
更新时间:2023-05-18 19:14:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




英 语


本套试题共10页,四大题,满分150分。考试时间为120分钟 。








第一节 听独白或对话 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1. What is the man going to do?

A. To visit the theatre. B. To see Shakespeare's play. C. To take a long walk with the woman.

2. Where do the two speakers probably come from?

A. One is from England and the other is from France.

B. They both come from England. C. Both of them are from France.

3. What will the man probably do in the end?

A. Go to the theatre on foot. B. Go to a talk about Shakespeare. C. Take a taxi with the woman.


4. Why was Joan s coat dirty?

A. She was pushed to the floor. B. She fell by accident. C. The back of her seat was dirty.

5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In the street. B. In the office. C. On the underground train.


6. Who caught the robber?

A. Two passengers. B. The conductor. C. A policeman.


7. Where could you go to borrow a magazine published in 2005?

A. Level 1. B. Level 2. C. Level 3.

8. How much is the fine for a book returned 45 days late?

A. $ 5.00. B. $15.00 C. $22.50

9. When does the library close on Friday nights?

A. 8:30 p.m. B. 9:00 p.m. C. 10:00 p.m.


10. What is the main topic of the conversation?

A. Problems with living in an apartment.

B. A search for a new apartment. C. The cost of rent near universities.

11. What kind of place is Ann looking for?

A. An apartment which costs $ 300 a month. B. An apartment with furniture already in it.

C. An apartment within a short driving distance of campus.

12. How is Roger going to help Ann?

A. He is going to visit an apartment building near his place.

B. He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.

C. He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent.


13. What is the major problem with the man's reservation?

A. There are no rooms available for the 18th. B. The hotel confuses him with another guest.

C. Rooms are not available for five people for the 19th.

14. How much is the final discount on the double room for Mr. Nelson?

A. 10%. B. 15%. C. 25%.

15. How does Mr. Nelson respond when he is told he will be offered a free room on his next visit?

A. He feels he should first receive an apology from the manager.

B. He suggests that the hotel should give guests discount in cases like his.

C. He implies (暗示) that he might not visit again because of his experience.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

听下面一段对话, 请根据题目要求,从听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷标号为16-20的空格中。对话读两遍。答题时间为2分钟。


第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)



Exercise is often said to be good for everyone.But a new study has shown that exercise could be especially for people past middle age.The study was done with mice.It showed that although mild exercise .

The three groups of mice in the experiment were age at young, middle-aged, and elderly humans.踏车) 30 minutes a day for a five-week period.At the end of that time, the young mice s leg muscles had increased almost 30 percent in weight, but those of the old mice were reduced by 25 percent..

David Gershon, an expert who carried out the experiment, explained that the older mice muscles were probably and that exercise worsened the .An earlier study by Gershon showed that middle-aged mice benefited from exercise if they started exercising young and continued it.

It s clear that because the tests were done on mice, drawing conclusions about humans is too early.But the .Let s use the tests on mice as a .



23.A.harmed B.friendly B.took B.helped C.tiring D.unhealthy C.had D.brought C.improved D.reduced

C.indicated D.represented

C.hung D.placed 24.A.aimed B.connected 25.A.directed B.driven

26.A.clean B.clear

27.A.breaking B.failing

28.A.body B.condition

29.A.appreciate B.assist

30.A.bridge B.means

第二节:语法填空(15分,每小题1.5分) C.proper D.visible C.letting D.slowing C.situation D.state C.promote D.support C.proposal D.warning



At 3:00 a.m., Jack Mills was sitting at the controls of the mail train. The train was made of 13 cars. At the end of the train, 71 mailmen sat )the mail.Inside the second car, there were only five mailmen and 128 bags .This train had run more than 100 years (介词)being robbed.At three minutes past three, Mills and his helper, David Whitby, saw a yellow warning light.They slowed the train, and then stopped.Whitby went to the telephone beside the track.It was out (冠词,零冠词用/表示)order.Then he saw a man moving between the second and third carsWhitby could give a down by two men.Mills cars with all the mailmen had been disconnected by the robbers.At the bridge, the bags of money were unloaded from the train and thrown into waiting trucks.One of the robbers obviously knew the schedules (时刻表.At 3:45 he said, “That will have to be enough.”The robbers with more than 2,500,000 pounds!


第一节 阅读理解(30分,每小题2分)



Two American scientists told the people in industrial nations that they would be much healthier if they ate more of the same kind of foods eaten by humans living more than 10,000 years ago.

The scientists say that the human body has changed very little since human first appeared on earth, but the way we live has changed greatly.Our body has not been able to deal with these changes in life style and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses.These new sicknesses were not known in ancient times.So they are called “diseases of civilization(文明)”.Many cancers and diseases of the blood system, including heart attacks and strokes(中风)are examples of such diseases.

Scientists noted that early stone-age people used very little alcohol(酒精)or tobacco, probably none.Ancient people also got a great deal of physical exercise, but a change in food is one of the main differences between life in ancient times and life today.

Stone-age people hunted wild animals for their meat, which had much less fat than farm animals.They also ate a lot of fresh wild vegetables, and fruits.They did not use milk and other dairy products, and they made very little use of grains.But today, we eat a large amount of dairy products and grain foods.We eat six times more salt than stone-age people.We eat more sugar.We eat twice as much fat but only one third as much protein(蛋白质)and much less vitamin C.

People today probably do not want to live as people thousands of years ago did, but scientists say that we would be much healthier if we ate as those ancient people did, cutting the amount of fatty, salty and sweet foods.


A.more foods as humans living 10,000 years ago did


B.as humans living 10,000 years ago

C.more kinds of food eaten by people living over 10,000 years ago

D.more of the same kinds of foods eaten by people over 10,000 years ago.


A.the human body has changed compared with human first appeared on earth

B.the way we live has changed a little

C.our body can t deal with the changes in life style

D.the way we live today is proper for the human body

43.What is the main cause mentioned in the article why people suffer from a lot of new sicknesses?

A.Ancient people did a great deal of physical exercise

B.People today have a lot of alcohol

C.People today have more tobacco

D.Food is quite different between life today and life in ancient times


A.milk and other dairy products

C.salt and sugar B.grain foods and farm animals D.wild animals, fresh wild vegetables and fruits


A.protein and vitamin C B.milk and grain foods

C.wild animals, vegetables and fruits D.a huge amount of fatty, salty and sweet foods


Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public.Not only does he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something which has not been said before.He hopes the public will listen and understand he wants to teach them, and he wants them to learn from him.

What visual(视觉的)artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain, because painters translate their experiences into shapes and colours, not words.They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colours, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us.Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colours, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist.

Most artists take their shapes and colours from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion and repose(动态和静态), their choices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights.Contemporary(当代的)artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern that there is nothing more in it.Yet even they do choose entirely without reference to the


character of their subjects.If one painter chooses to paint a gangrenous(坏疽性的)leg and another a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world.Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing something all of which means that, consciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.


A.most painters do not express themselves well

B.a painter uses unusual words and phrases

C.a painter uses shapes and colours instead of words

D.many painters do not say anything


A.have been used frequently in the past

C.are worth showing to the public B.are easy to work with D.will be most attractive to the public


A.carries a message to the public

C.has no pattern or form B.only provides interesting patterns D.teaches the public important truths


A.having more meanings

C.more skilled

50.Implied(暗示)but not stated: ___________.

A.A painting is more easily understood than a symphony(交响乐).

B.Art is merely the arranging of shapes and colours.

C.Every artist tries to say something to the public.

D.One must look beyond shape and colour to find what the artist is saying. B.pointing out different things D.giving less information


To master a language one must be able to speak and understand the spoken language as well as to read and write.Lenin and his wife Krupskaya translated a long English book into Russian.But when they went to England in 1980, English people couldn t understand what was said to them.These days more foreigners are coming to China and more and more Chinese are going out to foreign countries to work or study.So the spoken language is becoming more and more important.

Speaking, of course, can t go without listening.If you want to pronounce a word correctly, first you must hear it correctly.The sounds of the Chinese and English language are not exactly the same.If you don t listen carefully, you ll find it difficult or even impossible to understand the native speakers.


Well, what about writing? Like speaking, it s to exchange ideas.People generally use shorter words and shorter sentences in their writing.The important thing is to make your idea in your head and then to write it in clear lively language.

Chinese students read far too slowly.If you read fast, you understand better.If you read too slowly, by the time you have reached the end of a page you have forgotten what the beginning is about.When you meet with new words, don t look them up in the dictionary.Guess the meaning from the context.You may not guess quite correctly the first time, but as new words come up again and again in different contexts, their meaning will become clearer and clearer.If you look up every word, you ll never finish a book.

Students of a foreign language need a particular knowledge, the knowledge of the life, history and geography of the people whose language they re studying.They should study these subjects in the foreign language, not only in translation.In this way one can kill two birds with one stone: learn a foreign language and get some knowledge of the foreign country at the same time.


A.Two B.Three


A.how to speak English B.how to read and write

C.why spoken English is important D.why English people couldn t understand Lenin


A.to kill two birds with one stone

B.to learn two languages at a time

C.to study all the subjects in a foreign language

D.to get some knowledge of the foreign country whose language you are studying.


A.how to read faster

B.how to guess the meaning from the context

C.how to look up new words in the dictionary

D.how to grasp the general meaning of a passage

55.“To kill two birds with on stone” means.

A.to get some particular knowledge

C.the stone is too big B.to get more than what one pays D.the birds are blind enough C.Four D.Five

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)




请阅读以下5人的个人信息, 然后匹配人物和适合他们住的地方:

41. As the daughter of a famous heart surgeon Sarah is used to living in comfort and doesn t want things to change. Now she is starting university. She doesn t like to cook for herself when she could be lazing around the swimming pool.

42. John is looking for a room near the university. He is on a very limited budget so he wants to share with his classmate to minimize expenses.

43. Billy is a party boy who is more interested in having fun than studying. He doesn t like people telling him what to do or when to do it. Money is very tight so he also has to work part time to make ends meet.

44. Melinda and her husband are visiting students at the university for one year. They need a comfortable room from where it is convenient to get to the university as they have no car.

45. Edna doesn t like cooking. She is looking for accommodation that is reasonably convenient to both the university where she is studying and the downtown where she works.

人物 住宿

41. Sarah A. Banbury House

42. John B. Three Seasons

43. Billy C. First Stop

44. Melinda D. Sturtin Hotel

45. Edna E. Downtown Digs

F. Hilton Hostel


第一节 基础写作(满分15分)


郑人量脚往集市买鞋,忘带尺寸,回家取,再来,集市已散。人问:“何不以脚试鞋?” 答:“宁信尺寸,不信自己的脚。”(尺寸 measurement)

要求:1.标题:A Man from the State of Zheng Bought Shoes(郑人买履)。

2. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给内容。

3. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。




Students should think now about what extracurricular (课外的) activities they'd like to participate in. Participating in extracurricular activities may help you deepen your physical, creative, social, political, and career interests by bringing you into communication with other like-minded people you didn t previously know.

You can join groups as a way to get support from other students. A club or group can also be a great way to meet people who are different from you. Lots of youth programs bring people together with those who are different as a way to break down the barriers between people.

Participating in extracurricular activities helps you in other ways, too. It looks good on college and job applications and shows admissions officers and employers you're well-rounded and responsible. Specific activities help with specific goals.

The most basic reason for joining a club or team is that it gives you something better to do than staring at the wall, wandering the hall, or sleeping all afternoon. People who are participating are less likely to pick up bad habits, like smoking or drinking.




a) 简述你们学校有哪些课外活动;

b) 你认为课外活动能给你的学习生活带来什么;

c) 你认为学生应如何处理好学习和课外活动之间的关系。





英 语 参 考 答 案

一、听力 (35分)

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B

11. B 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. C

16. Pool Centre 17. Monday/ Mon 18. $20/ 20 dollars 19. 10 hours 20. swim skills test


完形填空 21-25 DCAAD 26-30 BABDA

语法填空 31.up 32. sorting 33. filled 34. without 35. /

36. Before 37. warning 38. knocked 39. who 40. looking


41-45DCDDD 46-50CCBBD 51-55 DCDAB

56. D 57. C 58. E 59. A 60. B



A Man from the State of Zheng Bought Shoes

Once upon a time, a man in the state of Zheng went to the market to buy a pair of shoes. Before he left for the market, he had measured his feet with a piece of straw. However, he couldn t find the measurement because he had left it at home. So he had to say sorry to the owner that he had to went home for it, which confused the owner why he didn t try the shoes on with his own feet. The man smiled to the owner, “I would rather believe in the measurement than my own feet.”


The author (The passage) discussed the benefit of extracurricular activities including being a way to improve students health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people. (30 words)

Our school offers many different kinds of after-school activities. These include sports, music and drama. I m one of the members of drama club. I think it is very important for students to participate in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities can improve our social life, introducing us to new people outside our class or school. In addition, they can reduce the stress and pressure we experience as the result of our studies. Also, they can bring us a lot of enjoyment. If we feel fresh and relaxed we can study better, so they will also be good for our grades. Thus, in my


view, if we focus too much on any one thing, either study or after-school activities will be negatively affected. But with the right balance both can improve. (128 words)









第一节 听独白或对话

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第1段对话,回答第1至第3三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 停顿00’15’’



(Text 1)

M: Excuse me, how can I get to the Riverside Theatre?

W: Sorry. I didn't catch what you said.

M: Please show me where the Riverside Theatre is?

W: Do you speak French? I'm a foreigner here.

M: Oh, wonderful! I come from Paris. Is there a Riverside Theatre near here?

W: OK. Let me tell you the way. Walk along the river and take the fourth turning on the left, then go down until you reach the second set of traffic lights. Turn right at the end of the road and you will see the theatre.

M: Good heavens! What a long way!

W: You can take a taxi if you can't remember what I told you or if you don't want to walk a long way.

M: Well, I like walking. It's a fine day for walking, isn't it? And Shakespeare's play is worth the effort!

W: It sounds reasonable. I like Shakespeare!

M: Thank you very much.

W: It's a pleasure.





听第2段对话,回答第4至第6三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 停顿00’15’’


(Text 2)

M: Hi, Joan. Why are you late today? You re never late for work.

W:No, I never am, but...

M:Wow! Your coat's very dirty! Did you fall?

W:Yes, I had a terrible experience on the underground train. Listen to this! A man came up to me

and pulled out a knife. He pointed it right at me.

M:Oh, no ! Are you all right? Did he hurt you?

W:No, he didn't hurt me, but he took my handbag.

M:Then what happened? What did you do?

W:I caught hold of his knife, and he pushed me to the floor.

M:Oh, no! Why did you catch hold of his knife! That's dangerous.


W:I don't know. I didn't think.

M:What did the other passengers do? Did they help you?

W:Yes, they did. Two men ran after the robber and held him.

M:Did the police come?

W: Yeah. The conductor called a policeman, and he took the robber to the police


M:What a story! Thank God you are all right.





听第3段独白,回答第7至第9三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 停顿00’15’’


(Text 3)

Hello and welcome to the school library. This taped tour will introduce you to our library.

First of all, the library's collection of books, dictionaries and other resources are found on levels one to four of this building. Level one houses the books on humanities subjects such as Chinese, English, history, etc., and our map collections. On level two, you will find our service desk, magazines and newspapers, as well as our photocopy machines. The books on maths and science subjects such as biology, physics and chemistry can be found on level three. You can also find magazines and newspapers older than six months on this level. Finally, group study rooms, our microfilm collection, and the multimedia center are located on level four.

Junior high students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Senior high students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times. If you return books late, you have to pay a 50-cent-a-day late fee, up to a maximum of $15.00. Magazines, newspapers and dictionaries cannot be checked out.

The library is open weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. The library is closed on Sundays.






听第4段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 停顿00’15’’


(Text 4)

M: Hello.

W: Hello Roger? This is Ann.

M: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's your new apartment? Going well?

W: Well, that's what I'm calling about. You see, I've decided to look for a new place.

M: Oh, what's the problem with your place now? I thought you liked the apartment.

W: Oh, I do, but it's a little far from campus, and the long journey is just killing me. Do

you think you could help? I thought you might know more about the housing situation

near the university.

M: Alright. So, what kind of place are you looking for?

W: Well, I'd like to share an apartment with one or two roommates. And it should be

within walking distance of school.

M: Okay, what's your budget like? I mean how much do you want to spend on rent?

W: Uh, somewhere under $200 a month, and I'd prefer to rent a furnished apartment.

M: Hmm. And anything else?

W: Yeah, I need a parking space.

M: Well, I know there's an apartment complex around the corner. I'll go there on my

way to class today.

W: Hey, thanks a lot.

M: No problem.





听第5段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 停顿00’15’’


(Text 5)

M: Hi. I m calling to check my reservation for tonight.

W: And your name?

M: It's Nelson. Charles Nelson.

W: Okay. Mr. Nelson. That's a room for five, and . . .

M: Excuse me? You mean a room for five dollars? I didn't know the special was so good.


W: No, no, no. According to our records, a room for five guests was booked under your


M: No. No. Hold on. There must be some mistake.

W: Okay. Let's check this again. Okay, Mr. Charles C. Nelson for tonight . . .

M: Ah. There's the problem. My name is Charles Nelson, not Charles C. Nelson. [Uhh]

You must have two guests under the name.

W: Okay. Let me check this again. Oh. Okay. Here we are.

M: Yeah.

W: Charles Nelson. A room for one for the 19th . . .

M: Wait, wait! It was for tonight. Not tomorrow night.

W: Hum. Hum. I don't think we have any rooms for tonight. There's a conference going on in town, and uh, let's see. Yeah, no rooms.

M: Ah come on! You must have something. Anything.

W: Well. We do have some rooms with just a bed. [U-hh] No TV or working shower or toilet. M: Ah. Come on. There must be something else.

W: Well. Let, let me check my computer here. Ah!

M: What?

W: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A double room.

M: Great. I'll take it.

W: But I'll have to charge you two hundred fifty dollars for the night.

M: Ah, Man. I should get a discount for the inconvenience. And besides you made the

mistake with the reservation.

W: Well. The best I can give you is a ten percent discount plus a ticket for a free


M: Hey. Isn't the breakfast free anyway?

W: Well, only on weekends.

M: I want to talk to the manager.

W: Wait, wait, wait Mr. Nelson. I think I can give you an additional 15% discount, plus a free night s stay on your next visit .

M: My next visit? That'll be a long time coming.






第二节 听取信息。






Good evening, dear parents. Summer is almost here, which means it is time to sign your kids up for swim classes again at the Pool Centre. Classes begin on Monday, May 1, and will continue throughout the summer. Fifteen swim classes are being offered. Each class lasts ten hours. A new class starts each week of the summer. Each class costs $20. The pool is big enough for six students per class.

Classes will increase in difficulty each week. The first week is for children up to six years old. The last week is for advanced swimmers who want to improve their skills.

Students can sign up for as many classes as they like, but they must pass the skills test to advance to the next level. For example, students who sign up for Level 4 must show they have completed Level 3. Children cannot sign up for a level they are not ready for. Children who have never attended Pool Centre classes must come on April 29 or 30 for a swim skills test. Teachers will judge how well the students can swim and assign them to a particular skill level.

Swim classes are fun for all. Children learn new skills and make new friends. Parents get to meet other parents. Swimming, like bicycling, is a healthy and valuable skill that, once learned, is never forgotten.

More than half of the young learners are terrified when we put them into the water for the first time. But two months later, they're begging their parents to go to the pool every day.











