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Ⅲ. 单项选择。(共10小题,计10分)

本题共有10个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 ()21. The boy called Tim was born a cold winter morning. A. in B. on C.at D. from

()22. We'll do what we can you with your English from now on. A. to help B. help C.helping D. helpful ()23. — pencil is this?—It must be .

A. Whose; Kate's B. Who's; Kate C.Whose; Kate D. Who's; Kate's ()24. It took my father to finish the novel.

A. two and a half year; writing B. two and a half years; write C.two year and a half; write D. two years and a half; writing

()25. Helen these days because she can't decide next for her further study. A. is worried; what to do B. is worried; how to do C.worried; how to do D. is worry; what to do ()26. This pair of shoes hand and it very comfortable. A. are made from; is felt B. are made of; feels C.is made by; feels D. is made with; is felt

()27. —I although I had lunch half an hour ago.—Maybe you can have apples. A. hungry; two more B. am hungry; two more C.am hungry; two another D. hungry; more two ()28. Paul's wife is not only her children but also her work. A. strict in; strict with B. strict in; strict in C.strict with; strict in D. strict with; strict with

()29.—Marry, do you know if Jennyto our party this Saturday?—I think she will come if she free. A. will come; will be B. will come; isC.comes; is D. comes; will be

()30. —Dad, what the sea like?—Well, it's large and full of water. It covers about of the earth. A. does; one third B. is; three quarter C.do; three-fourth D. is; three quarters Ⅳ. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)


Have you ever showed your love to your beloved ones by speaking out “I love you.”? Do it right now, otherwise one day you may regret not 31.so.

Our 20-year-old son was killed in a fire on Friday night. That day, how I 32. I had told him: “Jim, I love you, and I'm so proud of you.” I would have taken time to appreciate(欣赏) his beautiful smile, the 33. of his laughter and his true love for people.

Every time you 34. his good paints, you forget about the radio that was always too loud, the haircut that wasn't to our liking(合我们的意), the 35. socks under the bed. It really doesn't matter much now. I won't get 36. chance to tell my son all I would have wanted him to hear, but you have.

If you knew it would be your last talk, tell your family and friends 37. you would want them to hear. The last time I talked to Jim was the day he died. He called me to say: “Hi, Mom! I just called to say I love you. Got to go to work. Bye.” He gave me 38. to treasure(珍视) forever. If there is any purpose to Jim's 39., maybe it is to make others appreciate more of life and to have people, especially families, take the time to let each other know just how 40 .they care.

Don't wait till the last moment. Do it today!


()31. A. did B. to do C.doing D. does ()32. A. hope B. want C.wish D. expect ()33. A. noise B. sound C.voice D. look

()34. A. make of B. think of C.tell of D. hear of ()35. A. clean B. thick C.long D. dirty

()36. A. other B. another C.the other D. others ()37. A. that B. who C.which D. what

()38. A. something B. somebody C.nothing D. nobody ()39. A. death B. die C.dead D. dying ()40. A. well B. far C.hard D. much Ⅴ. 阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)



He has again proven that he is the “king of comedy”. Stephen Chow, the Hong Kong actor and director, has returned with his latest comedy The Mermaid(美人鱼). The movie has earned 3 billion yuan at the box office since it came out on Feb 8.

Most mermaid films tell a story of love between humans and mermaids, besides this one. The Mermaid tells a story about a rich playboy Liu Xuan and the mermaid Shanshan, Liu's company needs to use a lot of sonar(声响) technology, so it brings danger to sea animals. Beautiful mermaid Shanshan is sent to stop Liu, but they fall in love with each other at last.

Some said that the story was just “an oldfashioned, Cinderellastyle love story”, according to the website Douban. But many fans of Chow quickly explained The Mermaid is a success because of its interesting story and his usual humor. What makes The Mermaid stand out from the rest of this Lunar New Year's films is that it also shows environmental meanings. With Shanshan's moving monologue(独白), Stephen Chow asks us to consider this:“When there is no longer a single drop of clean water, or a breath of unpolluted air, what is the point of having all the money in the world?” Through this film Chow calls on us to think about how our behaviors have destroyed our environment as well as the lives of many animals in our world.

()41. When The Mermaid came out on Feb 8, it had earned 3 billion yuan at the box office.

()42. Most mermaid movies tell a love story between humans and mermaids, so does The Mermaid. ()43. According to the passage, we know that people all like this movie very much. ()44. This movie cares about the environment, so it's better than other New Year's films. ()45. Chow wants to tell us that we just need to protect our environment and sea animals.



A cactus(仙人掌)stood all alone in the desert. It sighed: “I can't offer shade or juicy fruit to any passing travelers. I can't see that I have any use for others. I wish I could do something useful.”

In the day, birds circled high over its head. “What can I do for you?” the cactus called. The birds flew away. At night, the moon moved in the sky, looking at it coldly.

A lizard(蜥蜴) passed by, leaving a little trail(痕迹) in the sand with its tail. “What can I do for you?” the cactus called. “You?” the Lizard laughed. “You can't do anything! The birds circle overhead, leaving beautiful forms for us all to admire. The moon hangs high like a lantern at night, so we can see our way home. Even I have something to do. I decorate the desert with these beautiful trails as I pull my tail along. But you can do nothing.”

As time went on, the cactus grew old, and it knew that its time was short. It cried out: “Forgive me! I have


tried, but I failed to find something to do.”

But just then, a beautiful flower opened from the cactus' head like a crown.

The desert had never seen such a flower before. It brought happiness to all those who passed by. The butterflies stopped to admire its beauty, and that night even the moon smiled when it rose to find such a beautiful flower.

In the desert, a voice was saying: “I finally found something to do.” ()46. What was the cactus' wish?

A. It wished not to do anything. B. It wished to fly high.

C.It wished to do something useful.D. It wished to leave beautiful forms. ()47. opened from the cactus' head.

A. A flower that the desert had never seen B. Something ugly and old C.A flower that the desert had ever seen before D. Nothing ()48. Who laughed at the cactus?

A. The birds. B. The moon. C.The lizard. D. The butterflies. ()49. Why does the writer write this passage?

A. To teach young people to learn from the lizard to be unfriendly to others. B. To tell us to learn from the cactus to be worried all day. C.To let us learn from the birds not to care about others.

D. To have a heart that finds good things to do and never gives up.


China announced the end of its one-child policy last October. Now, all couples in the country can have more than one child. The purpose of the change of the policy was to balance population development and dealing with the challenge of an aging population.

However, instead of welcoming the news, many couples have said that one is enough.

They think it is too expensive to raise a child. And they cannot afford to raise two or even more children. According to a survey by Sina.com, among the 166,000 people it intervened, only 29 percent said they wanted to have a second child. Around 71 percent of the respondents(调查对象) listed economic pressure at the main reason for their decision.

Most parents would offer the best toys, milk powder, clothes and education for their children. Some parents even spend all their savings buying an apartment in the area of a good school for their children. As a result, raising a child usually means an expense of hundreds of thousands of yuan. A report by Sina.com shows all the average cost of raising a child in a big city is around 2.4 to 2.7million yuan. But there are also some people who are happy about the chance to have a second baby.

The one-child policy was first introduced in 1979. The policy effectively prevented the over-population of China, but it also caused a number of social problems. These include a decreasing labor forces(减少劳动力) and an aging population.

()50. The one-child policy first appeared in China .

A. one year ago B. over ten years ago C.over twenty years ago D. over thirty years ago ()51. Chinese government wanted to stop one-child policy to .

A. have larger population B. deal with an aging population C.prevent over-population D. increase the cost on education

()52. According to the passage, why won't some people have a second child? A. Because now most milk powder is not good enough. B. Because they think it is very dear to raise a child. C.Because they are too busy to look after more children. D. Because they don't love children.



A long time ago, there lived a wise man named Zun-Nun in Egypt. A young man came to visit him and asked: “Teacher, why do you dress so simply? Nowadays, it is necessary to dress neatly(整洁地). isn't it? Or how will people know you are really a special and wise man?”

The man smiled, took the ring from his finger and said:“Young friend, I will answer your question, but first do one thing for me. Take this ring to the market. Can you sell this for one chip(片) of gold?”

When he looked at Zun-Nun's dirty ring, the young man thought to himself: “How will I sell it at that price?” He offered the ring to the vegetable, meat and fish traders and others in the market. But nobody was willing to pay a chip of gold.

He told this to Zun-Nun, and Zun-Nun said :“Now go to the gold shop and show the ring to the owner. Don't give a price, just listen to how much he will pay.”

One hour later, the young man was back. “Teacher, people at the market really didn't how the value of this ring. The gold trader offered me 1,000 chips of gold.”

Zun-Nun smiled. “That is the answer to your questions, my friend. Someone cannot be valued only from his dress. That ring was a gift from the emperor.” he said.

()53. How did the young man think people nowadays know others were special?

A. By their neat dresses. B. By their knowledge.C.By their thoughts. D. By their position. ()54. Neither the meat nor the fish traders paid one chip of gold, because .

A. it was cheap B. it was expensive C.it was too dirty D. it was broken ()55. What did Zun-Nun want to tell the young man?

A. To value everyone from their dresses. B. Not to sell the ring to anyone. C.Not to value a person only from his dress. D. To get a ring from the king. 第Ⅱ卷(共55分)

Ⅵ. 完成句子:根据所给的汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5小题,计10分) 56. 莉莉和露西是双胞胎,但是她们之间仍有些不同之处。

Lily and Lucy are twins, but there are still some between them. 57. 很多交通事故都是由酒后驾驶引起的。 Many are caused by drunk driving.

58. 在父母的帮助下,麦克本学期取得了很大进步,并赶上了同学们。

His parents, Mike has made great progress and caught up with his classmates this term. 59. 杰克的妹妹弹钢琴比他弹得好。

Jack's sister does playing the piano than he does. 60. 你记得上学期谁教他们化学吗? Do you remember who last semester?

Ⅶ. 短文填空:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空只填一个单词。)(共10小题,计10分)

celebrate, they, fall, sound, high, big, allow, salt, one, mean

Do you love seeing beautiful lanterns outside? The best time to do this is during the Lantern Festival, which 61. on the 15th day of the first lunar month. This year it is on Feb 22 that we celebrate the Lantern Festival.

Lanterns are a big part of the festival. Watching lanterns is a great event. You see lanterns in any sizes and shapes you can imagine, from animals to plants and flowers. In some places. people like sending out sky lanterns. When the bright lights fly 62. in the sky, people bless family members and make wishes. In old times, the Lantern Festival was also romantic.At that time, young girls were not 63. to go out very often except during certain festivals. Therefore, looking at lanterns gave 64. a chance to meet each other.

Besides watching lanterns. this traditional festival also 65. delicious food. And on this day, we eat yuanxiao, or


sweet dumplings.

Sweet durmplings are sticky(粘的) rice balls with different fillings(馅料). Chinese people eat the yummy snack to mark the last day of the lunar New Year 66. . Do you know why people in the north call the sweet dumplings yuanxiao? It's said that the 67. month of the lunar calendar is called the yuan month. A long time ago, “night” was called xiao in Chinese. So the day is called Yuanxiao Festival. However, in the south, people call the snack tangyuan. It

68. like “tuanyuan”, the Chinese characters for “family reunion”.

Yuanxiao are usually as 69. as pingpong balls. They have sweet fillings like sweetened bean paste(豆沙) or black sesame(黑芝麻). But people in some places of China make tangyuan with 70. fillings. Xingyi in Cuizhou is famous for tangyuan with chicken meat. In Yangjiang, Guangdong, people boil sticky rice balls with fish and sausage. Today, you can also find yuanxiao with some other fillings, such as chocolate, fruits and even no fillings at all. Do you want to have a try?

Ⅷ. 任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(共5小题,计10分)

Xi'an is the capital of Shaanxi province. The ancient Chinese city it best known for its Terracotta Warriors. But the local people are also proud of Xi'an's food. It is often said that Xi'an has the largest number of traditional snacks of all the cities in North China.

Now the Xi'an government is considering regulating(统一管理) the local food, but the popularity of Xi'an's food is rising. On its website, the government says it is considering setting some standards. The standards will cover five of the city's most popular snacks, including, “rou jia mo” and “yang rou pao mo”.

Yang Yihui, a government official, siad the standards wouldn't regulate styles or features(特点) of different cooks or restaurants. The main goal of the move is to set basic requirements, on ingredients and processes. The standards are intened to improve the national and even the international image of Xi'an's food.

The move has been well-received by some people. Zuo runs a restaurant in Xi'an. He thinks the standards will help all local restaurants serve well-made Xi'an's snacks. He believes the standards will help inexperienced chefs avoid harming the reputation of the local food. As traditional snacks are often regarded as the best calling cards of a city. Zuo adds that the standards will also help protect and improve the image of Xi'an.

However, there are also some people who think setting the standards is mearningless. They think different chefs should be encouraged to use different ingredients and processes. They fear if Xi'an's food is regulated, there will be no differences between a “rou jia mo” and a Big Mac. 71. What is Xi'an most famous for? It is most famous for .

72. Why do the local people in Xi'an take pride in Xi'an's food?

Because it's often said that Xi'an has traditional snacks of all the cities in North China. 73. What's the main goal of the move according to Yang Yihui? on ingredients and processes in the main goal of the move.

74. How many other popular Xi'an's snacks will be covered in the standards? Another besides “ron jia mo” and “yang rou pao mo.” 75. In Zuo's opinion, what will the standards bring to Xi'an?

The image of Xi'an will be and people can be served well-made Xi'an's snacks. Ⅸ. 补全对话(共10小题,计10分)


A: Paul, you are from France, aren't you? B: Yes, I am.

A: Can I ask you some questions about table manners in France? B: Of course.


A: There are a lot of table manners in China. 76.

B: We are not supposed to put our bread on the plate. We should put it on the table. A: We should use chopsticks when we eat. 77.

B: No, we don't. In our country, we eat with a knife, a fork and a spoon. A: I see. 78.

B: It is very rude to say that you are full. You should just say that it is delicious. A: 79. Can you put your hands on the table?

B: Yes. You should always put your hands on the table, but hold your elbows. A: Wow! 80.

B: Don't worry. If you stay there for some time, you will get used to it. I think I will visit France next year Do you eat with chopsticks? It is difficult to remember everything. What are you supposed to do when you have dinner in your country? Can you talk to others at the dinner table? What should you say if you are full? What about the hands?

(B)根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 A: Good morning, doctor!

B: Good morning! Sit down, please. 81. ? A: I've got a headache and a bad cough. B: Poor boy! 82. ?

A: It started about two days ago.

B: What about your temperature? 83. ? A: No, I haven't.

B: Let's take it now. Oh, you have a fever. A: 84. ?

B: No, it is nothing serious. Just a little cold. A: What should I do then?

B: You must take some medicine, and have a good rest. A: OK, I will. 85. ?

B: Three times a day. You'd better drink more water and stay in be D. You'll be all right soon. A: Thank you very much. Good-bye. B: You're welcome. Good-bye.

Ⅹ. 书面表达(共1小题,计15分)

林华现在是九年级学生,学习任务很重。她每天做很多做业。睡得很晚,可是她的成绩还是不尽人意,请你给她一些建议,帮她树立信心,提高学习成绩,并预祝她考上理想的高中。 参考词汇:take notes, careful, ask...for help 要求:1. 参考提示语可适当发挥; 2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整; 3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和地名; 4. 词数:80词左右。



快速对答案 超详解答案 第Ⅰ卷 听力部分

Ⅰ~Ⅱ. (略) 笔试部分

Ⅲ. 21. B【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:那个叫蒂姆的男孩出生在冬天一个寒冷的早晨。in后跟上、下午,月份、年等;on后跟具体的日期;at后面跟具体的时间点;from表示“从……开始”。由a cold winter morning可知用介词on。故选B。

22. A【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:从现在起,我们会尽可能你学英语。动词不定式to help作目的状语。故选A。

易错分析:考生容易受到情态动词can的影响,见到can后,马上想到后面接动词原形,易错选B项。应通过分析句子结构,判断出空格前省略了动词do,而空格处为不定式作目的状语,继而选出正确答案。 23. A【解析】考查疑问词和名词所有格的用法。句意“这是谁的铅笔?”“肯定是凯特的。”whose谁的;who's=who is谁是。问句中有系动词is,可知不能选who's,排除B、D项。询问谁的,答语应该选某人的,Kate's表示凯特的。故选A。

24. D【解析】考查数词和非谓语动词的用法。句意:写完那部小说花了我父亲两年半的时间。表示“两个半……”用“two and a half +复数名词”或“two +复数名词+and a half”结构形式。finish doing sth. 完成做某事,此处是指写完小说。故选D。

25. A【解析】考查形容词、动词的用法及“疑问词+动词不定式” 的用法。句意:海伦这些天一直很忧虑,因为她不能决定为她接下来的继续深造做什么。worry担心,是动词;worried担心的,是形容词或者动词过去式。由时间状语these days,可知用现在时,不能用过去时,排除C项。is worry是错误搭配。how to do项中缺do的宾语;what to do中,what即do的宾语。故选A。

难点分析:本题既要考虑时间状语,又要对句子成分做出正确、合理的判断。考生容易混淆本题中的worry和worried的用法,另外,本题还考查了what to do和how to do的用法,考生必须要明白how to do后面必须接宾语,才能放在动词后面。 26. C【解析】考查动词短语辨析和系动词的用法。句意:这双鞋子是手工制作的,感觉很舒服。be made from由……制成,看不出原材料;be made of 指由……制成,看得出原材料;be made by+工具,用……制作;be made with用……做成。根据句中的hand,可知用be made by,feel是系动词,用主动表被动。故选C。 易错分析:考生容易受到主语与谓语动词的关系的影响,把后一分句也理解成被动语态,忽视了系动词feel常用主动表被动的用法。

27. B【解析】考查形容词和代词的用法。句意“尽管我半小时前吃了午饭,但是我现在饿了。”“或许你可以再吃两个苹果。”hungry是形容词,不能直接用在主语后面,排除A、D项。another和more都可以和数词连用其用法分别为:another+数词,数词+more,表示“再……”。故选B。

28. C【解析】考查形容词短语辨析。句意:保罗的妻子不仅对孩子们要求严格,而且对她的工作要求也很严格。根据be strict with+sb. “对某人要求严格”和be strict in+sth. “对某事要求严格”可知选C。

29. B【解析】考查if引导的从句的用法。句意“玛丽,你知道这周六詹妮会来参加我们的聚会吗?”“我认为如果她有空就会来的。”分析句子成分可知,第一个句子中,if引导宾语从句,当主句是一般现在时,从句根据从句的时间来确定时态,由this Saturday可知用一般将来时。第二个句子中,if引导条件状语从句,根据“主将从现”原则,从句用一般现在时表将来。故选B。


30. D【解析】考查主谓一致和数词的用法。句意“爸爸,大海看起来像什么?”“哦,大海很大,且里面充满水。大约覆盖了地球的四分之三。”主语the sea是单数,所以排除C。like喜欢,动词;like像,介词。根据句意可知like在此句中意为“像”,排除A。分数的分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时分母用复数形式,three quarters四分之三。故选D。


Ⅳ. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章首段提出论点:你对你爱的人说出过“我爱你”吗?现在就做,否则有一天你会后悔没做。然后作者讲述了儿子意外死亡,就在那时,她多么希望能对儿子说声“我爱你”,可是她再也没有机会让儿子倾听自己想告诉他的那句话,以此来阐述此观点。最后一段呼吁我们不要再等了,今天就说出爱来吧。 31. B【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:现在马上就做,否则有一天你会后悔没做。regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事(做过),regret to do sth.后悔做某事(没做)。根据此用法和句意可知选B。 32. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:那一天,我多么我告诉他:“吉姆,我爱你,我为你感到骄傲。”hope to do sth. 希望做某事;hope+that从句,希望……,表示一种可以实现的愿望;want to do sth.想要做某事;want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事;wish to do sth. 希望做某事;wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事;wish+that从句,希望……,表示一种不可能实现的愿望;expect to do sth. 期望做某事,强调客观上可能实现的愿望;expect +that从句,期望……。根据前文“我们20岁的儿子在上周五晚上遭遇火灾丧生。”可知作者想对儿子说话,是不可能实现的愿望。故选C。

33. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我会抽出时间去欣赏他的笑容、领会他大笑的并赞赏他对人们的真爱。noise噪音;sound自然界的一切声音;voice(人的)嗓音;look外貌。根据题意可知选B。 34. B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:每次你他的好画,你忘了太喧吵的收音机,不合我们意的发型……。make of由……制成;think of想到,认为;tell of区分;hear of听说。根据句意可知选B符合语境。 35. D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:……床底下袜子。clean干净的;thick厚的;long长的;dirty脏的。根据前文可知每次想到他好的地方,就会忘了不好的东西,所以D项符合语境。

36. B【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意:我不会再得到一次机会告诉我的儿子我想让他听到的一切,但你有(这个机会)。other其他的,无范围,表示泛指,可修饰不可数名词单数或复数名词;another另一个(三者或三者以上),表示泛指;the other特指某一范围内的其余一个;others=other+名词,泛指其他的人或物等。分析句意,可判断空格处指的是没有范围的另一个。故选B。

37. D【解析】考查宾语从句的引导词。句意:如果你知道这将是你最后一次谈话,告诉你的家人和朋友你想让他们听到的。分析句子成分可知,tell后接双宾语,family and friends是间接宾语,37 you would want them to hear是直接宾语,所以本句是宾语从句,在从句中,空格处作hear的宾语,表示听到的内容,用what引导。故选D。

38. A【解析】考查不定代词词义辨析。句意:他给了我永远珍视的东西。something某物/事;somebody某人;nothing没什么事;nobody没人。根据前文可知,儿子去世前最后一次给妈妈打了电话,可知此处表示肯定,留给她珍视的东西。故选A。

39. A【解析】考查同根词辨析。句意:如果吉姆的有任何目的,也许这就是让别人欣赏更多的生活……。death死亡,名词;die死,动词;dead死的,形容词;dying垂死的,将死的,形容词。Jim's是名词所有格,其后接名词。故选A。

40. D【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:……让人们尤其是家人,花费时间让对方知道他们到底有多在意。how well多么好;how far多么远;how hard多么努力;how much多么,到什么程度。根据句意可知选D。 难句点拨:If there is any purpose to Jim's death, maybe it is to make others appreciate more of life and to have people, especially families, take the time to let each other know just how much they care.


分析:该句是if引导的条件状语从句,主句中的it指代前文中的purpose,后面由and连接的两个to do不定式是表语。have sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”。take time to do sth.意为“花费时间做某事”。


常考短语speak out说出来;right now 立刻,马上;regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事;be proud of以……为骄傲; take time to do sth.花费时间做某事; talk to对……讲话

佳句积累Don't wait till the last moment. Do it today! 此刻不要等了。今天就去做! Ⅴ. A



41. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:当《美人鱼》在二月八号上映的时候,赚了30亿元人民币票房。根据第一段最后一句“The movie has earned 3 billion yuan at the box office since it came out on Feb 8.”可知,自从二月八号上映以来,在票房收入中赚了30亿元人民币,而不是在二月八号那天。故本题表述不正确。 42. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:大部分有关美人鱼的电影都讲述的是人类和美人鱼的爱情故事,《美人鱼》也是如此。根据第二段第一句“Most mermaid films tell a story of love between humans and mermaids, besides this one. ”可知除过这一部外,大多数美人鱼的电影讲述人类和美人鱼之间的爱情故事。故本题表述正确。

43. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:根据这篇短文,我们知道所有人都非常喜欢这部电影。根据第三段第一、二句“Some said that the story was just ?an old-fashioned, Cinderella-style love story', according to the website Douban. But many fans of Chow quickly explained The Mermaid is a success...”根据豆瓣网站,有人说:“这个故事只是?一个老式的、灰姑娘式的爱情故事?。但周星驰的众多粉丝连忙解释《美人鱼》是成功的……”,可知并不是所有人都喜欢这部电影。故本题表述不正确。

44. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:这部电影关爱环境,因此比新年的其他电影更好。根据第三段第三句“What makes The Mermaid stand out from the rest of this Lunar New Year's films is that it also shows environmental meanings.”可知《美人鱼》从农历新年的电影中脱颖而出是因为也显示了环保的意义。故本题表述正确。

45. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:周星驰想告诉我们,我们只需要保护我们的环境和海洋动物。根据最后一段最后一句“Through this film Chow calls on us to think about how our behaviors have destroyed our environment as well as the lives of many animals in our world.”可知通过这部电影周星驰号召我们考虑我们的行为是如何毁坏了我们的环境,也考虑一下我们世界上许多动物的生命。故本题表述不正确。

难句点拨:When there is no longer a single drop of clean water, or a breath of unpolluted air, what is the point of having all the money in the world?

句意:当不再有一滴干净的水,不再有一口未受污染的空气,在世界上有所有的钱有什么意义呢? 分析:该句是when引导的时间状语从句,其中从句中含有or连接的两个名词短语。


常考短语come out出版,上映; need to do sth. 需要做某事; fall in love with爱上……;at last最后;according to根据;stand out突出;no longer不再;call on号召;make sb. do sth.让某人做某事 B


46. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:仙人掌的愿望是什么?A项:它希望不要做任何事情;B项:它希望飞得高;C项:它希望做一些有用的事;D项:它想放弃美丽的外形。根据题干中的关键信息the cactus' wish可以定位到第一段最后一句“I wish I could do something useful. 我希望我能做一些有用的事。”可知选C。

47. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:从仙人掌的头开出来。A项:一朵沙漠从来没有见过的花;B项:某些又丑又老的东西;C项:一朵沙漠以前见过的花;D项:什么都没有。根据题干中的关键信息opened from the cactus' head可以定位到第五段,即“But just then, a beautiful flower opened from the cactus' head like a crown. 但就在那时,一朵美丽的花从仙人掌的头像花冠一样打开。”和第六段第一句“The desert had never seen such a flower before. 沙漠以前从来没有见过这样的一朵花。”可知选A。

48. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:谁在嘲笑仙人掌?A项:鸟;B项:月亮;C项:蜥蜴;D项:蝴蝶。根据题干中的关键信息laughed at可以定位到第三段,即蜥蜴说的那些话“?You??the lizard laughed.?You


can't do anything! ...?But you do nothing.?你??蜥蜴大笑。?你不能做任何事……但是你什么也没做。”可知蜥蜴在嘲笑仙人掌什么也不能做。故选C。

49. D【解析】主旨大意题。题干意为:作者为什么写这篇文章?A项:要教年轻人从蜥蜴那里学会对他人不友好;B项:要教我们学习仙人掌整天担心;C项:为了让我们从鸟身上学习不关心别人;D项:有一颗恒心发现好的事情去做,永不放弃。本文主要讲述了仙人掌整天在寻找可以为他人所做的事情,但是每次都失败了,它毫不气馁,最后开出了漂亮的花朵,给所有从它身边经过的人,包括蝴蝶、月亮等都带来了快乐。故选D。

生词点拨:crown n. 王冠,顶部;vt. 为……加冕;vi. 露顶


常考短语offer sth. to sb.给某人提供某物;fly away飞走; look at看; pass by经过;decorate...with...用……装扮……;go on (时间)流逝;cry out 大喊; fail to do sth.做某事失败; stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 C


50. D【解析】数字计算题。题干意为:一胎政策出现在中国。A项:一年前;B项:十多年前;C项:二十多年前;D项:三十多年前。根据题干中的关键信息first appeared可以定位到数字1979,根据最后一段第一句“The one-child policy was first introduced in 1979. 一胎政策是在1979年首次推出的。”可以计算2016-1979=37。选D。

51. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:中国政府想停止一胎政策来。 A项:有更多的人口;B项:应对人口老龄化;C项:阻止人口过多;D项:增加教育经费。根据题干中的关键信息stop one-child policy 可以定位到第一段最后一句“The purpose of the change of the policy was to balance population development and dealing with the challenge of an aging population. 政策变化的目的是要平衡人口发展,应对人口老龄化的挑战。”故选B。

52. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:根据短文,为什么一些人不想生二孩?A项:因为现在很多奶粉不好;B项:因为他们认为养一个孩子花费太多;C项:因为他们太忙不能照顾更多孩子;D项:因为他们不爱孩子。定位到第三段第一句“They think it is too expensive to raise a child.”。故选B。 生词点拨:aging n. 老化;老龄化


常考短语deal with应对,处理;instead of代替,而不是;too...to...太……而不能……;as a result结果;hundreds of成百上千的;thousands of成千上万的;

常考句型sb. spend some money/time (in) doing sth.某人花费金钱/时间做某事

难句点拨:The purpose of the change of the policy was to balance population development and dealing with the challenge of an aging population.

句意:政策变化的目的是要平衡人口发展,应对人口老龄化的挑战。 分析:该句是一个主系表结构,主语是The purpose,系动词是was,表语是to balance population development and dealing with the challenge of an aging population。其中of the change of the policy介词短语修饰 The purpose。 D



53. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:年轻人认为现在人们是怎样知道其他人是特殊的? A项:通过他们整洁的衣着;B项:通过他们的知识;C项:通过他们的思想;D项:通过他们的职位。根据题干中的关键词special可以定位到文中第一段最后两句“Nowadays, it is necessary to dress neatly(整洁地), isn't it? Or how will people know you are really a special and wise man? 如今,着装整齐必要的,不是吗?否则别人怎么会知道你是一个真正的特殊、聪明的人? ”可知选A。

54. C【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:卖肉的和卖鱼的商人都不付给一小片金子,因为。 A项:它便宜;B项:它昂贵;C项:它太脏;D项:它破碎了。可以定位到文中第三段“When he looked at Zun-Nun's dirty ring, the young man thought to himself:?How I will sell it at that price?? 当他看着Zun-Nun脏兮兮的戒指,这个年轻人心想:?以这个价格,我怎么会卖掉它??”因为年轻人和市场上的人一样,不会识别这个戒指,可以推测由于这个戒指很脏,一般人认为不值这个价钱。故选C。

55. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:Zun-Nun 想告诉这个年轻人什么?A项:从他们的着装评价每个人;B项:不要把戒指卖给任何人;C项:不要仅仅从人的着装评价一个人;D项:从国王那里获得戒指。定位到文中最后一段中“Someone can't be valued only from his dress.不能仅仅从他人的着装评价别人。”可知选C。


常考短语look at看;at that price以那样的价格;offer sth. to sb.把某物提供给某人;be willing to愿意 常考句型it is+形容词+to do sth. 做某事是……的


Ⅵ. 56. differences【解析】对“不同”进行了挖空,考查名词的用法。some后接名词复数或不可数名词,different是形容词,其名词形式是difference,是可数名词。所以填differences。

57. traffic accidents【解析】对“交通事故”进行了挖空,考查名词短语。traffic意为“交通”;accident意为“事故”,属于名词修饰名词,many修饰可数名词复数,所以填traffic accidents。

58. With the help of【解析】对“在……的帮助下”进行了挖空,考查介词短语。注意with one's help=with the help of sb.意为“在……的帮助下”,是固定搭配,注意用介词with,而不用under。因为空格后有his parents,所以答案是With the help of。注意句首首字母要大写。

59. better in【解析】对“弹得好”进行了挖空,考查固定短语和比较级。“在……方面做得好”是do well in或be good at,根据空格前的does,可知用do well in,再根据句中的than,可知用比较级,所以答案是better in。

60. taught them chemistry【解析】对“教他们化学”进行了挖空,考查动词短语。teach sb. sth.表示“教某人某事”。本句含有who引导的宾语从句,主句是一般现在时,从句的时态要根据从句的时间来做决定,由last semester可知用一般过去时。所以答案是taught them chemistry。

Ⅶ. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了中国传统的节日——元宵节。每年阴历正月十五就是元宵节,在元宵节期间,观看灯笼是重要的事,在一些地方,人们喜欢放飞灯笼到空中,为家人祈福、许愿。另外一件重要的事就是吃元宵,元宵的味道各异,有甜有咸,北方人把它叫做元宵,据说是因为阴历的第一个月叫做元月,晚上叫做宵。南方人把它叫做汤圆,意思就是“团圆”。 【词汇分析】 celebrate v. 庆祝→celebrates(动词单三形式)→celebrated(过去式/过去分词)→celebrating(动名词/现在分词)→to celebrate(动词不定式) →celebration(名词) they pron. 他/她/它们→them (宾格)→their(形容词性物主代词)→theirs(名词性物主代词)→themselves(反身代词) fall v. 落下→falls(动词单三形式)→fell(过去式)→fallen(过去分词) →falling(动名词/现在分词)→to fall(动词不定式) sound v. 听起来→sounds(动词单三形式)→sounded(过去式/过去分词)→sounding(动名词/现在分词)→to sound(动词不定式) high adj. 高的;adv. 高地→higher(比较级)→highest(最高级)→highly (副词)高度地→height


(名词)高度 big adj. 大的→bigger(比较级)→biggest(最高级) allow v. 允许→allows(动词单三形式)→allowed(过去式/过去分词)→allowing(动名词/现在分词)→to allow(动词不定式) salt n. 盐→salty(形容词)咸的 one num. 一→first(序数词)第一 mean v. 意味着,意思是→means (动词单三形式)→meant(过去式/过去分词)→meaning(动名词/现在分词/名词)→to mean(动词不定式) 61. falls【解析】句意:看漂亮的灯笼的最好时候在元宵节期间,恰逢阴历第一个月的第十五日。分析句子结构可知,此句含有which引导的定语从句,先行词是the Lantern Festival,句中缺少谓语动词。分析备选词汇可知fall最符合语境。fall on+日期:(节日等)适逢(某日),正当(某日)。再根据句意可知用一般现在时,主语是the Lantern Festival,谓语动词用单三形式。故填falls。

62. high【解析】句意:当明亮的灯笼在空中飞到高处时,人们为家人们祈福、许愿。分析句子结构可知,此处应该填写一个副词修饰动词fly。注意high和highly均可表示“高”,但high通常表示具体的高,且主要修饰动词;highly 主要表示很高的程度(意为“高度地”、“非常地”),除修饰动词(如speak, praise, think of等)外,还通常用于修饰分词或形容词(尤其是由动词派生而来的形容词,有时相当于very much)。故填high。 63. allowed【解析】句意:在那时,除了某些特定节日,小女孩不允许经常外出。根据后句句意“看灯笼给了她们一个相互见面的机会。”并分析备选词汇,可知allow填在这里符合语境。分析句子结构可知,句中的主语“young girls”是谓语“allow”的动作承受者,应该用被动语态,所以空格处应该填写allow的过去分词形式allowed,与空格前的were not一起构成被动语态的否定式。故填allowed。

64. them【解析】句意:因此,看灯笼给了她们一个相互见面的机会。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少间接宾语,由give的用法:give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.表示“给某人某物”并分析备选词汇可知填them。

65. means【解析】句意:除了看灯笼,这个传统节日也意味着美食。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少谓语动词。分析备选词汇,可知mean填在这里符合语境。根据后句And on this day, we eat...可知,空格处也用一般现在时。主语是this traditional festival是单数形式,故填means。

66. celebration【解析】句意:中国人吃这些好吃的小吃标志着庆祝农历新年的最后一天。分析备选词汇,可知celebrate填在这里符合语境。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少介词宾语。所以填celebration。 67. first【解析】句意:据说阴历的第一个月叫做元月。根据句意可知此处填序数词,表示“第一”。故填first。 68. sounds【解析】句意:它听起来像“团圆”,中国汉字“家庭团聚”的意思。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少谓语动词。根据前句“然而,在南方,人们把这种小吃叫做汤圆。”可知,此处表示“听起来像“?团圆?”,根据前句可知此处也用一般现在时,it是第三人称单数,所以填sounds。

69. big【解析】句意:元宵通常和乒乓球一样大。as...as...之间填形容词或副词的原级,根据其前面的is,可知构成系表结构,填形容词。分析备选词汇,可知big填在这里符合语境。

70. salty【解析】句意:但是在中国的一些地方,人们把汤圆馅做成咸的。根据前句中的sweet“甜的”和转折词but,以及后文“贵州兴义以鸡肉馅汤圆而著名。”可知此处表示“咸的”,故填salty。

生词点拨:bless v. 为……祈福,保佑;romantic adj. 浪漫的& n. 浪漫的人,浪漫的思想;yummy adj. 好吃的

难句点拨:You can see lanterns in any sizes and shapes you can imagine, from animals to plants and flowers. 句意:你可以看到你可以想像的任何大小、任何形状的灯笼,从动物到植物和花。

分析:该句中的宾语是lanterns,含有三个定语,you can imagine是定语从句,in any sizes and shapes, from animals to plants and flowers介词短语也作定语。


常考短语send out发送;as...as...和……一样;be famous for以……而著名;such as例如

Ⅷ. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。西安不仅以兵马俑而闻名,而且当地人也为西安的小吃而感到骄傲。



71. (its)Terracotta Warriors【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:西安以什么而著名?根据第一段第二句“The ancient Chinese city is best known for its Terracotta Warriors.”可知中国古老城市西安以它的兵马俑最出名。故填(its)Terracotta Warriors。

72. the largest number of【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:为什么在西安的当地人为西安的食物而骄傲?根据第一段最后一句“It is often said that Xi'an has the largest number of traditional snacks of all the cities in North China.”可知人们常常说,在中国北方所有的城市中,西安的传统小吃数量最多。故填the largest number of。 73. Setting basic requirements【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:由杨毅辉的观点可知,这次行动的主要目的是什么?根据第三段第二句“The main goal of the move is to set basic requirements on ingredients and processes.”可知此举的主要目的是设置成分和工艺的基本要求。注意问句中的What在句子中作主语,所以回答时也要用能作主语的成分代替What。动名词可以作主语,动词原形不能作主语。故填Setting basic requirements。注意句首首字母大写。

74. three【解析】数字计算题。题干意为:在这次达标中,会涉及到其它多少受欢迎的西安小吃?根据第二段最后一句“The standards will cover five of the city's most popular snacks, including ?rou jia mo? and ?yang rou pao mo?.”可知这些标注将涉及五个最受欢迎的小吃,其中包括“肉夹馍”和“羊肉泡馍”。故填three。 75. helped to protect and improve【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:根据左的观点,这些标准会给西安带来什么?根据第四段最后一句“Zuo adds that the standards will help protect and improve the image of Xi'an. 左补充说这些标准会帮助保护、提高西安的形象。”可知答案。只不过本句的主语和原文中的宾语一致,可知此处用被动语态,help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事,但是在被动语态中,必须带to。故填helped to protect and improve。

生词点拨:reputation n. 声誉

难句点拨:However, there are also some people who think setting the standards is meaningless. 句意:然而,也有一些人认为设定这些标准是没有意义的。

分析:该句中包含一个who引导的定语从句,先行词是people,其中定语从句中含有that(省略)引导的宾语从句,从句的主语是动名词短语setting the standards; meaningless没有意义的。


常考短语be known for因……而著名;be proud of以……为骄傲;the largest number of...……的最大数量;be intended to打算……,意图……;regard as把……看作……; encourage to do sth. 鼓励做某事; between...and...在……和……之间; 常考句型It is said that据说……

Ⅸ.(A)76. What are you supposed to do when you have dinner in your country?【解析】根据答语“We are not supposed to put our bread on the table.”可知空格处应填与be supposed to相关的问句。分析备选项可判断填“What are you supposed to do when you have dinner in your country?”最符合语境。

77. Do you eat with chopsticks?【解析】根据答语“No, we don't.”可知,空格处应该是Do开头的一般疑问句。分析备选项可知填“Do you eat with chopsticks?”最符合语境。

78. What should you say if you are full?【解析】根据答语“It's very rude to say you are full. You should just say that it is delicious.”可知,问句涉及“吃饱”的关键词。分析备选项可知填“What should you say if you are full?”最符合语境。

79. What about the hands?【解析】从后句“Can you put your hands on the table?”和答语可知,这里谈论的是双手放在哪里。分析备选项可知填“What about the hands?”最符合语境。

80. It is difficult to remember everything.【解析】根据下句“Don't worry.”可知,横线处应该填写陈述句,分析备选项可知只有“It is difficult to remember everything.”符合语境。


(B)81. What's wrong (with you)/ What's the matter (with you) /What happened【解析】根据下句“I've got a headache and a bad cough.”可知在询问对方怎么了。此答案不唯一,只要写出询问病人怎么了均可。 82. When did it start 【解析】根据下句“It started about two days ago.”可知询问对方什么时候开始生病。 83. Have you taken your temperature【解析】根据前句“What about your temperature?”和下文的答语“No, I haven't.”可知空格处询问对方“你量体温了吗?”。根据答语时态可知用现在完成时。注意结合答语提出问题,时态应保持一致。

84. Is it serious【解析】根据答语“No, it is nothing serious.”可知空格处是一般疑问句,并且询问“情况严重吗?”。所以填Is it serious。

85. How often should I take it【解析】根据答语“Three times a day. 一天三次。”可知空格处询问一天应该吃几次药。

Ⅹ. 【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取以下信息:

1. 本文要求根据林华的目前状况,给她提出合理的建议,帮她提高成绩,文体为说明文;

2. 写作时要简单概述林华的状况,内容主要放在给出的建议上,最后还要祝她考入好的高中,让文章寓意得到升华;

3. 描述过去的状况使用一般过去时,对将来的期望可以使用一般将来时; 4. 写作时主要使用第二人称。谈自己的期望,应该用第一人称; 5. 词数不少于80词,不得出现真实的姓名、校名和地名等信息。 【写作指导】

给林华的建议要点提示素材串联开头:引出话题1. 林华每天做很多作业(do much homework),睡得很晚(sleep late),可是她的成绩还是不理想(can't get good grades); 2. 精通学习方法很重要(master some learning methods)。正文:提出建议1. 学会放松(relax yourself),听音乐是不错的方法(listen to music); 2. 早睡觉(go to bed early),足够的睡眠让你白天保持积极状态(enough sleep, keep...active); 3. 认真听老师讲课(listen to your teachers carefully),课上记笔记(take notes),课后复习(review); 4. 向老师、朋友请求帮助(ask your teachers or friends for help)……结尾:表达祝愿祝愿林华取得进步(make great progress),考上理想的高中(get into a dream senior high school) 【范文点评】 ①I heard that though you did much homework and slept late every day, you couldn't get good grades. I think it's important to master some learning methods. ②First, you should learn how to relax yourself. I think listening to music is a good way to relax. Second, you'd better go to bed early and have enough sleep. It will keep you active during the day. Third, you should listen to your teachers carefully and take notes in class and review them after class. Finally I think you should ask your teachers or friends for help with homework problems. ③I hope you can make great progress in studying and get into a dream senior high school. ①介绍林华的具体状况。 ②正文:提出合理化建议。学会放松、早睡、认真听课及向他人求助。 ③结尾:表达祝愿。 14

