Unit10 why was it built 教学设计

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Unit10 Why was it built?

(第一课时 教学设计)

【课题】Unit10 Why was it built? 【课时】第1课时(45分钟) 【设计理念】



本单元的话题是国内外著名建筑物, 有助于开阔学生眼界,激发学生兴趣。是本课时的教学重点是要求学生能够听懂建筑物的建造时间、所在位置及其他简单信息;能够读懂著名建筑物的简单对话;理解并学会运用有关建筑物和景点表达所需的词汇和句型;能正确运用一般过去时的被动语态简单介绍建筑物的历史。本单元的设计对象是国贸专业学生,该班总体学习气氛较好,大多数学生对英语感兴趣,希望学好英语,但口语表达能力不强,大部分同学不敢开口说英文。针对此现象,考虑通过教师铺垫、同伴互助、小组合作学习的方式引导更多学生自主学习,使更多学生愿意参与教学活动,尽力完成各项语言任务。

【教材解析】 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语2》(基础模块 高教版)第十单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:了解有关著名的建筑物,听懂关于著名建筑物的建造时间、所在位置及其他简单信息。掌握有关表达建筑物的建造时间、所在位置等简单信息的词汇、句型。 2. 教学目标


了解世界著名建筑物的专有名词,如the Golden Gate Bridge,the Palace Museum, Stonehenge,Sydney Opera House,the Pisa Tower,the Taj Mahal,Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower etc。

掌握与建筑物有关的词汇和短语,如 build,locate,design,tour guide,start,complete,celebrate,revolution,keep out

掌握有关表达建筑物的建造时间、所在位置等简单信息的句型 Asking for some information of the famous building: When was it built? Why was it built? Who designed it? What was it used for? How long was it? How was it built?

Giving some information of the famous building:

It was started in…

It was completed in… It was designed by… It was used for… (2)语言技能目标


学生能用所学句型简单并表达建筑物的建造时间、所在位置等简单信息。 (3)情感态度目标




1. 听懂读懂有关著名建筑物的简单信息.

2. 掌握表达建筑物的建造时间、所在位置等简单信息的词汇和句型。 难点:







Step 1: Lead-in 8m

1. Enjoy the video of famous buildings in the world.

2. Talk about the famous buildings in China.(show pictures)

Possible answers: the Great Wall, the Bird Nest, Water Cube, Tian'anmen Square, the Palace Museum,etc.

3. Match the names with the pictures of famous buildings all over the world.

Big Ben (England), the Great Pyramid(Egypt), the Statue of Liberty(America), Eiffel Tower(France), Stonehenge(England), Sydney Opera House(Australia), the Pisa Tower(Italy), the Taj Mahal(India), Golden Gate Bridge(America) 4. Listen and order the pictures

A: Eiffel Tower

B: The Great Wall of China C: The Statue of Liberty

Correct order:

(设计意图:用视频导入,吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣; 从国内的著名建筑谈起,由简入难,增强学生的自豪感,也符合学生的认知规律。) Step 2 Listening 12m 1. Pre- listening

Can you say something about the Great Wall?


Where is it located? It’s located in… When was it built? It was built in… Why was it built? It was built to… What was it used for? It was used to… 2. listening

a. Listen and decide on the relationship of the speakers.

Teacher and student guide and tourist husband and wife b. Listen and circle the questions asked 1) Where was it built? 2) When was it built? 3) Who designed it? 4) How was it built? 5) Why was it built?

c. Listen and complete the file


After listening Blank filling

Fill the blanks to complete the dialogue.

Guide: Hello, everyone. I’m very glad to be your tour guide. We are now walking to the famous Statue of Liberty.

Man: It’s really tall. Guide: Of course. We can climb the stairs all the way up to the top. It’s just 142 steps. 4. Role play

Practice the dialogue with your partner. Give your performance in class.

(设计意图:听力任务的呈现具有一定的梯度,不同题型的听力任务让学生熟悉内容,明确重点,为下面的语言输出做铺垫。) Step 3 Speaking

1. Pair work Match the questions with answers between a tourist and a tour guide.

Work in pairs and role play the dialogue between a tourist and a tour guide.

2. Group work to be a tour guide

Do you want to know more about famous buildings in the world? Do you want to be a tour guide? Let’s know more about them. Please work in group of 6 to talk about the following 8 buildings. You can do the work step by step.

Step1 search the information in the given material. Step2 make question card and information cards

Step3 practice the dialogues between tourists and tour guides Step4 check your work at random.

1. "Bird's nest", the National Stadium is the main stadium of the 2008 Beijing Olympic. It was started on December 24, 2003 and completed in 2008 March.

2. National Swimming Center is also known as the "Water Cube”. It is located in Beijing Olympic Park. It is used for the main swimming pool of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. It was started in December 24, 2003, and completed in January 28, 2008.

3. Stonehenge is located in England. It was begun about five thousand years ago. Experts say they are still not sure what it was used for.

4. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 in Paris, designed by the architect Alexander Eiffel. It was built to celebrate the success of the French Revolution. It was the symbol of Paris and France. It is

320 meters high.

5. The Pisa Tower is located in Italy, which is the symbol of Italy. It was started in 1173 and completed in 1372.

6. Golden Gate Bridge was completed in 1937. It is about 2.7kilometers long, which is one of the longest bridges in the world. Golden Gate Bridge was named because it was like a door

leading to the Gold rush. It stands for the city of San Francisco. It was designed by Strauss.

7.Taj Mahal is one of the best known buildings of India. The emperor built it in memory of his beloved concubine. It was started from 1631 and finished in1648.

8. Sydney Opera House is located in Australia. It is the world famous performing arts center. The theatre was designed by the Danish designer Jonuson. It was started from 1959 and completed in1973


(设计意图: 小组成员相互合作,通过阅读材料,培养搜索信息、处理信息的能力。在具体情景下,在做中学,做中练,掌握谈论建筑物的简单信息,提高学生的口语表达能力。)

Step 4 Summary

What do you learn in this class? Famous buildings: Useful expressions:



Step 5 Homework

Work in group of 4 and make a poster of one famous building in the world. Find pictures and information about one famous building online. Try to answer the following questions. What is the building used for? When was it built? Who designed it? Why is it famous?

We will choose the best poster and all the posters will be put up for exhibition.


Blackboard design

2.Group work

Work in pairs and take the roles as a tour guide and a tourist according to the information card.

Possible questions:

What’s the name of the building? How long/high is it?

When was it built/ started/ completed? Who designed it? Where was it built? Why was it built? What was it used for?

