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汉英高级笔译参考题 随机抽取:第I题 4分×5(小题);第II题 10分×3(小题);第III题 25分×2小题,合计100分 第I题将以下各句译成英语/汉语(每题4分)

1.浪漫一身(时装广告。注意―身‖、―声‖发音相似) Weave romance into your life! Or: Love me, love my dress! Or: Romance for every wear, everywhere. Or: Romance for life.

2.光彩人生,源于光源!(荧光棒广告) Light your way to a better night.

Or: A bright source for an even brighter life.


Small articles, big in style. Or: Small articles, great in taste. 4.放飞梦想, 实现自我!(出国留学服务机构广告。要求前者译成动宾结构,后者译成动词加副词)

Soar far, catch your dreams. Or: Fly towards your dream. Or: Fly as far as your dream will carry you.

5.人人为我,我为人人!(某著名企业的财富观) From all, back to all. Or: A shared prosperity for all.

6.人曾是佛,人不能成佛。女卑为奴,女又可称奴。(就中文而言,是个拆字游戏。要求译文反复使用首韵法) A Buddhist cannot bud into a Buddha; a maiden may be made a housemaid.

7.日本,当以何为本?印度,难求大国之度(文章标题,含文字游戏) Nippon lost as to what to found itself upon; India struggling to restore past glory as a super-topia.

8.金日在手中,万事好成功!(口服液广告。要求译文押韵) The Golden Sun tonic: never just a matter of taste. 9.今天购买,就在今天享用!(商家促销口号。要求译文押尾韵) Buy today, enjoy it right away! Or: Buy today, enjoy it without delay!

10. 它工作,你(指家庭主妇)休息。(洗衣机广告。要求用chores和credit;注意动宾搭配) You take credit for all the chores it does.

11. 先点击,后点钱!(IT产品,含文字游戏) Click and count! Or: With a touch, you get rich. 12. 你不理财,财不理你。(某财金杂志广告,其中―理‖字含双关) Help money manage itself. Or: Wealth favors only those with a prepared mind.

13. 我们实行三包:包修、包退、包换!(商家对顾客的承诺。要求三个关键短语都以R开头) We guarantee 3 R‘s: Repair, Refund and Replacement.

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14. ―美的‖家电:美的(故意用错别字)全面,美的彻

底。(家用电器广告。要求―全面‖、―彻底‖都译成相当于汉语―从……到……‖的格式) Midea electrical appliances: beautiful from top to toe, from inside out.

15. ―三优‖牌家具:优越的质量、优惠的价格、优质的(售后)服务(要求三个关键短语都以U开头) 3-U furniture: Unrivaled quality, Unbeatable prices, Unreserved post-sale service. 16. 茅台一开,满室生香。 Maotai – a vintage liquor that gives a most daring expression to your dormant feeling! Or: Maotai – a VIP treat that means everything you ask for. Or: Maotai wakens people‘s dormant feelings towards life.

17. 衣食住行,有龙则灵。(建设银行―龙卡‖广告) A Loong Card makes your life easier, more enjoyable. 18. 非常可乐,非常选择。(饮料广告。要求译文重复两遍字母F和C) Future cola, fantastic choice.

19. 皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减。(皮件制品广告。必须用thick和thin;允许词形有变通) Thickest leather for thinnest profits.

20. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。(护肤霜广告) Dabao lotion: a proven challenge to wrinkles. Or: A proper dose of Dabao a day keeps facial wrinkles away. Or: Use Dabao every day – this means you. Or: Dabao – I‘m loving it!

21.正如广大群众所批评的那样,我们现在是―卫星上天,厕所漏水‖。 As the popular criticism goes, ―Satellites are launched but toilets still leak.‖

22. 民国万税,天下太贫。 Long live the Republic, the Republic live long! 23. 年年难过年年过,处处无家处处家。 Hard up, you try to make it easy year after year; homeless, I manage to make a home from pillar to pillar. 24. 客上天然居,居然天上客。 Heaven Inn makes you feel like in heaven.

25. 球票紧张,教练更紧张。他来墨西哥后,几乎没好好睡过觉。 Tickets to the ball game were hard to get, but the

coach had an even harder time trying to get some sleep. He hadn‘t rested properly at all since he had arrived in Mexico. 26. 在天津教书,天天吃天津饭,吃得津津有味。赴日本留学,日日读日本书,读得本本不通。 Tianjin was like heaven, giving me heavenly food to eat with immense gusto; Nippon is like hell, making me read hellish books in sheer disgust.

27. 有些天天喊大众化的人,连三句老百姓的话都讲不出来,可见他就没有下过决心跟老百姓学,实在他的意思仍是小众化。

―We certainly will write in a popular style,‖ some of our comrades would say. But what kind of a ―popular style‖ is that?! They can‘t even begin to speak the first sentence in the language of ordinary people. That‘s enough to show that those comrades haven‘t made up their mind to learn from the very grassroots. What they‘re really after is still refinement, not popularization.

28. 希望大家积极支持文字改革工作,促进这一工作而不要―促退‖这一工作。 My hope is that all of you will do everything you can to help rather than hinder the development of the new character system.

29. 官逼民反,民不得不反。 Where there is repression, there is rebellion.

30. 他―科员‖了一辈子,从来没有得到过晋升的机会。 He remained a junior clerk throughout his working life, never getting a promotion.

31.好一个朋友——你连五块钱都不肯借给我。 A friend indeed – you wouldn‘t even lend me a measly five yuan!

32. 东西南北中,好酒在张弓。 East or west, the wine from Zhanggong is the best. 33. 上述产品堪称箱包、皮件的世界,劳保用品之王国。特别是皮制劳保手套执世界牛耳。 We would like to offer a wide gamut of premiere leather products – suitcases, bags and safety articles. Our leather gloves, in particular, represent the world‘s latest trend in worker protection.

34. 中国有句俗话:―赶得早不如赶得巧‖。赶上地坛庙会那就是巧。这里浓缩着浓郁的京味文化,叫北京人与外地人都享受。 As a Chinese proverb goes, ―Better visit the right place only once than the wrong place plenty of times.‖ The Earth Temple is exactly where you should go at least once. It appeals to Beijing natives and those from other parts of the country alike with its typical Beijing flavor. 35. 任何季节、地点都能穿的外衣。 The coats for everywhere, every wear.

36. 口味一流,永难忘怀。(百事可乐广告) Too good to forget. 37. 百万买卖,毫厘利润。 A business in millions, a profit in pennies. 38. 再挑剔的妈妈也会挑选吉弗牌花生酱。 Choosy mothers choose Jif.

39. 温都度假村:虽不是家胜似家。 Holiday Inn: a home away from home. 40. 牡丹香烟,醇味盖冠。 Peony stands out for taste.

41. 一册在手,纵览全球。(《环球杂志》广告) Globe makes local minds global.

42. 清除皱纹,马到成功。(护肤霜广告) A proven challenge to wrinkles.

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43. 当代经典,永久计时。(手表广告) A contemporary classic, a timeless timepiece. 44. 不求今日拥有,但求天长地久。 Choose once, choose for good.

45. 默默无―蚊‖的奉献。(蚊香片广告) Mosquito-repellent incenses: repelling mosquitoes in silence.

46. 品质优良,书写润滑,美观大方。(圆珠笔广告) Zhonghua quality pencils meet the demand for an ingenious design and a natural flow. 47. 长城电扇,电扇长城。 The Great Wall electric fan is just as invincible as the Great Wall itself!

48. 在家靠自己,出国靠国旅(西安国旅广告) Back home, you are your boss. Here in China, your Aladdin‘s lamp is at CITS. 49. 美日达音乐电脑万年历 Melodate / Musicalendar

50. 有形世界,无限风光。(电视台广告) World within inches.

51. 我这个人没什么特长。要说还有什么长处,就是还有张长长的脸。 I‘m no good. If anything, it‘s perhaps a good long face I‘ve got.

52. 我们冬天需要阳光,春天需要阳光,秋天需要阳光,夏天也需要阳光。 We need sunshine all year around – winter or summer, spring or autumn.

53. 周领导,人家小刘已经是八年的―妇科‖病啦,也该给他个正经说法了吧?

Mr zhou,liu has not got promoted for eight years, I think he deserve a formal statement. 54. 谁说女子不秃头!(生发素广告) Women can go bald indeed!

55. 她们是艺术圈中的极品,是芸芸众生里的―劳斯莱斯‖。

They are of best quality in artistic circles and they are the Rolls-Royce of all the livings things. 57.不比不知道,一比吓一跳。

This is exactly what is called shocked to compare with. 或者:You won't be shocked until you compare them. 58. 君不正,臣投外国。父不正,子奔他乡。

The courtiers will go to other country for shelter because emperor is not personally upright; while the children will go other places for father‘s bad behavior.

60. 怕黄昏忽地又黄昏,不销魂怎地不销魂,新啼痕压旧啼痕,断肠人忆断肠人。

Dusk is gone yet still to return; the fire of love never ceases to burn. Bathing in tears, I cry and cry – for a suffering one at the ends of the earth, oh why?

61. County panels OK affordable housing


62. Globo Cabo(全球电缆公司)to buy cable rival 全球电缆公司 购买电缆的对手

64. Mississippi man ruled sole heir to blues legend 一名密西西比人被法院裁定为布鲁斯音乐传奇人物的唯一继承人 69. Takeover hostility – criticism of acquisitions of Chinese enterprises by foreign firms off the mark


70. A head for headcount – savings plan unveiled after

Alcatel‘s takeover of biggest US phone equipment maker

71. Sealing slippage – Intercontinental Exchange Inc nets large share of oil futures market after online launch

72. Her friends and her detractors have made extravagant claims of goodness and mercy, foolishness and naivety. 73. Joseph Stalin dismissed the Pope with cynical quip, ―How many divisions has he got?‖

74. The success of the Amazon.com bookstore, which exists only on the Internet, impelled Barnes & Noble to combine its successful physical bookstores with a strong presence in cyberspace and to team up with Bertelsmann, a leading international media company, in an online joint venture.


75. This is an article that challenges attention even if it fails to command complete assent.

即使不能完全赞同,但这仍是一篇值得一读的文字。 第II题 改译以下各段译文(每题10分):

1. 【原文】 If that man had any sense, wouldn‘t he try to look attractive enough to make me want to hire him? Is he too lazy to make the effort? In that case, what kind of a worker can he be? Does he feel so bad about himself, and could his judgment be correct?

【原译】 如果那人有点头脑的话,他难道不会打扮得楚楚动人,让我想雇佣他?他是不是太懒了,不愿花力气呢?倘若是那样的话,那他会成为什么样的工人呢?他是否觉得自己不得志?他的这个判断能不能纠正过来?

【改译】 但凡他有点头脑的话,就应该打扮得足够吸引人我想雇佣他?他是不是太懒了,不愿花力气呢?倘若是那样的话,那他将会成为什么样的员工呢?他是否觉得自己不得志?这种自我认识会不会就是对的呢? 2.【原文】 But I am denied that deeper understanding of them which I am sure would come through sight of

them, through watching their reactions to various expressed thoughts and circumstances, through noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and countenance.

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【原译】 但是,我不认为对于我所深知的人,要想更深入地了解他们,只能通过亲眼见到他们,亲眼看见他们对各种思想和环境的反应,亲眼看到他们的眼神和表情的即时的瞬间的反应。

3.【原文】 Our colleague on the Sunday people had been exonerated by the Press Council for writing in her column that an actress had ?little piggy eyes‘. It was a moment of keen and necessary judicial wisdom: for where would our great profession be without the constitutional right to slag off anyone who gives us the pip?

【原译】 我们的一位在《星期日人民报》供职的同事已为新闻委员会所开释,因为她曾在她的专栏里写道:某位女演员长着一对―小小的猪一般的眼睛‖。那是个 的需要法官般智慧的时刻:因为如果没有宪法所规定的权利来驱除任何使我们不舒服的人,那我们伟大的职业将会处境如何?

【改译】 我们的一位在《星期日人民报》供职的同事已为记者协会所开释,因为她曾在她的专栏里写道:某位女演员长着一对―小小的猪一般的眼睛‖。那是个 的需要法官般智慧的时刻:宪法规定无人可以驱除使我们不舒服的人,即使她的所作所为并不合适,否则我们将何以自处?

4.【原文】 …Bogey played in his own Bogey way that was not at all Harriet‘s. Harriet could never leave

anything alone, and Bogey liked things to be alone and behave themselves in their own way. For instance, he played with lizards and grass snakes; …

【原译】 鲍吉有他自己的完全不同于哈丽特的玩法。要哈丽特不管闲事是不可能的,可鲍吉则喜欢事物栩栩如生各具情态。例如,他爱玩蜥蜴和青草蛇;…… 5.【原文】 The route was across the northern United States and then by ship to Alaska, where the plan was to drive across the Berling Strait on the ice.

When the Thomas arrived in Alaska by ship, the locals laughed at its crow‘s plan to cross the Berling

Strait. Not one of them could remember the strait solidly frozen.

【原译】 汽车竞赛的路线是穿越美国北部,然后搭船到阿拉斯加,在那里按计划驾车在冰上通过白令海峡。当托马斯号搭船抵达阿拉斯加时,该地的居民对车座人员穿越白令海峡的计划付之一笑。不过他们中谁也没想到,海峡早已冰封得坚坚实实了。


6 【原文】 Considering the present situation, it may cause surprise, in view of the large number of reports of resistance from so many important species all over the world, that the impact on insect control programs is not more drastic.

【原译】 考虑到目前的情况,人们会感到奇怪,鉴于从世界各地有大量的报告谈到有许多重要的物种出现了抗药性,你会觉得害虫控制计划措施不那么有力。 7.【原文】 Warming the food before sealing the cans has the effect of reducing the pressure inside the cans while the food is being sterilized. Then the cans are sealed and the food is sterilized by heating the cans in a retort by means of steam.

【原译】 当事物消毒时,在罐头封起来之前先加热,有减少罐头内的压力的效果。然后罐头可以封起来,通过蒸汽把罐头放在容器内加热使食物消毒。

【改译】 密封罐装食品前,先加热罐头可以有效减少罐头内的压力。然后进行密封,并通过再次加热达到食品消毒的效果。

8.【原文】 The difference between emending and

amending a text is based on the two ways in which a text can be considered correct. A text might be ?correct‘ if it is in its original, purest or most authentic form. To restore it to this form, you emend it. On the other hand, the text might be ?correct‘ if it is in its best possible form, usually different from the original: to change it to this improved form, you amend it.

【原译】 校订一个语篇与修订一个语篇之间的区别基于一个语篇可被视为正确的两种情形。如果一个语篇是以其最初的、最纯正的或最真实的形式出现,那么它就可能是―正确的‖。把这语篇恢复到这种形式,你就是在校订它。在另一方面,如果那语篇是以其尽可能好的形式出现的,这形式通常与最初形式不同,那么这语篇就可能是―正确的‖:把这语篇改变到这种改进的形式,你就是在修订它。


9【原文】 It would have demanded an unquestioning patriotism, happily uncommon in this country as it is

undesirable, for these people not to have been disturbed by the biter letters they received, by the newspaper stories they read, not to have been enraged by the posters, then to be found all over New York, which described the Japanese as ―yellowbellied Japs.‖

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【原译】 毫无疑问地,这本应该激起人们的爱国心(所幸在这个国家里爱国心既不常见也不需要),但那些痛苦的来信使他们心神不宁,还有他们读到的那些新闻报道,那些令他们愤怒的海报。那时候纽约到处都贴着那种海报,把日本人描写成―黄肚皮的日本佬儿‖。 如果这些人没有被那些令人痛苦的来信和新闻报道所伤害,没有被那些海报所侵扰,没有发现在纽约他们被描述成―黄皮日本鬼子‖,他们本应会点燃爱国情绪——虽然这种盲目的爱国主义在这个国家里并不受欢迎。 10.【原文】 But what if, God forbid, one loses faith? The wicked live on denials; denials in themselves are also a faith, faith in evildoing, and from it one can draw strength for the body. But if the pious man loses his faith, the truth is shown to him, and he is recalled. This is the symbolic meaning of the words, ―When a man dies in a tent‖: when the pious man falls from his rank, and becomes, like the wicked, without permanent shelter, then a light shines from above, and all doubts cease…

【原译】 但是万一有人不再相信了呢?那些邪恶的人不相信上帝,不相信上帝本身也是一种信仰,信仰做坏事;人可以从中得到力量。但是如果虔诚的人丧失了信仰,告诉他真理他就会恢复过来。这就是―当一个人在帐篷中死去‖这句话的象征意义:当虔诚的人掉队时,像邪恶的人一样失去了永远的庇护,这时一道亮光在头顶闪过,所有的疑惑都消失了……

10.【原文】 But what if, God forbid, one loses faith? The wicked live on denials; denials in themselves are also a faith, faith in evildoing, and from it one can draw strength for the body. But if the pious man loses his faith, the truth is shown to him, and he is recalled. This is the symbolic meaning of the words, ―When a man dies in a tent‖: when the pious man falls from his rank, and becomes, like the wicked, without permanent shelter, then a light shines from above, and all doubts cease…

【原译】 但是万一有人不再相信了呢?那些邪恶的人不相信上帝,不相信上帝本身也是一种信仰,信仰做坏事;人可以从中得到力量。但是如果虔诚的人丧失了信仰,告诉他真理他就会恢复过来。这就是―当一个人在帐篷中死去‖这句话的象征意义:当虔诚的人掉队时,像邪恶的人一样失去了永远的庇护,这时一道亮光在头顶闪过,所有的疑惑都消失了……



11. 【原文】 Henry Bennett performed a carefully

controlled study in which anesthetized patients received a suggestion just before being brought to consciousness. Most patients who were told to pull their ears during a

subsequent interview did exactly that, even though they did not recall having received such instructions. [译文] 亨利·贝内特作了仔细的观察研究:在做手术的病人被麻醉失去了知觉前,他建议他们在手术过程中仔细听谈话,即使他们回忆不起曾受过这种暗示,病人也能照嘱咐做。 【改译】亨利·贝内特进行了仔细的对照研究,即在麻醉病人苏醒前接受一定暗示。即使大多数病人回忆不起曾经受过这种暗示,但是他们在手术过程中也能照嘱咐做,仔细倾听。

12. 【原文】 British and American English probably became similar as is necessary for easy mutual

understanding, but not more similar than that unless Americans and Britons feel no further need to regard

themselves as culturally distinct. As the late Professor J.R. Firth is said to have observed of pronunciation: ―It is part of the meaning of an American to sound like one.‖(丹儿)

【原译】 英国和美国英语也许会变得使之容易地互相理解所必要的相似,但不会比这更相似了,除非美国人和英国人感到不再有需要认为自己在文化上是独特的了。如同据说的已故教授J。R。弗思对发音所作的评述:―一个美国人发出声音像个美国人是这个内涵的一部分‖。

【改译】英式英语与美式英语有时为方便双方理解可变得相近,但仅仅变得相近而已。除非英国与美国认为没有必须再保持文化独立性,两者才会变得完全一样。正如已故教授弗斯(J.R. Firth)所说,英式英语与美式英语之所发音不同,是因为这是美国人凸显其区别于其他国家的其中一个表现。

13. 【原文】 This dual quality of being sensitive to, and curious about, small accidental occurrences, and of

possessing a frame of reference capable of suggesting their true significance, is probably what Pasteur meant when he said ?Chance benefits only the prepared mind.‘

Nevertheless, it is clear that these qualities alone, even then joined to those mentioned previously, are not necessarily sufficient to ensure success: an indispensable factor in all the discoveries quoted above was careful and systematic experimentation.

【原译】 既有对微小偶发事件的敏感性和好奇心,又具有能联想其正确含义的参考系,这种两重性大概就是巴斯德所说的―机遇只使有心人获益‖。但是很明显,仅

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14. 【原文】 Sometimes the dispute is finely balanced – the pronunciation of controversy for instance, or the need for whom or the difference between further and farther. But you will always find a clear discussion of the dispute, airing the arguments on both sides, referring to the history of the language, quoting modern examples and suggesting a solution.

【原译】 有时争论非常地平衡。例如,controversy的发音,或whom的需要,或further和farther之间的差异。但你在这儿总会找到对争端的清楚地讨论,在两方面都发表论点,涉及语言的历史,引用现代的例子,并且表明解决的办法。

15. 【原文】 Some years ago the curious compound ―benign neglect‖ was used to describe a U.S. government policy that avoided actively promoting racial equality on the controversial ground that progress towards racial

equality would meet less resistance in the absence of such intervention.

【原译】 若干年前,奇怪的复合词benign neglect(有益的疏忽)被用来描写美国政府。这种政策就是:根据那个有争议的理由,即在缺少这样的干预时向着种族平等的进步倒会遇到较小的阻力,避免积极地促进这种种族平等。

【改译】 许多年前,微妙的复合词benign neglect(善意的忽略)被用来形容美国政府在有争议的问题上所实行的主动避开促进种族平等的政策,当有争议的问题向民族平等推进时,能在缺少这类干预的情况下遇到较小的阻力。

16.【原文】 Then, between is still preferable when more than one relationship is involved, provided that every relationship is a well-defined two-way relationship – typically when every element is named.



17. 【原文】 I have already mentioned that these techniques can be used even when they are not well understood by the lower levels in management, and that this will generally be associated with the centralization of decision. This largely arises from the scarcity (shortage) of the knowledge required to carry out operational research and operate the necessary computing equipment; it appears

economical to use this scarce resource best by concentrating it at one point.

【原译】 我已经指出,即使在下级管理人员对它不甚理解的情况下,这些技术也能够被应用。这通常与决策集中化有关。集中决策在很大程度上是由于缺乏足够的知识去实施运筹学和操作必要的计算设备而引起的;因而集中到一个地点以便最佳地利用不充足的资源看来是经济的。


18. 【原文】 In fact, plant breeding work is already in progress in most developing countries, and has been begun in some instances by local workers on their own initiative, or with the assistance of international bodies such as FAO. 【原译】 实际上,在一些地区,由于当地工作者的主动性或者由于诸如联合国粮农组织等国际组织的协助,植物育种工作已在大多数发展中国家开展起来了。 19. 【原文】 There are many situations in which this ability to handle and to analyze large quantities of

arithmetic data according to instructions is of great value. Some examples are fields of scientific investigation such as crystallography, atomic physics and astronomy, where masses of experimental data are involved and complex theoretical concepts need to be tested against them; in engineering design where the design parameters, of which there are many, can be varied systematically and their effects studied and optimized; and for the storage of reference data in libraries and insurance offices in such a way as to afford ready access to particular references on request.

【原译】 在很多情况下,这种按照指令处理和分析大量算术数据的能力具有重大意义。有些例子是属于科学研究领域的,例如结晶学、原子物理和天文学。那里有大量的实验数据,有许多复杂的理论概念要以这些数据为背景进行验证;在工程设计中有许多参数,其中有许多可以作系统的变化,可以研究其效应并使之其最优化;图书馆和保险公司合适地储存参考资料,以便随时满足查询专门资料的要求。


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20. 【原文】 Thus, if we take the above example for the possessive expressing an agent and add own (e.g., I prefer Holbein‘s own portrait of Henry VIII), English speakers who are na?ve about the historical names and facts involved will tend to understand that Holbein is the owner of – rather than the artist who produced – the portrait. The use of own to emphasize an agent is appropriate only when the person referred to in the possessive form is both the agent and possessor of the head noun.

【原译】 因此,如果我们以为上面的例子是表达施动者的所有格,并且添加own(如I prefer Holbein‘s own portrait of Henry VIII),一些对历史人物的名字和有关事实知之不多的人往往会以为肖像的所有者是


21. 【原文】 We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of ―Eat, drink, and be merry,‖ but most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.

【原译】 我们每天的生活应当过得从容不迫,朝气蓬勃,观察敏锐,而这些东西往往在日复一日,月复一月,年复一年的时间长流中慢慢消失。当然,也有一些人一生只知道―吃喝玩乐‖,然而,多数人在确知死神将至时反而有所节制。

22.【原文】 If you cannot travel, seek out people with whom you disagree, and read a newspaper belonging to party that is not yours. If the people and the newspaper seem mad, perverse, and wicked, remind yourself that you seem so to them. In this opinion both parties may be right, but they cannot both be wrong. This reflection should generate a certain caution.

【原译】 假如你不能旅行,那就找一找与你保持不同意见的人,读一读不属于你们党的报纸。如果那些人和报纸看起来是疯狂的、荒谬的和恶劣的,那就要提醒你自己,对于他们来说,你似乎也是这样。依照这种看法。双方可能都是正确的,但是不可能双方都错了。这种考虑当能使人审慎从事。

23.【原文】 A New Yorker might find it far more

difficult to communicate with a Glaswegian, both reputedly speaking a single language, than a Spaniard would with a Portuguese, speaking different languages.

【原译】 一个纽约人可能会觉得,与操不同语言的一个西班牙人和一个葡萄牙人人交流信息相比,他跟一个


24.【原文】 I have a holy horror of COSEPI, not as an exotic malady, which may afflict persons of different

pigmentation, in far off lands, but for precisely the opposite reason; because it is endemic among my own people, and because its ravages are all too familiar, and come too close. 【原译】我对COSEPI极厌恶,不是因为它是一种外来的弊病,这弊病也许会使得遥远的国度里的不同肤色的人苦恼,而是由于恰恰相反的原因:因为它是我自己的人民中特有的,因为它所造成的破坏实在太熟悉,来得也实在太近。


25.【原文】 When you think of the unhealthy amount of sugar even in things like baked beans, then you realize that the man who makes a scene because his ―morning-picked mushrooms‖ came out of a tin is someone we truly need. Only, if the food fusspot is to be considered necessary, he must not just stop at taste.

【原译】 每当你想起甚至在像炒豆这样的东西中也有着危及健康的含糖量,那么你就会意识到那个引起―晨采蘑菇‖罐头破了而大吵一场的人便是我们真正需要的人。不过,假如对食物爱挑剔的人被认为是必要的话,那么他就不应该尝一下就不吃了。

26. 【原文】 Dictionaries enter word-forming elements with hyphens: pre-, -graph, -ness, tele, -l-. The hyphens show the place or places where the wording-forming element ―plugs in‖ to the word it helps to form: pre-Cambrian, niceness matrilineal, telegraph. Sometimes the hyphen will appear in the final word (as it does in pre-Cambrian), sometimes not (as in niceness).

【原译】 词典用连字号来将构词成分编进去:pre-, -graph, -ness, tele, -l-。这些连字号表明该构词成分―插入‖到它帮助构成的那个词的位臵在哪里:pre-Cambrian, niceness, matrilineal, telegraph。连字号 有时会出现于最后的那个词中(像它在pre-Cambrian中的那样),有时则不出现(如在niceness中)。

【改译】词典中构词成分的位臵是以连字号来确定的:pre-, -graph, -ness, tele, -l-。这些连字号表明该构词成分―插入‖到它帮助构成的那个词中的一个或多个位臵在哪里:pre-Cambrian, niceness, matrilineal, telegraph。连字号 有时会出现在最后构成的单词中(像它在pre-Cambrian中的那样),有时则不出现(如在niceness中)。

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27.【原文】 It is essential that these dials should be easily read and not subject to error. What form should they take? They may have vertical scales or horizontal scales, they may be semicircular or completely round: the whole scale may be visible or only part through a small

―window.‖ An investigation found that the window type is the best. This seems reasonable since only a part of the scale appears in the window, and so there is less effort required to read the precise point on the scale.

【原译】 根本问题是,这些表盘应该容易读又不会出差错。那么,表盘应该采用何种形式呢?可以是垂直式或水平式刻度,可以使半圆形或整圆形,也可以是整个刻度盘都可见或是通过―小窗口‖只能见到一部分。试验者发现―窗式‖是最好的。这个结果看来是很合情理的。因为只有刻度盘的一部分在窗口里显露出来,才能不费多大力气就读出表上的准确刻度。

28.【原文】 Now, out of the twelve acres only about four are left as suitable for producing food. But not all that is used. It includes land with enough soil and enough

rainfall or water, and enough heat which, at present, we are not using, such as, for example, the great Amazon forests and Congo forest and the grassland Africa.

【原译】 现在,从这十二英亩中只剩下大约四英亩适合生产粮食的土地了。而这一点土地也没有全部利用。这块包括有足够土壤、足够的降雨或水、足够的热的土地,例如像亚马逊大森林、刚果森林和非洲草地,我们尚未利用。

29.【原文】 Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form either rain, hail or snow which reaches the ground.

【原译】 降量,一般称为降雨量,是以雨水、冰雹或雪的形式降落到地面的水量的计量单位。

30.【原文】 His poems, browsed through or taken en masse, informally or intravenously, are often lovely things. 【原译】 他的诗,非正式地或静脉注射般地、被从头到尾或者说全部浏览一遍,通常是令人愉快的事情。 【改译】他的诗,无论是随意翻阅或是细细品鉴,无论是细嚼慢咽还是囫囵吞枣式的阅读,都是一件令人愉悦的事情。

31.【原文】 (将)按照合理布局、优化结构、突出重点的要求,加强宣传文化事业的基本建设。

【原译】 Capital construction of publicity and cultural undertakings will be strengthened according to the

principle of a rational distribution, an optimized structure and a priority order.

32.【原文】 四川民居,结合当地气候、地形特点,利用砖、石、竹、木等地方材料,采取多种设计手法,依山傍水,随势而筑,空间丰富多变,层次错落有致,


【原译】 Being made of brick, stone, bamboo, wood and other local building materials, Sichuan folk houses, in the light of the local weather and topography, are designed by various means and built, in order to suit the geographical feature, on the slope of hill or by the side of water. The houses are graceful in appearance and their color is clear and bright, simple but elegant. They are in such perfect harmony with nature that they seem as if they are created by nature.

33.【原文】 如果说第1-9项是由于客观因素所致,那么第10项则完全是由管理人员的主观因素(包括没有完善的管理组织、没有明确的发展目标、没有足够的资金投入、没有切实可行的管理措施、与当地居民没有建立合作关系、不能发挥管理人员的主观能动性等)所造成的。

【原译】 It is believed that factors 1-9 are objective ones while factor 10 is subjective one, which includes the facts that no managing organization, development aims, managing measures and cooperation with the local residents are established, and no enough investment is provided so that the managers are unable to play their subjective role.

34. 【原文】 持续农业与农村发展是最重要的理论和应用领域之一。它虽然历史很短,但已受到许多国家政府的环境与资源部门高度重视。

【原译】 Sustainable agriculture and rural development is one of the fields with important applying and theoretical values at the present world. Although it has a short story, it has received great attention from the agricultural environment and resource departments of various governments.

35.【原文】 本研究将低温发酵工艺与固定化酵母发酵技术结合起来,开发了一项用甘薯干粉作为发酵原料的乙醇发酵工艺。

【原译】 In the present study, a new alcoholic

fermentation technology with dried sweet potato mash dregs as material, in which low temperature fermentation process and immobilized yeast fermentation technology are combined.

【改译】The present study focuese on an ew alclholic fermentation technology, combing a low-temperature cook process with immobilized yeast fermentation technology from …dregs.

36. 【原文】 本公司在为社会经济提供各种类型包装服务的同时,坚持―一业为主,多种经营‖的方针,大力开展其他商品的进出口业务,逐步向多功能,综合型方向发展。本公司愿在平等互利的基础上,与国内外金融、贸易、企业等各界朋友密切合作,通过多种形式发展双

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【原译】 Chinapack provides all kinds of services in packaging field, in the mean time, develop import and export trade of other kinds of commodities, and gradually develop itself into a multi-function and comprehensive group. Chinapack is always ready to cooperate with friends from circles of finance, trade and industry to achieve mutual benefits.

37【原文】 在南京附近的长江畔兴起一座现代化的化纤之城---仪征工业联合公司。在这片方圆10平方公里的地方,有500幢住宅和风格迥异的公用建筑楼群拔地而起;还有一座座厂房、仓库、水塔、管架高低交错。这是国家在八十年代的重点工程之一。第一期工程于1984年建成投入试生产,现已进入第二期工程建设。 【原译】 On the Yangtze River near Nanjing, a modern city of synthetic fiber----the Yizheng Synthetic Fiber

Complex, is recently completed. In this 10-sq-km area, 500 new public apartments and buildings in different styles have sprung up. In addition, there are many workshops, warehouses, water towers, and crisscrossed industrial pipes, which is one of the key national projects of the 1980s, and the first phase of which went into trial operation in 1984, and now the second phase is at about the halfway mark. 【改译】On the Yangtze River near Nanjing, a modern city of synthetic fiber----the Yizheng Synthetic Fiber

Complex, is recently completed. In this 10-sq-km area, 500 new public apartments and buildings in different styles have sprung up. In addition, there are many workshops, warehouses, water towers, and crisscrossed industrial pipes. This area is one of the key national projects of the 1980s, and the first phase of which went into trial operation in 1984, and now the second phase is at about the halfway mark.

38.【原文】 96年12月13日傍晚5:15,访谈在李鹏总理的办公室正式开始。这是总理当天的最后一项日程安排。访谈开始前,总理处理了许多重要事务。此刻,他身穿普通的灰色上装,没有系领带,神色轻松自然。我们互相握手、落座。总理亲切地询问了我的工作和生活近况。

【原译】 The formal interview started at 5:15 pm Dec. 13, 1996. The place was at premier Li Peng‘s office. It was the last item of activities Li Peng arranged that day. Before the interview, Li Peng had tackled a large amount of vital affairs. Now he was wearing the grey ordinary chothes, with no tie, showing relaxed and at will. After shaking with me and being seated, he inquired the recent situation of me warmly and lightly.

【改译】On Dec. 13, 1996, 5:15 PM, Interview began in the office of Premier Li Peng. This is last schedule of the day for Premier. Before the interview began, the premier addressed many important issues. At this moment, he was wearing a plain gray jacket without tie, looks relaxed and

natural. We shook hands and seated. Premier kindly asked my work and life situation.

39.【原文】 据朱琳同志介绍,李鹏的针线活儿不错,身边的工作人员,包括朱琳本人,都不如他手巧。以前,每当他的衣服破了,他总是自己动手缝补。即使担任了总理职务后,他也曾亲手缝制过一条新被子,看上去技艺相当娴熟。这被子总理本人一直没舍得用,后来捐给了淮河地区的灾民。

【原译】 It is introduced by Zhu Lin that Li Peng‘s needle work is well done, the staff workers around him, including Zhu Lin herself, cannot compare with him. In the past, when his clothes were worn-out, Li Peng mended it himself. Even after he resumed the office of premier, he ever sewed a new quilt personally, with its ―technological level‖ being just so and so. It was this new quilt sewed by Li Peng himself that had not yet been used and contributed to the victims suffering from a natural calamity along the Huaihe River.

【改译】According to ZhuLin, LiPeng‘s needle work is well done, that the staffs around him, including ZhuLin herself, can‘t compare with him. In the past, when his clothes were worn-out, LiPeng mended it himself. Even after he become the Prime Minister, LiPeng ever sewed a new quilt with good craftsmanship. Afterwards, he donated the new quilt which had not yet been used to the victims of Huaihe River, who suffering from natured calamity.

40.【原文】 常饮此茶,可怡神醒脑,明目清火,消食除腻,减肥健美和降血压。

【原译】 Therefore, to drink this tea regularly helps one to recover from fatigue, improve eyesight, dissolve fats and is good for one‘e digestion, blood pressure and heart function. 【改译】regularly drinking this tea can help one to recover from fatigue,improve eyesight and get feaver away,and help digestion and eliminate greasy,losing weights and body building,as well as reduce blood pressure.

41【原文】 珍珠冲剂含有精氨酸、赖氨酸、孟冬氨酸等十九种氨基酸及丰富的活性钙,能清热解毒,护肝明目,安神定警,增强记忆力,对老年骨质疏松及小儿缺钙效果更加显著。

【原译】 Pearl Powder contains 19 kinds of amino acids such as arginine, lysine, aspartate, and is rich in active calcium, which are good for cooling and removing toxic from the system, strengthening of the liver and eyes, providing energy and soothing of the nerves, improving meaning, preventing osteoporosis of the aged and acalciosis in children.

【改译】The electuary of Pearl Powder contains abundant active calcium and 19 kinds of amino acids such as arginine, lysine, aspartate, whose main effect are cooling and

removing toxic from the system, strengthening of the liver and eyes, providing energy and soothing of the nerves,

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improving meaning, preventing osteoporosis of the aged and acalciosis in children.

42.【原文】 本品采用中外驰名的永福罗汉果,配以杭菊花精制而成。清馨怡神,清热润肺,明目清肝,疏风醒脑,生津化痰,利咽消肿,是老少皆宜、可四季常服的最佳新型天然的保健饮料。(丹儿)

【原译】 This is prepared with famous yongfu rare

specialties of Luohan fruit and chrysanthemum. Pleasingly fragrant, it has the function of antipyretics, which will

benefit your eyes, throat, liver and lung as well. A cup of it will make you happy and carefree, heightening your resistance to colds, refreshing your mind from tiredness, promoting the secretion of the saliva and reducing the phlegm. It has turned out to be an excellent pure, natural keep-fit drink.

【改译】Made of famous Vinh Phuc Momordica

grosvenori and Dendranthema morifolium.A new type of health drink for both old and young, and for all seasons.It eliminates headache and makes you refreshed,clears the heat and moistens the lung,improves your eyesight and removes heat of the liver,enriches the saliva, relieves sore throat and diminishes swelling.

43.【原文】 金日牌高级礼品人参,具有养血复脉、养心安神、补肺定喘、健脾止泻、托毒合疮等多种功能。

【原译】 Golden Sun Quality Gift Ginseng has the

functions of nourishing blood circulation, recovering pulse, relieving uneasiness of body and mind, nourishing lungs and calming asthma, detoxifying and curing wound.

44. 【原文】 上海上外集团公司依托上海外国语大学人才、信息等综合优势,按现代企业制度规范操作运行。恪守―依法经营、信誉第一、优质服务、利国利民‖的企业宗旨,努力把集团公司办成具有较强实力外语特色的科技经济实体。公司现有总资产5千万元,拥有8个子公司,主要经营外语音像制品、外语教材、书刊杂志、翻译服务、涉外劳务培训和组织国内外旅游等。为适应激烈的市场竞争,公司力求在科技项目开发、国内外贸易、国际旅游、国际旅游、房地产开发等方面多角经营,愿于社会各界广泛合作,尽快在境内外投资兴办一批合资、合作企业。

【原译】 With a comprehensive advantage in the talents and information in SISU, the group company works in accordance with the standardization of the modern

enterprise system. Abiding by the enterprise principle of ―lawful management, high prestige, first-class service, and benefits to the people and the country‖, the authorities of the group company strive to build it into strong foreign-languages-oriented economic entity of science and

technology. With a total capital fund of 50 million yuan Reminbi and 8 sub-companies, the Shanghai Group Company of SISU mainly provides foreign languages

audio-visual products, foreign languages textbooks,

periodicals and magazines, translation service, the training of the personnel to be working abroad, and tours both inside and outside of China. To fit in with intense market competition, the group company will strive to have a multiplicity of management as in the development of

science and technology projects, domestic and foreign trade, international tours, and the development of real estate; and the group company wishes to work in extensive

cooperation with all circles in the society in an effort to make investment for the establishment of some joint

ventures and cooperative ventures both inside and outside the Chinese borders as soon as possible.

45.【原文】 本产品属无锡一绝,历史悠久,相传有800多年历史,它以色泽酱红、香味浓郁、骨酥肉烂、油而不腻等特点,深受国内外朋友的青睐。本品选用优质猪肉排骨,采用传统配方和现代手段相结合的方法,高温灭菌,焖、蒸结合,原汁原味,食用方便,实是旅游、家宴、馈赠亲友之上品。

【原译】 With a long history of over 800 years, this

product has been an unrivaled local specialty in Wuxi. The spiced pork chop, dark reddish brown, was not only delicious but crisp and well-done and not greasy though oily, so it is deeply welcomed at home and abroad. This product is made from quality spareribs, sterilized under high temperature, vacuum-packed and guarantees both quality and quantity. It keeps fresh and is convenient to be eaten, so it, after all, is the delicacy for tourists and home party or as a gift.

【改译】 With a long history of over 800 years, The spiced pork chop has been considered to be an unrivaled local specialty in Wuxi. This product, dark reddish brown, was not only delicious, crisp and oil but not greasy, so it is deeply welcomed at home and abroad. This product is

made of quality spareribs, sterilized under high temperature and vacuum-packed to guarantees both quality and quantity. It keeps original fresh and is convenient to be taken, so it is the delicacy gift for tourists and home party.


1.The Covenanter herby undertakes to procure that the Customer will comply with all the Customer‘s obligations to you, the beneficiaries of this Deed (jointly and severally), but should the Customer default in the payment when due of any payment or default in complying with any other obligation, the Covenanter will, without the need for any demand, make immediate payment or performance thereof as the case may be, at the place, in the funds and currency and/or in the manner required of the Customer and without any withholding or deduction whatsoever PROVIDED ALWAYS HOWEVER that no time for limitation of liability in respect of this Deed shall begin to run in favor of the Covenanter unless and until one or both of you shall

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have made demand on the Covenanter, and if more than one demand is made, then only from the date and to the extent of each demand respectively.


2. Whilst user representatives constantly demand increased safety, they would object strongly if the

manufacturer stopped instructing how to replace a belt on a vacuum cleaner and they were forced to take it to a repair-shop with consequent expense and loss of use.


3. Some Japanese leaders blame America‘s trade problems on our overweight, under-worked, illiterate

workers. Is it true? Let‘s concede the waistline point; after all, where else in the world is dieting big business? And thoughtful Americans have long argued that the illiterate faction of our work force is disgracefully high…

Being under-industrialized, these countries are largely dependent on imports to supply the equipment needed to produce the raw materials they export. This also applies to the manufactured goods required to provide their

populations with the ―necessities of life‖ – a concept which is continually being enlarged through the mass media of communication such as newspapers, films, the radio and advertising.


设备。这也适用于产品要求的人口与―生命‖这一概念—不断通过大量媒体进行推广,例 如报纸,电影,广播和广告。

5. Conversely, work in applied science and technology frequently acts as a direct stimulus to the development of pure science. Such an interaction occurs, for example, when the technologist, in applying a particular concept of pure science to a practical problem, reveals a gap or limitation in theoretical model, thus pointing the way for further basic research. Often a further interaction occurs,

since the pure scientist is unable to undertake this further research until another technologist provides him with more highly-developed instruments.


6. The application of the science of genetics to plant breeding occupies a strategic place in the enhancement of crop productivity. Upon its success depends the

effectiveness of many other efforts to provide adequate food supplies for direct consumption by man, feed for his animals and agricultural raw materials for his industries. Bringing more water to the land, improving the soil,

providing plant nutrients, teaching the farmer better cultural practices, giving him more efficient tools, etc, cannot yield maximum results unless the plants under cultivation are able to respond fully to the improved environment and practices.


7. However, it has been remarked that life is an almost continuous experience of having to draw conclusions from insufficient evidence, and this is what we have to do when we make the trivial decision as to whether or not to carry an umbrella when we leave home for work. This is what a great industry has to do when it decides whether or not to put $50,000,000 into a new plant abroad. In none of these cases – and indeed, in practically no other cases that you can suggest – can one proceed by saying, ―I know that A, B, C, etc. are completely and reliably true, and therefore the inevitable conclusion is…‖ For there is another mode of reasoning, which does not say: ―This statement is correct, and its opposite is completely false,‖ but which says:

―There are various alternative possibilities. No one of these is certainly correct and true, and no one certainly incorrect and false. There are varying degrees of plausibility – of probability – for all these alternatives. I can help you

understand how these plausibilities compare; I can also tell you how reliable my advice is.


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8. The lives of most men are determined by their

environment. They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good will. They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flitter that

dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country. I respect them; they are good citizens, good husbands, and good fathers, and of course somebody has to pay the taxes; but I do not find them exciting. I am fascinated by the men, few enough in all conscience, who take life in their own hands and seem to mould it to their own liking. It may be that we have no such thing as free will, but at all events, we have the illusion of it. At a

crossroad it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and, the choice once made, it is difficult to see that the whole course of the world‘s history obliged us to take the turning we did.

大多数人的生命是由他们所处的环境决定的。他们接受了那个既让他们不得不顺从但同时又给他们带来好运的环境。他们就象一辆辆街车,心满意足地沿着自己的轨道前进,他们鄙视那些在车流中跌跌撞撞而在开阔地带则肆无忌惮高速前行的小汽车。我尊重他们:他们是守法的公民,尽职的丈夫, 慈善的父亲,当然得纳税;但是我发现他们并不因此而兴奋。我对他们感到痴迷,当然这样的人并不是很多,他们把生命掌握在自己手中,按照自己的喜好进行设计。或许我们从来就不曾拥有自由意愿,但是无论如何我们可以进行设想。就向站在十字路口要,我们似乎既可以向右转也可以向左转,但是一旦作出了选择,我们就很难意识到让我们如此选择的实际是世界历史的整个进程

9. In a calm sea every man is a pilot. But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiest—it is a tangled yarn.

Bereavements and blessings, one following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving. Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.

In the affairs of life or of business, it is not intellect that tells so much as character, not brains so much as heart, not genius so much as self-control, patience, and discipline, regulated by judgment.

I have always believed that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without. In an age of extravagance and waste, I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity are.

To regret one‘s errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance. There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.



我一向认为,内心开始生活得更为严谨的人,他外在的生活会开始变得更为简朴。在一个奢侈浪费的时代,但愿我能够向世人表明,人类真正的需求是多么的稀少。 反思自己的过错,以至于不重蹈覆辙才是真正的悔悟。比他人优越并无任何高贵之处,真正的高贵在于超越过去的自我。

10. What then is the work of life? What the business of great men, that pass the stage of the world in seeming triumph as these men we call heroes have done? Is it to grow great in the mouth of fame and take up so many pages in history? Alas! That is no more than making a tale for the reading of posterity till it turns into fable and romance. Is it to furnish subjects to the poets, and live in their immortal rhymes as they call them? That is, in short, no more than to be hereafter turned into ballad and song and be sung by old women to quiet children, or at the corner of the street to gather crowds in aid of the

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pickpocket and the poor. Or is their business rather to add virtue and piety to their glory, which alone will pass them into eternity and make them truly immortal? What is glory without virtue? A great man without religion is no more than a great beast without a soul. What is honour without merit? And what can be called true merit but that which makes a person be a good man as well as a great man?

11.Years ago I said to myself: “There is no such thing as old age; there is only sorrow.” I have learned with the passing of time that this, though true, is not the whole truth. The other producer of old age is habit: the deathly process of doing the same thing in the same way at the same hour day after day, first to carelessness, then from inclination, at last from cowardice or inertia. Luckily the inconsequent life is not the only alternative; for caprice is as ruinous as routine. Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be

incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive. In spite of illness, in spite even of the arch enemy sorrow, one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways. In the course of sorting and setting down of my memories I have learned that these advantages are usually

independent of one’s merits, and that I probably owe my happy old age to the ancestor who accidentally endowed me with these qualities. 几年前,我对自己说:“若心中只有悲伤,那么就是步入了老年”。我已经从时间的流逝中学到了很多很多,虽然如此,我却并没有学到全部的真相。另一个造成年老的元凶是习惯:日复一日在同样的时间以同样的方式做同样的事情这样一成不变的程序化的习惯,首先要放宽心,然后要有自己的爱好,最后要从怯懦或惯性中走

出来。幸运的是,不合逻辑的生活不是唯一的选择;因为任性可以恰好可以击破常规。习惯是必要的;养成各种习惯已经是人类的习惯,将一条小道变成压出车辙小路,只要一个人还活着就必须永不停歇地与它斗争。 不管是疾病,甚至是对死敌感到懊悔,只要一个人不惧怕改变、有永不满足的求知欲、对很多东西都感兴趣、能以一些方式获得快乐他就可以不被通常使人崩溃的东西所击倒。在整理和设定我的记忆的过程中我已经了解到,这些能力通常是相对于一个人的优点而独立存在的,我能拥有我的快乐的晚年是碰巧从先人的身上继承了这些特质。

12. A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. The good and true thought may in times of temptation be as an angel of mercy purifying and guarding the soul. It also enshrines the germs of action, for good words almost always inspire to good works.



Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure acting with them in the scenes which they describe.

书籍介绍我们最好的社会,他们带给我们最伟大的思想的存在。我们听到他们说,什么;我们看到他们,仿佛他们是真的活着,我们 13 / 21


13. Now, the beloved can also be of any description. The most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love. A man may be a doddering great-grandfather and still love only a strange girl he saw in the streets of Cheehaw one afternoon two decades past. The preacher may love a fallen woman. The beloved may be treacherous, greasy-headed, and given to evil habits. Yes, and the lover may see this as clearly as anyone else—but that does not affect the evolution of his love one whit. A most mediocre person can be the object of a love which is wild, extravagant, and beautiful as the poison lilies of the swamp. A good man may be the stimulus for a love both violent and debased, or a jabbering madman may bring about in the soul of someone a tender and simple idyll. Therefore, the value and quality of any love is determined solely by the lover himself. 网:


14. In this fable are presented the disposition, and the fortunes too, of those persons who from consciousness either of beauty or some other gift with which nature

unaided by any industry of their own has graced them, fall in love as it were with themselves. For with this state of mind there is commonly joined an indisposition to appear much in public or engage in business; because business

would expose them to many neglects and scorns, by which their minds would be dejected and troubled. Therefore they commonly live a solitary, private, and shadow life; with a small circle of chosen companions, all devoted admirers, who assent like an echo to everything they say, and entertain them with mouth-homage; till being by such habits gradually depraved and puffed up, and besotted at last with self-admiration, they fall into such a sloth and listlessness that they grow utterly stupid, and lose all vigor and alacrity. And it was a beautiful thought to choose the flower of spring as an emblem of characters like this:

characters which in the opening of their career flourish and are talked of, but disappoint in maturity the promise of their youth. The fact too that this flower is sacred to the infernal deities contains an allusion to the same thing. For men of this disposition turn out utterly useless and good for

nothing whatever; and anything that yields no fruit, but like the way of a ship in the sea passes and leaves no trace, was by the ancients held sacred to the shades and infernal gods. 网


15. Further reading and thinking, though they brought this vague inclination into more reasonable bounds, only served to make it more decided.

I visited various parts of my own country; and had been merely a lover of fine scenery, I should have felt little desire to seek elsewhere its gratification, for on no country have the charms of nature been more prodigally lavished. Her mighty lakes like oceans of liquid silver; her mountains with their bright aerial tints; her valleys, teeming with wild fertility; her tremendous cataracts, thundering in their solitudes; her boundless plains, waving with spontaneous verdure; her broad deep rivers, rolling in solemn silence to the ocean; her trackless forests, where vegetation puts forth all its magnificence; her skies, kindling with the magic of summer clouds and glorious sunshine, —no, never need an American look beyond his own country for the sublime and beautiful of natural scenery.

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进一步的阅读和思考,尽管他们使这种模糊的爱更合理,这只会让它更坚决。我曾经游历过故国各地,只不过是秀丽风景的一个爱好者。我本应想要去别处寻找惊喜,没有任何一个地方可以比得上大自然的瑰丽丰饶。广阔的湖泊,象是银波闪耀的海洋,崇山峻岭,铺上空灵爽朗的色彩;深邃的峡谷,繁茂的草木,鸟兽众多;激荡的瀑布在寂静的荒原中轰鸣而下;无边的平原,连绵起伏,蓊蓊郁郁;深厚宽阔的河流,浩浩荡荡,无声无息地奔流如海;人迹罕至的森林,处处显露着豪爽的景观;夏日的天空,云朵变幻莫测,阳光灿烂;——不,一个美国人永远不必去国外寻找宏伟壮丽的美景! 16.每个人对于社会来说,都是一个单独的个体。所以,都有其单独的一面,这就是个性。这就好比是把萝卜、白菜、土豆放在一起,但是各有各的形状、颜色、味道一样。在五颜六色的世界里,红色绚 烂耀眼、绿色充满希望、黄色象征收获、白色圣洁无暇、黑色深沉庄重;在中医学的五行中,水主肾、木主肝、火主心、土主脾、金主肺……任何一个事物,都有它的属性,都有别的事物所不能同时具备的方面。拿自己的个性与别人相比,就会觉得自身的存在与独特,就不会觉得被别人忽略、就会更加清楚地认识到自己。


A comparison of different personalities, for instance, may be helpful. Each member of society is unique with his or her own individual character. This is easy to understand, for even when carrots, cabbages and potatoes are placed together, they nonetheless vary in shape, color and taste. In a world of spectrum like ours, red is passionately bright, green the color of hope, yellow that of an autumn harvest, white of impeccable purity and black, profound solemnity. According to the traditional Chinese medical theory of the “five elements,” water governs the kidney, wood the liver, fire the heart, earth the spleen, and metal the lung – each of these possesses a certain attribute unshared by any other. When you compare your own personality with a fellow human’s, you will find that you are an irreplaceable existence indeed. That will prevent you from feeling neglected and helps construct a more positive image of yourself.

17.早些年我也痴过,觉得为神圣的事物,每个人都应该去痴一把。现在我才知道,真到了―痴‖的份上,也是一种坑人害己,是一种大苦。读书要是读得痴了,就成了傻子,整天和人家抬杠较真,不识时务。看歌星、看影星看得多了,也要犯痴了,整天傻乎乎的追着人家屁股后面,追星族一旦到了―痴‖的分上,就让人难以忍受。球迷看球看成了痴人,就落入了苦恼,就生气,就摔自己家的东西。甚至打老婆,骂孩子撒邪火。如果挣钱,挣到了痴的份上,就会忘了法律,结果什么都想干。据对监狱犯人的统计,如今许多经济犯罪,都是到了一种―痴‖的程度,忘了自己是在犯罪。生活中,人是不能太痴的。痴了就固执,就傻,就迷,就出错。世上再好的事,也应该有张有弛,劳逸结合。而痴是一种极限,很多人到了―痴‖的程度,也就到了生命的极限。如今很多猝死,累死,不知怎么就死了的人,都是和―痴‖有关。 王维东:

In my early years I myself used to be such a person, taking it for granted that a man ought to stake

everything on a so-called “noble” occupation. Now I realize that such wishful thinking only brings huge suffering to others as well as myself. A priggish bookworm makes a nuisance of him- or herself by squabbling all the time without regard to discretion or propriety. Fans of singing or movie stars become unbearable if they keep on pestering their idols. A football fan easily gets peevish with frustration,

smashing household articles, beating his wife or even “letting off steam” on his children. Then there are those who can go to any lengths in their scramble for money, giving no heed to the laws. According to prison statistics, many of today’s economic crimes stem from such a crazy sense of restlessness as seizes those go-getters, making them unaware of their wrongdoing. In our life, we should never be carried away with fond fantasies. Otherwise, we will become stubborn, foolish, befuddled and erratic. Even the finest things in the world should be approached with moderation. Work is enjoyable only if it alternates with leisure. Unbridled craze is a lethal drug - if we become addicted to it, we will reach the limit of our

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lives too soon. Not a few people nowadays die suddenly, from overwork or without any apparent reason, largely because of such frenzy.


王维东:Marriage is, metaphorically but simply put,

the evidence of an ownership right—a certificate with which the engaged couple show the world that, from a particular date onward, they can claim a kind of monopoly on each other, sharable by none outside the union. Yet this exclusive ownership is

fundamentally different from the title to ordinary goods. Those goods are lifeless and thoughtless, whose destiny is to be ordered around by their owners; so long as the latter do not abandon them, their affiliation will remain unchanged. By contrast, the ownership right in a marriage involves two humans with no lack of vital energy, brainwaves or unruliness. When a third party moves in, he or she can well induce one party to the marriage to demand dissolution of the obligations that have been existing between the married couple, although he or she is in no position to do so him-or herself. Thus it is apparent that whereas we seem to have derived benefits and privileges from a marriage, we never really maintain a firm grip on them.




The fishermen catch carp, saury and globefish using the same net shaped like volleyball net which is thrown into the water to get fish. Carp has a small head and comparatively big body, so when its head gets into one of the holes of the net, it can easily escape by drawing back; but it loves its scales so much that it never retreats, and thus it is captured by the fishermen. Seeing how the carp gets caught, Saury thinks it too stupid not drawing back. Saury moves

backward immediately after it gets into one of the holes of net, but its fish fins on both sides of its body get stuck in the net. At this time, saury can escape by going ahead and breaking the net. However, it learns the lesson from carp so well that it retreats hardly and at last gets caught by the fishermen. Seeing all this, globefish thinks both carp and saury are stupid because they would not get captured if they stay not moving when touching the net. As a result,

globefish inflates itself greatly once it touches the net and float on the surface of the river only to be caught easily by the fishermen.


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人的覆辙,结果却蹈入了另外一个更致命的错误中。人类似乎永远也逃不出陷阱与宿命。如今爷爷去世十多年了,但是我现在才开始明白爷爷讲完故事后那迷茫和痛苦的眼神,究竟包含着什么内容。 但我们总要生活下去,要逃避陷阱和宿命,并且要尽可能地比前人生活得更好。我想起苏格拉底的一句话:认识你自己!是啊!让我们认识自己的劣根性,认识自己的局限性,认识自己及其它动物和植物生命的神圣性,认识人类的爱心和仁慈的重要性。我们一定要认识到:只有自己编织的网能把自己捕获。因此,我们做任何事情都小心一点,收敛一点,不要给自己编织一张无形的致命大网。 http://www.en84.com/article-7086-2.html原文

When I first heard the story, it only struck me as amusing. Thinking back, I see how profound it is and how I love to chew on it even today. Like those Yangtze fish, humans are often driven to their doom, by habit or by natural

inclination, without knowing what has gone wrong at all. They can easily find faults with others, but will forever have trouble recognizing their own inadequacies. After running all around trying not to fall into the rut of fellow humans, they often end up making worse, more tragic mistakes. It seems as if we are unable yet to escape the traps set by fate. It has been about a dozen years since my grandpa passed away, but only now am I beginning to understand the perplexed, woeful look on his face when he finished telling the story. Yet life has to go on. We must try to avoid those traps and pursue a better life than our predecessors. At this moment, a Socratic motto came to mind: ―Know yourselves, men.‖ Yes, dear friends, let‘s awaken now to our own frailties and limitations. Life is sacred, be it a plant, an animal or a human. May be trust human love and keep our compassion alive. We could get caught in a mesh only of our own making. Such an enlightened view may help foster modesty and reduce arrogance deep inside us, preventing us from creating an invisible huge net to entrap ourselves fatally


来,学好专业,以后自然登堂入室、大展宏图。但计划赶不上变化。苦读寒窗,学有所成,真到用时,专业却过时了。这些最有精英感的人把生命的所有赌注都压在专业上,一旦扑空,自然有爬得高摔得狠的挫折感。 For now, the ―humanistic education theory‖ from America is preached by many people in China. While this theory is also related to physical education, as this is the best way of learning about life. The relationship between sports and life is just like the relationship between math and science,

because sports can always abstract out several simple rules from ever-changing phenomenon in life. No matter what your job is, you have to live with people, compete with others, and there are always successes and failures, leaders and losers, and the problems like how to treat opponents or ―the judge‖. All these problems, you can find a way to live with through sports. The ―game rules‖ that scholars always talking about is come from sports, when they are talking and talking, the Americans ask their children go do it by themselves. The children would learn these rules during sports. From this point, physical education is the culture base of nationality. Now, take a look at some of our scholars, they don‘t really understand what ―humanistic education theory‖ is, they only know the country choose us as elites, we learn our major then go to work, and realize our ambition. We learn very hard and finally get our certificate, and then we realize that things have changed, and what we learnt is useless. These who always think themselves as elites, put all their eggs on what they learn, and once it‘s broken, they would feel serious frustrated. 23.《扬子晚报》近日披露了这样一则消息:英国一家公司因为事过80年还在对一幢大楼实行跟踪服务,而让武汉一些设计单位感慨良多。这幢位于武汉鄱阳街53号的景明大楼建于1917年,由英国人设计,共6层,目前状况依然良好。近日这幢楼房的主人收到英国一家设计单位的来函,函中告知这幢楼设计年限为80年,现已超期服役,以后如有安全事故,与本公司无关,并请中方注意。


\a British company are still tracking service to a building over 80 years , and makes some of the design company in Wuhan have mixed feelings. This building named Jing Ming is located at 53 PanYang St, in Wuhan. It was built in 1917, designed by the British, a total of six layers, the current situation is still good. The building owner recently received a letter from the British company, the letter

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informed the duilding designed for 80 years, has been extended service. if security incidents happened in the future, it has nothing to do with British company, and asked the owner pay attention.

Anyway, this is not even a news, if the promises are made, he should take responsability not only 80 years, even 800 years. Put it nicely, it is the Btitish gentleman still exist, put it bluntly, It‘s time to relax one‘s effort , it is inform you to get off. If it not like this, how can remove the

responsibilities. Of course, it attracted people with emotion now, but it happened for a reason, mainly because it is not to our ―habit‖ here.


我想,如果在人的身体上也安上一个黑匣子,记录所有的微妙变化,其显示结果也许会更加触目惊心。你看报刊上刊登的一些拐卖妇女、贪污受贿、杀人越货的案件,那些罪犯的人生败笔,其起 因也许是一场小小的口角,或者是羡慕别人有了一套房子,或者只是出于心理不平衡,真正本质败坏、处心积虑要把自己送上断头台的人其实少而又少。他们最后表现出的追悔莫及,一点也不亚于飞行物坠毁前的那一场挣扎!注意自己的小节,把握自己的心灵,这是安装在人体上的黑匣子给你的振聋发聩的提醒。

The crashes for many valuable aircrafts should be caused by careless mistakes; some happened because there is not enough fuel; some for bumping birds; some for the pilot‘s snap; and the Challenge spaceship crashed in 1986 for a small screw was not tightened.

I wonder if a black box can be put into human body and record all the subtle changes, the results may be startling. The causes for human traffic, bribery, murderer reported on the newspaper may just be a small quarrel, or envy for a house, or mental imbalance. The truly evil ones are few in reality. The regrets they show at the last minute are no less than the struggle before the aircrafts crash. Notice the details and mind the moods. That is what the black box reminds you.



Every time I go to national library,I always get a strong inferiority feeling.I always found that there are too many books that I should have read but I‘m not,what‘s more ,the number of these books is still enlaring.In fact,many people have similar feeling like me .I have a friend who works in a foreign company, with management profession background and good English level,as well as capacity,but he is not satisfied with the middle-level position of human resources manager and wants a higher position.Therefore,he uses his free time to make up the missed lessons,one lesson is technology,for one can not be a high-ranking leader without understanding technology.The other lesson is

finance and accounting,for one can not manage a company without this skill.He said:In the real life,somebody has the ability to intergrate all the resources,configurate and operate them.They have the potential capacity to make forture with high speed,and they are the so-called general ship. If one wants to be a leader in one company even in one field,one must dig the potential and build oneself with good condition and excellent equipment to wait the beginning of a show, when others are in leisure.In his view,the biggest crisis is unawareness of crisis.A real general will never begin to train soldiers and get supply ready just before the war.

26. 我厂生产的特级铁观音,系采用拔尖挑选,好中取好,采用历史悠久的传统木炭,精心配制,而形成茶中之王。本品可谓天时、地利、人和三者具备,相得益彰,具有独特的优良品质。本品叶张紧结,状如螺旋,色泽乌结柔光,香气超凡,味如兰花。细加品尝,有特殊的―观音韵‖,水色浓艳清澈,滋味甘醇,浓而不涩,纯而不淡,兼有绿茶的鲜浓和红茶的甘醇,经久耐泡,素有―绿叶镶边,七泡有余香‖之称。品饮后齿颊留香,回味无穷,引人入胜。常饮本品确是一种绝妙的享受。 本品铁观音含有多种卫生碱、矿物质、维生素、儿茶碱、果胶质、糖类蛋白质、芳香油等物质,它对防治心血管和神经系统多种慢性疾患,特别对降低血脂含量、防止肥胖、更能减肥美容,预防动脉硬化和某些癌症以及能减轻辐射伤害等功效,深受国内外外各界人士的赞赏。

The super Tieguanyin (The best kind of Black Tea) produced by our factory is the king of tea, which is top-selected and elaborately baked by traditional charcoals with long history. This kind of tea achieves a unique harmonious

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quality, which contains three important factors, time, space and humanity. The leaves of the tea grow in the shape of compact spiral, exhibit soft color of black; emit distinctive fragrance as smell of orchid. With clear and bright-colored water, it tastes pure and aromatic, rich and silky. Because it is combined black tea‘s Aromas and green tea?s freshness, it is praised ―tea with green edge stays lingering fragrance in long time‖. Having it as a delicious aroma which is hard to resist,you can be led up to meaningful afterthoughts. It is extraordinary enjoyment to have the super Tieguanyin frequently.

The super Tieguanyin contains many kinds of alkalis, minerals, vitamins, roxburghine, pectin substance, sugar, protein, volatile oil, etc. It is highly praised by people from all walks of life both at domestic and abroad for its special effects to preventive treatment of angiocardiopathy,

nervous system disease, particularly for reducing blood fat content, against obesity, maintain beauty and keep young, arteriosclerosis, some cancers, etc.

27. 买了卧铺票的旅客朋友,请到卧铺车找列车员换票休息。如果在开车的一小时之内,您还不到卧铺车换票,列车长将按规定把您的卧铺另行处理。列车办公席设在7号车厢,需要办理加快、登记卧铺、补票、延长等手续请找办公席的同志联系。医疗点设在11号车厢,备有简单常用的药品。餐车的位臵在列车中部8号车厢。供应的品种除快餐盒饭外,还有各式炒菜,美味可口,任您享用。您如果想买一些具有地方风味的特产送给亲友,餐车的小卖部可以为您提供方便。(丹儿) If you have a sleeper ticket, please exchange your ticket with trainman in the pullman.After the train has started,you need to exchange the ticket within an hour, or the train conductor will not reserve the sleeper for you. The train office is in the NO.7 compartment.In the train office, you will be able to buy a complacement ticket, sign up for the sleeper and reissue the ticket.Medical room with common drugs is in the NO.11 compartment.Dinning car lies in the middle of the train--NO.8 compartment.In the dinning car, there are fast food and various types of cookings. Go to the shop in the dinning car if you want to buy some speciality of local favor.

28. 同时必须清醒看到,在一些地方和部门的领导工作中,忽视思想教育,忽视精神文明,―一手比较硬、一手比较软‖的问题还没有解决。在社会精神方面存在不少问题,有的还相当严重。一些领域道德失范,拜金主义、享乐主义、个人主义滋长;封建迷信活动和黄赌毒等丑恶现象沉渣泛起;假冒伪劣、欺诈活动成为社会公害;文化事业受到消极因素的严重冲击,危害青少年身心健康的东西屡禁不止;腐败现象在一些地方蔓延,党风、政风受到很大损害;一部分人国家观念淡薄,对社会主义前途发生困惑和动摇。估量精神文明的形势,绝不能忽视这些问题的存在。

Must be awake to see at the same time, in some areas and departments leadership work, ignore the ideological

education, ignore the spiritual civilization, \hard, hand still not solve the problem. There exist many problems in social spirit, some still quite serious. Some

areas of morality, money worship, hedonism, individualism; Feudal superstition and ugly phenomenon such as pornography and elements; Fake, fraudulent activities become a public nuisance; Cultural undertakings severely impacted by negative factors, harm the prohibition

adolescent physical and mental health of things; Corruption spread in some places, the party, we worked under a lot of harm; Viewpoint of some countries is weak, in the socialist future confused and shaken. Evaluate the situation of

spiritual civilization, must not ignore the existence of these problems.

29. 跨越成功之都,投资东二环路天时



银行贷款:中国建设银行提供按揭。 地利


交通便捷:罕贵北京地铁上盖物业,信步可达东四十条和东直门地铁站口,公共电汽车纵横交错,紧邻机场高速公路入口处,前往各处方便快捷。 人和


智慧型写字楼:面积由124-255平方米,多种户型设计。33层建筑为北京东二环路沿线最高景观建筑物。 专业管理:国际一流物业管理公司物业管理。

30. 新闻报道的选择性是指媒体组织对新闻采集和传播过程进行主观筛选的性质。它使新闻报道不可避免地带有主观色彩,这种主观色彩与新闻业的―客观性‖原则存在矛盾,并在新闻报道实践中造成了困惑。本文通过分析新闻报道选择性的现实体现、主要成因及所造成影响,试图说明科学地对待新闻报道选择性问题,应从―客观报道‖入手,在新闻传播中实施选择时以―事实‖和―公正‖为核心,最大限度地还原新闻事实的本来面目。 The selectivity of news report is the property of subjective filtration on the process of new collection and

communication by media organization. This property inevitably had subjective moods which conflicts with the objectivity of journalism, and causes confusion in news report practice. This article aims to illustrate how to treat

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the selectivity of news report in scientific way by analyzing the actual embodiment, main cause and it influence. News report should firstly start with ―objectiveness‖ and take ―fact‖, ―justice‖ as the basic core on new dissemination to revert to the reality of the news itself.

1. A comparison of different personalities, for instance, may be

helpful. Each member of society is unique with his or her own individual character. This is easy to understand, for even when carrots, cabbages and potatoes are placed together, they nonetheless vary in shape, color and taste. In a world of spectrum like ours, red is passionately bright, green the color of hope, yellow that of an autumn harvest, white of impeccable purity and black, profound solemnity. According to the traditional Chinese medical theory of the ―five elements,‖ water governs the kidney, wood the liver, fire the heart, earth the spleen, and metal the lung – each of these possesses a certain attribute unshared by any other. When you compare your own personality with a fellow human‘s, you will find that you are an irreplaceable existence indeed. That will prevent you from feeling neglected and helps construct a more positive image of yourself.

2. In my early years I myself used to be such a person, taking it for

granted that a man ought to stake everything on a so-called ―noble‖ occupation. Now I realize that such wishful thinking only brings huge suffering to others as well as myself. A priggish bookworm makes a nuisance of him- or herself by squabbling all the time without regard to discretion or propriety. Fans of singing or movie stars become unbearable if they keep on pestering their idols. A football fan easily gets peevish with frustration, smashing household articles, beating his wife or even ―letting off steam‖ on his children. Then there are those who can go to any lengths in their scramble for money, giving no heed to the laws. According to prison statistics, many of today‘s economic crimes stem from such a crazy sense of restlessness as seizes those go-getters, making them unaware of their wrongdoing. In our life, we should never be carried away with fond fantasies. Otherwise, we will become stubborn, foolish, befuddled and erratic. Even the finest things in the world should be approached with moderation. Work is enjoyable only if it alternates with leisure. Unbridled craze is a lethal drug - if we become addicted to it, we will reach the limit of our lives too soon. Not a few people nowadays die suddenly, from overwork or without any apparent reason, largely because of such frenzy.

3. Marriage is, metaphorically but simply put, the evidence of an

ownership right—a certificate with which the engaged couple show the world that, from a particular date onward, they can claim a kind of monopoly on each other, sharable by none outside the union. Yet this exclusive ownership is fundamentally different from the title to ordinary goods. Those goods are lifeless and thoughtless, whose destiny is to be ordered around by their owners; so long as the latter do not abandon them, their affiliation will remain unchanged. By contrast, the ownership right in a marriage involves two humans with no lack of vital energy, brainwaves or unruliness. When a third party moves in, he or she can well induce one party to the marriage to demand dissolution of the obligations that have been existing between the married couple, although he or she is in no position to do so him-or herself. Thus it is apparent that whereas we seem to have derived benefits and privileges from a marriage, we never really maintain a firm grip on them.

4. The fishermen catch carp, saury and globefish using the same

net shaped like volleyball net which is thrown into the water to get fish. Carp has a small head and comparatively big body, so when its head gets into one of the holes of the net, it can easily escape by drawing back; but it loves its scales so much that it

never retreats, and thus it is captured by the fishermen. Seeing how the carp gets caught, Saury thinks it too stupid not drawing back. Saury moves backward immediately after it gets into one of the holes of net, but its fish fins on both sides of its body get stuck in the net. At this time, saury can escape by going ahead and breaking the net. However, it learns the lesson from carp so well that it retreats hardly and at last gets caught by the fishermen. Seeing all this, globefish thinks both carp and saury are stupid because they would not get captured if they stay not moving when touching the net. As a result, globefish inflates itself greatly once it touches the net and float on the surface of the river only to be caught easily by the fishermen.

5. When I first heard the story, it only struck me as amusing.

Thinking back, I see how profound it is and how I love to chew on it even today. Like those Yangtze fish, humans are often driven to their doom, by habit or by natural inclination, without knowing what has gone wrong at all. They can easily find faults with others, but will forever have trouble recognizing their own inadequacies. After running all around trying not to fall into the rut of fellow humans, they often end up making worse, more tragic mistakes. It seems as if we are unable yet to escape the traps set by fate. It has been about a dozen years since my grandpa passed away, but only now am I beginning to understand the perplexed, woeful look on his face when he finished telling the story. Yet life has to go on. We must try to avoid those traps and pursue a better life than our predecessors. At this moment, a Socratic motto came to mind: ―Know yourselves, men.‖ Yes, dear friends, let‘s awaken now to our own frailties and limitations. Life is sacred, be it a plant, an animal or a human. May be trust human love and keep our compassion alive. We could get caught in a mesh only of our own making. Such an enlightened view may help foster modesty and reduce arrogance deep inside us, preventing us from creating an invisible huge net to entrap ourselves fatally.

6. For now, the ―humanistic education theory‖ from America is

preached by many people in China. While this theory is also related to physical education, as this is the best way of learning about life. The relationship between sports and life is just like the relationship between math and science, because sports can always abstract out several simple rules from ever-changing phenomenon in life. No matter what your job is, you have to live with people, compete with others, and there are always successes and failures, leaders and losers, and the problems like how to treat opponents or ―the judge‖. All these problems, you can find a way to live with through sports. The ―game rules‖ that scholars always talking about is come from sports, when they are talking and talking, the Americans ask their children go do it by themselves. The children would learn these rules during sports. From this point, physical education is the culture base of nationality. Now, take a look at some of our scholars, they don‘t really understand what ―humanistic education theory‖ is, they only know the country choose us as elites, we learn our major then go to work, and realize our ambition. We learn very hard and finally get our certificate, and then we realize that things have changed, and what we learnt is useless. These who always think themselves as elites, put all their eggs on what they learn, and once it‘s broken, they would feel serious frustrated.

7. \Evening News\recently disclosed such a message: a

British company are still tracking service to a building over 80 years , and makes some of the design company in Wuhan have mixed feelings. This building named Jing Ming is located at 53 PanYang St, in Wuhan. It was built in 1917, designed by the British, a total of six layers, the current situation is still good. The building owner recently received a letter from the British company, the letter informed the duilding designed for 80 years, has been extended service. if security incidents happened in the future, it has nothing to do with British company, and asked the 20 / 21

owner pay attention.


Anyway, this is not even a news, if the promises are made, he should take responsability not only 80 years, even 800 years. Put it nicely, it is the Btitish gentleman still exist, put it bluntly, It‘s time to relax one‘s effort , it is inform you to get off. If it not like this, how can remove the responsibilities. Of course, it attracted people with emotion now, but it happened for a reason, mainly because it is not to our ―habit‖ here.


The crashes for many valuable aircrafts should be caused by careless mistakes; some happened because there is not enough fuel; some for bumping birds; some for the pilot‘s snap; and the Challenge spaceship crashed in 1986 for a small screw was not tightened.


I wonder if a black box can be put into human body and record all the subtle changes, the results may be startling. The causes for human traffic, bribery, murderer reported on the newspaper may just be a small quarrel, or envy for a house, or mental imbalance. The truly evil ones are few in reality. The regrets they show at the last minute are no less than the struggle before the aircrafts crash. Notice the details and mind the moods. That is what the black box reminds you.


Every time I go to national library,I always get a strong inferiority feeling.I always found that there are too many books that I should have read but I‘m not,what‘s more ,the number of these books is still enlaring.In fact,many people have similar feeling like me .I have a friend who works in a foreign company, with management profession background and good English level,as well as capacity,but he is not satisfied with the middle-level position of human resources manager and wants a higher position.Therefore,he uses his free time to make up the missed lessons,one lesson is technology,for one can not be a high-ranking leader without understanding technology.The other lesson is finance and accounting,for one can not manage a company without this skill.He said:In the real life,somebody has the ability to intergrate all the resources,configurate and operate them.They have the potential capacity to make forture with high speed,and they are the so-called general ship. If one wants to be a leader in one company even in one field,one must dig the potential and build oneself with good condition and excellent equipment to wait the beginning of a show, when others are in leisure.In his view,the biggest crisis is unawareness of crisis.A real general will never begin to train soldiers and get supply ready just before the war.


The super Tieguanyin (The best kind of Black Tea) produced by our factory is the king of tea, which is top-selected and elaborately baked by traditional charcoals with long history. This kind of tea achieves a unique harmonious quality, which contains three important factors, time, space and humanity. The leaves of the tea grow in the shape of compact spiral, exhibit soft color of black; emit distinctive fragrance as smell of orchid. With clear and bright-colored water, it tastes pure and aromatic, rich and silky. Because it is combined black tea‘s Aromas and green tea?s freshness, it is praised ―tea with green edge stays lingering fragrance in long time‖. Having it as a delicious aroma which is hard to resist,you can be led up to meaningful afterthoughts. It is extraordinary enjoyment to have the super Tieguanyin frequently.


The super Tieguanyin contains many kinds of alkalis, minerals, vitamins, roxburghine, pectin substance, sugar, protein, volatile oil, etc. It is highly praised by people from all walks of life both at domestic and abroad for its special effects to preventive treatment of angiocardiopathy, nervous system disease, particularly for reducing blood fat content, against obesity, maintain beauty and keep young, arteriosclerosis, some cancers, etc.


If you have a sleeper ticket, please exchange your ticket with

trainman in the pullman.After the train has started,you need to exchange the ticket within an hour, or the train conductor will not reserve the sleeper for you. The train office is in the NO.7 compartment.In the train office, you will be able to buy a complacement ticket, sign up for the sleeper and reissue the ticket.Medical room with common drugs is in the NO.11 compartment.Dinning car lies in the middle of the train--NO.8 compartment.In the dinning car, there are fast food and various types of cookings. Go to the shop in the dinning car if you want to buy some speciality of local favor.

15. Must be awake to see at the same time, in some areas and

departments leadership work, ignore the ideological education, ignore the spiritual civilization, \not solve the problem. There exist many problems in social spirit, some still quite serious. Some areas of morality, money worship, hedonism, individualism; Feudal superstition and ugly phenomenon such as pornography and elements; Fake, fraudulent activities become a public nuisance; Cultural undertakings severely impacted by negative factors, harm the prohibition adolescent physical and mental health of things; Corruption spread in some places, the party, we worked under a lot of harm; Viewpoint of some countries is weak, in the socialist future confused and shaken. Evaluate the situation of spiritual civilization, must not ignore the existence of these problems. 16. The selectivity of news report is the property of subjective

filtration on the process of new collection and communication by media organization. This property inevitably had subjective moods which conflicts with the objectivity of journalism, and causes confusion in news report practice. This article aims to illustrate how to treat the selectivity of news report in scientific way by analyzing the actual embodiment, main cause and it influence. News report should firstly start with ―objectiveness‖ and take ―fact‖, ―justice‖ as the basic core on new dissemination to revert to the reality of the news itself.

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trainman in the pullman.After the train has started,you need to exchange the ticket within an hour, or the train conductor will not reserve the sleeper for you. The train office is in the NO.7 compartment.In the train office, you will be able to buy a complacement ticket, sign up for the sleeper and reissue the ticket.Medical room with common drugs is in the NO.11 compartment.Dinning car lies in the middle of the train--NO.8 compartment.In the dinning car, there are fast food and various types of cookings. Go to the shop in the dinning car if you want to buy some speciality of local favor.

15. Must be awake to see at the same time, in some areas and

departments leadership work, ignore the ideological education, ignore the spiritual civilization, \not solve the problem. There exist many problems in social spirit, some still quite serious. Some areas of morality, money worship, hedonism, individualism; Feudal superstition and ugly phenomenon such as pornography and elements; Fake, fraudulent activities become a public nuisance; Cultural undertakings severely impacted by negative factors, harm the prohibition adolescent physical and mental health of things; Corruption spread in some places, the party, we worked under a lot of harm; Viewpoint of some countries is weak, in the socialist future confused and shaken. Evaluate the situation of spiritual civilization, must not ignore the existence of these problems. 16. The selectivity of news report is the property of subjective

filtration on the process of new collection and communication by media organization. This property inevitably had subjective moods which conflicts with the objectivity of journalism, and causes confusion in news report practice. This article aims to illustrate how to treat the selectivity of news report in scientific way by analyzing the actual embodiment, main cause and it influence. News report should firstly start with ―objectiveness‖ and take ―fact‖, ―justice‖ as the basic core on new dissemination to revert to the reality of the news itself.

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