最新外研版小学英语四年级上册Unit 2 Can Sam play football公开课教学设计(1)

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Unit 2 Can Sam play football? 教案


1.掌握以下单词:afaid strong star识记单词: afaid strong star 2.掌握句型:Can you ?? Yes,I can. No, I can’t. 3.使用can询问他人的能力并讲述自己的能力。

4.发挥学习主动性,大胆开口、积极合作、参与语言的能力 二、预习学案 自主学习

1.听录音,用下划线标注本课的新单词wash draw识记单词: flute clothes

2.学会下列短语:wash clothes ,draw a dragon,play the flute 3.听课文录音。 三、导学案

(一)交流热身,预习导入 1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song: I’m listening to music.

3. Look and say: do taijiquan, play basketball, play football, play chess, run fast, ride fast, jump high, jump far, go swimming, make noodles, make dumplings?

4. Review the words: can, run fast, ride fast, jump high, jump far (二)小组合作,自主学习 1. 小组内问答

S1: Can you run fast/ride fast /jump high/jump far/ do taijiquan/play basketball/play football /make noodles/make dumpling?

S2: Yes,I can./No,I can’t.

2. 学习课文

T: Can you draw a face? Ss: Yes,I can.

T: Draw a happy face. Draw a sad face. 3.分层次操练单词及词组

①Boys say after boys, girls say after girls. ②Look at the pictures and say. ③Listen and say the numbers.

④Teacher says the numbers and the students say out the phrases. ⑤A game: Clap the phrases on the blackboard. (三)归纳探究,词汇点拨

1. Listen to the tape then repeat. 2. Work in pairs.

Can you make a cake/play the flute/draw a dragon/wash clothes?? Yes,I can./No,I can’t. Explain how to write. Ask students to write with fingers.

(四)反馈,总结评价 1. Listen and point.

① Look at the pictures ,then say out the phrases.

② Look at the pictures and say what you can do and what you can’t do.

2. Learn to sing.

Listen and say, then sing and do the actions. 四、课堂检测 1. 听音选词。

( )1. A. friend

B. fast food

C. flute

