
更新时间:2024-01-24 20:24:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


美国文化的特点之一是对独立自强者的颂扬,他们出身卑微却奋斗不息,直至爬升到较好的地位。这一理想体现在美国人生活的方方面面。一对夫妇或许居住在豪华的房子里,但他们仍会亲自操持各类家务,因为大多数家庭付不起请钟点工干家务的费用。其子女也可能会在暑假找一份需要干体力活的工作,赚钱支付下一学年的学杂费。凭借体力劳动谋生的人能挣得一份不菲的薪水。大学教授尽管拥有很高的社会地位,但在经济收入方面相对较低。因此,在美国,职业人士有时候也会屈尊去做一些体力活,他们并没有感觉比体力劳动者高人一等。所有这些都促成了“自己动手”精神的长盛不衰。 .

One of the characteristics of American culture is the praise for the selfmade man who rises from a humble beginning to a better position. This ideal is seen in many aspects of American life. A couple may live in a luxuriously furnished house but they will do the household chores by themselves because the majority families cannot afford to pay what people who do housework by the hour charge for their service. Their son or daughter may get a summer job entailing manual labor to earn next year’s school expenses. Those who earn their living through manual labor command good salaries. College professors remain lower on the economic scale although they occupy a higher social position. So in the United States professional people may stoop to some manual labor sometimes and don’t feel above manual workers. This has contributed to keeping alive the spirit of “do-it-yourself”. 五


Applying body language is an important part of daily communication. When you are listening to someone, you should look interested. And there should be adequate eye contact with the speaker, which is an indication that you are listening with concentration. Do not stare at the speaker, which might distract his attention or make him feel uneasy. Meanwhile, you should

also watch the facial and body expressions of the speaker. These expressions can provide additional information for you to “hear” between the lines. 六

医学的进步使人们比过去活得更长、更好的愿望成为可能。例如,科学家们已经发现,人体机制直接受父母的遗传基因所控制。因此,胎儿的一些严重畸形在出生前就能被发现,人们可以就如何处理及时作出决定。另外,胎儿的性别在出生前也可加以识别。 然而,严重的道德问题可能会出现。父母亲该不该选择自己孩子的性别?如 果人人都决定生男孩该怎么办?在还未受到危害之前就对这类社会问题作出判断显得甚为重要。

Medical advances have made it possible that people can live longer and better than before. For example, scientists have already found that the body machinery is directed by the genes which we inherit from our parents. Therefore, some abnormalities can be detected before a child is born, and some decisions can be made as to what to do by the parents. What’s more, sex of babies can be identified before they are born.

However serious ethical problems may also arise. Should parents be able to choose the sex of their children? What if everyone decides they want to have boys? Thus, it seems important to diagnose this kind of social problem before it does harm to us.



In the past seventeen years, I have rescued wild animals from every imaginable fate, and this in a sense tampers with nature. That was why I decided to be a silent observer when tragedy happened to a duckling on a sunny afternoon in Landa Park seven years ago.

This tragic event enabled me to witness a tenderness and wisdom in the duck family. And I now choose to believe that nonhuman animals don’t lack so-called human traits, such as devotion to family members, compassion for one another, the capability to mourn the passing of offspring or mates. It is true that they are different from us, but like us humans, they also feel and care and deserve respect, love and compassion

