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段 落 The paragraph

要写好文章, 除了正确、简洁、有力的句子外,还要学会正确分段,写好每一个段落,以使文章意思明确、条理清楚。一个段落既是一篇文章的组成部分,又是一个自成一体、相对独立的整体。一个段落恰如一篇微型文章,它的内容应该完整、连贯并且展开得法。段落中的各句都紧紧围绕同一个中心或主题。在一段中,不同的句子起不同的作用。

5.1写前准备 Preparation



自由写作 就是按自己要写的题目想出尽可能多的与主题相关的细节,然后一条条记录下来,无需考虑其先后顺序、写作方式、句子结构、语法、拼写等问题,所以亦称为联想写作法(Brain Storming)。这种写作方法有助于作者开拓思路,想出与题目有关的观点或细节,并进一步比较、选择有用的细节,去掉与主题关系不大的细节。例如,要写一个表达作者对学校住宿学习条件的看法的文章,通过联想,就可能有以下细节涌入作者的脑海:

●disappointment at this college ●poor sports teams ●bad food

●stuck up guys ●no TV in the dorm ●crowded rooms ●no lights for reading

●poor teaching in sociology — that crazy day when the professor forgot his notes and just babbled

●the way the dean of our department treated me

从以上细节可以看出学生对学校从运动场、宿舍、食堂到系主任、教师都不满意,若每个细节都写,则需要很大篇幅去一一陈述,所以应该进行比较、筛选,最后确定几项作为文章主要内容,例如,可以集中从bad food和crowded rooms两个方面写自己对学校的



看到题目,不要惊慌也不要发呆,可以对题目提出一些问题,然后再找出可能的答案来开始写作。这个过程可以激发作者的思考,使内容更加丰富,也能让作者认清哪些是可以用于文中的,哪些是用处不大的。比如可以考虑这样的一些问题:什么(what), 谁(who),为什么(why),什么时候(when), 在哪里(where), 怎么样(how)。




例如:题目:The Pleasure of Having a Bike(拥有自行车的快乐)

(1) easy maintenance (2) not very costly (3) exercise the whole body (4) personally satisfying (5) freedom to move around (6) easy to learn

(7) no need for a big shelter (8) seeing the beauty of nature better (9) stopping at any place (10) no pollution

(11) in close contact with nature (12) reducing stress

(13) saving time of commuting

(14) no need to worry about being late (15) doing the repairing job oneself (16) anyone can afford it







与构思方式一样,提纲也可以用图表示。我们从下图可以看出,作者拟从三个方面说明Many species are endangered的原因。标题式提纲


Thesis statement: Researchers have proven that emotions affect the body’s immune system Para.1 Introduction

Para.2 Loneliness — negative effects on health

Family ties Social activities

Retirement communities Pets

Para.3 Feeling control over one’s life

Intensive care patients — depression More control — longer life, fewer illness

Para.4 Stress

Holmes and Rahe stress — rating scale Ailments with direct connections

Study of air traffic controllers

Cause — chemicals shut down immune system

... 句子式提纲


●American Fast Food, Why Is It So Popular in China. ●American fast food is now very popular in China.

Para.1 There are several kinds of popular American fast food restaurants in China

McDonald’s is the first and most popular. Kentucky Fried Chicken is also very popular.

Pizza Hut is fast catching up and becoming popular.

Para.2 These fast food restaurants serve different kinds of food.

Burger is the best known. Sandwich is also well known.

Fried chicken is getting more popular.

Pizza is beginning to catch up. ...




在一个段落中,每一个句子都有它的作用。有的句子在段落中具有概括和限制其他句子所表达信息的作用,这样的句子叫做主题句(Topic Sentences)。其他的句子则展开这一主题句,即对其作进一步解释、论证、描述等,使内容具体、生动、意义更清晰,这样的句子叫支持句(Supporting Sentences)。有的段落还有结论句(Concluding Sentences),用在结尾对段落进行总结。请阅读下面这一段,并注意其结构。

Blue jeans, now popular around the world, were developed by a Germanborn Jew named Levi Strauss. In 1850 Levi went to California with bolts of brown canvas that he hoped to sell for tenting. When he discovered how quickly miners’ work clothes wore out, he decided to use this tent canvas to make sturdy pants. When Strauss ran out of canvas, he switched to denim and had the cloth dyed the deep indigo that gave blue jeans their name. His pants were a big hit with California miners, but the pockets tore off easily when the men filled them with lumps of ore. On the advice of a friend, Strauss added copper rivets to strengthen the pocket seams. By his death in 1902, Strauss’s blue jeans were perfected and popular; he probably never dreamed, however, that one day his creation would fit the whole world.


Today it can be said that wheels run America. The four rubber tires of the automobile move America through work and play. Wheels spin, and people drive off to their jobs. Tires turn, and people shop for the week’s food at the supermarket down the highway. Each year more wheels crowd the highways as 10 million new cars roll out the factories. One out of every six Americans work at assembling cars, driving trucks, building roads, or pumping gas. America without cars?

It’s unthinkable.




Practice 5-1

Directions: Ask questions and give answers on the following topics. Choose one of the topics above and write a short essay of three to five paragraphs, making sure you go through different steps in writing process: choosing a topic, determining your thesis statement, brainstorming or free writing, choosing the way of development, outlining and drafting. Pay special attention to the way you begin and end your essay.

1. An Embarrassing Moment

2. The Harm of Computers

3. My Biggest Problem This Semester 4. Knowledge and Success 5. Living on One’s Own

6. How to Be a Good Student 7. Teenage Smoking 8. Sports and Traveling 9. Fast Food


The Topic Sentence



●Volleyball is now played in China. (地点)

