
更新时间:2023-12-19 01:37:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



三心二意/心不在焉:absent-minded 大相径庭/迥然不同:be totally different 粗心大意:careless/carelessness 不计其数:countless 引人入胜:attractive

不折不扣:extremely;completely 心烦意乱:upset


1.他梦想有朝一日能亲眼看到海上日出。 2.他们俩兴趣相投,但思维方式却大相径庭。

3.那家鞋店声称所有鞋子降价60%,然后顾客仍然寥寥无几。 4.既然他不愿意和你们去远足,就不要强人所难了。 5.消息传来,被绑架的七名人质获释,人们如释重负。

可用短语来翻译的成语 置之不理:take no notice of

刮目相看:look at sb. With new eyes 忍不可忍:can no longer put up with 蹑手蹑脚:on tiptoe

不得而知:remain unkown

一箭之遥:within a stone’s throw 化险为夷:turn danger into safety 安然无恙:safe and sound 视而不见:turn a blind eye to 充耳不闻:turn a deaf ear to 三言两语:in a few words 不知所措:be at a loss

坚守岗位:stick to one’s post 坚持不懈:persevere in doing 半途而废:give up halfway 一事无成:achieve nothing 焕然一新:take on a new look

鼎力相助:do whatever one can to help 不遗余力:spare no efforts to 受益匪浅:benefit a lot from 爱莫能助:be powerless to help 鞭长莫及:too far away to reach

一见钟情:fall in love with??at first sight 不辞辛苦:take time and trouble/take pains 跋山涉水:travel over mountains and waters 奋不顾身:have no thought for one’s own safety 百听不厌:be worth listening to a hundred times

不辞而别:take leave without saying goodbye

一鸣惊人:surprise the world with one’s first success 全心全意:heart and soul/whole-heartedly 因人而异::depend on the individual / vary from person to person


1.令人难以置信,那家银行在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。 2.与你相比,我所做的微不足道。

3.很多人把无偿献血当作理所当然的事情。 4.主队赢得比赛后,球迷们欣喜若狂。 5.他不负众望,在演讲比赛中夺得第一名。


熟能生巧:Practice makes perfect.

勤能补拙:Diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence. 入乡随俗:When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 趁热打铁:Strike while the iron is hot. 骄兵必败:Pride goes before a fall.

所见所闻:what someone has seen and heard.

言行一致:What one does agrees with what he says. 众所周知:as is known to all

若无其事:pretend as if nothing unusual had happened 开卷有益:Reading does you good. 无济于事:It’s no use doing? 良药苦口,忠言逆耳:As good medicine tastes bitter ,so good advice sounds unpleasant.

事与愿违:Things turned out to be against one’s will. 各抒己见:Everyone expresses his own opinion.

爱不释手:love something so much that sb. doesn’t want to put it away 宁死不屈:would rather die than surrender


1. 那个小女孩真是被惯得不像话,父母对她百依百顺。 2. 他凡事没有自己的主张,总是人云亦云。 3. 碰到这种情况,你按下任何健都无济于事。 4. 尽管输给了对手,他却假装若无其事。 5. 龟兔赛跑的故事说明“骄兵必败”。


覆水难收:What is done cannot be undone. 夜长梦多:The longer you wait , the more unexpected developments may occur. 千钧一发:in the emergency

不择手段:try whatever means to achieve the purpose


1. 是向老师承认错误,还是掩盖事实,他举棋不定。 2. 如果我们找不到失败的真正原因,就有重蹈覆辙的危险。 3. 即使你有三头六臂,你也不能同时应付这么多事。 4. 继续前进,你得放下包袱。


