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课程号: 211Z0040 , 开课学院: 计算机学院__ 考试试卷:√A卷、B卷(请在选定项上打√)

考试形式:√闭、开卷(请在选定项上打√),允许带 ∕入场 考试日期: 2015 年 01 月 28 日,考试时间: 120 分钟


考生姓名: 学号: 所属院系: _ (注意:答题内容必须写在答题卷上,写在本试题卷上无效)

Section 1: Single Choice(2 marks for each item, total 20 marks)

1. Which one below is NOT a valid identifier in the C programming language? _____.

A. printf B. _ever C. “char” D. true

2. Given a, b and c as three double variables, which one below is NOT equivalent to a/b/c? _____. A. (a/b)/c B. a/(b/c) C. a/(b*c) D. a/c/b 3. Which function header is NOT correct? _____.

A. void f(void) B. void f(int i) C. void f(int i,j) D. void f(int i, int j) 4. Given the code below, what will be the value of i after the loop? _____.

int i;

while ( i<10 ) i++; A. 10 B. 11 C. 9 D. None of above.

5. Given the declarations: int a[5], *p=a; which expression is equivalent to the

expression p+1 ? _____.

B. &a+1 A.a[1]

y after executing y=(*p)++; ? _____.

A.y=1 B.y=2


D. p[2]-1

6. For the declarations: int a[]={1,2,3,4,5},*p=a+1, y; what will be the value of variable


D. Syntax error.

7. For the declarations: int *p[2], n[5]; which assignment expression is correct? _____ .

B. p=&n[0] D. p[0]=n++ A.p=n C.p[0]=n

8. Given the following code fragment, the loop condition str[i]!=’\\0’ could be replaced by

which choice? ______. char str[20]=”hello, world”;

for (i = 0; str[i] != ?\\0?; i++) putchar(str[i]); A.str[i]

B.i < 20

C.!(str[i] = ?\\0?)

D.i <= 20

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9. Which function-calling statement could be used, to open a text file entitled “abc.txt”

and located in the folder “user” within D diskette, which is opened for the reading and writing operation? ______. A.fopen(\C. fopen(\A.int *p[5]; scanf(\C.int n[10], *p=n; scanf(\

B. fopen(\D.fopen(\B.int *p; scanf(\

D.int n, *p; *p= &n; scanf(\

10. In the following code fragments, which item is completely correct? ______.

Section 2: Fill in the blanks(2 marks for each item, total 30 marks)

1. The value of expression 3/6*2.0 is ________. 2. The value of expression '9'-'0' is _______. 3. Given:

char c = 255; printf(\

The output should be: _______. 4. Given:

int b=50;

if ( 1

5. The following code fragment will print out _____________________________.

void swap(int *pa, *pb) {

int *t = pa; pa = pb; pb = t; }

int a = 1, b = 2; swap(&a, &b); printf(“%d#%d#”, a, b);

6. The output of the code below is ________.

char *s=”abc”;

while ( *s++ ) if (*s) putchar(*s-1);

7. Given the declaration: char *s;, write a statement which could be used to allocate 10

bytes from the system and assign the first address to the variable s _____________. 8. Try to use the function-call of fscanf, to replace the function-call of scanf(”%d”,&m);


9. Given the declaration: char *s; , write an expression without any function-calling,

which is equivalent to the expression strlen(s)==1 _____________________. 10. Given the declaration: int a[3][2]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; what is the value of expression

(a[1]+1)[0] ?____________.

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11. The value of expression !*(“2015-01-28”+5) is ______________. 12. The output of the code below is ________.

char x[ ]=”hello,world\\012345”; printf(”%d#%d#”,sizeof(x),strlen(x)); 13. The output of the code below is ________.

char *a[3]={\ printf(\printf(\

14. Given the declarations: FILE *infp, *outfp;, write a statement: it is used to write a

letter, which is read from a file pointer infp, into the file pointer outfp, which points to an output file. ________________________________________________________. 15. Given the declaration: char s[10]=”12345678”; what will be the value of strlen(s)

after executing strcpy(s+2,s+5); ________.

Section 3: Read each of the following programs and answer questions (5marks for each item, total 30 marks)

1. What is the output of the following program? _____________________________.


void swap(int *a, int b) {

int m, *n;

n=&m; *n=*a; *a=b; b=*n; }

int main() {

int x=8,y=1; swap(&x,y); printf(\}

2. When input: 123, what is the output of the following program_______________.


int f(char s[], int b) {

int i=0, n=0;

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while (s[i]!=?\\0?) { n=n*b+s[i]-'0'; i++; }

return n; }

int main() {

char s[20]; int n;



3. When the following program?s input is


This is a long test string

the output of the program is __________.

#include #include

int main() {

char s[100], t[100], ch, *p;

int count, i;

gets(s); gets(t); for (i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) { count=0; p = t; while (*p != '\\0') {

if (*p == s[i]) count++;

p++; } printf(\ }


4. The output of the following program?s is ____________.

#include #include

void fun(char *s[], int n) {

char *t; int i,j;

“Fundamentals of Programming” Term Examination Paper, Jan 28, 2015

4 / 8 for (i=0; i

if (strlen(s[i])> strlen(s[j])) { t=s[i]; s[i]=s[j]; s[j]=t; }


int main() {

char *s[]={\ “has reached”, “top level\




5. The following program will print out ____________.


void p1(int v[]) {

int i,j,temp;

for (i=1; i<4; i++)

for (j=i-1; j>=0&&v[j]

v[j]=v[j+1]; v[j+1]=temp; }


void p2(int v1[], int v2[]) {

int i=0, j=0;

while (i<4 && j<4) { if (v1[i]>v2[j]) {


} else {


} }

while (i<4) printf(\ while (j<4) printf(\}

main() {

int a[2][4]={{5,3,7,2},{4,1,8,6}};

p1(a[0]); p1(a[1]); p2(a[0],a[1]); }

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6. When input: 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, the following program will print out ____________.

#include #include

void F1(int *a, int n) {

int t, *b = a + n - 1;

while (a < b) { t = *a;

*a = *b; *b = t; a++;

b--; } }

void F2(int *a, int n) {

int i,t;

if (n <= 1) return;

for (i = 0; i < n/2; i++){ t = *(a + i);

*(a + i) = *(a + n - 1 - i); *(a + n - 1 - i) = t; } }

int main(void ) {

int i, n, *a;


if ((a = (int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int))) == NULL) return 2; for (i = 0; i

for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf(\ return 0; }

Section 4: According to the specification, complete each program (2 marks for each blank, total 20 marks)

1. There is an increasing ordered (升序) character list in a text file in.txt. The following

program read in this list, calculate the number of duplicates(重复) and write each character and its frequency of occurrence (>1) (大于1的出现次数) into the file out.txt. For example, if the in.txt contains “abbcdddddddddddde”, the list “ab2cd12e” will be written into out.txt.

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main() {

FILE *fp1, *fp2; char last, c; int count=0;

fp1=fopen(\ fp2=fopen(\

if (_______(1)_______) return (0); last='\\0';

while (______(2)_____) { count++; if (c!=last) { if (count>1) _______(3)______; count=0; _______(4)______; last=___(5)____; } }

fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); }

2. Function strncat(char *ret, char *s2, int n) copy at most n characters from s2 to ret.

The output of the following program is: WooMan


Please complete the program.


char *strncat(char *ret, char *s2, int n) {

char *s1=ret;

if (n>0) {

while (_____(6)____); s1--;

while (*s1++=_____(7)____) { if (--n>0) continue;

*s1=_____(8)_____; break; }

return ret; } else {

return s1;



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main() {

char s[100]=”Good”;

char t1[100]=”Woo”; char t2[100]=”Manager”;


printf(“%s\\n”, t1);

strncat(____(10)_____); printf(“%s\\n”, s);


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