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2007 ~2008 学年 第 1 学期







课程 Software engineering(软件工程)(A卷) (2004 年级) 课程性质(□必修□专业限选□任选) 考试方式(□闭卷□开卷)

一、For each question, there are four choices 得分 marked A,B,C,D, choose the best answer.(each 1 point, total 30 point).

1、The aim of software engineering is to produce software that is:

A. delivered on time B. delivered within budget C. satisfies users' needs D. all of the above

2、More time and money is spent in the ___________ phase than any other


A. requirements B. specification

C. maintenance D. implementation and integration

、During which phase of the software project management life cycle

should testing occur?

4、In which of the following circumstances might the waterfall software

life-cycle model be an appropriate one to use?

A. large-scale, in-house products

B. for products utilizing an open architecture and complex user-interface

C.large document-driven projects requiring a disciplined approach D. short programs that will not need maintenance

5、A disadvantage of the Incremental model is that: A. clients are not billed until the last build is completed. B. the model can easily degenerate into the 'build-and-fix'


C. it is not easy to accommodate changes that occur due to external

(competitive, social and regulatory) forces.

D. All of these are disadvantages of the incremental model.

6、A common feature(s) of object-oriented life cycle models is/are:

A. iteration B. parallelism

C. incremental development D. all of the above

7、The democratic team approach is also known as: B. egoless programming

C. bottom-up implementation

3 A. integration B. implementation

C. maintenance D. testing occurs during each phase.

A. the clean-room approach

D. synchronize-and-stabilize teams题 号 得 分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 8、In the classical chief programmer team approach, the team member responsible for black box test case generation is:

A. the chief programmer B. the back-up programmer C. programmer D. the programming secretary

9、Stepwise refinement is a problem solving technique that underlies many software

engineering techniques. It can be defined as a means to:

A. specify the product's design up front in order to minimize integration problems

during later phases

B. postpone decisions on details until as late as possible in order to be able to

concentrate on the important issues

C. decompose the problem into pieces of equal importance

D. review the project's deliverables such as specification documents and code by

stepping through them during review meetings

10、A tool that can automatically manage multiple versions is a(n): A. upperCASE tool B. compiler

C. configuration management tool D. structure editor

11、In software engineering the term quality implies: A. excellence

B. the extent to which the product satisfies its specification

C. there have been no fatal or otherwise catastrophic consequences of its operation

D. that comprehensive testing has not revealed the presence of any bugs

12、Why should the SQA group be kept under separate management from the development


A. to increase the employment prospects of the analysts. B. to decrease the cost of managing large teams

C. to facilitate the principle of information hiding that is crucial to

object-oriented systems

D、due to conflicts that may arise as production deadlines approach whilst the

product still has serious faults.

13、The two main design strategies are known as functional design and object-orientated

design. Which of the following statements is false?

A. In an object-orientated design the system state is decentralized and each object

manages its own state information.

B. In functional design the system state is centralized and state information is

accessed by different functions.

C. the most appropriate design strategy is selected for each stage of design, there

is no need to adhere to a single approach during the whole design process.

D. the same design approach must be used in the design of different system components

to ensure consistency, especially for large software systems.


考生注意: 考试时间 120 分钟 试卷总分 100 分 共 5 页 第 1 页


专 业 班 级 14、A design is said to be a good design if the components are:

A. Strongly coupled and Weakly cohesive B. Strongly coupled and strongly cohesive C. Strongly cohesive and weakly coupled

D. Weakly cohesive and weakly coupled

15、What is/are the major disadvantage(s) of basing the requirement

specification on a prototype model?

A. The rapid prototype cannot stand as a legal statement of a contract

between a developer and a client.

B. Creating a working prototype takes more time and effort than

学 号 装姓 名 订线.

formulating written specifications.

The users are not able to understand them to the same extent that they are able to comprehend written specifications. 16、Using the structured systems approach for specification and design

the emphasis is on: A. Real-Time systems B. actions C. data D. objects

17、Using structured systems analysis, the logic of the processes is

developed by

A. defining the data stores and data flows B. data modeling

C. process decomposition D. decision trees 18、During detailed design ___________ and ___________ are specified. A. algorithms, data structures B. modules, interconnections C. subsystems, interfaces

19、The underlining technique in Data Flow Analysis is: A. generalization B. specialization

C. stepwise refinement D. encapsulation 20、In OOD how can you decide where to locate an action?

A. by assigning it to a class or to a client (i.e. program unit) that

sends a message to an object of that class

B. on the basis of information hiding. i.e. actions performed on state

variables should be local to that class C. by using responsibility-driven design D. by any of these three methods

21、Which UML diagram best emphasizes the chronological order of messages?

C. D. all of these are disadvantages

D. architecture, human computer interactions (HCI)

A. class diagram B. sequence diagram C. collaboration diagram D. use case

