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5. There was the dark and evil thought about ______ he must not think.

A. what

B. /

C. which

D. that

参考答案: C

TIP:考查定语从句的关系代词。which指代the dark and evil thought,同时作定语从句中的宾语,不能省略。整句话含义为“有那种阴暗的坏想法,他可不应该去想”。

8. The crossfire between the committee members and the Pentagon representatives, which had been called in to explain the defense strategy, ____ sharp.

A. was

B. were

C. are

D. is

参考答案: A

TIP:考查主谓一致。此句中crossfire是主语,“between the committee members and the Pentagon representatives, which had been called in to explain the defense strategy”是主语的修饰语,因此谓语动词应该用单数形式。从“which had been called …”得知,句子的基本时态是过去时,所以选A。

9. California has more light than it knows _____ to do with but everything else is expensive.

A. what

B. how

C. which

D. where

参考答案: A

TIP:考查动词不定式。本句中的but连接两个并列句。在前半句修饰light的定语从句内部,“疑问词(what)+不定式(to do with)”构成动词know的宾语。what可以看成do的宾语,理解为“know what to do with (the light)”,因此选A。句子意思为“加州的阳光充沛到不知该用来干什么,但其他所有东西都很昂贵”。

15. It is impossible that he could have won the support of the Democrats with this _____ tape.

A. white

B. red

C. blue

D. black

参考答案: B

TIP:考查习惯用语。此处的red tape是英语习语,表示“官样文章”,故B项正确。

19. In the hard times, many poor people _____ eating grass and leaves in order to survive.

A. feel inclined to C. were reduced to

B. were confronted with D. got accustomed to

参考答案: C

TIP:动词辨析。feel inclined to意为“倾向于”,be confronted with意为“面临”,get accustomed to意为“习惯于”,be reduced to意为“被迫做某事”,根据句意“艰难时期,很多穷人被迫吃野草、树叶以维持生命”,C项最合适。

22. What is the correct translation of the following sentence?

Although success has crowned your efforts, it is nothing to make a song about. Don't get carried away and lose your head!

A. 虽然你经过努力戴上了成功的桂冠,可是这不值得大唱赞歌。别把成功统统归于自己而失去理智!

B. 虽然经过努力你成功了,但这没什么了不起。别想入非非、迷失方向! C. 虽然你的努力获得了成功,但这是微不足道的。不要得意忘形、冲昏了头脑! D. 虽然成功报答了你的努力,但不需要大吹大擂。不要被人引入歧途、忘乎所以! 参考答案: C

TIP:考查习惯用语。be nothing to make a song about意为“微不足道的”,get carried away意为“得意忘形”,lose one's head意为“冲昏头脑”,success has crowned one's efforts意为“某人的努力取得了成功”,因此C项正确。

24. During the summer vacation, my son worked on a (an) ____ basis as a salesman, taking 8 percent of everything he sold.

A. salary

B. commission

C. income

D. pension

参考答案: B TIP:名词辨析。salary意为“薪水”,commission意为“佣金、回扣”,income意为“收入、所得”,pension意为“养老金、抚恤金”。根据句意“我儿子在暑假里做销售员,按所售商品的8%提取佣金”可知答案为B。

28. The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of ___ quality he'd tell them so.

A. humble

B. inferior

C. mean

D. awkward

参考答案: B


1. In ________, but out ________ again.

A. came the professor; she went C. did the professor come; she went

B. came the professor; went she

D. the professor came; went she

参考答案: A


14. According to the investigation, _______ one cause that lead to the disease.

A. cattle is

B. cattle are

C. the cattle are

D. cattles are

参考答案: B


16. The _______ scoundrel made himself up and went on the stage once more.

A. contemptuous

B. contemptible

C. contempt

D. content

参考答案: B


19. The smell of alcohol is quite _________ from that of wine.

A. distinct

B. distinctive

C. distinction

D. distinctly

参考答案: A

TIP:be distinct from意为“与……截然不同”。另一形容词distinctive则是“独特的,与众不同的”之意,为定语形容词,不存在“be distinctive from”这一结构。

21. His collection of antique coins is very _______.

A. impressionable

B. impressive

C. impressed

D. impressible

参考答案: B


22. One can hardly imagine that in her childhood days, the renowned orator's speech _______ made it nearly impossible for her to communicate with others.

A. obstacle

B. obstruction

C. impediment

D. barrier

参考答案: C TIP:固定搭配题。impediment有“身体上的某类残疾或缺陷”的含义,speech impediment即为“语言障碍”。其他三个选项虽都有“障碍”之意,但不与speech连用。

23. The interior features of China are ________ those of the coast.

A. opposed to

B. opposed from

C. opposing to

D. in opposition with

参考答案: A TIP:固定搭配题。句意为“中国内陆的地貌特征与沿海地区的截然不同”。be opposed to意为“反对;与……截然相反”。be in opposition to与之意思相近,但多用于表示“反对”之意。

25. At the end of the wedding, the priest would say: \wife.\

A. announce

B. pronounce

C. declare

D. proclaim

参考答案: B

TIP:惯用表达题。 四个词都有“宣布”之意,但在本题语境中,固定使用pronounce。

26. Judging from the _______ out of the seat of his trousers, one could easily take him as a taxi-driver.

A. shine

B. beam

C. glitter

D. light

参考答案: A


1. Who would you rather _________ to the museum with you, Jason or me?

A. going

B. go

C. have go

D. have gone

参考答案: C

TIP:本题的完整回答可以是“I'd rather have Jason go with me.”。此处是have sb. do sth.这一结构,原句中who为have的宾语。

13. It is not advisable for the memorial hall to be associated too closely with political ties which often change unpredictably, either _________ or _________.

A. for better; for worse C. of better; of worse

B. for the better; for the worse D. to the better; to the worse

参考答案: B

TIP:“for better, for worse”或“for better or worse”均为约定俗成的用法,指“无论好坏,不管发生什么”。而此题空格中的意思应为“向好的方面发展或向坏的方面发展”,for the better及for the worse均作动词change的状语,与前面的unpredictably呼应。

15. Today the great nations exist mainly _________ reason of their trade and commerce.

A. with

B. by

C. in

D. from

参考答案: B

TIP:by reason of意为“由于”,为固定搭配。

15. Today the great nations exist mainly _________ reason of their trade and commerce.

A. with

B. by

C. in

D. from

参考答案: B

TIP:by reason of意为“由于”,为固定搭配。

21. China's WTO accession can _________ improved growth in gross domestic product (GDP) for countries with high-value exports.

A. transmit into

B. transform into

C. transfer into

D. translate into

参考答案: D TIP:本题考词组含义。transform into意为“把……彻底转变成……”。transfer into意为“搬进,转到”;translate into有“把……译为……”及“转化成……”之意,后者在句中通常可翻译为“意味着”,本题空格处即取此意。

22. Professor Jones gave me sound advice on how to _________ my inquiries.

A. proceed with

B. precede with

C. practice with

D. process with

参考答案: A

TIP:本题考查动词词组含义。原句意为“把调查进行下去”,用proceed with。混淆项中precede意为“先于……”。

23. Since that _________ expedition, questions about the planet still outnumber answers.

A. historic

B. historical

C. history

D. historically

参考答案: A

TIP:同源词辨析。historic意为“具有历史意义的”,historical意为“与历史有关的,历史上的”。如:a historic event 值得纪念的历史事件;the historical event 历史上确有其事的事件。

28. It is said that among all colors, red can most easily _________ a baby's attention.

A. demand

B. employ

C. occupy

D. engage

参考答案: D TIP:词语搭配题。engage sb.'s attention意为“引起……的注意”。近义词有attract、catch、draw等。

7. This is the best book ______ this year.

A. appearing

B. having appeared

C. to appear

D. appeared

参考答案: C

TIP:当名词前面有一个形容词最高级、序数词或the only, the next, the last等修饰语时,其后的动词非限定形式修饰语要用不定式。

15. An application to join this scheme places you under no obligation ______.

A. indeed

B. eventually

C. apart

D. whatsoever

