, localized and audience-targeted media coverage

创新报道手段和信息发布平台innovate in reporting practices and information distribution


富豪消费价格指数Luxury Consumer Price Index (LCPI) 释放交流互鉴、和谐共处的正能量create positive interactions through exchanges, mutual learning and harmonious coexistence

架起弥合文化和历史差异的互联网大通道establish an online channel to bridge cultural and historical differences between different countries 疏导公众情绪defuse (public) anger/discontent 廉政文化建设foster a culture of clean government

中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日Victory Memorial Day for the Chinese People ’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (VM Day)

抗日民族统一战线Chinese united front against Japanese aggression

法定职责必须为、法无授权不可为。Government must carry out all statutory functions and duties and may not do anything not authorized by law. 用政府权力的“减法”,换取市场活力的“乘法”cut government powers to boost market vitality 大道之行也,天下为公。When the great way is followed, all under heaven will be equal. 严重违纪违法serious violations of discipline and law

反腐巡视工作anti-corruption inspections

行为准则code of conduct

弃吾之所学,为吾之信仰I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief. 前人栽树,后人乘凉。One generation plants a tree; the next sits in its shade.

快递员delivery person、网络安全管理员online security administrator、期货交易员futures trader

乡土文化native culture

炎黄子孙a Chinese descendant/the Chinese nation

优先发展公共运输give priority to the development of public transportation 为当地人带来多种经济和社会效益bring multiple economic and social benefits to the local people

世界反法西斯战争the Global War against Fascism

国际反法西斯统一战线the international anti-fascist united front

危化品dangerous/hazardous chemicals

单双号限行traffic restrictions based on even- and odd-numbered license plates

执法责任制accountability system for law enforcement 人民陪审员制度system of people’s assessors 文化产业基地cultural industrial base

文化传播渠道channels of cultural transmission

货币战争, 汇率战currency war

资本外流capital outflow

增强改革定力、保持改革韧劲show greater determination and perseverance in advancing reforms

注重研究改革遇到的新情况新问题find solutions to new problems arising from the reforms

思想道德建设raise ideological and ethical standards

文化创意产业cultural creative industry

社交媒体文案Social Media Copywriter; 产品总设计师Chief Product Designer 文化体制改革reform of cultural administrative system; cultural restructuring 骨干文化企业leading/key cultural enterprises

高能耗产业energy-intensive industries 铁腕治污fight pollution with an iron hand 景区电子门票sightseeing e-coupon

名嘴popular TV presenter

国际田联世界田径锦标赛IAAF World Championships

国际田径联合会the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)

电动汽车electric vehicle 特赦special amnesty 时尚元素fashion elements 极客geek

公积金贷款housing provident fund loans

蓝筹股shares in blue chip companies

中国开辟了世界反法西斯战争的东方主战场。The main Eastern battlefield for the Global War against Fascism was developed in China.

国际反法西斯统一战线the international anti-fascist united front

举行大阅兵stage a grand parade

高铁旅游high-speed train trip

纪念邮票commemorative stamp、纪念金币commemorative gold coin 中国人民抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War 正义和邪恶、光明和黑暗、进步和反动的大决战a decisive battle between justice and evil, between light and darkness, and between progress and reaction

熔断机制circuit-breaker mechanism

职称评审evaluation of professional titles

铭记历史、缅怀先烈、珍爱和平、开创未来bear history in mind, honor all those who laid down their lives, cherish peace and open up the future

绝不让历史悲剧重演this historical tragedy will never repeat itself.

“靡不有初,鲜克有终。”As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "After making a good start, we should ensure that the cause achieves fruition."

中华民族创造了具有5000 多年历史的灿烂文明,也一定能够创造出更加灿烂的明天。Having

