
更新时间:2023-05-13 17:45:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



听 力 部 分 (共20分, 每小题1分)

一、 看图,听对话,选择与对话一致的图片。(共5分)






1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )


6 A Yes, I will. B Yes, there will. C Yes, they will.

7 A Not at all. B No, I couldn t. C sorry, I can t.

8 A My mother will be mad at me. B I will get good grades. C I will watch TV.

9 A Nothing much. Why? B I am a doctor. C I like English.

10 A It s sunny. B It will be well. C It will be good.


( ) 11. Jack did well in his lessons.

( ) 12. Jack s parents work in a hospital.

( ) 13. Jack s parents want him to be a cleaner.

( ) 14. Cleaners work only one day a week.

( ) 15. Jack is lazy and not clever.

四、 短文, 根据所听内容,选择与文章意思一致的选项。(共5分)

( ) 16. When did the speaker walk into the town?

A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. At night. D. At noon.

( ) 17. How did the donkey(驴) look?

A. Lovely. B. Clever. C. Funny. D. Angry.

( ) 18. Whose was the donkey?

A. The writer s. B. The farmer s. C. The policeman s. D. Grandmother s.

( ) 19. What helped the donkey move?

A. A carrot. B. A rope. C. A donkey. D. A parrot.

( ) 20. What will happen next?

A. The farmer will beat the donkey.

B. The donkey will be angry.

C. the traffic jam(交通堵塞) will happen again.

D. The writer and her grandma will go on having lunch in the restaurant.



( ) 1. A place to live in space is _________.

A. a space station B. an apartment C. a rocket

( ) 2. 10 years ago, _________ only one classroom building in our school.

And in 10 years, _________ five classroom buildings in our school.

A. there will be, there are B. there was, there will be C. there will be; there was

( ) 3. He goes to work early on workdays _________ Saturday and Sunday.

A. except B. besides C. and

( ) 4. My friends always get better grades than I do. What should I do?

A. Maybe you should be more friendly to the teachers.

B. Maybe you should ask your parents for help.

C Maybe you should work harder.

( ) 5. “What time does the plane _________?” “I think at about 10 o clock.”

A. drop off B. get off C. take off

( ) 6. Lily called me _________ Friday morning and told me she was having a birthday party _________ me


A. at; for B. on; with C on; for

( ) 7. Nina is clever but kind of lazy. If she _________harder, she _________ better grades.

A. will work; gets B. works; will get C. will work; will get

( ) 8. If you meet troubles in your life, you must try to _________the troubles.

A. turn over B. get over C. look over

( ) 9. I was never _________ to receive a _________ result from my science


A. surprised; disappointed B. surprised; disappointing C.

surprising; disappointed

( ) 10. Would you mind ________ the window, please? It s so cold.

A to close B close C closing

( ) 11 –Would you mind mending the bike for me?

A Not at all. B No, thanks. C That s all right.

( ) 12 In China, many families are ______ to buy cars these days.

A enough rich B rich enough C very rich

( ) 13 If you come to the party, you _____ a great time.

A would have B have C will have

( )14 I don t know ______ happened outside.

A how B what C when

( ) 15 Paul told us he wasn t mad ______ Marcia anymore.

