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一 四个步骤

替换 (俗词;主题词 -弱势群体)

转变 (高雅—官腔;华夏儿女;雨后送伞;雪过送碳

低俗—丁字户;宠儿;守活寡;榨出油;雨过地皮湿-走形式;有钱出钱有力出力) 质变 “ 六法 五戒”

实践 看图分析culture intergration-文化融合;热词—十八大,中国梦china dream ,北京精 神sprint注意:人名后面不能用sprint表示魂,正能量posive energy)


1俗词 (1)人们 Folks Individuals Inhabitants (2)认为 Assert Contend 主张 I convinced坚信 Deem Harbor (3) 非常

Intensively Remarkably Extraordinarily Adv+adj+n+定语 (4)重要 Essential Vital

Crucial 关键的 Significant 意义重大的 Momentous (5) 许多

A sea of A ocean of An army of (6) 好的 Perfet Beneficial Advantageous Favorable 喜爱的 Desirable 值得的 (7)坏的

Harmful Dreadful Evil

Discouraging Negative (8) 我认为

From my perspective On my stance (9) 例如

、 to illustrate解释阐述 To name only a few To be specific A case in point (10) 美丽

Beautiful Pretty

Smatt Delicated Cute Handsome Decent Elegant 2 主题词 弱势群体 (1)老人

The matureed 熟透了 Senior citizens The elderly 年长者 The aged Greybeard Gaffer 乡下老人 Grandsire Wrinkly 皱纹

(2年轻人 The yours Yougster The youth Young blood 细化 teenagers 青少年 the lad 分不清多大的小伙子 Adolescent 青春期 Juvenile crime 青少年犯罪 Lad =the cub 精干的;干练的 青年人批判性较多

(3) 女人women


Jill 少女(if jack is in love,he is not judge of jill’s beauty情人眼里出西施) Weaker vessel 弱的皮囊 The daughter of Eve 夏娃的女儿 Squaw 贬义 女人 Carline 女巫 Bimbo 轻浮的女人 Femme妻子 (4) 小孩

Child Bairn Kinchin Enfant

Bambino 圣人小时候 Piggyuiggy 小毛孩 Moppet 黄毛丫头 (5) 学生

Pupil小学生 Educant Scholastic (学究)

Advisee 接受教授指导选课的学生 Learner 学者 (6)人才 Talent Qualified Personnel Trained



(7) 医生

Physician 内科医生 Surgeon 外科医生

Castor oil artist 军医;江湖郎中 Field medic 医师 Pill roller 药剂师 Therapist 临床医师 (8) 动物

Animal Creature Slaughter 屠杀 Beastie 小兽 Zoon 卵生动物 Fauna 地区所有动物 (9)员工 Staff Workforce Personel (10) 邻居


The toneges 爱炫富的邻居 Vincinage (11) 消费者

Consumer Customer Client

No-reason refund 无理由退款 (12)穷人

The poverty

Have-not Pauper 乞丐 (13) 灾民

Victims Flood victims Drought Famine 饥荒 Landslide 山体滑坡 Tornado 龙卷风 Tsunami 海啸 (14) 独生子女

Only child Kid 3 话题词汇 (1)志气

Aspiration Backbone (2) 经济

Economy Finance Commerce (3)文化

Culture Civilization (4) 环保

Environment Circumstance Surroundings

Energy conservation 节能 (5)科技

Science and technology Information era 信息时代 Virtual life 虚拟 E-comerce (6) 就业

Occupation (7)教育

(8) 大学

4 导人沉迷(1)电玩

(2) 赌博

Career Employment Job fair 人才交流市场 Nurture Schooling Instruction Uiversity(综合性大学211) College (某一专业较强985) Institude Academy 专科 Seminary 宗教学院 Electronic games Audio-visual impact Illusionary product Gameble (game able) Gambling Wager

Shake the elbows 掷骰子 Mahjong 麻将

(3) 电视

Eletric vision Photovision Radiovisor

Tear janpanise indvisor 手撕鬼子 (4)烟草

Cigarette Tobacco Baccy Nicotiana

(5) 酒 wine Alcohol Spirits Liquor 烈酒

Vino 红酒(法国波尔多) Wet goods (6) 明星

Celebrity 名人 Notable 名人 Personage 名流


1 因九曲黄河,巍峨长城,沧桑古堡而百年窑洞而远近闻名的老牛湾,素面朝天岁月流痕,金戈铁马扑面而来

Yellow river Great wall Cave houses

There lies a beautiful viliage called laoniuwan where people are impressed by the yellow

River bends,the magnificent Great wall,and time-homored(历史悠久的)case houses which speak of the glorious history and simplicity of the location,

You can recall with deep emotion that time has brought great changes to the word.

2 比海洋大的是天空,比天空大的是心灵,因为这小小的心灵里住着一个时起时落的小鸟 素面

Small as it is ,our heat is broader than the ocean,and even broader than the sky because in it there is our mind-eye so wide as to be able to reach everywhere.

3 只要我们不动摇,不懈怠,不折腾,坚定不移地推进改革开放。

不折腾----do not flip-flip ;do not get sidetracked ;no tossing about ; no trouble making

4 朋友关系的存续是以相互尊重为前提的,容不得半点强求,干涉和控制。朋友之间,情趣相投,脾气对味则合,则交;反之,则离,

存续----lasting 尊重----respect 前提----depend on 容不得=消失 强求=push

干涉控制--interference and control 情趣相投--- share the same humor and taste 则交,则和----their frindship will grow 则离,则绝-----it will discontinue

The lasting of Frindship depend on mutual respect between the two individuals involved no inportunity,interfence and control

If individuals share the same humor and taste,their friendship will grow ,but it will discontinue,if not

5 在海边,我捡起了这枚小小的贝壳。贝壳很小却非常坚硬和精致,怪不得古时候的人要用它来做钱币。

贝壳---sea shell 坚硬---strongly made 精致---delicate 怪不得---no wonder

It so happened that i picked up this sea shell.

Small as it is,the seashell is strongly made and elegantly shaped. no wonder it was used by the ancient folks as a kind off currency.

6 一本书就像大家庭,思想内容汇聚一堂。 看书就像走亲访友,认识的圈子不断增强。

Like a big family,a book embraces an assortment (混合物)of ideas.

So,by reading books---somethong like visiting relatives and friends,we can get exposed (接触)to more people and more things.


We read to know about others and in reading we also know about ourselves

7 您对我在伦敦的学习与生活给与了诸多的帮助,你的大德我将没齿难忘,请接受我的敬意与致谢。

学习与生活---my studies in london 大德-----homage

I beg you to receive the greatful homage of a sensible mind for your great help in my studies in london .

Tips: 浮夸的感谢不如真诚的句法。Of...... For.....

8 中国是一个历史悠久人口众多的国家创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类作出了重大的贡献。


人口众多——glourous ; bright ; splendid

China is a populpus coutry with a time-honored history,it is home (发源地)of a splendid ancient civilization and a major sontribution to human progress.

9 这几年她过的不开心,丈夫迷上了麻将,对她多有冷落,简直让她守活寡。

迷上----indulge in ; addict to 麻将----mahjong

活寡---a golf /eletronic/mahjong widow

She is very unhappy/indelight/unjoyful,these yeas because she remains a mahjong widow.

10 他不过是雨后送伞,雪过送碳,做做表面人情而已。(不是人做主语)

雨后送伞---send umbrella after the rain 雪过送碳---deliver carbon after the snow

His help came only when it was no longer needed.It was just for show.

11 这次检查只怕又是雨过地皮湿,走走形式而已。


雨过地皮湿----the inspection this time will be no more than a mere official formality,i?m afraid.

12 他是个搬迁钉子户。

钉子户---Rearguard action

13 中国人在1959年到1961年之间,所谓的“三年困难时期”,一日三餐的主食是“瓜菜代”。

During the so-called “three-year period in straitened circumstances” from 1959 to 1961,the chinese folks so straving because of insufficent diet supply that they had to live on gourd(丝瓜),vegetable and ersatz/artificial food with very little oil or with no oil at all . 当字数不够时,开始附加“废话”句子。

14 苏州沉淀的历史又厚又重,古巷子里遍地碎石都能“榨出油”来,这就是苏州的文化和艺术。

沉淀----deposit/sediment 巷子/里弄---lane/alley 碎石----cobblestones(鹅卵石)

Suzhou congratulates itself on its long and rich history,even the cobblestones along its old alleys speak of time-honored culture and art.

15 美国的国旗是由红白蓝三色图案,但他们的民族是一道多彩的彩虹-红种人,黄种人,棕色人,黑人和白人,这五色人都是上帝的宠儿。


宠儿---precious in god?s sight American










rainbow-red,yellow,brown,blackand white_and they:re all precious in god?s sight .

16 举国抗日,所有的华夏儿女都应该贡献力量,有钱的出钱,有力地出力。

抗日——national war against japanese aggression Antibody 抗体 华夏儿女----all patriotic

有钱出钱,有力出力----?should spend or be spent? 对社会有贡献的句子都可以套进去

17 我的父亲为了养家糊口,他不惜日复一日,年复一年地干着又重又累,报酬很低,没有出头之日的脏活,从不停歇。

养家糊口---just to put food on the table . 又重又累,报酬低---heavy and low-paid 没有出头之日的工作 dead-end job

My father/dad has worked days on end in dirty dead-end jobs just to put food on the table . 18 古诗

19 任何形式的改革都应该给人民群众带来实实在在的实惠,要让群众能看得见摸得着不能热衷于搞‘政绩工程’或‘形象工程’。

群众---folks 实惠--bebefits

政绩---official merits recording projects 形象工程---imageprojects

A reform-in whatever form,should be so designed that benefits can reach the broad masses of the folks and that so-called “official merits recording projects? or ?image projects ?should be kept out .

20 自然环境会塑造一个地方的文化,人,自然坏境与文化会相互影响,构成一个互动的三角,人有自我意识,又主观能动性,且高于下自然,有智慧,甚至可以说’人为自然之灵’

自然环境----natural enrironment 相互影响-----interact 三角---triangle 自我意识----sonscious 主观能动性----dynamic

意识----intelligent 主宰---dominate

Physical environment helps shape culture

Human ,environment and culture interract in a triangle. Man is conscious,dynamic and intelligent

As the most ingenious animate being of all living creatures,mankind dominates the non-human world.

21 天无绝人之路,只要你有信心,你总有办法闯过难关。

God never shut one door but he opens another;

So long an you have confidence you can surely find a way out of the difficuties.

Raise one?s spirit 打起精神 Drink spirit 烈酒 人+spirit 魂

22 在亚洲国家,多数人依靠大米为食。大米比其他谷物有一个优点,它可以一年收成三次,收成两次是很常见的。


In Asian coutries ,the majority of people depend on rice for staple (主要的)food . One advantage of rice over other cereals is that rice yields much more in some favored (肥沃的productive)areas, three crops a year are possible and two are very commen . Touch ---共鸣

23 街坊的孩子们把我们的生活搅得不得安宁。

搅得---disturb(troublesome/pain in the neck/bane) The neighborhood?s teenager are the bane of my daily life.


24 读研考研热正在火爆中国,经常有大批人排长队参加各种资格考试,国家经济在各个领域快速发展,不断地增加了对高水平专业人才的需求,从而促使了研究生招生数额的迅猛补充。

读研---graduate studies 热---- red-hot

资格考试---qualification examination 增加需求---fuels the demand for... 促使-----promote/quicken 招生----enrollment

Pursuit for graduate studies is now red-hot across china,usually with long queues paticipating/heading into qualification exammination when the country rapidly developing economy fuels the demand for better educated/trained professionals which in turn quickens the expansion for enrollment.

25 办教育要两条腿走路,既要注意普及,又要注意提高。

Ror the further advancement of our education,we should synchronize (同步) our education reach ...


网游产业---tintenet gaming industry 光环---in the guise of (光环笼罩下) 隐患---loomingdanger

Recent years have seen rapid develoment of the internet gaming industry,in the guise of hig technologies.

In 2004,this sector?s profit was massive $450 million ,but the looming danger of addiction seems to have escaped people?s attention.

27 这个国家滥伐森林,造成水土流失,生态失调(衡)。

失衡---imbalance 生态---ecological

滥伐森林---deforest/prodigal of 28

the girl soon laid the table 摆好刀叉准备吃饭 He saw a frind in me 他认为我够朋友 She cried her eyes out 她哭得很惨

But his great inventions were still to come 他伟大的发明还在后头 Let any man come,i am his man 兵来将挡,水来土淹 I won?t do it to save my life 我宁死不屈

I have read your articles .I expected to meet an older man .年轻有为 高-----低 低----地道 同性

语序(主动变被动 文化

