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1. 本卷分为第I卷和第II卷两部分,共6页。满分120分。考试时间120分钟。

2. 第I卷每小题选出答案后,请用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需要改动,请


3. 做第II 卷时,用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将答案写在答题卡上相应题号后的横线上。答案答在

本试题卷上或规定区域以外的无效。 4. 考试结束, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第I卷 (选择题 55分)

I.单项选择 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分) 1. --Andy, could you tell me what your uncle is? -- Sure. He is ________ policeman. A. the

B. a

C. an

D. /

2. --English listening and speaking test in 2018 will begin _________ April 21. Do you

get ready for it? -- Yes, Miss Green. A. in

B. to

C. on

D. at

3. -- Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon? -- I’d love to, but I don’t have _________ money. A. some

B. any

C. many

D. little

4. The girl lost _________ way in the forest when she was running after a rabbit the other day. A. her

B. hers

C. she

D. herself

5. My good friend, Tony _______me how to speak Chinese at his home the day before yesterday. A. teach

B. will teach

C. is teaching

D. taught

6. --_________ do you like better, the red dress or the blue dress? -- The blue one. A. How

B. When

C. Where

D. Which

7. J. K. Rowling is __________for writing Harry Potter. She is popular and many children

like her books. A. comfortable

B. famous

C. interested

D. fit

8. -- They are generous. – Yes. They always _________ their things with their friends. A. share

B. store

C. make

D. hide

9. My grandpa dislikes fast food. He _________ eats in KFC or McDonald’s. A. seldom

B. often

C. sometimes

D. always

10. -- Let’s go to practice the high jump for the coming sports meeting! – Oh, I don’t _______the sports meeting. A. take care of

B. take a look at C. take part in

D. take pity on

11. – Max is a funny boy. His jokes always make us _________ a lot. A. to laugh

B. laughing

C. laugh

D. laughs

12. -- ________ I keep the book for a month?

– I’m afraid not according to the library rules. But you may renew it. A. Can

B. Need

C. Must

D. Should

13. – Is Tokyo the _________ of Japan? -- Yes, it is. A. palace

B. capital

C. community

D. hotel

14. There ________ a few boxes and a wallet on the floor. Pick them up and keep them in order. A. has

B. have

C. is

D. are

15. -- Mum, I want hamburgers.

-- They are bad for you. You should eat more fruit. __________.

A. An apple a day keeps a doctor away B. When in Rome, do as the Romans do C. No pain, no gain

D. Practice makes perfect

II. 完形填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

The subway(地铁) is a very good traffic tool nowadays. But it is crowded in this busy hour of the day, the 16 as commuters(上下班往返的人) like me call it. This is the usual picture in this part of the city--- people only mind their own business and they also care about 17 else.

However, the day was 18 . A young boy ran around 19 his dad. When he finally found his dad, he gave him a hug(拥抱) and a kiss. No one seemed to care among the crowded people.

But when they 20 the train, the child did something that amazed all the passengers. He looked at me. When he 21 my knees, I thought that he was going to say something important. I moved my head closer to him 22 I could hear him. 23 my surprise, he kissed me on the face. The same thing happened to 24 other passengers. Imagine the surprise of everyone after receiving a kiss from a 25 boy.

I looked at his dad and wanted to know 26 the kiss meant. What he said touched the hearts of the busy commuters on the train. “My 27 has been very sick for the past few months,” he said smiling with tears in his eyes. “I guess he is just so happy to be 28 after all those painful days.”

The kid in the subway told me good lessons ---enjoy the gift of life and use it 29 because we never know when it will be 30 from us. There are many beautiful things in the world for us to enjoy. 16. A. rush hour centre

17. A. everybody 18. A. same

B. anybody

C. nobody C. quiet

D. somebody

D. noisy


B. fashion show

C. traffic rule



B. different

19. A. looking after looking like 20. A. cleaned up 21. A. hit

B. looking for C. looking through

B. ran across B. fixed

C. came from C. touched C. because

D. got on

D. carried D. when

22. A. so that 23. A. In 24. A. each 25. A. poor 26. A. why 27. A. boy 28. A. live

B. unless B. At

C. To C. both

D. With D. all D. satisfied

B. every

B. strange B. what B. girl

C. tired C. who

D. that

D. teacher

D. lovely D. early

C. friend

C. alive

B. lively

29. A. wisely 30. A. kept

B. suddenly

C. slowly

B. learned C. collected D. taken

III.阅读理解 (共15小题; A, B两篇每小题2分;C篇每小题1分;满分25分)



Michelle watched everyone stand around Kate to admire her new jacket. Michelle had been Kate’s best friend since Grade One, but now everyone wanted to be Kate's friend. Kate’s dad often bought her expensive gifts. Everyone always wanted to see them.

Michelle said in a quiet voice, “Just Kate with all her expensive gifts thinks she's better than us.”

“She said she's better than us?” asked David. Michelle turned to face David. “Um, well---“

“That her family has money doesn't make her better than us!” David got up and walked across the classroom. Michelle was afraid she was going to say something to Kate, but it was worse. David went to Lexi, the class gossip(爱传流言蜚语的人).

By lunchtime, kids were calling Kate a snob(自命不凡者). Michelle walked into the dining hall and saw Kate sitting by herself. Michelle walked over to her.

“Can I sit with you?”

“I'm surprised you want to. No one else does.” Kate began to cry. Michelle had to do something. It was her fault(错) that Kate was worried.

“Listen up!” shouted Michelle. The whole dining hall became quiet. “Kate never said she was better than anyone. I said something bad about her because I was worried. I didn't mean for anyone to hear it.”

Michelle turned to Kate. “I’m sorry. I was green with envy because you were spending time with everyone else. I thought you forgot about me.”

Kate said, “I’m sorry if I made you feel left out(被冷落). It's just that everyone was paying attention to me. I liked being the popular one. But I shouldn't have let it come between us. You've always been my best friend.”

“And I always will be,” said Michelle. 31. What did Dad often buy Kate? A. Cheap clothes. B. Expensive gifts. 32. Who was the class gossip? A. Michelle.

B. Kate.

C. Lexi.

D. David.

C. New houses.

D. Cute animals.

33. Why did Kate cry?

A. Because no one wanted to sit with her. C. Because she wasn’t better than others. friend.

34. How did Michelle feel when she saw Kate spend time with everyone else? A. Excited.

B. Scared.

C. Green with envy.

D. Stressed

B. Because she failed an exam.

D. Because Michelle refused to be her

35. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The story happened at school.

B. Michelle and Kate became close again at last. C. Kate came from a rich family.

D. Michelle thought it was David’s fault that Kate was worried.


My house is three kilometers away from the Children's Park. It has three bedrooms, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen. If you rent(租) it for several months, you need to pay 1,200 yuan each month; if you rent it for longer than one year, you just need to pay 13,500 yuan each year. If you need to have a look, please contact Li Ting. Tel: 15805269977 E-mail: liuming 2017@hotmail (my son)

The flat is ten minutes’ walk from the train station. It is on the 15th floor with two bedrooms, one kitchen, one big dining room, one sitting room and one bathroom. There is a 24-hour shop, two coffee bars, several restaurants and a laundry shop in the building. Contact Zhang Li to rent. Tel: 13922543166 E-mail: zhangli38@126 or zhaokai96@126 (my husband)

I have a two-bedroom flat and I take up the small bedroom myself. Now I want someone who can take up the big one. I am a boy. I want a boy, too. The flat has wooden floor, a kitchen, hot water and the Internet. You need to pay 500 yuan per month, but it will be cheaper for

