Lesson Nine Happiness课文解释,练习答案,语法讲解,历年试题

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Lesson Nine Happiness

Branko Bugarski 布兰科·巴加斯基

Learning Guide


一 、词汇

Naturally ['n?t?(?)r?l?] adv 当然,自然地 cf. nature [?neit??] n natural adj. [?n?t??r?l]

Miserable adj (人,心情)悲哀的,(生活等)不幸的 cf. misery ['m?z(?)r?]

Hell n 地狱

what the hell (表示不在乎、无可奈何、气恼、不耐烦等)究竟,到底 in hell 究竟(用以加强语气) to hell with [口]让…见鬼去吧 go to the hell 去死吧;下地狱

Movie n 电影

Star n 明星

Clearly adv 清楚地,明确地 Dishonest adj 不正当的,不诚实的

cf. honest adj. honesty n

Means n 手段,方法( 单复数同形) a means, many means Lottery n 摸奖

Winnings n 赢得的利益,奖金 cf. win, (won, won), winner

Alone adj. 只有,仅仅

cf. lonely adj. 孤独寂寞的

Worthless adj. 没有价值的,没有用的 cf. worth prep, adj.

cf. worthy

Worthwhile adj. 有价值的,值得做的 Self-esteem n 自尊心 Well adv. 相当地

Productive adj. 有成果的,有成效的 cf. produce v 生产,产生 product n 产品 production n

productivity n 生产力

fool v 欺骗,哄骗 Obtain v 获得,得到


Capable adj. 能干的,有才华的

cf. be capable of

Highly-paid adj. 工资高的,高薪的

Entertainer n (娱乐节目的)表演者,艺人 cf. entertain v 招待,款待

entertainment n 消遣,娱乐,款待 Outwardly adv. 表面上 cf. outward adj& n 外表的 inward adj.& n 内部的

Contribute v (to) 出钱(力,主意等);贡献 cf. contribution n

make contribution to 对?.做贡献

Expose v ( to ) 揭穿,接发,揭露 暴漏 cf. exposure n

Cheat n 骗子 Cheat v 欺骗

Long-term adj. 长期的,长远的 =long -run

Honesty n 诚实

Honestly adv 诚实地,老实地 Process n 过程

v 处理

continuous adj. 不断的,连续的,继续的 cf. continue v 继续

continual adj. 经常发生的,老是发生的 Continuously adv 不断地,连续地,继续地 Dr. (doctor的缩写)博士 External adj. 外部的 cf. internal adj. 内部的

circumstance n 环境,情况 cf. under (in)?..circumstance 在?.情况下 Unfulfilled adj. 没有成就感的

cf. fulfill v 履行;实现;满足;使结束(等于fulfil)

Missing adj. 缺少的,找不到的 (主动消失) cf. lost adj. 被丢失的

Welfare n 福利,幸福 Create v 创造 cf. creature n 生物,人,大型动物 creation n 创造

creative adj 创造性的

Challenge v (对某人的能力)挑战 Set v 制定,确定 Short-term adj. 短期的

Obvious adj. 明显的,清楚的


Act v 装出,装做 Far adv. 很

二、课文分析 Page 197 Para. 1

1. Many people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow. 许多人认为当他们有钱、成功时,幸福自然就会来临。 A. follow v 跟随, 追赶, 紧接着, 注意, 遵循, 沿着, 明白 e.g. She realized that the Mercedes was following her...


e.g. I didn't quite follow; could you explain it again?


cf. following adj 下面的,接着的

2.Let me tell you that certainly nothing is further from the truth. 我可以告诉你们实际情况远非如此。

(字面意思是:没有东西离这个事实更远的了,即:这是更加远离事实的,不靠谱的) A. further from 是far from 的比较级 far from 远不是,远非,绝非 远离

e.g. France is far from China.法国离中国很远。 e.g. Far from enjoying singing, he hates it. 他一点都不喜欢唱歌,相反他讨厌唱歌。

B. the truth 只上文的 when they become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow. 3. The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as hell. 世界上到处都是生活得十分痛苦的有钱人。 A. be full of----be filled with 到处充满,到处都是

B as ….. as…… 中间放一个形容词原级, 表示“和……程度一样” C. hell 地狱,这里指痛苦

4.We have all read stories about movie stars committing suicide or dying from drugs.



A. all adv 都 注意其句中的位置。

all 可以是

代词 All of us will go there. She likes all of us.

形容词 All the students will go there. 副词 We are all right. 名词 I like all.

B. commit vt.犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务 commit oneself承诺,答应负责 commit suicide自杀

commit crime 犯罪;干坏事 commit murder 谋杀

commission 委任;使服役;委托制作

C. die from 死于(外因) die of 死于饥饿,疾病等(内因) 一般不严格区两者的用法。

e.g. \die of boredom, I won't pay with my life! “闷死了我可偿不起命哪! 5. Quite clearly, money is not the answer to all problems.

十分明显,钱并不是解决一切问题的唯一办法。 A. the answer to ……的答案,….的解决方案 Page 197 Para. 2

5. Wealth achieved through dishonest means does not bring happiness. Lottery winnings don't bring happiness.

通过不正当手段得来的钱不会带来幸福。中奖得来的钱也不会带来幸福。 A. achieve wealth 获得财富

B. through …..means 通过….方式,也可以的 by….means 6. Wealth left by parents does not bring happiness.


A. left 动词原形为leave 留下 搭配 leave sth. to sb. 把….留给 7. In fact, money alone is almost worthless:

事实上,如果仅仅有钱,而其他一无所有,钱是毫无价值的。 A。 alone 单独 cf. lonely adj 孤独寂寞的 B. worth n = value

worth adj./ prep 值得做某事 后面接名词或者 v-ing e.g The problem is worth discussing. The film is worth seeing.


8. If you have both self-esteem and money, however, you are well on the way to happiness. 但是如果你既有自尊也有金钱,那你早已在向幸福迈进 (你早已迈上了通往幸福的大道)。 A. on the way to 在通往….的路上

e.g. on the way to school, on the way home 回家的路上 B. well adv. 加强语气 .很好地, 相当地


I am well aware that this is a tough job.我深知这是一件棘手的工作。

9. What is missing in both self-esteem and money is productive work and a real contribution towards the happiness of others.

自尊心和钱本身所缺的是创造性的工作以及为他人的幸福所做的实实在在的贡献。 A. what ……..的…

what is missing 所缺少的,缺乏的(东西) B contribution to (toward) 对….的贡献

10. The secret to happiness lies in the contribution towards the happiness of others.

幸福的秘密在于为他人幸福所做的贡献。 A. one's secret to ………的奥秘

e.g. Exercise is his secret to health. 运动是他身体健康的秘密所在。 B. lie in 在于

eg: The success of the play mostly lies in his acting. 这部戏的成功主要归功于他的演技

11. You can fool others but you can never fool yourself.


12. If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means, you will know you did not earn it. 如果你通过运气或不正当手段获取了财富,你心里就会明白这钱不是你劳动所得。 A. through …means 通过……方法 B. earn 挣钱 earn money, make money

13. If you have taken advantage of or hurt others to earn your wealth, you will not be happy. You

will not like yourself. You will not feel you are capable.


如果你通过占别人的便宜或伤害别人获取了财富,你就不会感到快乐。你就不会喜欢你自己,不会觉得自己有能力。 A. take advantage of 利用 占…..便宜

Eg: She took advantage of my kindness and left without paying me at all. B. capable adj. 有能力的 构成短语 be capable of 能够干某事

e.g. He's a capable businessman, is he?他是一位很有能力的业务员,可不是吗 e.g. Only human beings are capable of speech.只有人类才具有说话的能力。 Page 198 Para. 3

14.There are many highly-paid managers and entertainers who do not like themselves. Outwardly, they seem successful, but deep down they are miserable.

有许多高薪的经理或艺人不喜欢自己。表面上看,他们很成功,但他们内心深处十分痛苦。 A. deep down实际上;在心底

e.g. She seems indifferent, but deep down she's very pleased.


e.g. Deep down, he knew he was at fault.在心底里,他明白自己错了。 15. They know they are contributing very little of real value and all the time they live in fear of being exposed as cheats.


A. in fear of 在对…的恐惧中

B. expose 暴漏,揭露 后面接介词 to

e.g. Don't expose the film to light.不要使照片曝光。

e.g. We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers. 我们一定要向报社揭露这一无耻行径。

16. They know they are not earning their wealth. They know they are cheating the company, the

government or society. But they can't fool themselves.

他们知道他们的财富不是他们挣来的。他们知道他们在欺骗公司、政府或社会。 但是他们无法愚弄自己。 Page 198 Para. 4

17. Long-term happiness is based on honesty, productive work, contribution, and self-esteem.



A. long-term 长期的 短语 in the long-term 从长期来看 同义词 long-run 反义词 short-term

B. be based on 以…..为基础,根据…..

e.g. This play is based on a true story. 这出戏以真事为基础。 18. Happiness is not an end; it is a process.

幸福不是终点,而是过程。 A. process n 过程 v 处理

e.g. The car is in the process of repair. 那车正在修理中。 e.g. How fast does the new computer process the data?


19.It is a continuous process of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel like a worthwhile person.

幸福是个连续的过程,需要诚实而有效的劳动,这样的劳动会为他人(的幸福)做出实实在在的贡献而且会使你感觉自己是个有价值的人。 A. continuous adj. 连续不断的 cf. continual adj. 经常发生的

e.g. His writing gained by continuous practice.由于经常练习, 他的写作水平提高了 continual, continuous, successive, constant, persistent


continual: 强调重复或持续发生,但连续之间允许有间断。 continuous: 语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断。 successive: 强调事物一个接一个地发生,无间断。 constant: 多指习惯性的重复和不变的持续。

persistent: 普通用词,可指不懈的努力,也可指任何连续不断或重复出现的事物。 20. As Dr. Wayne wrote, \ 正如韦恩博士写到的:\没有通往幸福的路。幸福本身就是路。\


21. There is no use saying \

build this house and have this business… then I will be really happy.\

不要整天说:\等到有一天我实现了这些目标,等到我有了车,有了房,有了自己的企业…我就会真正幸福了。\说这些是毫无用处的 A. There/It is no use doing 不要…,(做)…是无用的 e.g. There/It is no use crying over broken glass. 杯子碎了,光哭是没用的。


It is(there is ) no use/help/ point/sense doing sth. 做某事没用处/没帮助/没意义 22. Life just does not work that way.生活中那是行不通的。 A。 that way 前面省略了介词 in 以那种方式 B. work v 运作,运转 (常常用于否定形式) e.g. My watch doesn’t work. 我的手表停了。 e.g. Your plan doesn’t work. 你的计划行不通。

23. If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on external circumstances of life to

make you happy, you will always feel unfulfilled. There will always be something missing. 如果你等待外界发生什么事,如果你依赖生活中的外界力量来使你感到幸福,那你永远不会有成就感。(你的生活中)总是缺少什么东西. A. depend on依靠

e.g. All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 万物靠太阳生长。 Page 198 Para. 5

24. Long-term happiness is a process of moving towards worthwhile goals and contributing

towards the welfare and happiness of others.


A. worthwhile adj. 有价值的,值得的 通常做表语,宾补 cf. worth prep& adj. 后面接名词或者 v-ing 值得做某事 worthy adj. ['w?:ei] 后面接不定式的被动形式 或者 of +名词

即: worthy of , worthy to be done 值得做某事


如果表示“很值得,非常值得”用 well修饰,而不用 very e.g. 这个问题值得讨论

The problem is worth discussing The problem is worthy of discussion The problem is worthy to be discussed It is worthwhile to discuss the problem I think it worthwhile to discuss the problem Discussing the problem is worthwhile. The film is well worth seeing.

25. It does not mean that you should give away all your wealth.


A. give away 分发, cf. give way to 给…让路, 被….取代 Give 短语

give oneself to(为...)献身

give up 放弃;交出

give out 分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭 give in v. 屈服;让步;交上 give attention to 考虑;注意;关心 give away 放弃;泄露;分发;出卖

give off 发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等) give it a try 试一试

give me a call 给我打电话 give an example 举例 give it up 放弃;鼓掌欢迎 give me a hand 帮我一下

26. It means continuously creating values for others through your own honest, productive work.

它意味着你应不断通过自己的诚实有效的劳动为他人创造价值。 A. mean 后面既可以接不定式,也可以接v-ing 接不定式表示 “打算,意欲” 接v-ing 表示“意味着,意思是”

构成短语 mean by……通过….指….,意思是什么 e.g. Whom did she mean by them?她说的“他们”是指谁 What do you mean by that?你这样说意味着什么? I didn’t mean to hurt you. 我并不想上你的心。 Accepting the job means living abroad.


27. It means doing what you love and loving what you do.


28. It means achieving your goals and then challenging yourself to bigger and better things.

它意味着实现自己的目标,并让自己不断接受更大更高的挑战。 29. It means always striving for more, learning and growing.


A. strive for +n 努力做某事 strive to 接不定式 努力,尽力 e.g. The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.


e.g. We have to strive for what we want.


e.g. We must and we will strive to do better.


e.g. You must also strive to lead by example.


30. Doing nothing means death. Activity means life. Find your purpose, set some goals, do what you love, love what you do, work honestly and productively and contribute real values to the others.

什么都不做,则意味着死亡;活动就意味着有生命。找到你的目的,制定你的目标,做你爱做的事情,爱你所做的事情,诚实而有效地工作,为别人贡献真正的价值。 31. In the long term, that's what it's all about. 从长远来讲,幸福也就如此而已。 A. it 指 happiness B. about 关于 Page 199 Para. 6

32. In the short term, you can start practicing being happy right now without any obvious reason. 短期来讲,你可以从现在起不须有任何理由地尝试体验幸福。 A. practice 后面接v-ing 做宾语 意思是练习做某事


e.g. practice speaking English 练习说英语 构成短语:

in practice 在实践中;实际上,事实上

teaching practice 教学实习;试教

social practice 社会实践

put into practice 实行,实施;落实 international practice 国际惯例;国际实践 common practice 惯例;习惯作法 educational practice 教育实习;教改实践 33. How will you know how to be happy if you don't try it? 如果你不尝试,怎么知道如何变得幸福?

34. It is the same as acting and feeling rich. Don't wait for another 10 years to start feeling rich, successful and happy.

这与假装富有去体验富有是一样的。不要再等十年才开始感觉富有、成功与幸福。 A. the same ….. as….像….一样, 与….相同

e.g. She felt just the same as he did.她和他的感受相同。 e.g. Twins look the same as each other.双胞胎看上去长得一样。 35. Start practicing now. You know that they say \

现在开始练习。你知道人们常说 \熟能生巧\。

36.Pretend that you are rich and you will become rich. Pretend and act as if you were happy and

you will be happy. Pretend and act as if you were miserable and…Well, forget about this last one. You have been practicing that one for far too long.

你认为自己富有,就会真的富有。你认为自己幸福并这样去行动,就会真的感到幸福。你要是假装痛苦,你就……哦,还是别装痛苦吧。那件事你做的时间已经太长了。 A. Pretend……and you will….. 前面的动词原形 相当于一个条件状语从句,后面用

you will 表示 “结果”

e.g. Study hard and you will pass the exam. e.g. Come here early and you will see her. B. You have been practicing that one for far too long.

现在完成进行时 表示一直不间断的做某事 结构是 have been doing e.g. I have been waiting for you .我一直在等你。


C. far adv 加强语气

e.g. She is a far better student than her brother. 她比她哥哥学习好得多。 三。 Useful Expressions

commit suicide 自杀

die from 死于(外伤或不注意的原因) contribution to/towards 对……的贡献 take advantage of 利用,占……的便宜 achieve one's goals 实现目标 depend on 依赖,依靠 give away 送掉,赠送 strive for 为……奋斗 set a goal 树立目标 in the short term 就短期而言 deep down 从内心来讲 lie in 在于

e.g. Happiness lies in struggle.

It/There is no use doing做……是没有用的

e.g. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水難收,哭之無益。

四、 Verb Pattern 9


主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语(wh- / how / if / whether 从句) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语(wh- / how / whether 不定式短语)

Eg: I don't know whether it is true.

You can imagine what happened!

The small boy doesn't even know how to read.

The article explained how dictionaries are made and how the editors arrive at definitions. e.g. I am not sure _________ you like me or not.

a. If b. whether 答案:B

五、 Questions on the Text


1. What do many people believe about happiness? The author doesn’t agree, does


Many people believe that when they become rich and successful , happiness will naturally follow. No, he doesn’t.

2. Money doesn’t always bring happiness, does it? When does it do? When does it


No, it doesn’t. When money combines with self-esteem, money perhaps can bring happiness.

Money achieved through dishonest means and money left by parents do not bring happiness.

Or: Money brings happiness when it is achieved through one’s productive work and when one

contributes towards other people’s welfare.

Money doesn’t bring happiness if it is achieved through luck or dishonest means. 3. Do money and self-esteem together bring happiness? Why/why not? Yes, they do. Because money alone is worthless. 4. where does happiness lie?

It lies in contribution towards the happiness of others.

5. Why do many successful people feel miserable?

Because they know they are contributing very little of real value and all the time they live in fear of being exposed as cheats.

6. What are the four things long-term happiness is based on?

Long-term happiness is based on four things---honesty, productive work, 7. contribution and self esteem.

8. How do you understand that happiness is a process? A process of what? Happiness is a continuous process and it is not an end.

It is a process of honest, productive work. In this way it makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel like a worthwhile person. 9. What does long-term happiness mean to the author? Do you agree?

The author thinks that long term happiness is a process of moving towards worthwhile goals and contributing the welfare and happiness of others. That is, continuously creating values for others through one’s own honest, productive work, doing what you love and loving what you do, achieving your goals and then challenging yourself to bigger and better things, and always striving more, learning and growing.

10. What does the author suggest we do right now?

The author suggests that we find our own purpose, set some goals, do what we love, love what we do, work honestly and productively and contribute real values to the others.

11. What does the author mean when he says, “start practicing being happy”? He means that if you don’t try, you will not know how to be happy.


12. What does the author tell us to forget about? Why?

He tell us to forget about pretending and acting as if we were miserable. Because people practice being miserable every day.

13. What is your idea of happiness? What makes you happy? What makes you miserable?

(Open questions)

六、 Written work

不少人认为,既有钱又成功的人士一定是幸福的。但事实并非如此.钱并不总是能使人幸 福,钱不是万能的,幸福是用钱买不来的。

真正的幸福来自为他人的幸福做贡献。当你发觉你有益于社会、有益于你的同胞,你就会 确实感到幸福。要成为一个有用的人,你应该给自己确定有价值的目标,并努力去实现自己的目标。实现目标的过程就是学习和丰富自己的过程。这样你就会获得持久的(lasting)幸福。

Many people think that rich and successful people are always happy. But that is not true, money can't always make people happy. It isn't the answer to all problems. You can't buy happiness by money.

Real happiness lies in contribution to the happiness of others. When you find that you're useful to your society and to your fellowmen, you 'll become really happy. To be a useful man, you should set worthwhile goals for yourself and achieve your goal. The process of achieving your goal is a process of learning and growing. Then you'll gain lasting happiness. 七、Vocabulary Exercises


※ 动词 + -ment ( 表示行为的过程、结果或手段)---- 名词 e.g. government 统治, replacement 代替

amazement 惊讶 confinement 禁闭 treatment 治疗,疗法 ※ self –(自己的,为自己的,向自己的,由自己的) self-control 自我控制 self-educated 自学的 self-centered 以自我为中心的 self-appointed 自封的 self-confident 自信的 self-critical 自我批评的

1) 将-ment 加在下列单词后面构成名词。

develop require puzzle arrange(安排) manage


Key: development, requirement, puzzlement , arrangement , management 2) 将-self 加在下列单词前面构成新词。 evident discipline educated respect service Key: self-evident , 不言而喻的,明显的 self-discipline 自我训练,自我修养 self-educated 自学的

self-respect 自尊,自爱,自重 self-service 自助的

2.将下列句子译成英语 1)用课文中的词或词组。

1) 听说一位著名的电影演员上周自杀了。

It is said that a famous movie star committed suicide last week. 2) 从长远看来,问题的答案在于现代科技。

In the long term, the answer to the problem lies in modern science and technology. 3) 在回家的路上,我碰见了中学时的一位老同学。

On my way home, I ran into a former classmate in middle school. 4) 我们虽然是朋友,但从内心来说我并不喜欢他。 Although we are friends, deep down I don't like him.

5) 他因为世界和平做出了巨大贡献而获得了诺贝尔和平奖。

He won the Nobel Prize for Peace for his great contribution to world peace. 6) 现在我国人人都在为幸福与光明的明天而奋斗。

Everyone in our country is striving for a happy and bright future. 7) 这只狗我不想送人,因为它是别人给我的礼物。 I don't want to give the dog away, because it was a gift. 8) 新学期开始,老师要求我们制定自己的目标并努力实现。

At the beginning of new term, our teacher told us to set our goals and worked hard to achieve them.

9) 不能因为他有钱,我们大家就可以占他的便宜。

We shouldn't take advantage of him just because he is rich.


10) 他对我国的教育事业做出了很大贡献。

He has made a great contribution to the education of our country. 11) 他心力交瘁,英年早逝。

He died from too many worries and over work when he was still young. Or: (or: he died of hard working when he was young.)

2)用本课的动词句型9。 1) 他问我为什么迟到了 He asked why I was late. 2) 我们正在讨论什么时候动身 We are discussing when we will start. 3)他不知道下一步该学什么

He doesn’t know what he will learn next 4) 她不记得把钥匙放哪儿了。

She doesn't remember where she has put her key. 5)我正在考虑怎样操纵这台机器。 I am thinking how to control this machine.

3.用恰当的介词或副词填空。 1)The hospital is far from here. far from 远离 绝非,

2)Can you tell me the answers to all these questions? the answer to …..的答案

3) I lost the ticket on my way to the cinema. on one’s way to 在某人去某地的路上

4) In fact, happiness can only be achieved through hard and earnest work. in fact 实际上,事实上, through 通过

5) This film is based on a famous novel by a great writer. be based on 以…为基础,根据


by 由…

6) A lot of people contributed to the success of the company. contribute to 对….做贡献

7) The secret to success lies in hard work. the secret to …..的秘密

8) He got all his money through dishonest means. through 通过

9) The three groups arrived at the same conclusion. arrive at 到达某地 (小地方) arrive in 到达某地(大地方) 另外 表示“达成….. 作 出…., 得出……” arrive at a conclusion 作 出结论 come to a conclusion 作 出结论 draw a conclusion 作 出结论 reach a conclusion 作 出结论

10) The government has laid down many rules and regulations to prevent this from happening again.

lay down 放下;规定;放弃;建造 prevent….from…阻止


drew 、because、 carrying 、spend、 would、 much、 what (加方框) enough、 wherever 、nearby、 minute 、whether

Once Mary decided to (1) spend her holiday in Japan. She didn’t speak (2)much Japanese, but (3) wherever she went , she was happy to find people who knew(4) enough English to be able to understand (5) what she wanted, until one day she went to have lunch in a little village restaurant. She had seen some nice mushrooms in another village (6) nearby and thought they (7) would taste very good, so Mary asked the waiter (8) whether she could have some mushrooms for her meal. She had great difficulty in explaining to him (9) because she didn’t know the Japanese word for mushrooms.


At last she took out a pencil and (10) drew a picture of a mushroom. The waiter understood at once. He hurried into the back room. A (11) minute later he returned, (12) carrying an umbrella. 八、 Grammar

The Present Perfect Tense (现在完成时) 请阅读教材上册P216~217

a)表示\已完成\,经常搭配的时间状语:lately (近来),already,just,yet,ever, before,never

b)表示\未完成\,经常搭配的时间状语since,for,so far,in the past few weeks 补充:

a) It (This) is the first(最高级或序数词)time that sb. + 现在完成时 This is the most beautiful painting that I have ever seen. 这是我见过的最美的画。

b) since 引导时间状语,主句用完成时 I have not heard of him since five weeks ago. 自从五个星期前,我就没有听过他的音信。

例题1、I am delighted to tell you that you __________ the exam.

A. passed B. had passed C. have passed 正确:C 例题2、Up to now, we __________no news from her. A. shall receive B. received C. have received 正确:C 例题3、He is the worst person that we __________.

A. met B. meet C. have met 正确:C


A. have had B. had C. have D. had had 正确:A by 引导时间状语,主句用完成时。 Page 218

Grammar Exercises



1)I haven’t seen (not see ) you for a long time, Where have you been(be)? 2)- Have you booked your ticket yet? -Yes, I telephoned(telephone)the ticket office last week and they have already sent (send) me the ticket.

3)Did you know (know ) any Chinese when you first came here?

4)My daughter hasn’t started (not start )work yet. She is still in middle school.

5)I bought (buy) a new house last year, but I haven’t sold(not sell )my old house. So I have two houses at the moment.

6)Tom has been (be) in China for two years. He is working here and is quite happy. 7)The teacher said to him: You (be) have been late every morning this week. 8)–How long have you been (be) in your present job?

-I got (get) the job three months ago. 9)Have you ever (be ) been to America? I have been (be) there many times. As a matter of fact, I (go) went there again just last month.

10)–I can’t find my pen . Have you seen (see) it?

-Yes, you left (leave) it in the car yesterday and I have put (put) it in your desk.


1)Have you ever had (have) to stay in bed for a long time? I have . About six weeks ago I felt (feel) very weak and so I went (go) to see a doctor. He looked (look) at me and asked (ask) a lot of questions: Have you worked(work) too hard? Have you eaten (eat ) anything special? And so on. Finally he said (say) it was (be) not very serious. He told (tell) me to stay in bed and not to see anybody for three days.

2) In the evening I often play chess with my next door neighbor. I have played (play) chess

with him ever since I came (come) to live here ten years ago. He has been(be ) here all his life; he got (get) the house from his father, another chess player. He used (use) to play chess with his father. Ever since we started (start ) playing chess, we have been (be) great friends, too.


3. 将下列句子译成英语。

1) 自从我来到这里以后,这里发生了很大的变化。 Since I came here, things have changed a lot. 2) 我很久没有听到他的消息了。 I haven’t heard from him for a long time. 3) 从早上到现在他一句话都没说。

He hasn’t said a word since this morning. 4) 最近接到父母的音信了吗?

Have you heard from your parents recently? 5)中学毕业后我就在工厂工作了。

I have worked in the factory since I left middle school. 6) 自从我们家买了那条狗,就没有人来看我们了。 Since we bought that dog, nobody has come to see us. 7) 他从来没有迟到过。 He has never been late.

8) 今天早上我已经写了八封信了。

I have written eight letters since this morning. 9) 那棵树在那里已经100年了。 The tree has been there for 100 years. 10) 我从没见过那个人。

I have never seen that man. 九。与本课有关的历年考题

1. (2009, 10, 选择填空) Such an experienced tennis player knows how to take _____

of his opponent’s weakness.

A. advantage B charge C account D command

2. (2009, 4, 选择) My teacher was supposed to ____ Shanghai for London last week.

A leave B. have left C leaving D. having left

3. (2009, 10, 填空) According to the author of “ Happiness”, happiness is a continuous

progress of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you _____.


4. (2010, 4, 句子翻译) 你不要指望她说出这件事是谁干的。 Key:

1. A 2. B

3. feel like a worthwhile person

4. You can’t depend on her to tell you who did it.

补充练习 完形填空


It is widely believed that every word has a correct meaning, that we learn these__⑾__mainly from teachers and grammarians, and that dictionaries and__⑿__books are the highest authority in matters of meaning and usage. Few people ask by what__⒀__the writers of dictionaries and grammars say what they say. I once got into an argument with an__⒁__woman over the__⒂__of a word and offered to look it up in the__⒃__. The English woman said firmly, \am English. I was born and brought up in__⒄__. The way I speak is__⒅__. \about one's own language is not__⒆__among the English. In the United States, however, anyone who is willing to quarrel with the dictionary is regarded__⒇__out of his mind. B答案:⑾——⒇ meanings, grammar, authority, English, pronunciation

dictionary, England, English, uncommon, as


There are many problems connected with space travel. The first and greatest of them is gravity. If you let your pencil drop to the floor, you can see gravity in action. Everything is held down to the earth by magnetic force. A rocket must go at least 2,500 miles an hour to take anyone beyond the gravity of the earth into space.

Magnetic:adj. 有磁性的

Another problem is the strain (作用力,张力) that a person is subjected to when a rocket leaves the ground. Anything that is not moving tends to resist movement. As the rocket leaves the ground, it pushes upward violently, and the person in the cone (驾驶舱) is pushed back against the chair. During this thrust, gravity exerts a force on the body equal to nine


times its normal force. Once out of the earth's gravity, an astronaut is affected by still another

problem--weightlessness. Here, if a pencil drops, it does not fall. If a glass of water is turned upside down, the water will not fall out. Our bodies, which are accustomed to gravity, tend to become upset in weightless conditions. Recent long flights have shown that the body needs special exercise in a spaceship. Astronauts could also be affected by boredom and loneliness. Some of them might have to sit in their spaceships for months with little to do and no one to

talk to. Space trips to distant planets or the nearest stars might take many years. It is possible that some trips even take a lifetime. So future astronauts must be trained to endure long periods of \

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

a. The earth's gravity b. Weightlessness c. Space sickness d. Loneliness 答案:C 解析:第一、三、四段的首句分别提到了a,b,d三个选项。 7. In weightless condition, what will happen?

a. If a pencil drops, it will fall.

b. If a glass of water is turned upside down, the water will fall out. c. Our bodies tend to become upset. d. It's easier for our bodies to move around.


解析:第三段中间分别列举了在失重情况下的三种可能性。 8. The quality that the future astronauts must have is_____.

a. being brave b. not being overweight c. enduring solitude d. being passive




9. Which of the following is beyond the gravity of the earth? a. A pencil b. An animal

c. A man on the earth d. A man in a rocket moving 3,000 miles per hour





10. When a rocket leaves the ground, the gravity_____.

a. is equal to the normal one b. is less strong than the normal one c. is much stronger than the normal one d. is relatively smaller 答案:c




