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go through two steps before he can help. First he has to notice that is an emergency.

Suppose you see a middle-aged man fall to the side-walk is he having a heart attack? Is he in a coma(昏迷)from diabetes(糖尿病)? Or is he about to sleep off a drunk?

Is the smoke coming into the room a leak in the air conditioning? Is it \pipes\with a read emergency.

Second, and more important, the person face with an emergency must feel personally responsible. He must feel that he must help, or the person won't get help he needs.

The researchers found that a lot depends on how many people are around. They had college students in to be \came in large groups. The receptionist started them off on the \into the next room. A curtain divided the “testing room” and the room into which she went. Soon the students heard a scream, the noise of file cabinets falling and a cry for help. All of his had been pre-recorded on a tape-recorder.

Eight out of ten of the students taking the test alone acted to help. Of the students in pairs, only two out f ten helped. Of the students in groups, none helped.

In other words, in a group, Americans often fail to act. They feel that others will act. They, themselves, needn’t. They do not feel any direct responsibility.

Are people bothered by situations where people are in trouble? Yes. Scientists found that the people were emotional, they sweated, they had trembling hands. They felt the other person’s trouble. But they did not act. They were in a group. Their actions were shaped by the actions of those they were with. 24.The purpose of this passage is __________.

A. to explain why people fail to act in emergencies B. to explain when people will act in emergencies C. to explain what people will do in emergencies D. to explain how people feel in emergencies 25.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. When a person to help other, he must be clear that there is a real emergency. B. When a person tries to help others, he should know whether they are worth his help.

C. A person must take the full responsibility for the safety of those in emergencies if he wants to help.

D. A person with a heart attack needs the most.

26.The researchers have conducted an experiment to prove that people will act in emergencies when ___________.

A. they are in pairs B. they are in groups

C. they are alone D. they are with their friends

44. The main reason why people fail to act when they together is that __________. A. they are afraid of emergencies

B. they are reluctant to get themselves involved C. others will act if they themselves hesitate

D. they do not have any direct responsibility for those who need help 45. The author suggests that __________.

A. we shouldn’t blame a person if he fails to act in emergencies B. a person must feel guilty if he fails to help

C. people should be responsible for themselves in emergencies D. when you are in trouble, people will help you anyway. Passage 2

People do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a similar problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without thinking; they try to find a solution by trial and error. However, when all these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing. There are six stages in analyzing a problem.

First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually dose. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle.

Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific.

Now the person must look for information that will make the problem clearer and lead to possible solutions. For instance, suppose Sam decided that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the gear wheels. At this time, he can look in his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the gear wheels. At this time, he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about gears. He can talk to his friends at the bike shop. He can look at his gears carefully. After studying the problem, the person should have several suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as illustration. His suggestions might be: put oil on the gear wheels; buy new gear wheels and replace the old ones; tighten or loosen the gear wheels.

Eventually one suggestion seems to be the solution to the problem. Sometimes the final idea comes very suddenly because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a new way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees that there is a piece of chewing gum(口香糖) between the gear wheels. He immediately realizes the solution his problem: he must clean the gear wheels.

Finally the solution is tested. Sam cleans the gear wheels and finds that afterwards his bicycle works perfectly. In short, he has solved the problem. 46. What is the best title for this passage? A. Six Stages for Repairing Sam’s Bicycle

B. Possible Ways to Problem-solving C. Necessities of Problem Analysis D. suggestions for Analyzing a Problem

47. In analyzing a problem we should do all the following except ________. A. recognize and define the problem

B. look for information to make the problem clearer C. have suggestions for a possible solution D. find a solution by trial or mistake

48. By referring to Sam’s broken bicycle, the author intends to____________ A. illustrate the ways to repair his bicycle B. discuss the problems of his bicycle C. tell us how to solve a problem

D. show us how to analyses a problem 49. Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. People do not analyze the problem they meet

B. People often accept the opinions or ideas of other people C. People may learn form their past experience. D. People can not solve some problems they meet.

50. As used in the last sentence, the phrase “ in short” means________ A. in the long run B. in detail C. in a word D. in the end Passage 3

The poverty line is the minimum that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to the problem.

As the general standard of living in the country rises, the poverty line does, too. Therefore, even with today’s relatively high standard of living, about 10 percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line. However, if these people had stable jobs, they could have an acceptable standard of living. Economists suggest several reasons why poor people do not have jobs.

For one thing, more than half of the poor people in the United States are not qualified to work. Over 40 percent of the poor people are children. By law, children less than 16 years old cannot work in many industries. A large number of poor people are old. Many companies do not hire people over 65 years old, the normal retirement age.

Some poor people look for a job but cannot find one. Many poor adults never went to high school. Therefore, when they look for jobs, they have few skills that they can offer.

At the present time, the government thinks it can reduce poverty in the will no longer be following ways.

First, if the national economy grows, businesses and industries hire more workers. Some of the poor who are qualified to look for jobs may find employment. Then they

will no longer be below the poverty line.

Second, if society invests in the poor, the poor will become more productive. If the government spends money on social programs, education, and training for poor people, the poor will have the skills to offer. Then it is more likely that they can find jobs.

Finally, if the government distributes society’s income differently, it raises some poor people above the poverty line. The government collects taxes from the non-poor and gives money to the poor. These payments to the poor are called welfare. In 1975 over 18million people in the United States received welfare.

Some economists are looking for better solutions to the poverty problem. However, at the present time, many people depend on welfare for a minimally acceptable standard of living.

51. The author’s main purpose to write this article is ________. A. to define what the poverty line is

B. to explain why some people live the poverty line C. to find solutions to the problem of poverty D. to find solutions to the problem of poverty 52. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Ten percent of the Americans live a poor life.

B. Poor people are those who live below the poverty line.

C. The poverty line rises as the general standard of living rises. D. The poverty line tends to be at the same level.

53. More than 40 percent of the poor people are children. This is mainly because ________.

A. they do not have enough motivation

B. they are so young that they are deprived of chances to work C. they fail to get enough education

D. they have physical and family problems

54. Most of the American poor people are not qualified for employment because ________.

A. they do not have any motivation to work B. they are not very self-confident C. they are too young or too old to work D. they have physical and family problems

55. We may conclude from the passage that ________.

A. better solutions to the poverty problem are not yet found B. welfare will enable people to be rich

C. poor people are bound to go out of the poverty line of they have chances to do business

D. employment is the best solution to the poverty problem Passage 4

Tea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyone in Europe had ever heard about tea. People in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like, mainly because tea was very expensive. It could not be bought in

shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a vegetable and tried cooking the leaves. Then they served them mixed with butter and salt. They soon discovered their mistake but many people used to spread the used tea leaves on bread and give them to their children as sandwiches. Tea remained scarce and very expensive in England until the ships of the East India Company began to bring it direct from China early in the seventeenth century. During the next few years so much tea came into the country that the price fell and many people could afford to buy it.

At the same time people on the Continent were becoming more fond of tea. Until then tea had been drunk without milk in it, but one day a famous French lady named Madame de Sevinge decided to see what tea tasted like when milk was added. She found it so pleasant that she would never again drink it without milk. Because she was such a great lady her friends thought they must copy everything she did, so they also drank their tea with milk in it. Slowly this habit spread until it reached England and today only very few Britons drink tea without milk.

At first, tea was usually drunk after dinner in the evening No one ever thought of drinking tea in the afternoon until a duchess (公爵夫人) found that a cup of tea and a piece of cake at three or four o’clock stopped her getting “a sinking feeling” as she called it. She inveted her friends to have this new meal with her and so, tea-time was born.

56. Which of the following is true of the introduction of tea into Britain? A. The Britons got expensive tea from India. B. Tea reached Britain from Holland.

C. The Britons were the first people in Europe who drank tea. D. It was not until the 17th century that the Britons had tea. 57. This passage mainly discusses ________. A. the history of tea drinking in Britain

B. how tea became a popular drink in Britain C. how the Britons got the habit of drinking tea D. how tea-time was born

58. Tea became a popular drink in Britain ________. A. in eighteenth century B. in sixteenth century C. in seventeenth century

D. in the late seventeenth century

59. People in Europe began to drink tea with milk because ________.; A. it tasted like milk B. it tasted more pleasant C. it became a popular drink

D. Madame de Sevinge was such a lady with great social influence that people tried to copy the way she drank tea

60. We may infer from the passage that the habit of drinking tea in Britain was mostly

due to the influence of_________. A. a famous French lady

B. the ancient Chinese C. the upper social class D. people in Holland

Paper Two

Part Ⅳ Cloze (10 points)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are

4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding on the Answer Sheet One with a pencil. This original building was __62__ in 1710, but this structure has been largely transformed and extended, the present hotel having been completed in 1910. It is four story __63__ with a lift serving all floors. The public rooms comprise (组成) a dining-room seating fifty __64__ , a lounge and a bar. There are sixteen __65__ and thirty double bedrooms, three of the latter having private bathrooms __66__ floors has one bathrooms and two separate WCs. All bedrooms are __67__ with washbasins with hot and cold __68__ and a slot meter controlled radio and gas fire. The courtyard around which the hotel is built provides __69__ space for the cars and there is __70__ for twenty more off aside street two hundred yards away. This quite inadequate (不足的).

61. A. placed B. put C. situated D. lain 62. A. put up B. done C. set D. made 63. A. deep B. high C. wide D. height 64. A. seats B. men C. people D. women 65. A. single B. lone C. solo D. one 66. A. Either B. Each C. None D. Neither 67. A. fixed B. built C. fitted D. put 68. A. gas B. water C. fuel D. steam 69. A. placing B. standing C. sitting D. parking 70. A. space B. spacious C. rooms D. park

Part Ⅴ Translation (15 points)

(71) Everybody has some sort of disability. It can be physical. It can be mental. (72) For instance, we both wear glasses, and that, in a way, is a physical handicap. If you don’t have a physical handicap, that means you’re a perfect person, which is not possible; there’s no perfect person. (73) So when I say everybody has a handicap, it’s something that we have in common. You should not always think of yourself as a disabled person. (74) I may sit in a wheelchair, but that’s just like wearing glasses. It’s an assistive device, but it’s not what defines me. (75) If hope that when I meet someone, or someone who has done a lot in the education field or academically.

Part Ⅵ Writing (15 points)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on

the topic: Reading Selectively or Extensively? You should write about 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below and write it on the Answer Sheet Two.

1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是…… 2. 也有人持不同意见…… 3. 你的看法和打算……


21~25:BBAAC 26~30:ACDDD 31~35:DCABD 36~40:BADCD

41~45:BCCDA 46~50:BDCAC 51~55:CDBCAB 56~60:BACDC 61~65:CABCA 66~70:BCBDA


71. 每个人都会有一些小小的缺陷。

72. 比如说,我们两个人都戴眼镜,这在某种意义上就是一种生理上的缺陷。 73. 我的意思是每个人都有缺陷,大家都一样。 74. 我是坐在轮椅上,但这就相当于戴眼镜。

75. 我希望人们见到我之后,不是因为我坐在轮椅上而记住我,而是因为我是一个正在攻读博士学位、在教育或学术领域做出过很多贡献的人。


Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and structure (20 points) 21. A new English-Chinese dictionary will soon ________. A. work B. come C. give D. hand 22. As time went on, the theory she had stuck ________ correct. A. proved B. to proving C. to proved D. to proved

23. The huge fire is reported to have ________ more than 300 people dead. A. remained B. kept C. left D. had

24. Mary and I ________ the new college life soon, but Tom didn’t. A. saw to B. adapted to C. used to D. stuck to 25. Peter is a good student, his best subject.

A. as English B. English as C. being English D. English 26. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could ________.

A. practice to B. practicing C. practice D. to practice speaking 27. Any packet ________ properly will not be accepted by the post office.

A. not to be wrapped B. not being C. not wrapped D. not been


28. I don’t think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, ________? A. do I B. could he C. has he D. did he 29. It was until last year that he ________. A. left his home town for a new start

B. came to realize the importance of learning English C. worked as an English teacher at a middle school D. let out to build a new house of his own

30. A telephone call ________ him hurrying to his home town. A. made B. force C. sent D. let 31. They searched for hours, but ________ be found.

A. at no time could the missing book B. nowhere could the missing book C. nowhere the missing book could D. at nowhere the missing book could 32. The old lady has never ________ the house since she moved in. A. been away B. left C. lived D. stayed at

33. At no time, and under no circumstances ________ the first to use nuclear weapon. A. China will be B. will be China C. will China be D. shall China be

34. I have no one ________ me, for I can deal with it all by myself.

A. help B. to help C. helped D. to have helped 35. I’d ________ them to stay at home the whole day.

A. rather B. better C. prefer D. agree 36. My property was ________ of in a sale.

A. detruded B. distributed C. disposed D. disputed 37. When Mr. Green retired his son ________ the business from him.

A. took off B. took over C. took down D. took after 38. We’d be ________ off without all that noise from the children’s room. A. good B. well C. better D. best

39. If the land belongs to you, why don’t you lay ________ to it? A. label B. demand C. right D. claim 40. The repairs to our car will cost you ________$35.

A. at large B. at all costs C. at once D. at most Part III Reading Comprehension (40 points) Passage 1

Tired of Working in Your Country

With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2004 for instructors of English, German, Spanish and French. * Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 3 students.

* Accommodation (住宿), and other necessary documents (文件) will be ready before you leave.

* Applicants with teach their first language only. * Excellent teacher training programs.

If you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply (申请) now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements. Apply with C. V. and wend letters to:

NOVA France, Mr. Sampy (IHT 3/2) 34, Bd. Haussmann, 7500 Paris, France Fax: 33148014804

Or visit our website: www.teadyp.com

The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July.

41. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To introduce a language school in Japan. B. To hire language teachers to work in Japan. C. To describe working conditions in Japan.

D. To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.

42. We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will ________.

A. teach English only in Osaka B. receive a degree from a university

C. have free accommodation D. get trained for the job 43. Before going to Japan, you need ________.

A. to see the manager of NOVA France B. to take some computer courses C. to write a letter to Japan D. to find a place to live 44. If you want to work in Japan you should ________.

A. have some working experience B. know how to use computers C. present good teaching plans D. speak several languages

Passsage 2

Before a new type of airplane goes into service ,every part of it is tested again and

again , but there are two tests that are more important than all the other

The first is called the “tank test “ .A modem airplane must fly very high in the sky .Air must be pumped into the plane so that the passagers can breathe . the metal structure of the plane has to be very strong for this reason , when the plane is filled witn air . the air presses against the skin of the plane inside .the pressure on a small window is like a huge foot that is trying to get out , if a small part of the plane were to fail, the plane would explode in the sky , to test the structure of the plane ,the plane is lowered into a huge tank or container of water . then it is filled with air . the pressure inside the plane is greater than it ever will be when it is high up in the air . finaly there is an explosion .this does not cause so much damage inside the water tank as it would anywhere else, engineers can discover which part of the plane has broken , then that part is made stronger

The most dangerous test happens when the new plane is goning through test fights in the air ,the test pilot must find out exactly what happena when the engines are all shut off at once , the plane begins to fall like a stone it is the pilot’s job to find out how he can get control of the plan again , these two tests are examples of how

planes are made safe before they ever carry passengers

45.by doing the tank test , the engineers can find out ________? A the amount of air in the plane

B the sterength of the plane structure

C the pressure inside and outside the plane D the power of the airplane engines

46. what will happen to the plane under the tank test A it will be broken

B it will be made stronger C it will be filled with water D it will be test by pilots

47. according to the text , why are test flights most dangerous A the plane may explode in the air

B the pilot may lose control of the plane C the engines may be damaged

D too much air may get into the plane

48. what might be the most suitable title for the text? A two important tests on airplanes B the important of flying safely C the danger of testing airplanes D how airplanes are made and tested


The idea of rain making is almost as old as man, but it was not until 1946 that man succeeded

in making tain.in ancient times , rainmakers claimed to be able to bring rain by many

methods : dancing ,singing ,killing of living creatures(including humans ) and blowing a stream of water into the air from a kind of pipe

More recenly , some rainmakers claimed to make rain by shooting guns, causing explosions ,or burning chemicals, the smoke of which was supposed to cause rain to fall , these rainmakers asked for us much as 1,000 dollors to make an inch of rain one was so effective that he was almost hangee he was believed to have caused a twenty-inch rain in southern california that flooded that land ,killed several people ,and did million of dollers’ worth of damage before 1946 , rainmakers wereeither liars or honest people who happened to have good luck scientific rain making was started in that year by Vincent J , Schaefer , a scientist at the laboratories of the General Electric Company in New York Stste .his success was the result of a lucky accident that changed years of failure into victory. 49. one rainmaker was almost hanged because_______ A he did not make rain at all B. he asked for toomech money

C. people thought he caused too much rain D. he killed several people

50. The underlined word “liars” means __________. A. people who tell lies

B. tools used to make rain C. persons who make rain

D. people who have good luck

51. Which of the following methods can make rain? A. Killing pigs and sheep.

B. Blowing a stream of water into the air from a kind of pipe. C. Shooting guns or carsing explosions. D. None of the above is right.

52.Who was the first rainmaker succeeding in making rain?

A. The one who caused a twenty-inch rain in southern Califormia. B. Before 1946, rainmaker who happened to have good luck. C. Vjimcent J. Schaefer, in 1946.

D. The passage doesn’t tell us his r her name. Passage 4

Daphne asked Jim, afried of Walter’s, for some extra help on her political science homework. On Friday, they agreed to meet at his dormitory (宿舍) study room at 8 Sunday night. It was 8:05 when Jim arrived. He wasn’t on time as he usually is, because he had been out enjoying the spring weather agter eating at MacDonald’s. But he wasn’t worried, because he knew from Walter that Daphne was usually late. When Daphne hadn’t arrived by 8:25, Jim was a little surprised. He decided to go to the dorm lounge (休息室) and watch his favorite Sunday night TV show. It started at 8:30, so he had to hurry.

When he got to the lounge, Walter was jist leaving. “Hey, Jim, you favorite TV shows just finished. Where were you? It was wonderful!”

“What do you mean, Walter? It is 8:30, so I’m jist in time to watch it!” Jim replied, looding a little confused (困惑).

“Did you adjust (校正) you watce last night?” Walter asked. Then he explained, “Last night you were supposed to move your watch ahead one hour. We do this every year on the last Sunday in April. Then, on the last Sunday in October, everyone moves clocks.” Walter stopped to see if Jim had understood his explanation. “You don’t do that in Indiana, I guess.” “No, we don’t.” Jim said, shaking his head. “In that case, I was over an hour late for my appointment (约定) with Daphne, not only five minrte. Wow! She’ll never let me forget thes!” 53. What is an important idea of this story? A. Daphne is usually late.

B. There are no time changes in Indiana.

C. Jim likes his favorite Sunday night TV show.

D. Jim was late because he didn’t know about the time changes.

54. Why did Jim look confused when he liarned the TV show had just finished? A. Because he missed the wonderful TV show.

B. Because he thought he was just in time to watch his favorite TV show. C. Because he was lare for the show.

D. Because he forgot the time of the show.

55. Are all the citizens in the United Stares supposed to move their watches ahead in

spring and back in gall? A. Certainly they are. B. Nom they are not.

C. No, those who live in Indiana do not do that.

D. Certainly they are besides those living in Indiana.

56. Imagine you are going to a party at 2 p. ,. On the last Sunday in April. If you forget about time change, what time will you arrive? A. 3 p. m B. 4 p. m C. 1 p. m D. 2 p. m

Passage 5

On Christmas Eve a few years ago an English couple received a very special telephone call. It was only a 20-second call but it was very important. The Hayden’s 15-year-old daughter had disappeared six months before. On Christmas Eve she rang them. “I’m phoning to wish a happy Christmas,” she said, “I love you.”

Ronals and Edwime Hayden were so happy that they started a special telephone service called “Alive and well”. The service helps parrents to get in touch with children who have run away from home.

Young people can phone “Alive and Well” and leave amessage for their parents. The telephones are answered by answered by answering machimes. So no one can speak to the child of made him return home.

The Haydens and their helpers write down the tape-recorded telephone messages and connect the addresses given. Mant of the 30,000 British reenagers (十几岁的孩子) who have left home are probably in London. For only two pence they can go into a telephone coin box and call their parents. They can dial (拨) 5675339 and stop a parent’s worry: Is he dead or alive?

57. The Haydens’ daughter rang her parents __________. A. because she lnew she had done someghing wrong B. in order to give them her address C. to say she was coming home soon

D. in order to comfort her worried parents 58. If you ring “Alive and Well”, __________. A. you will get the information you want

B. your message will be passed over to your parents C. your information will be kept a secret D. your parents will know where you are 59. Which of the following is true?

A. The Haydens received an “Alive and Well ” call from their daughter before Christmas.

B. An “Alive and Well ” call usually costs only two pence because it is quite near and short.

C. In this passage at least 30,000 British teenagers don’t want to live with their


D. The “Alive and Well” call is far less inportant than the message it sends. 60. Through “Alive and Well ”, parents of runaway children __________. A. often fail to persuade their children to return home B. lnow nothing from their children except their addresses C. can ask the pllice to help them to fine lost children

Part Ⅳ Cloze (10 points)

The Open University was created in 1919 to proride uneversity education for anyone aged 21 or over who wanted it, 61 his or her educational background. It uses teaching methods which are quite 62 anything to be found in other unibersities, but awards degrees that are recognized as 63 to those of any other.

By way of television and radio, the Open University teaches its students in the comfort and privacy of their own 64 . Given this revolutionary teaching method, it’s 65 that, fourteenyears aho, there were many who said the Open University would niver 66 . They claimed that adults 67 previous (以前) academic (学术的) experience sinply would not be able to study at 68 . Tiday, those people have been proved 69 . So far, about 43,000 atudents of the Open University have graduated with BA degrees-- 70 just as much as those from any other university in the country.

61. A. whatever B. whether C. either D. what 62. A. like B. unlike C. usual D. unusual 63. A. contrary B. important C. equal D. similar 64. A. schools B. offices C. libraries D. homes

65. A. surprising B. not surprising C. necessary D. not necessary 66. A. manage B. exist C. appear D. succeed 67. A. with B. beneath C. without D. lack

68. A. university level B. university C. radio stations D. new surroundings

69. A. satisfied B. upset C. wrong D. assured 70. A. valuable B. worth C. common D. adequate

Part Ⅴ Translation (15 points)

Ask threepeople to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. (71) Chances are you will receive three different answers. (72) Each person sees the same scene (场景), but each perchologists (察觉) something different about it.

(73) Many psychologists (心理学家) today are working to try to determine jist how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. (74) Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. (75) By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same scene.

Part Ⅵ Writing (15 points)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on

the topic: Reading Selectively or Extensively? You should write about 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below and write it on the Answer Sheet Two.

1. 2. 3. 4.


时间对每个人来说都是有限的,应该充分利用大好时光为国家效力。 提出有些人并没有意识到时间的价值。 一定要养成良好的节约时间的好习惯。

