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落首末句 一、主旨大意题 4.技巧:①准确定位②遵守顺序原则③长选项竖读④坚持本本主义 1. 问法: a.主题型 b.标题型 c.目的型 ⑤细节不孤立⑥头不要摆,不要指着读 2. 命题规律:a.首段 b.尾段 c.中间段 5.选项分析:正确①同义改写②归纳总结③词性转变 3. 方法:首末句原则法(首段前两句+每段首句+尾段末两句) 错误①张冠李戴②偷梁换柱③与原文内容对立④微调 4. 技巧:①结构 a. 2~4→尽可能用完 b.≥5→用过1/2部分 6.复习:①思路scan ②在找到的位置达到择读 ②首段首句问句 ㈡是非判断题 ③首段尾段独句段:主旨题即为此句 1.问法: which; true; correct; mention; except ④首段举例/谚语:一定在首段两句 2.命题规则:①中心思想法(3错1对)②并列列举(3对1错) 5.选项分析:正确①具有概括性②语气不绝对③符合常识、逻辑 3.方法:① 3错1对 中心思想法 ②3对1错 选项反定位法 错误①概括过度②以偏盖全③无关④对立 4.解题技巧:①判断是3对1错还是3错1对 ②看题目是否有指定段落 ③看是否有关键词 6.词汇:同义词、四六级核心词汇、考研阅读高频词汇 七、论点论据题 二、例证题 1.题型:①类比题②写作手法题③文章结构题 1.问法:example; case; cite; mention; illustrate; prove/show 2.文章结构:①花开两朵型(总分)②一枝独秀型③新闻报道型(倒序,结果常在开头) 2. 解题方法:跳开本句,左(90%)顾右(10%)盼 ④问题解决型(常以问题开头)⑤层层递进(具体→概括 中心常在最后一段) 3. 技巧:①准确定位 ②例子不看 ③90%→一句 10%→一句二句 八、观点态度题 三、指代题 情感词:褒positive, enthusiasm, optimistic, approving, sympathetic, praisable,

complimentary 1. 问法:“代”→it ①普通代词②形式主语③形式宾语

↘which 一定向左,可以指代单词,也可以指代句子 贬negative, pessimistic, critical, ironic, sarcastic, skeptical, disgusted 2. 方法:代入→语法功能→向左or向右 中objective, impartial, impersonal, neutral 四、长难句分析 干扰词: indifferent, biased, contemptuous 1.定义:30words左右,多个分词,多个从句 ① 口诀法:有客观选客观,没客观选乐观,没乐观选谨慎,没谨慎选惊讶 2.分析:前→后 寻找独立谓语→是否存在连词 ② 中心思想法:寻找情感 转折让步看一半,并列不用全看完,插入成分可跳过,定状细节尽量删 技巧:①看清楚是问作者还是别人态度 ②作者观点态度常与中心思想有关 ③口诀法服从中心五、文章来源题 思想法④作者观点态度不极端 ⑤reserved+n.;partially+adj.;tempered+n.必正确 ⑥I 1.方法:中心思想法 hold,personally---表作者 2.来源:①book view ②preface/forword ③popular science ④autobiography 九、语义理解题

⑤news coverage ⑥speech/lecture 1.命题规律:①一词多义②特殊词(符号/缩略词/拼缀词)③超纲词汇

六、细节题 2.方法:看选项词性(浏览选项)→代入→搭配→逻辑→跳跃(跳开本句,左顾右盼) ㈠事实细节题 3.选项分析:正确答案常为引申含义,错误选项常为表面含义 1.问法:4W/H 实义 题干+正确选项=原文一二句 十、判断推论题(整体推论&局部推论) 2.方法:寻读①key words(a.实词 b.一次) ②research(a.顺序 b.关键词第一次出现的地方) 1.问法:infer, imply, conclude, suggest, learn, know

③position(a.过1/2 b.完整句子定位) ④choice(同义转换/词性转换/上下文) 2.方法:5→尾段末两句 1→首段首末句 2/3/4→上下夹看是否有独立段落

3.命题规律:①转折词(but, yet, while, whereas / however, nevertheless, in fact, ↘中心思想 ↘中心思想 ↘中心思想

indeed, practically )附近 ②专有名词(人名地名年代)③特殊标点符号④段Ⅰ 题顺序


无顺序:主旨大意 作者态度 是非判断 顺序: 事实细节 语义理解 判断推论 Ⅱ 试卷做题顺序

a. 阅读A(80~100min)→作文(60min)→新阅读(20)→翻译(15)→完型(5) b. 作文(60min)→阅读A(80~100min)→新阅读(20)→翻译(15)→完型(5) Ⅲ 点面结合法(全读)①可防止乱序②符合阅读习惯③中心


2.通读全文(7~8min) 标记题干,上下段首末句


四原则:a.时间对等 读全文=做题 b.首段原则(关注首段,尤其是转折词之后)

c.首末句原则 d.路标原则(离出题处不远的转折词、特殊标点符号)


⑴中心思想是解 ⑵some是解(sth , sb , certain ,some time ,some where) ⑶趋势是解(trend to, tendency) ⑷变化是解(convert, shift, alter, change) ⑸重要是解(essential, significant, vital, improtant)⑹具体不是解,概括才是解 ⑺简单不是解,复杂才是解 ⑻绝对不是解,相对才是解⑼别出心裁是解 ⑽出乎意料是解

⑾内容积极向上是解 ⑿常识是解 ⒀本质是解(natural,origin)⒁50%求解(选项相反、相近) ⒂特征是解(chatacter)

08年 主旨3 观态1 是非1 推论4 语义1 事实细节10

1.信(忠实原文) 达(语言通达) 雅(习惯修辞)

技巧:不翻被动,换主语 ①硬翻 ②主宾颠倒 ③“是”“有”→实义 ④添主语 2.考研翻译“八荣八耻”

以勇于亮剑为荣,以跳过不做为耻; 以直接翻译为荣,以通读全文为耻; 以忠实原文的直译为荣,以天马行空的意译为耻;以宏观把握为荣,以斤斤计较为耻;

以紧扣真题反复训练为荣,以盲目模拟为耻; 以给出一个译文为荣,以给出多个译文为耻; 以做到信达雅为荣,以通篇翻译为耻; 以写对中文汉字为荣,以写错中文汉字为耻。 3.做轻重:重---谓语核心 轻---从、分、小

动性词←动词不定式,分词,介词,动名词 承载一个意群(动态意群拆分法)

4.步骤:①找出动性词 ②圈定动性词所辐射的意群范围(引导词、关系词、标点符号)



1.词义选择---词无本义,意由境生(根据上下文or汉语表达习惯选择词义) 2.中英思维区别:英式思维(直线性、重举例、重数据、自爱) 中式思维 (迂回性、重说理、轻量化、博爱) 3.词义引申:①抽象化引申 ②具体化引申 ③词性转化 4.定语从句:which, that, who要么做主语,要么是宾语


如果句子内容复杂,信息负载量大,要翻到先行词之后,独立成句,重复先行词。5.状语从句:when, while, that, for, although

从句引导词及从句本身一般都按字面翻译,整个从句翻译后与原文没多大区别。 6.同位语从句:同位语从句中 that不充当句子成分




最常见的连词是:and, or, but, whether…or…, neither…or…, not only…but also 二、否定结构:

1. 部分否定:指代词或副词,如all, both, every, everybody, every one,

many,everything等与否定词not搭配使用,常翻译为“并非所有”,all not “不全是”;both not “并非两个都”;not always“不一定”,not ofen“不经常”;not necessary“未必”

e.g. The situation is not necessary.情况并非如此。

2. 全部否定:never, no, not, none, nobody, nothing, neither, nor, not at all

e.g. He is no professor.他根本不是教授。 3. 否定转移:

1) 否定的主语转为否定谓语

No energy can be created, and none destroyed.能量不能创造,也不能消失。 2) 主语的否定转为从句的否定

She did not come because she wanted to see him.她来了不是因为她想见他。 3) 否定主句的谓语转为否定宾语从句的谓语

I don’t think that they must have arrived there by now. I don’t suppose they will object to my suggestion.



1)As as句型:同级比较,表示两者比较程度一样 She is as much interested in music as ever. 2)Not so as句型:跟as as 相反的结构


3)Not so much as 句型:与其说,不如说 = not only but also He was not so much angry as disappointed. 4) Not so much as 句型:甚至没有,甚至不

He didn’t so much as ask me to sit down.他甚至都没有让我坐下。 2.Than系列

1) 比较级+than to 不至于做

You have more sense than to dump him.你不会把他甩掉吧。 2) More than

More A than B :与其说,不如说 He is more good than bad.

More than: 比 多 He more than smiled and laughed.她不仅笑,而且大笑。 She is more than kind to us.她对我们非常友好。 No more than: 既不 也不 He is no more/less a writer than a painter.


四、 强调结构的翻译

1. 倒装:还原倒装部分后直接翻译

1) 表语前置引起倒装:smart as you are

2) 否定词前置引起倒装:never will they give up the struggle for freedom. 2. 加助动词do: 加上“的确,务必,千万等词”

We do have sufficient food and drink.

3. it is that 在被强调部分加上“就是,正是”等词 it was professor wu that 五、 插入结构的翻译:一般直接翻译,但如果修饰整个句子,提到句子前面翻译 1. adv.插入语: incidentally, fortunately, apparently

2. adj.短语作插入语: more important of all, worse still(更为糟糕的是),strange


3. 介词短语作插入语: all in all, in fact

4. 不定式做插入语: to tell you the truth(老实对你说),to be exact(确切的说),sa to

say(所以说),to be frank(坦率的说),to say the least of it(至少可以这样说)

5. 分词短语作插入语:considering, all things considered(从整体上考虑),allowing

for(考虑到),judging from(从 来判断),putting it another way(换句话说),talking of(提到),taking all things into consideration(全面看来) 6. 主谓结构

The man, I think, doesn’t deserve your love.

常见表达:I think, I believe, I guess据我推测, I’m afraid, It seems, It is said, It is suggested有人建议。 What we call做插入语

What we call, what we used to call, what is called, what the describe as, what can be called, what they regards.

③ 排顺序 ②七选五 ③找匹配



②先阅读后面7个选项,以目标为导向 ③阅读全文并解题


三大法宝:①由点入面 如果两个可以衔接在的具有关联性和相适性的信息板块,其内容也同样


②以点串面 从庞大的信息板块内部确定能形成匹配的信息点通过分析找到的信息点推测两个板块之间是否具有相近性和关联性 ③点面结合 上下通读确认是否有连贯性和一致性

1. 上下文逻辑关系定位法

在七选五题目中,不论填空出现在段首或段尾,均可以分析和定位该填空上下文的逻辑关系,一旦定位出某种逻辑关系就意味着起着联系上下文作用的该填空必须填入表达这种逻辑关系的信息,这样才能将上下文联系起来。 2. 复现结构定位 相同词or 不同词 3. 无关词排除法


4. 举例定位法: of these, of those, of them, among…, namely… 观点→例子 例子设置于原文中→上位概念选项 5. 总分结构定值

6. 时间地点数字的衔接关系定位法 7. 指代关系定位法



只能人做主语:believe, regard, think, be impressed by, intend, require, doubt


只能人做宾语:impress, assure of sth 只能物做宾语:ensure

要接具体n.: fasten(the belt), lable the bottle, feed the soil 要接抽象n.: enhance

3) 及物和不及物

不及物v.:dispose off, cope with, approve of, speculate on/in, contribute to 4) 根据动词后的介词及介词宾语


名词切入点:①作主语时,谓语和表语线索 ②作宾语时,谓语v是线索


④根据已有名词判断所选n:褒贬意义一致,正式语体一致 ⑤当n后出现从句或前出现adj该修饰成分为线索


都能修饰人or物 ②adv修饰的n,已经受到其修饰成分(另一个adj或从句)修饰要选择的adj要根据该修饰成分修饰 ③由adv修饰时,adv就是线索 ④adj直接修饰n,要注意他们的合适性。

表因果的词:because, for, since, ever since, as, thus, therefore, consequently, hence,

accordingly, as a result, due to, because of, thanks to, in that, in response to

表转折的词:but, however, yet, by contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand,

unfortunately, whereas, unlike, rather than, instead of,

表让步的词:although, though, even though, even if, nevertheless, despite,

in spite of

表并列的词:and, and also, or, neither…nor…, either…or…, in the same way, likewise,

that is to say, similarly, equally, as well as

表递进的词:also, then, besides, in addition, additionally, furthermore, moreover,

what’s more

nannancna@ 一、完型填空的误区:

1、 很多同学认为完型填空就是语法词汇题 现在考试当中如果还考语法,就考定语从句或同位语从句。语法就准备从句:定语从句、同位语从句、状语从句。语法的变化较慢,词汇的发展较快。完型填空选择的是最佳答案,不是最正确答案。对词汇的把握不能只认识意思,不能只知其一不知其二,不能一叶障目不见森林,不能只知表面意思不知深刻意思。 2、 很多同学认为完型填空需要背诵大纲中的5500个单词 背单词的理念:通过真题记单词。背诵真题,把握真题的理念:以真题为圆心,以努力为半径画完美的考研备考的圆。对真题把

握的三个标准:1)翻开近十年真题,没有一个单词是生词2)翻开近十年真题,没有一个句子是长难句[好的准备长难句的方法:把真题中所有长难句归类。推荐书籍:《考研英语长难句与词汇突破》李玉技 编著]3)翻开近十年真题,要知道所有选项对错的原因 3、处理好模拟试题与真题的关系,真题是根本,真题是核心

学习过程中应该先做真题,后做模拟试题[建议:做阅读理解方面的模拟试题,做完型填空的模拟题意义不是特别大] 二、完型填空的备考思路

1、 背诵近十年真题,要求大家背诵一篇240-280字的文章

2、 背诵近十年真题中的所有选项,选项基本上体现了完型填空考查的范围 每个单词一定要知道对错的原因,知道每个单词的准确用法

3、 把握解题技巧与方法,没有解题技巧指导的考研完型是比较失败的考研完型 4、 背大批量的词组(搜索李玉技高频词组734) 5、 适当的做一些模拟试题 三、解题技巧与方法

1、 卷子发下来后,利用红花绿叶原则做题。 红花词:某个单词在历年真题中每次出现都选 绿叶词:屡出现屡不选,屡不选屡出现

红花词:however yet although because

绿叶词:since ever since now that what if only, in case/lest, or else about, as to, with regard to, in/with reference to


涉及虚拟语气的词不选if only +过去式 [only if如果]

注意两个问题:1)红花绿叶原则能做对2-5个题2)红花词偶尔会失手 2、明白ABCD选项的规律



4)在五个一组的答案中,至少要出现三个字母(此规律同样适合阅读理解) 3、完型填空文章的基本特点


[五大逻辑关系:对立关系、因果关系、并列关系、总分关系、递进关系] 重点放在逻辑关系题




复现关系解题法:就完型填空文章而言,如果某个概念出现两次或两次以上,它提法应当是一样的。 For example 1)表达的总分的逻辑关系2)在句子中是个插入状语,不是句子的必然组成成分。

同义原则:在四个选项中,当两个或三个实词互为同义词时,答案往往在其中。当两个或三个虚词互为同义词时,往往都不选。当四个选项有一个共同的意思时,该意思往往不能够入选。 引导省略式的状语从句的条件:1)从句主语与主句主语相一致2)从句必须是主系表结构3)省去从句中的主语和系动词;4)可引导省略式状语从句的连词:while、when、although、until、unless、if


and题型的做题方法:1)句子对应成分分析法;2)选同义词法;3)可以选同一范围的词 although与but的区别:1)Although从属连词,引导的全部是从句,既可放句首,又可放句中。but并列连词,既可连接两个主句,也可连接两个从句,当连词讲时只能放句中,当其放句首时,是做副词用2)从属连词放句中时,前面一般不加逗号;而并列连词放句中时,前面逗号可加可不加


Indeed强调肯定前面的事实,一般不作更深刻的推理furthermore一定要从程度上加深意义 动词题解题的六种方法:1)看主语,注意主谓搭配的一致性(主要看主语是人还是物)

主语必须是人的动词:believe、regard、think、be impressed by、inten、require、doubt 主语一般是物的动词:manifest

2)看宾语,注意动宾搭配的一致性 宾语怎样确定:(1)看宾语是人还是物 跟人作宾语的动词:assure、impress 跟物作宾语的动词:ensure(2)看宾语是抽象名词还是具体名词 只能跟抽象名词作宾语的动词:enhance只能跟具体名词作宾语的动词:fasten、label、feed既可能抽象也可跟具体名词作宾语的动词:tighten 3)从动词及物或不及物的角度出发做题 不及物动词:dispose、cope、speculate、approve、contribute有时及物和不及物搭配不一样4)根据主语和宾语的逻辑关系判定动词5)根据动词后的介词以及介词宾语判定答案6)根据能够对动词起到限制性成分来判定动词(一般指形容词) 名词题解题的五种方法:1)名词作主语时,谓语或表语就是信息线索2)名词作宾语时,谓语动词就是线索

3)根据名词前后的介词判定名词4)根据已有名词来判定已选名词5)当名词后面出现定语从句或同位语从句时, 从句就是线索










AS 1)as 关系代词,引导定语从句,其先行词可以是单词,也可以是句子。[先行词可以是句子先行词只有两个:which和as] 2)as引导的定语从句位置灵活3)在引导限制性定语从句的时候,as只能用在固定结构中,which却没有这样的限制。在引导非限制性定语从句的时候,用as表示主句与从句是顺承或一致关系,用which表示主句与从句是对立或否定关系。 THAN 1)than做关系代词引导定语从句2)than在后面的句子当中作主语


BUT 1)but做关系代词引导定语从句2)主句要用否定式

3)but相当于not—that或not who

一、词 3~4种替换


attain, obtain, acquire, accumulate

extremely, extraordinarily, unusually, largely ②短语优先


important: importance fond: fondness delight: delightful, delighted, delightfully


satisfy: satisfied, satisfactory effect: effective, effectively ④名词优先

think: opinion, idea, notion, consideration, concern, assumption,

presumption, argument

eg. My (individual) consideration is that environment protection

(conservation) is of extraordinary significance.

二、句 同义转化+句子扩展 1. 同义转化

eg. A对B很重要 A play important part (role) in B.

A is to B what foundation is to a skyscraper / water to fish / heart to humans. A means / matters a lot / much to B.

The significance of A should never be over looked / ignored / denied / neglected in B.

A is / means everything / the whole world to B. 2. 句子扩展 (1)词汇扩展

1)n. 前修 派生形容词和复合形容词优先


后修 介修 in; on; from; at; of 分修 –ed; -ing

句修 名词+ing = 名词+which/ who do/ does/ is/are doing the impoverish countries which lie in the third world 名词+ed分词=名词+which/ who am /is/are done the measures which are taken by the government 2)adj. ① adv修饰(情感类) ②非常 ③一般

sincerely, truly, frankly, honestly, heartfeltly, heartily surprisingly, shockingly, generally, roughly, virtually 强调副词:absolutely, definitely, undoubtedly 3)v. 能用来修饰adj.的adv.均可用来




(小中 , 大中尾),


①原因性从句 since, as, for on account of the fact that

②结果性从句 so that with the consequence that

③条件从句 providing/ provided that, assuming/ assumed that tips:位于句首引出句子,中间逗号隔开;位于句中引出句子可以不加逗号 ④转折 yet, while, whereas

⑤让步 even though






tips:①单数可数名词不能单独出现,前面必须要有a, an;

②复数名词可单独出现,前面不加冠词,但后面有后置修饰语时例外(+the) ③不可数名词可单独出现,但后面有后置修饰语时例外(+the) 2)并并列列结结构构:在一个句子中出现的并列结构的形式必须一致

The eyes of the Sammi are twice bigger than Lily’s (those of Lily). (①who has)broad knowledge and rich experience is (②without them) not. 3)搭搭配配错错误误

Many wild species have (been) extinct-adj; extinction-n. die out-v.

串句句:在前后两个独立句子间必须使用连词来衔接句子,而绝不能用adv. Dear Alice, /Dear Sir or Madam,

正文使用缩进时,缩四个字母。 三个段落

Yours sincerely,



2.小作文操作口诀:首段直抒胸臆说目目的的 中间谦虚委婉讲理理由由 结尾真诚重重述述送祝福

3.开头:I’m writing this letter to you in order to do …/ with the purpose of doing …/ in

the hope of doing…

The purpose of mine writing this letter to you is to do…

The reason why I write this letter to you is that I have a strong longing/ craving to do…

eg.(2005)The reason why I write this letter to you is that I have a strong craving to

present my unwilling decision of resignation from my present job.


c. In the final place, is the last factor which matters/ determines/

means a lot in presenting my longing for .

结尾:a. My sincere gratitude proposal/ application/ complaints has/ have to be

repeated and I truly hope that everything goes smooth with you.

b.An early response/ reply to me will be obviously to my great delight /

satisfaction/ surprise and I honestly wish everything to be smooth around you.

c.Actually, I feel fairly grateful/ indeed for your kindness and attention and

sincerely look forward to your quick/ prompt response.


Dear Sir or Madam,

The purpose of my writing this letter to you is to offer several useful/ essential suggestions for the service of the library of our university.

First and foremost, being a student who spend most of my time in reading in our library, what I am mostly concerned about is opening hours, which actually disappoints me for the hours are fairly limited.

Furthermore, the impatient attitude of employee is another aspect I put forward in presenting my proposal.

Last but not least, what I am care about the development of our library is the one, which a large majority of student focus on namely the disappointing collection of books.

An early response/ reply to me will be obviously to my great delight / satisfaction/ surprise and I honestly wish everything to be smooth around you. 复习建议:1.把开头、中间、结尾最简单句式进行组合 2.进行亮点词替换




1.a. Firstly, your is the point I am mostly interested in/ concerned about/

disappointed with

b. First and foremost, being a who this letter is which actually impresses/ interests/ disappoints me greatly.

c. In the first place, the

I am interested in. 2.a. Secondly, is as well another aspect I have to pay my special attention to in

in this letter. b. Added to the first point(On top of the first point), the fact that eagerly lay particular emphasis on, which proves to be fairly critical in this issue.

eg.the fact that the opening hour of our library overly limited is the…

c. In the second place, which is believed as the major point in this matter

is also where we interest/ concern/ disappoint lies in. 3.a. Eventually, R3() is obviously the last element I have to put forward in

writing this letter to

b. Last but, by no means, least, what I am deeply concerned about in offering my

目的(名词) is the one ,which a large majority of people focus on, namely R3


eg. It is the establishment of harmonious relationship that will enhance the

advancement of the society.

So grave/ serious is the environment contamination that wild species expanding numbers have been extinct/ endangered/ on the verge of extinction. Effective as the government’s measures prove to be, there is still powerful/ potent…

eg. On no occasions should on individual ignore/ deny the significance of setting up a harmonious society.

eg. Only by this means can the society be developed/ advanced/ propelled in a sustainable way.

3.插入语(通常是第二、三段) 主语和实义动词之间,用逗号隔开

adv.:: however, nevertheless, therefore, thereby, thus, generally adj .: needless to say无需说 most important(of all) sure to say

介词词组:from my point of view, from my perspective, in my view, in my position, in

my standpoint, on the contrary, in contrast.


as I perceive it, as I see/ view it, I am sure/ certain,

I believe/imagine/conceive




2.使用人称为第一人称I或第三人称(图画中的图像,内容),不许用you. 3.必须分三段式:凤头、猪肚、豹尾

4.必须在结尾部分明确出现“我认为”句式 二、复习方法


200. 2.40min之内完成,5篇左右,修改语法错误,替换亮点词汇.


4.努力记忆自己在10篇作文中频繁用到的,准确无误的词汇、句式、表达 三、逻辑思路


2.中间析因析果析趋势 3.结尾辨证比较给策略 四、写作方法 (一)开头

1.物法a.The picture/ drawing/ cartoon/photograph/ line/ curve/ bar graph/ pie

graph describes/depicts/ reveals/ illustrates/ demonstrates an interesting phenomenon of 英文注释/中文翻译/自我解读(n.,动名词) b.The picture vividly/ clearly reveals the interesting phenomenon/fact that+


eg. that there existed/ lay/seemed/ appeared an obvious contrast between

the different commercial fishing situation of 1900 and 1955.

2.人法 a.It is vividly/ clearly/ symbolically depicted in the picture that+ b.As is vividly depicted in the cartoon,

c.What is vividly depicted in the picture is that 句子(综述) 3.单图分述:

sb. In this picture, sb. can been seen doing sth.

eg. In the picture, a charming foreign girl can been seen/viewed wearing a

piece of Chinese traditional/national costume smiling.

sth. In this picture, sth in the drawing can been seen/ viewed advertising its

ridiculous promise to the public.

4.双图分述:In the first drawing, On the contrary, we can see / recognized

/ identify 内 容。

eg. In the first drawing, only a single commercial ship was floating/drifting on the sea while countless/innumerable/uncountable fish was swimming happily under the sea in1900.On the contrary, ninety-five years later, the number of ships over the sea was countless whereas only a lonely and poor fish was viewed was swimming under


the sea.


In conclusion, what I discussed/argued/claimed above is considerably significant from my personal perspective is the determine in offering a satisfactory solution.

It is this strategy that has caused/attracted much attention from both the government and the public. So serious this issue/argument is that nobody shall ever overlook the necessity of dealing with it in a most efficient way. Only by this means can/will the society/human races/human being/nature/mankind/the young/the youth/the youngster/the elderly develop/advance/grow/survive in a sustainable/harmonious/wholesome/spectacular manner.



2.使用该简单框架时对08年以前的5年作文进行信息套入,结束后检查句式语法错误; 3.依然对上面所练的5篇文章内容进行亮点词汇替换,并对任何一个部分中所出现的重复句式重复短语进行删减or替换;

4.只使用修改后的句式框架以及亮点词汇对真题or模拟题(3篇左右)进行完整套写; 5.考试前主要阅读自己最终所写的篇章版本,对其中的亮词,亮句进行深化记忆。

(二)中间 ----第一句话揭示寓意

1.a. 直抒寓意 The purpose/goal/aim of this picture is to convey the

message/implication that eg. The purpose of these two pictures is to convey the message that providing that commercial activities stimulated by alluring profits fail to be controlled, the natural resources will be subjected to an immense loss.

b.自问自答 What profound message/implication is mirrored/reflected in the

picture above? Evidently/Of course,eg. Of course, some children who usually grow in the favorable conditions, (like flowers in the greenhouse,) are mostly likely to be frustrated (or even thoroughly damaged) in great difficulties (in adverse conditions).

c.承上启下 In frankness, the phenomenon reflected by the picture above is really

a complex and complicated one, which should be analyzed in a practical and rational way,


is normally considered as the factor contributing to this issue. eg.Too much love and care poured by their parents are normally…

The mutual assistance and affection in an individual’s overall development b.A large majority of people claim/maintain/show their insight that this

issue has to be dealt with carefully, the reason being that TIPS:该原因句最好用简单句完成,词汇尽量闪亮,但不许出语法错误。 3.结果:As a consequence, a/an disappointing/delightful/admirable phenomenon will

be definitely born out, which is that eg. The loss of family responsibility in the young generation is normally considered as

the factor contributed to this issue. As a consequence, a disappointing phenomenon will be definitely born out, which is that the aged/senior/elderly people in general will hardly seek out a person even among their own children to rely on and therefore live in a merciful way.

4.趋势:Assuming that this tendency tends to grow in the society, some

positive/negative influence/significance will be undoubtedly resulted.




1.提升中国的国际形象 promote the international image of China

increase the international position/ranking in the world


improve the establishment of the infrastructure in the urban area and thereby make it more accessible for the local people to enjoy the convenience and variety.


enhance the mutual/reciprocal communication between Chinese people and those from other culture and largely improve the popularity and recognition of Chinese tradition culture in the international world/community. 二、个人成长

1.优良品质的培养 cultivation of fine qualities of a person persevering坚韧 persistent坚持 competent能力 cooperative and competitive合作与竞争 tolerant and sympathetic宽容与同情

2.来自于社会、家庭和个人的共同努力 the joint/corporate efforts/endeavors distributed by the society, family and individual. 3.身心健康的和谐发展

a harmonious and satisfactory development both bodily and spiritually. 三、经济


potential economic pressure and crisis across the globe 2.在严峻的局势下,中国政府和公众展示了极大的决心和信心

in such an adverse financial situation, both the government and the public have manifested strong resolution and confident to conquer the possible recession. 3.如此成果主要归功于政府的有效举措和社会各部门的配合

such success shall be attributed to the powerful measures from the central and local government and the satisfactory cooperation between different social organs.

