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Frog Story 蛙的故事

A couple of odd things have happened lately. 最近发生了几桩怪事儿。

I have a log cabin in those woods of Northern Wisconsin. I built it by hand and also added a greenhouse to the front of it. It is a joy to live in. In fact, I work out of my home doing audio production and environmental work. As a tool of that trade I have a computer and a studio. 我在北威斯康星州的树林中有一座小木屋。是我亲手搭建的,前面还有一间花房。住在里面相当惬意。实际上我是在户外做音频制作和环境方面的工作——作为干这一行的工具,我还装备了一间带电脑的工作室。 I also have a tree frog that has taken up residence in my studio. 还有一只树蛙也在我的工作室中住了下来。

How odd, I thought, last November when I first noticed him sitting atop my sound-board over my computer.I figured that he(and I say he,though I really don’t have a clue if she is a he or vice versa) would be more comfortable in the greenhouse. So I put him in the greenhouse. Back he came. And stayed. After a while I got quite used to the fact that as I would check my morning email and online news, he would be there with me surveying the world. 去年十一月,我第一次惊讶地发现他(只是这样称呼罢了,事实上我并不知道该称“他”还是“她”)坐在电脑的音箱上。我把他放到花房里去,认为他待在那儿会更舒服一些。可他又跑回来待在原地。很快我就习惯了有他做伴,清晨我上网查收邮件和阅读新闻的时候,他也在一旁关注这个世界。

Then, last week, as he was climbing around looking like a small gray / green human, I started to wonder about him. 可上周,我突然对这个爬上爬下的“小绿人或小灰人”产生了好奇心。

So, there I was, working in my studio and my computer was humming along.I had to stop when Tree Frog went across my view.He stopped and turned around and just sat there looking at me.Well,I sat back and looked at him. For five months now he had been riding there with me and I was suddenly overtaken by an urge to know why he was there and not in the greenhouse,where I figured he’

d live a happier frog life. 于是有一天,我正在工作室里干活,电脑嗡嗡作响。当树蛙从我面前爬过时,我不得不停止工作。他停下了并转过身来,坐在那儿看着我。好吧,我也干脆停下来望着他。五个月了,他一直这样陪着我。我突然有一股强烈的欲望想了解他:为什么他要待在这儿而不乐意待在花房里?我认为对树蛙来说,花房显然要舒适得多。

“Why are you here,” I found myself asking him. “你为什么待在这儿?”我情不自禁地问他。 As I looked at him, dead on, his eyes looked directly at me and I heard a tone. The tone seemed to hit me right in the center of my mind. It sounded very nearly like the same one as my computer. In that tone I could hear him “say” to me, “Because I want you to understand.” Yo. That was weird. “Understand what?” my mind jumped in. Then, after a moment of feeling this communication, I felt I understood why he was there. I came to understand that frogs simply want to hear other frogs and to communicate. Possibly the tone of my computer sounded to him like other tree frogs. 我目不转睛地盯着他,他也直视着我。然后我听到一种叮咚声。这种声音似乎一下子就进入了我的大脑中枢,因为它和电脑里发出来的声音十分接近。在那个声音里我听到树蛙对我“说”:“因为我想让你明白”。唷,太不可思议了。“明白什么?”我脑海中突然跳出了这个问题。然后经过短暂的体验这种交流之后,我觉得我已经理解了树蛙待在这儿的原因。我开始理解树蛙只是想听到其他同类的叫声并与之交流。或许他误以为计算机发出的声音就是其他树蛙在呼唤他。 Interesting. 真是有趣。

I kept working. I was working on a story about global climate change and had just received a fax from a friend. The fax said that the earth is warming at 1.9 degrees each decade. At that rate I knew that the maple trees that I love to tap each spring for syrup would not survive for my children. My beautiful Wisconsin would become a prairie by the next generation. 我继续工作。我正在写一个关于全球气候变化的故事。有个朋友刚好发过来一份传真,说地球的温度正以每十年1.9度的速度上升。我知道,照这种速度下去,每年春天我都爱去提取树浆的这片枫林,到我孩子的那一代就将不复存在。我的故乡美丽的威斯康星州也会在下一代变成一片草原。

At that moment Tree Frog leaped across my foot and sat on the floor in front of my computer. He then reached up his hand to his left ear and cupped it there. He sat before the computer and reached up his right hand to his other ear. He turned his head this way and that listening to that tone. Very focused. He then began to turn a very subtle, but brilliant shade of green and leaped full force onto the computer. 此刻,树蛙从我脚背跳过去站在电脑前的地板上。然后他伸出手来从后面拢起左耳凝神倾听,接着他又站在电脑前伸出右手拢起另一支耳朵。他这样转动着脑袋,聆听那个声音,非常专心致志。他的皮肤起了微妙的变化,呈现出一种亮丽的绿色,然后他就用尽全力跳到电脑上。 And then I remembered the story about the frogs that I had heard last year on public radio. It said frogs were dying around the world. It said that because frogs’ skin is like a lung turned inside out, their skin was being affected by pollution and global climate change. It said that frogs were being found whose skin was like paper. All dried up. It said that frogs are an “indicator species”. That frogs will die fir

st because of the sensitivity. 我猛然想起去年在收音机里听到的一则关于青蛙的消息,说是全世界的青蛙正在死亡。消息说因为青蛙的皮肤就像是一个内里朝外的肺,所以正在受到污染和全球气候变化的影响。据说已经发现有些青蛙的皮肤已变得像纸一样干瘪。还说青蛙是一个“物种指示器”,由于对环境敏感,这个物种会先遭灭顶之灾。 Then, I understood. 这时我明白了。

The frogs have a message for us and it is the same message that some sober folks have had for us. “There are no more choices.” We have reached the time when we must be the adults for the planet, for the sake of the future generations of humans and for frogs. 青蛙向我们传递了一个信息。一些头脑清醒的人士也曾向我们传递过同样的信息,那就是“我们别无选择。”我们已经进入了关键时刻,为了人类的子孙后代,也为青蛙,我们必须对这个星球负起主人的责任。 Because we are related. 因为我们休戚相关。

Then I understood that there are no boundaries, that there is no more time. 我还明白了我们之间没有界限,明白了时间的紧迫。

That we, for the sake of our relatives, must act now. 为了我们的亲人,我们必须马上行动起来。 And then I understood, not only why the frog was there, but, also why I am here. 于是我 明白了这只青蛙此行的目的,也知道自己在这儿该做些什么。

Einstein’s Compass爱因斯坦的指南针

Young Albert was a quiet boy. “Perhaps too quiet”, thought Hermann and Pauline Einstein. He spoke hardly at all until age 3. They might have thought him slow, but there was something else evident. When he did speak, he’d say the most unusual things. At age 2, Pauline promised him a surprise. Albert was excited, thinking she was bringing him some new fascinating toy. But when

his mother presented him with his new baby sister Maja, all Albert could do was stare with

questioning eyes. Finally he responded, “where are the wheels?” 小爱因斯坦是个安静的孩子。爱因斯坦夫妇赫尔曼和波琳认为他“或许太安静了”。爱因斯坦直到三岁时还很少开口说话。父母差点就误认为他是反应迟钝,但有一个明显的事实打消了他们的疑虑,因为当他真的开口说话时,说出的话便异乎寻常。两岁时,母亲波琳许诺给他一个惊喜。小爱因斯坦非常高兴,以为妈妈会带给他一件有趣的新玩具。但当妈妈把刚出生的妹妹玛嘉抱到他面前时,小爱因斯坦只是以疑虑的眼光盯着她,最后说道,“轮子在哪儿?”

When Albert was 5 years old and sick in bed, Hermann Einstein brought him a device that did stir his intellect . It was the first time he had seen a compass. He lay there shaking and twisting the odd thing, certain he could fool it into pointing off in a new direction. But try as he might, the compass needle would always find its way back to pointing in the direction of north. “A wonder,” he thought. The invisible force that guided the compass needle was evidence to Albert that there was more to our world than meets the eye. There was “something behind things, something deeply hidden.” 爱因斯坦五岁的时候有一次卧病在床,父亲赫尔曼送给他一个新玩意儿。正是这个小玩意开启了他的智力。那是小爱因斯坦第一次见到指南针。他躺在床上摇晃摆弄着这个稀奇的东西,认为自己能将指针糊弄到指向另一个方向。但是无论他怎样摆弄,指针却总是会回到原来指北的位置。“真奇妙”,他想。引导指南针的无形力量使爱因斯坦认识到,我们肉眼看到的只是世界的一部分,事物背后还有“某种东西,某种深藏着的东西”。

So began Albert Einstein’s journey down a road of exploration that he would follow the rest of his life. “I have no special gift,” he would say, “I am only passionately curious.” 阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦就这样踏上了他穷其一生的探索之路。“我没有特殊的天分”,他常常说,“我只是有强烈的好奇心。” Albert Einstein was more than just curious though. He had the patience and determination that kept him at things longer than most others. Other children would build houses of cards up to 4 stories tall before the cards would lose balance and the whole structure would come falling down. Maja watched in wonder as her brother Albert methodically built his card buildings to 14 stories.

Later he would say, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” 爱因斯坦不仅仅只是有好奇心。他的耐心和毅力使他做起事情来能比大多数人都更持久。其他孩子用纸牌搭楼房,搭到四层高时房子就会失去平衡而坍塌下来。而玛嘉却惊奇地看着她哥哥阿尔伯特能有条不紊地搭起14层的纸牌高楼。后来爱因斯坦说道,“这不是因为我有多聪明,而是因为我能坚持得更久。”

One advantage Albert Einstein’s developing mind enjoyed was the opportunity to

communicate with adults in an intellectual way. His uncle, an engineer, would come to the house, and Albert would join in the discussions. His thinking was also stimulated by a medical student who came over once a week for dinner and lively chats. 阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦的思维发展得益于他有机会与成人进行智力交流。他的叔叔是工程师,经常到爱因斯坦家里来,于是爱因斯坦就有机会参与他们的讨论。爱因斯坦的思想还受到一位医科学生的启迪。此人每星期都来爱因斯坦家一次,与爱因斯坦一家共进晚餐,一起谈天说地。

At age 12, Albert Einstein came upon a set of ideas that impressed him as “holy.” It was a

little book on Euclidean plane1 geometry. The concept that one could prove theorems of angles and lines that were in no way obvious made an “indescribable impression” on the young student. He adopted mathematics as the tool he would use to pursue his curiosity and prove what he would discover about the behavior of the universe. 爱因斯坦12岁的时候发现了一系列他认为是“神圣”的观念。那是一本有关欧几里得平面几何的小册子。原来人可以证明那些不易明显看出的角度和线段的定理。这个想法给年轻学生爱因斯坦留下了“难以形容的印象”。他把数学当做满足自己好奇心并用以证明他后来发现宇宙运行规律的手段。

He was convinced that beauty lies in the simplistic. Perhaps this insight was the real power of his genius. Albert Einstein looked for the beauty of simplicity in the apparently complex nature and saw truths that escaped others. While the expression of his mathematics might be accessible to only a few sharp minds in the science, Albert could condense the essence of his thoughts so

anyone could understand. 他坚信美丽寓于简朴。或许这个悟性才是激发他天分的真正力量所在。阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦在表象复杂的大自然中寻求简朴的美,并发现别人看不到的真理。爱因斯坦用数学公式表达的思想也许只有少数才思敏锐的科学家才能理解,但他却能简洁地阐明自己思想之精髓,使人人都能够理解。

For instance, his theories of relativity revolutionized science and unseated the laws of

Newton that were believed to be a complete description of nature for hundreds of years. Yet when pressed for an example that people could relate to, he came up with this: “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. THAT’s relativity.” 比如说,他的相对论推翻了数百年来一直被认为是完整地描述了自然界一切规律的牛顿定律,给科学界带来了一场彻底的变革。但是当有人敦促他举例说明,以便让大众能理解相对论时,他说:“把手放在烫人的炉上时,一分钟就像是一个小时。坐在漂亮姑娘的身边,一个小时就像是一分钟。这就是相对论。”

Albert Einstein’s wealth of new ideas peaked while he was still a young man of 26. In 1905 he wrote 3 fundamental papers on the nature of light (a proof of atoms), the special theory of relativity and the famous equation of atomic power: E=mc . For the next 20 years, the curiosity that was sparked by wanting to know what controlled the compass needle and his persistence to keep pushing for the simple answers led him to connect space and time and find a new state of matter. 阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦的创新思维在年仅26岁时就达到了高峰。1905年他写了三篇重要的论文,分别是关于光的本质(证明原子存在)、相对论以及著名的原子能等式:E=mc2.。在随后的20年里,正是由于想知道是什么力量控制了指南针的指向所激发的这份好奇心以及坚持追求简单答案的毅力,引导他将空间与时间联系起来思考问题,由此发现了一种崭新的物质状态。 What was his ultimate quest? 他追寻的最终目标是什么呢?

“I want to know how God created this world ... I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.” “我想知道上帝是怎样创造世界的??我想知道他的思路;其余的就都是细枝末节了。”

Bathtub Battleships from lvorydale

American mothers have long believed that when it comes to washing out the mouths of naughty children, nothing beats Ivory Soap (a registered trademark of the Proctor & Gamble Company). This is because its reputation for being safe, mild, and pure is as solid and spotless as the marble of the Lincoln Memorial. It doesn’t even taste all that bad. And should you drop it into a tubful of cloudy, child-colored water, not to worry — it floats. 美国的妈妈们一直深信,如果要把那些小调皮鬼的嘴巴洗干净的话,没有什么能赛过象牙香皂(宝洁公司的一个注册商标)。这是因为这个牌子的香皂以其安全、柔和而纯正的品质而闻名遐迩,就像林肯纪念堂的大理石一样坚实无瑕。它的口感相当不错呢。而且,如果不慎将香皂落入澡盆,而里面盛满了孩子们洗过澡的浑水,你也不用担心找不到——它会自动浮上水面。

Ivory Soap is an American institution, about as widely recognized as the Washington Monument and far more well respected than Congress. It had already attained this noble status when Theodore Roosevelt was still a rough_riding cowboy in North Dakota. Introduced in 1879 as an inexpensive white soap intended to rival the quality of imported soaps, it was mass marketed by means of one of the first nationwide advertising campaigns. People were told that Ivory was “so pure that it floats,” and the notion took hold. As a result, at least half a dozen generations of Americans have gotten themselves clean with Ivory. 象牙香皂是一种美国文化现象。它就像华盛顿纪念碑一样得到广泛认可,并且远比国会受人尊崇。当西奥多?罗斯福还在北达科他州当驯马牛仔的时候,象牙香皂就已经拥有目前这种崇高的地位了。1879年,为抗衡进口香皂,象牙香皂被作为一种廉价白色肥皂投放市场。为进行大规模销售,宝洁公司发起了一次最早的全国规模的广告宣传活动,说象牙香皂“纯得可以飘浮起来”,并且使这种观念深入人心。其结果是:至少有五六代的美国人都用象牙香皂洗浴。 So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that their numbers beat the

imagination. Not even Proctor & Gamble knows how many billions of bars of Ivory have been sold. The company keeps a precise count, however, of the billions of dollars it earns. Annual sales of Ivory Soap, Ivory Snow, Crest toothpaste, Folger’s coffee, and the hundreds of other products now marketed under the Proctor & Gamble umbrella exceed thirty billion dollars. 使用象牙香皂来洗手、洗脸以及给小孩子洗屁股的人不计其数。就连宝洁公司也弄不清楚到底卖出了多少亿万块象牙香皂,但它却准确记载了象牙香皂赚来了多少亿美元。每年,象牙香皂、象牙雪花膏、佳洁士牙膏、佛吉斯咖啡以及其他数百种宝洁公司旗下的产品的销售额超过了300亿美元。

The company has grown a bit since it was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati, Ohio, by a pair of immigrants named William Proctor and James Gamble, each of whom pledged $3 596.47 to the enterprise. For decades Proctor & Gamble manufactured candles and soap in relatively modest quantities. It took more than twenty years for sales to top one million dollars, which they did shortly before the Civil War. The company’s big break came with the introduction of its floating soap and the realization that an elaborate advertising campaign could turn a simple, though high_quality, product into a phenomenon. The soap’s brand name was lifted from “out of ivory palaces”, a phrase found in the Bible. So successful was this new product and the marketing effort that placed it in the hands of nearly every American that the company soon built an enormous new factory in a place called Ivorydale. 1837年,两个外国移民——威廉?普罗克特和詹姆士?盖博尔——各投资3 596.47美元,在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市成立了宝洁公司,至今公司已经有了巨大发展。在创建后的几十年里,宝洁公司规模较小,主要生产蜡烛和香皂。直到二十多年后(即美国内战即将爆发之前),公司的销售额才突破100万美元。随着漂浮香皂的推出,以及意识到一系列精心策划的广告活动可以让一种简单然而优质的产品成为一种时尚,宝洁公司才有了巨大的发展。这种漂浮香皂的商标源于圣经中的“出自象牙宫殿”一语。这种新产品和它的营销手段极其成功,以至几乎所有的美国人都在使用它。这样,宝洁公司很快就在一个名叫艾弗里代尔的地方修建了一座新的大型工厂。

Proctor & Gamble never forgot the advertising lessons it learned with Ivory. For instance, it was among the first manufacturers to use radio to reach consumers nationwide. In 1933 Proctor & Gamble’s Oxydol soap powder sponsored a radio serial called Ma Perkins, and daytime dramas were forever after known as “soap operas.” Over the years the company added dozens of new product lines such as Prell shampoo, Duncan Hines cake mixes, and the ever_present Tide, “new and improved” many a time. To this day, however, Ivory Soap remains a Proctor & Gamble backbone product. 宝洁公司将广告在营销象牙香皂的过程中所起到的巨大作用铭记在心。比如说,宝洁公司成为第一批通过广播向全国消费者推销的商家之一。1933年,宝洁公司为推销奥塞度肥皂粉,赞助了一部广播连续剧《珀金斯大妈》。从此,这类白天播出的连续剧就被称为“肥皂剧”。多年以来,宝洁公司陆续推出了几十种新产品系列,如绿宝洗发水、邓肯汉司蛋糕现料以及不断推陈出新的汰渍洗衣粉。然而,直至今日,象牙香皂仍是宝洁公司的拳头产品。

Ivory remains a favorite among consumers, too, and no wonder. With a bar of Ivory Soap in your hand, you are holding a chunk of American history. If you like, you can even wash your hands and face with it and be assured that it is “ninety_nine and forty_four_one_hundredths percent pure.” And it floats. 象牙香皂一直理所当然地成为最受消费者欢迎的产品。手握一块象牙香皂,也就把握住了一段美国历史。如果你愿意,你甚至可以用象牙香皂来洗脸或洗手,同时坚信它的“纯度高达99.44%”,而且它还可以浮在水面。

The latter quality of Ivory Soap is especially attractive to children. Generations of little boys armed with toothpicks, miniature flags, or leftover parts from model ships — there are always a few — have converted bars of Ivory Soap into bathtub battleships. A note of warning for any small boys who may be reading this: Mothers tend to frown on the practice. 象牙香皂在水中漂浮的这种品质对孩子们尤具吸引力。一代接一代的小男孩们总爱用牙签、小旗或玩具模型船的旧零件(总会找到几个)把象牙香皂改装成浴缸里的战舰。说到这里,我要给可能读到这篇文章的男孩子们提个醒:妈妈可不喜欢你这样做呵。

Not Now, Dr. Miracle

Severino Antinori is a rich Italian doctor with a string of private fertility clinics to his name. He likes watching football and claims the Catholic faith. Yet the Vatican is no fan of his science. 塞韦里诺?安蒂诺里是一个富有的意大利医生,在他名下有一连串治疗不育症的私人诊所。他喜欢观看足球比赛,自称为天主教徒,然而梵蒂冈对他的研究却不是很有兴趣。

In his clinics, Antinori already offers every IVF treatment under the sun, but still there are couples he cannot help. So now the man Italians call Dr. Miracle is offering to clone his patients to create the babies they so desperately want. 在他的诊所里,安蒂诺里已能给患者提供世上所有的试管受精疗法,但对某些夫妇,他仍然无能为力。因此,这个被意大利人称作神奇医生的人现在打算克隆患者本人来帮助他们得到其迫切想要的孩子。

And of course it’s created quite a stir, with other scientists rounding on Antinori as religious leaders lin

e up to attack his cloning plan as an insult to human dignity. Yet it’s an ambition Antinori has expressed many times before. What’s new is that finally it seems to be building a head of steam. Like_minded scientists from the US have joined Antinori in his cloning adventure. At a conference in Rome last week they claimed hundreds of couples have already volunteered for the experiments. 当然这就引起了轩然大波。不仅宗教领袖群起而攻击他的克隆计划,认为这是对人类尊严的玷污,而且其他科学家也出来抨击他。在此之前安蒂诺里已多次表达过他的远大志向,但这次不同的是,他好像是要动真格的了。与安蒂诺里志趣相投的美国科学家已加入了他的克隆冒险试验。上周在罗马举行的一次新闻发布会上,他们宣布已有数百对夫妇自愿成为实验对象。

Antinori shot to fame seven years ago helping grandmothers give birth using donor eggs. Later he pioneered the use of mice to nurture the sperm of men with poor fertility. He is clearly no ordinary scientist but a showman who thrives on controversy and pushing reproductive biology to the limits. And that of course is one reason why he’s seen as being so dangerous. 七年前,安蒂诺里由于使用捐赠的卵子帮助高龄妇女成功生育,一时名声大噪。随后,他率先使用老鼠为生殖力低下的男子培育精子。很显然,他不是一位普通的科学家,而是一个爱出风头的人。他靠争议而成名,并将生殖学推到了极限。为此他便理所当然地被视为危险人物。

However, his idea of using cloning to combat infertility is not as mad as it sounds. Many people have a hard job seeing the point of reproductive cloning. But for some couples, cloning represents the only hope of having a child carrying their genes, and scientists like Antinori are probably right to say that much of our opposition to cloning as a fertility treatment is irrational. In future we may want to change our minds and allow it in special circumstances. 然而,他利用克隆技术来战胜不育症的想法并不像听起来那样疯狂。很多人还难以理解利用克隆进行生育的意义,但对某些夫妇而言,若他们想得到一个携带自己基因的孩子,克隆技术是他们唯一的希望。就这点而言,与安蒂诺里观点一致的科学家或许是正确的,他们指出,我们反对把克隆作为医疗手段,在很大程度上是不合理的。将来我们也许会改变观点并允许在特殊的情况下使用克隆技术。

But only when the science is ready. And that’s the real problem. Five years on from Dolly, the science of cloning is still stuck in the dark ages. The failure rate is a shocking 97 percent and deformed babies all too common. Even when cloning works, nobody understands why. So forget the complex moral arguments. To begin cloning people now, before even the most basic questions have been answered, is simply a waste of time and energy. 但前提条件是要等到克隆科学发展成熟之后,而这才是根本问题。克隆羊多利出生五年了,克隆技术却一直见不到曙光。克隆的失败率令人震惊,高达97%,畸形婴儿屡见不鲜。即使克隆成功了,也无人能理解其究竟。所以我们先别去争论复杂的伦理道德问题。在最基本问题得到澄清之前就开展人体克隆,简直就是浪费时间和精力。

This is not to say that Antinori will fail, only that if he succeeds it is likely to be at an unacceptably high price. Hundreds of eggs and embryos will be wasted and lots of women will go through difficult pregnancies resulting in miscarriages or abortions. A few years from now techniques will have improved and the wasteful loss won’t be as excessive. But right now there seems to be little anyone can do to keep the cloners at bay. 这并不是说安蒂诺里定会失败,问题仅仅在于即使他成功了,代价也许会高得让人难以接受。克隆将会浪费大量的卵子和胚胎,很多妇女将经历怀孕的艰难过程,而结果却是流产或堕胎。从现在算起几年以后,技术将会有长足的进步,无谓的损失就会极大地降低。然而,在现阶段要想阻止生育克隆,似乎任何人对此都几乎无能为力。

And it’s not just Antinori and his team who are eager to go. A religious group called the Raelians1 believes cloning is the key to achieving immortality, and it, too, claims to have the necessary egg donors and volunteers willing to be implanted with cloned embryos. 不仅仅只有安蒂诺里和他的团队热衷于这项研究,还有一个叫做雷利安的宗教组织相信克隆是实现永生的关键,并声称已经拥有了必要的卵子捐赠者和自愿接受移植克隆胚胎的人。

So what about tougher laws? Implanting cloned human embryos is already illegal in many countries but it will never be prohibited everywhere. In any case, the prohibition of cloning is more likely to drive it underground than stamp it out. Secrecy is already a problem. Antinori and his team are refusing to name the country they’ll be using as their base. Like it or not, the research is going ahead. Sooner or later we are going to have to decide whether regulation is safer than prohibition. 那么,制定更加严厉的法律又将如何呢?虽然目前在很多国家移植克隆的人类胚胎已被定为非法,但是绝不是所有的地方都会禁止。禁止克隆很有可能会使其转入地下,而不是将其根除。因为秘密研究会引起问题,安蒂诺里和他的团队拒绝透露他们将把哪个国家作为研究基地。不管人们喜欢与否,克隆研究仍将进行下去。迟早我们将不得不做出抉择:对克隆研究进行规范是否比强行禁止更为有利? Antinori would go for regulation, of course. He believes it is only a matter of time before we lose our hang_ups about reproductive cloning and accept it as just another IVF technique. Once the first baby is born and it cries, he said last week, the world will embrace it. 当然安蒂诺里会主张对克隆进行规范。他相信人们定会摆脱由克隆生育带来的情感冲突,将其作为另一种试管受精技术,这只是时

