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(本试卷满分140分,考试时间110分钟 )

第I卷 客观题(共80分)

一、听力测试 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)

本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。 在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目。听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你所认为的最合适的答案。 1. What’s the girl’s favorite animal?

A. B. C 2. Where would Sam like to go?


A. B. C. 3. How is Andy going to Xiamen?

4. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A . B. C.

5. When did William begin to skate according to the conversation?

A. Four years ago. B. Three years ago. C. Five years ago. 6. When does Tom’ s birthday party begin? A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00. 7. How many hectares(公顷)does the nature reserve have? A. 210,000 . B.21,000 . C. 2,100,000. 8. Where is Peter going? A. To a cinema. B. To a museum. C. To a hospital. 9. What is the probable relationship(关系) between the speakers? A. Classmates. B. A teacher and a parent. C. A teacher and a student. 10. Where is Kate now? A. At home. B. In Japan. C. In America. 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题


听1段对话,回答第11-12小题。答题完毕,请耐心等待嘀的信号,进入第一篇短文。 11. Which season does Amy like best?

A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. 12. Why does Simon like autumn?

A. Because it is always sunny. B. Because he can see flowers. C. Because he can play football outside.

听第一篇短文,回答第13---15小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待嘀的信号,进入下一篇短文。 Where What How long Alice comes from 13 . She is good at 14 . They will stay in London for 15 days. 13. A. England B. France C. America 14. A. Chinese B. Science C. P.E. 15. A. four B. three C. five 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20题

16. Where did Mike listen to the speech? A. In the school hall. B. On the school radio. C. On TV. 17. Which club is Mike going to join? A. The Bird-watching Club. B. The Helping Hand Club. C. The Music Club. 18. What are Mike’s favorite subjects? A. Maths and Chinese. B. English and Maths. C. Chinese and English. 19. What is Mike interested in? A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Football. 20. When can Mike come to club activities? A. On Saturday and Sunday. B. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon. C. On Saturday afternoon and Sunday. 二、单项选择:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. ---Do you know Wang Junkai, _____member of TF Boys?

---Of course. He is one of _____most popular teenage singers in China.

A. the; a B. a; / C. a; the D. the; the 22. The first snow of the New Year in Yangzhou fell ________ Jan.3,2018.

A. in B. on C. at D. by 23. ---Wow! You've got so many boots.

---But _______of them are in fashion now.

A. all B. both C. neither D. none 24. The bushes make good ________ for animals to hide in.

A. cover B. home C. gardens D. parks 25. I can’t hear you _____ . It is too noisy outside.

A. loudly B. quickly C. quietly D. clearly 26. ---Do you have any plans for this Sunday?

---I’m not sure. I ______ go to the zoo with my best friend.

A. can B. may C. must D. should 27. ---Are there many newly-opened companies in your hometown? ---Yes, they ________many chances to work for local people. A. give B. offer C. protect D. provide

28. ______ great fun Simon has ______a snowman in the yard! A. What; making B. What; made C. How; making D. How; made 29. --- We couldn’t find you anywhere around 8 o’clock yesterday evening. --- I’m sorry for that. I __________in the supermarket then. A. shopped B. am shopping C. was shopping D. will shop 30. You look quite tired. You'd better _______ a good rest. A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having 31. Millions of people _______the pictures of themselves at age 18 on WeChat or Weibo. A. put down B. put in C. put up D. put on 32. Shanghai is larger than __________ in China.

A. any city B. any other city C. any other cities D. another city 33. —________does your pet dog weigh? — About 8 kilograms.

A. What B. How C. How many D. How much 34. Which of the following is the same as “I saw him reading a book.” in pattern(结构)? A. You have a very nice sister. B. The news made me happy. C. They are good at math. D. He likes playing the piano. 35. ---I didn't pass the driving test.

---_______.Good luck to you next time.

A. That's great. B. It's interesting. C. What a pity! D. Glad to hear that. 三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Mr Black had a wonderful pool. He put up five _36__to forbid(禁止)fishing in it.

For a long time nobody dared to fish in that pool, but Tom decided to__37_ the rule. His friends warned(警告)him, \are all kinds of surprises in Mr Black's pool. You'll catch something__38_if you fish there\

But Tom didn't listen. He liked fishing so much. So one__39_ with his pole(鱼竿)in his hand, he went to the pool to fish. He got up so early that he fell asleep while waiting for the fish. _40_ ,the fishing line woke him up. \(鳟鱼) \not a trout, but a huge catfish(鲶鱼).How could he have been so__42_?

Then something __43_happened. The water turned bright red then dark as that catfish became a whale. As big as three houses, it looked very __44_ which made Tom afraid . Tom started to __45_.But it was too late. That whale reached for Tom and was ready to __46_ him.

Now he wished he'd listened to his __47_.Just as the whale was about to eat him, he woke up. It was only a__48_ ,though there was a small goldfish on his line. He__49_it back where it was, in Mr Black's pool. Later, when friends asked him what happened there, he just said, \do like __50_,but there're just too many surprises in Mr Black's pool.\

36. A. signs B. sights C. postcards D. instructions 37. A. break B. find C. follow D. make 38. A. important B. dangerous C. useful D. interesting 39. A. evening B. afternoon C. morning D. night 40. A. Finally B. Slowly C. Luckily D. Suddenly 41. A. angry B. bored C. excited D. worried 42. A. right B. wrong C. awful D. careless 43. A. tiring B. interesting C. boring D. surprising 44. A. sad B. rude C. hungry D. thirsty 45. A. walk B. run C. jump D. move

46. A .hide B. lose C. save D. bite 47. A. parents B. teachers C. friends D. pets 48. A. mistake B. dream C. problem D. story 49. A. pushed B. hit C. kept D. threw 50. A. fishing B. swimming C. boating D. sailing 四.阅读理解(共l5小题;每小题2分,计30分)



Here is a train timetable in Yangzhou Train Station. Read it and then answer the questions. Train number T238/T235 D5564 Z30 T152/T153 From→To Yangzhou→Nantong Yangzhou→Nanjing Yangzhou→Beijing Leave 5:40AM. 6:45AM. 9:20PM. Arrive 7:57AM. 7:37AM. 7:28AM. 9:25PM. Distance 183km 101km 1228km 1695km Fare(车费) ¥168 ¥106 ¥302 ¥544 Yangzhou→Chongqing 10:23AM. ( ★Travel free for children under 1.2m;1.2m—1.5m,half fare. )

51. If Li Lei wants to visit his grandparents in Nanjing ,when should he get on the train? A. 05:40 B. 06:45 C. 09:20 D. 10:23

52. If Nancy takes her daughter, Little Anne, a 1.4-metre-tall girl, to Chongqing, how much will they pay? A.¥1088 B.¥544 C. ¥816 D. ¥453 53. Which train takes the longest time in the journey?

A. Z30 B. D5564 C. T238 D. T153


What's a day in your life like today? You go to school and do your homework, right? At home you probably do a few simple chores, like washing the dishes or making your bed. You might complain about not having enough free time to relax.

In the past, children of your age probably had a little more to complain about. Throughout much of history, many didn't go to school because they had to help all day at home or on the farm. Their parents taught them what they knew, but very few adults(成年人)could read or write. The Aztec people, who lived from 1200 to 1473 in present-day Mexico, were special. The Aztecs believed that education, or learning, was important. Every child went to school, although boys and girls learned different things.

In the nineteenth century, many people began moving into cities to find jobs . In cities there was no longer a need to have children work on the farm. So instead they began working in factories. In England many children worked long hours six days a week. And they earned(挣)as little as a penny a day-that's less than fifty cents in today' money! Children started working from a very young age, sometimes at only five or six years old. They gave all of their money to their parents to help pay for the family's needs.

Today most children go to school. Sometimes teenagers work part-time jobs to earn money. But many use that money for enjoyment, not to help their families. Think about it! Even if(即使) you work and go to school, you still have time to relax or hang out with your friends. Next to your peers(同龄人)from the past, you have it pretty easy!

54. The underlined word \

A. teachers B. children C. The Aztec people D. parents 55. According to the passage, what did children do with the money they made?

A. They bought anything they liked. B. They paid for their school's needs.

C. They helped to support their families. D. They did something to make themselves happy. 56. What can we infer(推断)from the last paragraph?

A. Today teenagers should have more to complain about. B. Today teenagers should love their lives and complain less.

C. Today teenagers should often have a good time with their friends.

D. Today teenagers should use that money they earned to help their families. 57. The passage mainly tells us that_____________________.

A. Children's lives have changed with the development of society.

B. For the Aztec people, boys and girls learned different things at school. C. Many children in England earned much money in the nineteenth century. D. People were poor so they couldn't send their children to school in the past.


BEIJING---- Heavy snow has affected(影响)traffic and brought low temperatures.

In Liaoning Province,nineteen highways have been closed because of the icy roads .Following the snow, the temperatures will drop by 10℃.

In Xinyang City, Henan Province, snow from Wednesday to Friday, killed one person and hurt three others. Primary and middle schools in the city have suspended classes since Thursday. The disaster damaged 26 houses and over 2,000 hectares of crops, causing total losses of 219 million yuan.

In eastern China's Anhui Province, quilts and coats have been given to local people to withstand(抵住) the biting cold ,following heavy snow since Wednesday, the worst in Anhui since 2008.The snow has affected 1.5 million people and damaged over 160,000 hectares of crops, causing total losses of 3.5 billion yuan, according to the local government.

From Tuesday to Wednesday, the temperature will drop by 6℃ to 8 ℃ in northern, northeastern, central and southern China, including parts of Inner Mongolia and Yunnan. From Monday to Saturday, most places south of the Yellow River will see temperatures 4℃ to 6 ℃ lower than previous(以前的)years. 58. Where may the passage come from?

A. A play B. A news report C. A story D. An advertisement 59. The underlined word \ A. 暂停 B. 开始 C. 终止 D. 继续

60. ‘The lowest temperatures in those areas could reach -10℃ to - 15℃,or lower, breaking historical records.’ can be put at the end of_________________.

A. paragraph 2 B. paragraph 3 C. paragraph 4 D. paragraph 5 61. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. In Henan Province, nineteen highways have been closed. B. The heavy snow has been the worst in China since 2008. C. The snow has caused great losses to some parts of China.

D. The temperatures in most places south of the Yellow River will be 4℃ to 6 ℃. D.

Little Women is a novel by an American writer, which was published in 1868 and 1869. The novel follows the lives of four sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March from childhood to womanhood. These four sisters live with their mother. Meg and Jo March, the elder sisters, both work outside the home for money to raise the family. Meg teaches four children in a nearby family, while Jo helps her grand-aunt March, who is very rich. Beth helps with the housework, and Amy attends school. Their nearest neighbor is a rich man whose grandson lives with him. The sisters introduce themselves to the handsome shy boy, Laurie, who is the age of Jo.

… …

Meg is the beautiful sister; Jo is the tomboy(爱打闹的女孩); Beth is the musician; and Amy is the charming artist with the golden curly hair. Jo is easy to get angry. One of her challenges(挑战) in the growing up is to control (控制)her anger. Laurie enjoys his neighbors, joining the family often in play. His grandfather, Mr. Laurence, is charmed (吸引) by Beth, and gives her the piano used by Laurie’s late sister.

