EEC 英语 四年级上册 unit 6 Can you play soccer ?分课时教案

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年级 课题 课时 教学 目标

四年 Unit 6 Can you play soccer? 1 课 型 新授

1. 知识目标:通过本节课的学习,使学生知道一些相关词汇,掌握 单词 soccer, 及 Can you----? Yes, I can. No, I can’t 句式的用法。

2. 能力目标:本节课通过小组合作,师生互动,情景描述等形式,让学生能熟练运 用所学单词及句式。培养学生自主探究学习的能力,并提高学生语言的实际运用能力。 3.情感目标:在教学过程中,注重学生的心理变化,努力营造轻松、愉快的学习氛围. 帮助学生克服紧张心理,并及时给予学生肯定与鼓励,让其树立自信心。 通过小组合作, 培养其合作精神,促进学生健康人格的发展,达到人文教育和素质教育的双重目的.

重、 难点

重点:学习使用“What’s that? ” “What are they? They are .”

难点: “Can you ? Yes , I can./ No, I can’t.”以及在实际生活中 的应用.

教 学 课件、实物教学等 准备 教学 步骤(一)、热身 1.问候 T: Good morning, everyone! T: How are you today? T: I’m fine, too. T: Let’s sing a song 《Can you sing?》 2.导入 T: What do you do after school? S1: I go to the library./play the violin/play the piano/read a book/ride a bike… T: Can you play the violin/ride a bike…? Ss: Yes. (Sing the song.) Ss: Good morning, teacher!

Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?

Ss: Yes, I can./No, I can’t. T: Now, look there! (看多媒体)What ball are they playing? Can you play it? If you can’t play, it doesn’t matter! I’ll tell you how to play in this lesson. Do you want to know what kind of ball Ken likes playing? Ss: Yes. T: OK . Now let’s learn lesson 6. (Blackboard writing) (二).新授 T: Look at this picture. (看多媒体)What’s this? Ss: It’s a soccer 。 Read after me. “soccer” Read it one by one. Together, please spell it. T: Do you know what else we need to play soccer? Look at the shoes 可向学生扩展,守门员需要的 soccer gloves (三)、操练 T: (T takes one/two books, pens, pencils and so on.) What’s this/that? Ss: It’s a /an… T: What are they? Ss: They are books. Boys: What are they? Girls: They are pens.

(四)、巩固及拓展延伸 T: (T takes some pictures) What’s this? Ss:It’s a T: What are they ? Ss:They’re T:Can you play ? ( Blackboard writing.) S1:Yes, I can./No,I can’t. T:Wonderful! Please show us how to play baseball? ( S1 and S2 do the action) (Work in pairs according to some phrases 看多媒体) T: OK,great! Do you want to know the other balls in English how to say? Let’s learn them. come to (T puts some kinds of balls on the board and let some students

the blackboard and do the action they like playing .and others say “篮球”. T: Look there, what’s that ? Ss: It’s a 排球. (basketball / football /table-tennis) T: OK, right. It’s a volleyball...(read it one by one.)

T: Ca

n you play volleyball…? S2: Yes, I can./No, I can’t. (Learn other words in the same way.)

T: Ok.Let’s do some more exercise.(看多媒体) T: Now, open your books to P74 “Listen and Speak ” And act out the text. (五)、总结




Unit 6 Can you play soccer? What’s that? It’s a soccer ball. What are they? They’re soccer shoes. Can you play soccer?Yes,I can.


本课教学设计以实施教育为指导思想,巧妙设计教学环节,层层 深入,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣和学习的积极性。 教师运用现代化教学手段,把课文再现给学生,在听、看、问、 答的过程中,逐渐培养学生的语言运用能力,使学生易于接受所 学知识。教师充分发挥学生的积极性和主体作用,给予学生充分 运用语言的空间和时间,使学生主动参与到求知的行列中来.

年级 课题 课时 教学 目标

四年 Unit 6 Can you play soccer? 2 课 型 新授

Asking and answering about simple and plural objects. Telling what you can do

重 、 对于名词单复数的提问,询问能做的事情以及回答。 难点 教 学 多媒体,录音机 准备 教学 步骤 (一)、Warm-up 1、Sing a song 2、Let’s chant 3.Revision Let’s revision the words。 课件显示一些动词, 每当单词在屏幕上滑过时, 学生就抢答出来。 (二)、Presentation talk T:Please tell me what can you do? S:I can swim/ride a bike/play the violin 2.guessing game Look at the screen,and guess what this is or what they are. --- soccer ball/baseball ___ soccer shoes/bat (三)New dialog. Please look at the picture.(利用多媒体观看图片) Who are they?---They are Ken,Jimmy and Robo. T:We want to play soccer? 1.New sentence:Can you play soccer with us? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.

2. Listen to the tape,and answer:If you are Ken,how are you today? __I’m better. 3.listen,read and translate. (四)Consolidation. Act the dialog (p44-45) 可替换其他球类


1.鼓励学生多进行户外运动,尽量用英语来跟同学之间利用英语 进行对话。 2.找出感兴趣的球类名称,以及娱乐方法


Unit 6 Can you play soccer with us ? How are you today? I’better.


在设计这节课的过程中,我始终本着情境教学的原则,将对话置 于真实的语境中进行练习。在操练环节我通过大量的小组活动充 分调动学生的参与性,使每个学生能够练习口语表达,用所学功 能语言进行交际, 达到了三维目标中的情感目标, 我进行了升华, 培养学生热爱运动,热爱生命的品质。

年级 课题 课时 教学 目标

四年 Unit 6 Can you play soccer? 3 课 型 新授

Asking and answering about simple and plural objects. Telling what you can do

重 、 对于名词单复数的提问,询问能做的事情以及回答。

难点 教 学 多媒体,录音机,卡片 准备 教学 步骤 一. Warm-up. 1. sing a song<Can you sing?> 2. ask and answer—What can you do? 3. word bank 二、Presentation. 1.guessing game Look at the screen,and guess what this is or what they are. --- soccer ball/baseball ___ soccer shoes/bat 2.activity :Can you ? (1).教师做动作,然后向学生提出与动作有关的问题,让学生根 据实际情况回答。 T:(教师做走步的动作)Can you walk? Yes,I can. No,I can’t. Can you wave your hands? Can you draw a tiger? 三、New Dialog. Can you play soccer?How to play soccer? 1. New sentence:Kick the ball. Look at page 45.Answer the question:What is the score? 2. New sentence:The score is four to three.

3. Listen and repeat. 4. Read and translate. 四、Practice 1. 利用多媒体课件,机械练习 The score is ___ to ___. 2. activity 将数学运算与英语表达相结合 (1) 教师将全班学生分为四大组,每组派一名队员在规定的 时间内进行数学计算. (2) 教师在黑板板书一个记分牌,让全体学生说出。 五:sum-up 将上次布置的作业(找出感兴趣的球类)进行展示,通过学生自 己讲解,锻炼孩子的表达。 六、Homework


1.开展一场真正的小型足球赛,并用英语表达比分。 2.作文;I can____.


Unit 6 Can you play soccer? Kick the ball. The score is four to three.


发挥教师引导作用,使学生成为学习的主体。预设充分,能完全 调动所有孩子的积极性。应根据学生年龄的年龄特点认知水平, 设计了丰富的有针对学习目标的多种活动形式。注意课上关注学 生,及时调整教学方法,达到每个人都能在轻松愉悦的氛围中学 习英语,乐于参与活动。通过教师与学生准备的不同球类比赛的 资料或者视频,丰富了孩子们的认知,开阔了学生视野,也教育 孩子平时多锻炼身体,有助于孩子们的身体健康。

年级 课题 课时 教学 目标

四年 Unit 6 Can you play soccer? 4 课 型 复习

Asking and answering about simple and plural objects. Telling what you can do

重 、 对于名词单复数的提问,询问能做的事情以及回答。 难点 教 学 多媒体,录音机 准备 教学 步骤 一、 warm-up. 1.greetings and sing a song<Can you sing?> 2.ask and answer—What can you do? 3.word bank 二、revision 1. 利用多媒体课件,竞猜练习 What’s this? What are they? 2. ask and answer in pairs;Can you play ? 3. activity:数学计算游戏巩固句型 The score is to . 三、Practice P46-P50 四、有针对性的讲解 练习册 五、综合输出,利用多媒体所展现的图片,小组合作创编对话


1. P51 游戏练习 2. 背单词表中单词


Unit 6 Can you play soccer? Yes,I can./No,I can’t. What’s this? It’s a soccer ball. What are they? They are soccer shoes. The score is four to



本节课主要采用对话式教学,活动的设计围绕着知识目标、技能 目标和情感目标而定。注重了主体框架句型的操练与扩展。巩固 与复习大多在情景交际运用。练习方面采取多听说模仿,学生练 习由面到点等方式突破词汇重点及相关问答。对于整节课中的重 难点进行了很好的突破,扫清了学生学习中的障碍。培养了学生 细心,认真的良好习惯,提高了全体的合作意识,为更深层次的 学习奠定了基础。

