三级水平测试(spot dictation)-推荐下载

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Practice test 1

In my (1)_twenty-five years as a secretary____, I have had to master three different kinds of writing machines. I began my career on the manual typewriter. I soon (2) learned to handle it efficiently_____ and typed between sixty-five and seventy words per minute. (3)_Then ten years later____, I found myself (4)_being forced to adapt____ to an electric typewriter. At first, I swore I preferred a manual because I had trouble remembering (5)_not to hit the keys as hard_____. Also, it took me several days to quit reaching for a carriage return. After a while, however, I (6)_would not have considered____ returning to a manual. Recently, I was persuaded to give up my electric typewriter for a word processor. (7)_Always resistant to change____, I complained in the beginning (8)_about having to remember____ the new keyboard and the commands. But after using the word processor (9)_for less than six months____, I don't believe I would consider (10) _returning to the age_____ of the electric typewriter.

Practice test 2

A farmer who lived in a small village (1) suffered from the severe pain_____ in his stomach. The doctor in the village had (2)tried a number of treatments______ but been unable to cure him. The farmer decided to see (3)a doctor in the nearest town______. As he loved money badly and (4)_spent as little as possible_____, he thought he would find out what he would have to pay this doctor. He was told that his patient had to pay three pounds for the first visit, and (5)_one pound for the second visit_____. The farmer (6)_thought about this for a long time_____. As he came into the doctor's room, he said, "Good morning, doctor.

(7)_Here I am again_____." The doctor was a little surprised. Then he asked the farmer a few questions, examined his chest and took the pound which the farmer (8)insisted on giving him______. The doctor said with a smile, "Well, sir. (9)_There is nothing new_____. Please continue to take the same medicine I gave you (10)_the first time you came to see me_____."

Practice test 3

Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a (1)_social, business or family occasion____.The evening meal is usually longer and a time (2) for families to get together_____. Rushing through daytime meals is (3)_part of the fast pace____ in America. Another reason for (4)_rushing through daytime meals_____ is that many people eat in restaurants that are (5)_usually crowded with people_____ waiting for a place so that they too (6)_can be served_____ and return to work (7) _at the proper time____. So each one hurries to (8)_make room for the next person____. As with busy people everywhere (9)_there is a real difference____ with meals that are eaten in a hurry and those (10)__can be enjoyed___ slowly with friends.

Practice test 4

The first true piece of sports equipment (1)_that man invented_____ was the ball.

In ancient Egypt, as everywhere, pitching stones was a (2)_favorite children’s game____. But a badly thrown rock (3)_could hurt a child_____. Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptians made (4)__what were probably the first balls___.

At first, balls (5)_were made of grass or leaves____ held together by vines. Later they

were made of pieces of animal skin sewed together and (6)__stuffed with feathers or hay_____.

Even though the Egyptians were warlike, they (7)_found time for peaceful games____. Before long they had developed a number of ball games, (8)_each with its own set of rules____. Perhaps they played ball (9)_more for instruction than for fun____. Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill (10)__they would need for war___.

Practice test 5

It is only a shiny, yellow metal, but it is (1)_one of the most valuable metals_____ on earth. Since the beginning of time, men have looked for (2)this extremely valuable item_____, gold.

Gold is soft and easy (3)_to form into different objects_____. If it gets wet, it does not rust like iron or other metals. Acids do not change it. One important reason that gold is so valuable is (4)_that it is scarce_____.

(5)_Due to its softness_____, gold must be combined with other metals (6)_to harden it and give it strength_____. By hardening gold, people can then make coins and jewelry with it. (7)__Metals commonly mixed with gold____ are nickel, platinum, and copper. Gold jewelry (8)_bears a number and the letter K_____. The K means Karat (carat), which is a measure of the amount of pure gold in the jewelry. Pure gold is 24K. Therefore, a necklace which is 14K is (9)_fourteen parts gold and ten parts other metal_____.

Many countries utilize gold for certain coins, but this practice is not as common now as it once was. The United States, for instance, (10)__stopped making gold coins____ in 1933.

Practice test 6

A nobleman and a merchant once met in a tavern. For their lunch (1)__they both ordered soup____. When it was brought, the nobleman took a spoonful. (2)But the soup was so hot______ that he burned his mouth and (3)_tears came into his eyes_____. The merchant asked him why he was weeping. The nobleman was (4)_ashamed to admit that_____ he had burned his mouth and answered, "Sir, I once had a brother (5) who committed a great crime______, for which he was hanged. I was thinking of his death, (6)_which made me weep_____." The merchant, believing his story, began to eat his soup. He (7)_too burned his mouth_____, so that he had tears in his eyes. Noticing it, the nobleman asked the merchant, "Sir, (8)_why do you weep_____?" The merchant, who now saw that the nobleman(9)_had deceived him_____, answered, "My lord, I am weeping because you were not(10) _hanged together with your brother_____."

Practice test 7

We have just climbed out of a spaceship (1) _onto the surface of the moon____. Behind us is the ship, (2)_half in the sunlight____ and half in deep shadow. (3)_A few miles ahead____ is a wall of mountains towering against the black sky. And there, (4)_as though resting on the mountains____, is a great ball of light, (5)_beautifully colored____ in blue and green and brown with a patch of dazzling white at the top. (6)_It is our own faraway world____ — the earth.

(7)_we take a step____ and rise like prize jumpers — up float, and down again.

Hopping carefully, (8)_we explore the valleys____, the sloping crater walls, the shadowy crater floors.

(9)Not a sound can be heard_____ — there is no air to carry sound, no wind; there are no smells, no plants, no animals. There is (10)_nothing but rock and dust____, blinding sunlight and cold black shadows.

Practice 8

An expensive car (1)_speeding down the main street____ of a small town was overtaken by a young motorcycle policeman. As he started (2)_to make out the ticket____, the woman behind the wheel said haughtily, "(3) _Before you go any further____, young man, I think you should know that (4)_the mayor of this city____ is a good friend of mine." The officer did not say a word, (5)_but kept writing____. "I am also a friend of chief of police Barnes," continued the woman, (6)_getting more indignant____ each moment. Still he kept on writing. "Young man," she persisted, "I know Judge Lawson and State Senator Patton."

(7)_Handing the ticket to the woman____, the officer asked pleasantly, "Tell me, do you know Bill Bronson?"

"Why, no," (8)_she admitted____.

"Well, that is the man (9)_you should have known____." He said, (10)_heading back to ____ his motorcycle, "I am Bill Bronson."

Practice 9

A certain old gentleman was very (1)_unhappy about modern education______, and thought that young people nowadays were not being taught the importance of knowing (2)__the difference between right and wrong_____.

One day he was (3)_taking a walk in the park______ near his home when he saw some young boys standing around a small cat. The old gentleman (4)went up to the boys______ and asked them (5)_what was happening______. One of the boys said to him, "(6)_We’re having a contest______. We're telling lies, and the one (7)_who tells the biggest one______ gets to keep the cat."

The old gentleman thought that this was a good opportunity (8)_to teach the boys a useful lesson______, so he said to them, "(9)__I’ve never told a lie____ in my life." All at once there was a great shout from all the boys, and they said. "(10)_You’ve won______! You can take the cat!"

Practice 10

A man was (1)_tired of living in his old house____ in the country and wanted to sell it and (2) buy a better one_____. He attempted to sell it for a long

time, (3)_but was not successful_____, so at last he decided (4)_to solve the problem____ by using a real estate agent.

The agent promptly advertised the house, and a few days later, the owner saw (5)_a very attractive photograph_____ of it, with a wonderful description of its gardens (6)_in an expensive magazine____.

After the house owner had (7)__read the advertisement through____, he hastened to telephone (8)_the real estate agent______ and said to him, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jones, but I've decided (9)_not to sell my house______ after all. After reading your advertisement in that magazine, I can see that it's (10)_just the kind of house_____ I've wanted to live in all my life."

