book 3,4 language points 新视野大学英语第三、四册语言点

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Book 3-Unit 5

I. Language Points

1. (Para. 1) shift n. (1) A group of workers that relieve another on a regular schedule. (2) The working period of such

a group.

Does he work the day shift or night shift?

We work in three shifts of eight hours.

More use of shift:

be at one’s last shift陷入绝境, 山穷水尽

drive/put/reduce sb. to his/the (last) shifts逼得人走投无路

for a shift出于权宜之计

try every shift available想尽办法

full of shifts and devices足智多谋

do a shift走掉,离开

sail with every shift of wind使任何环境变化都对自己有利

the shifts and changes of life (人生的)祸福荣辱

live by shift(s) 东拼西凑过日子

make (a) shift拼拼凑凑过日子;尽力设法应付

make (a) shift with sth. 凑合着使用某物尽力做到

make (a) shift to do sth.设法做某事;赶快做某事

shift vt.

shift about搬来搬去;改变方向

shift for oneself独立谋生

shift off推卸(责任),逃避(义务);离开,走开

shift blame on sb. 嫁祸某人

2. I have never seen Mrs. Clark before, I know from her medical chart and the report I received from the

preceding shift that tonight she will die. 我从未见过克拉克夫人,看过她的医疗记录和上一位值班医生交给我的报告后,我知道她今晚会去世。

Sb. has never done sth. before, but he / she knows/learns/judges/infers/deduces from … that …某人从未做过某事,但他/她从······中得知/推断出······

[应用提示] 用于表述“依据特定情况对事物的判断”。

我从未处理过离婚的案件,但从双方的申诉中判断他们的夫妻缘分已尽。I have never handled any case of

divorce before, but I judge from the appeals made by both sides that their relationship has come to an end.

我还从未预测过中国的未来,但从其近20年的经济发展推断她将拥有一个更加灿烂的明天。I have never

predicted the future of China yet, but I can deduce from her economic development of last 20 years that she will embrace a more brilliant tomorrow.

从他的演说中,我们得知他心中充满了对分裂分子的仇恨。 We learn from his speech that he is seized with

burning hatred for the secessionists/separatists.

3. (Para. 2) decay n. the action or state of gradually going bad; vi. ① rot; become bad;② lose power, influence, etc.

Dental decay in children is a common phenomenon all over the world. 儿童龋齿在全世界都是一个普遍现象。 这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。 The cabbages had already started to decay.

As people grow old, they will decay mentally as well as physically.人们年老时脑力和体力都会衰退。

4. (Para. 2) reach for伸手触及

现实点儿,别痴心妄想了。Be realistic! Don’t wish to reach for what is beyond your reach.

的确,没有钱我们无法生活,但是我们决不应该把手伸向公家的口袋。It is true that we can’t live without








12. money, but we should never reach for it in the public pocket. (Para. 2) switch n. ① a small button or sth. similar that you press up or down in order to turn on or off electricity(电路)开关② a sudden change; v. change or be changed from one thing to another 汤姆按了一下开关,可什么动静也没有。Tom pressed the switch, but nothing happened. a switch in emphasis重点转移 a switch in policy政策骤变 the switch from agriculture to industry 从农业转向工业 等交通灯变为绿灯再走。Wait until the lights have switched to green. (Para. 2)to observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye 用无动于衷的、医生的目光观察着病人 用浪漫的眼光来看,住在山里是一种充满刺激的经历,然而事实上,那里的人们必须通过艰辛的劳动来谋生。Seen with a romantic eye, living in mountains is an adventurous experience, but in reality, the inhabitants there have to earn a living through hard labor. (Para. 3) to hang loosely around exaggerated bones松松地裹在嶙峋的骨骼上 那些行贿、受贿的人实际上是在给自己的脖子缠上紧紧的绳索。Those who offer and take bribes are actually hanging a tight rope around their necks. 他失业后就一直在附近的小酒吧里闲逛消磨时光。Since he became jobless, he has been hanging around the neighboring inns to kill time. (Para. 3) secure vt. make safe; protect; fasten; adj. safe; free from danger or attack; reliable The patient’s broken leg was secured with plaster bandage.病人的断腿用石膏绷带固定着。 secure sth. against/from 他们加强了防洪堤,使城市免于洪水之患。By strengthening the embankments, they secured the city against/from floods. Her jewels were secure in the vault.(金库,保险柜)她的首饰在保险柜中万无一失 secure investments可靠的投资 be secure against assault坚不可摧, 固若金汤 be secure from harm不致受到危害 (Para. 3) to rise and fall with the uneven breaths随着不均匀的呼吸一起一伏 生活中的机遇并非随着命运出现而出现,而是随着一个人的自信心与适应能力一起起落。Opportunity in life does not arise with fate, but rises and falls with one’s self-confidence and adaptability. (Para. 4)bend to俯向 人要学着作自己命运的主人,而不是听天由命。 One should learn to be the master of one’s fate instead of bending to it. 全球化不是让一个国家的意志屈服于另一个国家的意志,而是把他们协调起来共同促进人类的美好未来。Globalization is not to force one country’s will to bend to another’s, but to coordinate them to jointly contribute to the bright future of mankind. (Para. 4)slide v. (cause to) move smoothly; n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片 Tom slid out of the house without being noticed.没人注意时,汤姆偷偷地溜出了屋子。 If you shine light through a slide using a projector, you can make the photograph appear on a screen.用幻灯机放映幻灯片可将图像投射到幕布上。 hair-slide 发夹; land slide 山崩;塌方; playground slide滑梯 ; water slide滑水 Touch Slide触摸滑板 (Para. 4)ease one’s thirst 缓解干渴

开心的微笑被视为是缓解焦虑与压力的良方。 A happy smile is seen as a good measure to ease one’s anxiety

and stress.

要用微笑面对挑战,因为它是缓解焦虑与压力的良药。Smile through any challenging situations, for smile is

the best medicine to ease your anxiety and stress.

13. (Para. 4)make an attempt to尝试,企图

他渐渐意识到, 要成大事须全力以赴。He grew aware that to accomplish something great he had to make an

all-out attempt.

不要一遇到挫折就打退堂鼓,至少你应该再试一次。Don’t beat a retreat immediately after any setback, at least

you should make another attempt to hit it.

14. (Para. 5) too weak for conversation虚弱得无法交谈

说到交友,有些人太精明,在你有困难的时候往往靠不住。As for friends-making, some people are too

sophisticated for you to turn to when you are in trouble.

15. (Para. 5)to go about providing for her needs开始做她所需要的

如果你决心要拿硕士学位,现在就开始为之准备吧!If you are determined to pursue a master’s degree, just go

about preparing for it from now on.

go about sth/doing sth. 着手处理; 从事:

不论你做什么, 首先要做到有的放矢。 Whatever you go about, the most important thing is to have an object in


provide for sth.为······做安排/准备:

股民们没有料到这次股票市场的大逆转,所以没有做好充分的准备。The stock holders didn’t provide for such

a great reverse in the stock market.

16. (Para. 5) like a victim of some terrible famine像一个严重饥荒的受害者

在一个法制松懈的社会,青少年和儿童很容易成为暴力的受害者。In a society with loose legal systems,

teenagers and children are quite likely to become the victims of violence.

17. (Para. 5)to remove the lid from a jar of skin cream打开护肤霜的瓶盖

一个人的名声就像一块白布,很容易被玷污,但要清除这些污点却很难。One’s reputation, like a piece of

white cloth, is easy to stain while it is hard to remove the stains from it.

18. (Para. 5) rub cream into the yellow skin把护肤霜揉在她发黄的皮肤上

对于一个有责任感的老师最好要避免给学生灌输老生常谈的东西。It is better for a dutiful teacher to avoid

rubbing cut-and-dried things into students.

19. (Para. 5) run my hand up over her knees把手移到她膝盖以上的部位

我不敢直视她的眼睛,因为在那一瞬间她好像就能看穿我的心思。I didn’t dare to look her in the eye, for at

that instant it seemed as if she could run her eyes into my mind.

20. (Para. 5) not until I run my hand up over her knees do I feel any of the life-giving warmth of blood.直到把手移到她


Not until+从句, do/does/did sb. do sth.

[应用提示] 用于表述“直到某时某动作才发生”。

直到了解了她成功的背后,他们才意识到成功都来之不易。 Not until they got to the bottom of what was

behind her success did they realize that no success comes easy.

21. (Para. 6) pull up把······拉过来; 使停下; 训斥; 追上:

比赛开始时他落在后头,但很快便设法赶上了。He lagged behind at the beginning of the match, but soon he

managed to pull up.

22. (Para. 6)to take her free hand between mine 握住她那只空闲的手

白发苍苍的老妈妈满含热泪紧握着他失散多年儿子的手,久久无语。That grey-haired old woman took the

hands of her son between hers, whom she had had no news of for years, tearful, wordless.

23. (Para. 6) I wonder briefly if she has any family, …一时间,我突然想知道她是否有家庭,······

Sb. wonder briefly if/whether/what/how … 某人一时间纳闷/想知道是否/什么/如何······

[应用提示] 用于表述“某人对事物产生的一时好奇”。

凝视着孩子们的笑脸,我就想知道他们是否曾经有过烦恼。 Gazing at the smiling faces of children, I wonder

briefly whether they have ever been seized with worries.

24. (Para. 6) There is no hint in the room anywhere that this is a person who is loved. 房间中没有任何迹象表明她


There is no hint/sign … that … 没有迹象表明······

[应用提示] 用于表述“某事/某种状况没有征兆”。

在他们的脸上没有任何迹象表明他们是灾民。There is no sign on their faces that they are victims of disaster.

25. (Para. 6)As though she is a mind reader(seems to sense my thoughts), Mrs. Clark answers my thoughts and

quietly tells me, ―…‖克拉克夫人似乎读懂了我心思,平静地回答我说:“······”

As though sb. senses / reads my mind, he / she answers my thoughts and tells (that) …某人似乎读懂了我心思,他/她回答我, ······



生活变化最大。As though he sensed my doubt about his love for me, he answered my thoughts and frankly told me that he had made contacts with many girls but none of them had brought greater changes to his life than the contact with me.


试中取得好成绩。”As though the teacher was a mind reader, he assured the students and said, “ Everyone will achieve good results in the final examination as long as you have a good review of what I have taught in class.”

26. (Para. 6)spent her last ounce of strength耗尽了最后的那点力气

一分脑力胜似十分财力,而一分实践胜似十分理论。An ounce of brain is worth a pound of wealth while an

ounce of practice is worthy of a pound of theory.

27. (Para. 6)sense my thoughts看穿了我的心思

一个人如果能够感受到别人情绪的变化并能有所行动,我们就说他善解人意。A person who is able to sense

the change in others’ feelings and respond accordingly is said to be thoughtful and understanding.

28. (Para. 7) In the total silence, I feel my own pulse quicken and hear my breathing as it begins to match hers,

breath for uneven breath在一片寂静中,我感觉自己的脉搏加快了,我听到自己的呼吸开始伴随着她那不均匀的呼吸一起一落。

In the face / case (In a state / a climate of ) of , sb. feels (从句) and 在······情况下,某人 感觉······, ······

[应用提示]Typical patterns for revealing one’s feelings

面对女友的绝情信,他感觉天快塌下来了,并听到内心在嘲弄他是世上最笨的人。In the face of his

girlfriend’s Dear John email, he felt the sky was about to fall and heard his innermost being mock him as the most foolish one in the world.

在等待那次重要的面试时,我感觉自己的脉搏加快,记忆一片空白。In waiting for that important interview, I

felt my own pulse quicken and my memory become a complete blank.

29. (Para. 7)Our eyes meet and somehow, together, we become aware that this is a special moment between two

human beings. 我们相互对视,不知怎么的,我们都意识到,这是两个生命间的一个特殊时刻。

Their / Our eyes meet and somehow, ( together,) they / I become aware / conscious or realize that …相互的目光发生碰撞,不知怎么的,他们/我意识到······

[应用提示]Typical patterns for coming to the realization of sth.

他们的目光相遇了,不知怎么的, 他们都意识到这可能是他们的诀别。Their eyes met and somehow, together,

they came to realize that this might be the time for them to part with each other forever.


eyes met and somehow, I immediately became conscious that this eye contact would bring about a complete change in my relationship with her.

30. (Para. 8) Some unknown interval of time passes before her eyes open again, …不知过了多长时间,她又睁开了双









Some time passes/elapses before +从句 多长时间以后·····发生 [应用提示] 用于表述“某段时间以后某事发生”。 三年后他终于与他走失的女儿团聚了。Three years elapsed before he finally got united with his lost daughter. (Para. 8) There is a swell of emotion within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life.对这位迅速走进又走出我生活的陌生人,我心间涌起了一股感情。 There is a/an swell/fit/outburst/outbreak of … within sb. for sb. who … / sth. that ... 对这个······人/事,某人心中涌起了一种(股)······ [应用提示] 用于表述“对某人/事的情感/态度”。 对这些身残志坚的舞者,我心中涌起一股敬佩之情。 There is a swell of esteem within me for these dancers who are disabled in body but firm in spirit. 对这种既破坏环境又殃及子孙的做法我心中爆发出一股无明火。There is an outburst of inexplicable anger (Para. 8) is done(with sth.): 结束; 合乎礼俗; 被骗: 对于心地善良的人而言,懊悔常是因为事与愿违。For a kind-hearted person, regret often results when he is done with what runs counter to his wishes. (Para. 8) Slowly, still holding her hand, I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle, that in fact, it was a privilege she has allowed me, and I would do it again, gladly. 我依然握着她的手,渐渐地,我意识到我并不害怕这种感情之战,意识到这实际是她赐予我的特殊荣幸,而且我还乐意再来一次。 Slowly / Gradually, in the course of doing sth., sb. becomes aware / conscious or realizes that …, that in fact, … 某人在做某事的过程中渐渐地意识到······, 实际上, ······ [应用提示]用于表述―人对事物的心里感受‖。 我在教书的过程中渐渐地意识到我天生适合这项工作,意识到它实际上是我生命的一部分,而且我乐意把它视作自己的终身职业。Gradually, in the course of teaching, I became aware that I was made for the job, that in 在与人交往的过程中,渐渐地,我意识到宽宏大度可以为你营造一个愉快的生活氛围,意识到它事实上可以使你终生受益。Slowly, in the course of associating with others, I have come to realize that large-mindedness can create you a pleasant climate of living, that in fact it can be of benefit to your whole life. (Para. 8)spare spare no efforts [pains] 不遗余力 spare no expense不惜工本 spare sb. his life = spare sb.’s life饶某人一命 spare sb.’s feelings不使某人难过/难堪 我告诉他发生了什么事,但没让他知道细节。I told him what happened but spared him all the details. (Para. 8) episode n. ① one separate event in sb’s life, a novel, etc.② a part of a TV or radio story That’s an episode in my life I’d rather forget.那段人生经历,我情愿忘记它。 The rest episodes of this TV play will be broadcast next week.这部电视剧的最后几集 将于下周播出。 为她的家人省去了一幕人生插曲to spare her family an episode 在浪漫的恋爱关系中开诚布公将省去你很多麻烦。Being open and honest in romantic relations will spare you a lot of troubles. be (not) equipped to do sth. / for sth (没有)准备好······: 成功总是属于那些准备好迎接未来更大挑战的人们。Success always belongs to those who are equipped to take up greater challenges in future. 离婚对有些成年人来说或许可以接受,但是他们的孩子却无力面对这种变故。Getting divorced may be acceptable to some adults, but their children are not equipped for the change. association n. ① a group of people join together for a common purpose; an organization. ② the act of joining

or working with another person or group

a housing association房屋协会

the British Medical Association 英国医学协会

association of industry and commerce工商联合会


National Basketball Association(美国)全国篮球协会

National Boxing Association(美国)全国拳击协会

National Bar Association(美国)全国律师协会

in association with = together with

我们和纽约办事处合作。We work in association with our New York office.

B. Creative Application of Typical Expressions

1. hang around裹在······上;闲荡;迫近:


hang back踌躇不前, 退缩: hang on坚持: hang up吊挂; 拖延

学好英语绝非易事,但只要你坚持不懈,最终总会获得成功。It is by no means an easy thing to learn English

well, but if you hang on, you will achieve success in the end.

2. bend to俯向:


bend over弯腰; 弯曲 bend upon/on 专心致志于····bend oneself/ one’s mind to sth. 致力于······ 科学家应把致力于人类进步事业作为自己的使命。The scientist should make it his mission to bend his mind to

the human cause of progress.

3. go about sth/doing sth着手处理; 从事: .


go against违反,不利于 go with伴随,匹配 go in for从事于;酷爱;追求

他的言行违背了教师的职业道德,因此受到多方指责。His words and actions go against the professional ethics

of a teacher, and thus subjected him to much criticism.

4. pull up把 拉过来


pull together齐心协力 pull down拆除;拖垮 pull into进入;到达

只要我们齐心协力, 就一定能战胜所有的困难。 As long as we pull together, we are bound to overcome all


5. be done 结束;被骗;不合礼俗

be done for完蛋,遭殃 be done in特别累 be / get done被警察抓住

很不幸, 我昨天下午因超速而被警察抓住了。Sad to say, I got done for speeding yesterday afternoon.

Section B Decisions of the Heart

Language Points

1. make oneself understood: make one’s meaning clear 使他人明白自己的意思, 说清楚自己的意思

他不太会讲英语,但他能把自己的意思表达清楚。He doesn’t speak much English but he can make himself


我把话说清楚了吗?这是你最后一次机会!Do I make myself understood? This is your last chance!

2. on one’s own: alone 单独,独自;without help 独立地

她总是独自一人坐在一个角落里。She would always sit in a corner on her own.

我设法自己把车修好了。I managed to repair the car on my own.

3. be dependent on: need support from 依赖,依靠

那个人失业了,靠他儿子的收入过日子。The man was out of work and dependent on his son’s earnings.

父母希望他能自食其力,不再依赖他们了。His parents hoped that he could stand on his own feet and wasn’t

dependent on them any more.

4. come along: arrive; appear 到达,出现


come across 偶然碰到 come along 进展,进步 come by 经过;获得

come down to 可归结为 come out 出现,显露;发表 come around 苏醒

come to 苏醒;总数为 come up with 想出,提出

困难总是在你最意想不到的时候突然出现。Trouble comes along when you least expect it.

她还在等待她的白马王子出现。She’s still waiting for Mr. Right to come along.

5. condemn sb. to sth. / to do sth.…: 1) criticize strongly, usu. for moral reasons; 2) force into a usu. unhappy state or

situation 迫使某人陷于不幸状态 3) sentence sb. 判某人刑

在这篇文章中作者用最严厉的语言谴责了种族主义。The author condemned racism in the strongest language

in this article.

事故后,他由于脊柱受伤,不得不成天躺在床上。After the accident, the injury in his backbone condemned him

to bed.

杀人凶手被判处终身监禁(无期徒刑)。The murderer was condemned to life long imprisonment.

6. take/run its course: develop as is usual, proceed to the usual end 听其自然发展;按常规进行

如果任由局势自然发展,很快就会失控的。If we allow the situation to run its course, it will soon be out of


对于很多病人来说,做手术比任由病情自然发展对他们的伤害更大。For lots of patients it’s more traumatizing

to go through with an operation than to let nature take its course.

医生说对这种病他们只能顺其自然。The doctors say they can do nothing but to let the disease take its course.

7. fight off: force or drive back抵抗, 击退,努力摆脱









16. 他衣服穿得暖和了些, 以摆脱感冒。He wore warmer clothes to fight off the cold. 该公司得战胜许多竞争对手才能赢得那份合同。The firm had to fight off a lot of competitors to win the contract. in vain: without a successful result; uselessly 无结果地,无用地,徒劳 我们的努力没有白费,形势开始好转。Our efforts were not in vain and the situation began to improve. 我们设法使他改变主意,但白费力气。It was in vain that we tried to make him change his mind. relieve: vt. 1) lessen or remove (pain, disease, etc.) 减轻,解除(痛苦、疾病等)2) provide aid or assistance for (people in need, etc.) 救济,援助 大夫给病人开了一些缓解头疼的药。 The doctor prescribed some medicine for the patient to relieve his headache. 救济贫困家庭是政府的职能之一。It is one of the government’s duties to relieve poverty-stricken families. slip away: leave stealthily 悄悄溜走 随着时间的流逝,我对她的记忆开始慢慢淡去。With the passage of time, my memories of her began to slip away. 讲座很枯燥,一些学生趁老师转向黑板时悄悄溜走了。The lecture was boring and some students slipped away when the teacher turned towards the blackboard. come by: obtain; visit informally 得到;拜访 你百忙之中抽出时间过来这让我非常感激。I really appreciate you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come by. 真爱难求。True love is hard to come by. Chances are (that …): it is likely that … 可能 他可能已经听到了这个消息。Chances are (that) he’s already heard the news. 他到了那里可能就不回来了。 Chances are (that) he won’t come back when he gets there. 你晋升的可能性有多大?What are your chances of being promoted? confront sb. with sth.: face sb. with sth. 使面对(问题、挑战等) 公司刚成立时遇到了很多困难。The company was confronted with many difficulties at the start. 面对艰巨的任务战士们毫不畏惧。The soldiers were fearless when confronted with difficult tasks. come down to: be able to be concluded as (sth.); be a question of (sth.) 归结为,实质上是 整个事情归结起来就是工会与管理层之间的权力之争。The whole matter comes down to a power struggle between the trade union and the management. 归结下来,他的叙述没有什么内容。What it all comes down to is that there isn’t much in his story. bring (sb.) in: 1) allow sb. to participate in sth.让某人参与某事; 迁移方案未征询村民们的意见,他们非常气愤。Villagers were angry at not being brought in on the relocation scheme. 受到利益的驱使,某些地方政府甚至引进一些污染严重的工厂。Driven by the desire for profits, some local governments even bring in factories that cause heavy pollution. bar sb. from sth. / doing sth.: prevent sb. from using sth. or doing sth. 阻止某人用某物,阻止某人做某事

由于使用了兴奋剂他被禁止参加奥运会。He was barred from the Olympic Games because of use of stimulants. 假如由我负责的话,我就不允许游客进入野生动物保护区。If I were in charge, I would bar tourists from

getting into the wildlife reserve.

Book 3-Unit 6

Section A How to Prepare for Earthquakes



More than a dozen words concerning earthquakes are hidden in the table. Work in groups to find them out. The group which finds the most will win.

shake 震动;摇晃 seismology 地震学 hit 袭击

rip 裂开,破开 earthquake 地震 destroy 毁坏,破坏

damage 损害,损坏 contribution 援助 survivor 幸存者

tragedy 灾难 strike 突然发生 aftershock 余震

level 推倒,夷平 rescue 救援 wreck 残骸

victim 受灾者 occur 发生 treat 治疗

tremor 颤动;震动 temblor [美语] 地震 magnitude 震级

epicenter 震中 hypocenter 震源 waves 震波

aftershock 余震 fault 断层 seismology 地震学

seismological 地震学上的 seismograph 地震仪 seismographer 地震学家

smaller tremors 小地震 Richter Scale (1—10) 里氏震级 earthquake monitoring 地震监控

jolt 使颠簸,摇晃 rock 摇,摇动,使振动 roll across 波动,起伏,横摇

rip through 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯 shatter 破坏;捣毁;破灭

devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭 flatten 夷为平地

tsunami 海啸 tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统

tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮 wreckage 残骸 death toll 死亡人数

international contributions 国际援助 evacuation 撤离 rescue team 救援小组

II. Language points

watch for: look or wait attentively for 1. watch … for: look at or observe sth. for

They are watching for the right moment. 他们在等待适当时机。

watch out: take care

Watch out! The roof is falling! 小心!房顶掉下来了!

2. school: n. a group

The sound of his music attracted a school of dolphins. 他的音乐声引来了一群海豚。

There be reports of sb. / sth. doing sth. 有报道说某人/物······

3. to withstand the power of earthquakes具有抗震能力的

4. a major concern.: something people are concerned about most. 关注的重点










After all,要知道 to insert sth. in / into / between: put or set into, between, or among to enclose sth. in …把 封,附带 attach… to: 1) fasten or join sth. to sth. 2) cause (oneself) to join as a member of be attached to眷恋;隶属于 In addition to除……外 Keep …… handy.身边常备…… put out: 扑灭 / 生产/投资 /发挥 if necessary如果必要 agree on/upon: have the same opinion about

14. be likely to be: 可能

down: a. not working

15. to check in with …和······取得联系;

to check with …和······一致:

check in: report one's arrival, as at a hotel desk, airport, etc.

16. learn about了解

17. be resistant to: 抵御,抵抗

18. make a difference: have an effect on sb. or sth.

Section B Changes in the Balance of Nature

Language points

1. compared to / with: used when considering the size, quality, or amount of something in relation to something similar

in comparison to/with 跟······相比

in contrast 与······不同

in contrast to/with 与······相对照

be comparable to 相当于;类似于

跟他的人生阅历相比,我的显得平淡无奇。Compared with his life experience, mine seems commonplace. 与我上周读的那本书相比, 这本有趣多了。Compared to the book I read last week, this one is much more


2. in other words: expressed in a different way; that is to say

他酷爱职业篮球运动;换言之,他把它视为自己的第二生命。 He is deeply fond of professional basketball. In

other words, he sees it as his second life.

她发现自己犯了同样的错误,换句话讲,她没有吸取上次的教训。She found she was making the same mistake.

In other words, she had learned no lesson from the first one.

3. in accordance with: according to; in agreement or harmony with 依照;与······一致

in accord with 与······一致/相符合

according to 根据

in harmony with 与······相配,与······和谐

in peace with 与······和平共处

货物将按你的指示发出。The goods will be delivered in accordance with your instructions.

他的诚信在于他言行一致。His honesty lies in the fact that his action is in accord with his words.

4. be formed from : be made from 由······构成, 由······做成

be made (up) from由······构成(看不出原材料)

be made (up) of 由······做成(能看出原材料)

云由悬在空中的水滴构成。Clouds are formed from drops of liquid hanging in the air.

孩子们的游戏房是由一堆纸箱做成的。The children’s playhouse has been formed from a pile of cardboard


5. rotate v.1) (cause to) move in circles round a central point (使)旋转,(使)转动; 2) (cause to) take turns in a

particular order(使)轮流

卫星在绕地球旋转的同时缓慢地自转。The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the Earth.

官员可以轮换岗位,以拓宽工作经验。The officials may rotate duties to widen their experience.

6. be dependent on: depend on 依赖

be reliant on 依赖

be independent of one another 相互独立

be attached to one another 相互依恋

be concerned over one another 相互关心

自然界所有生物,不论大小,不论新旧,彼此相互依赖而生存。All living things in nature, large or small, new

or old, are dependent on one another for survival.

7. primitive a. 1) of or typical of a very early stage in the development of sth. 原始的,早期; 2) simple and not

sophisticated 简陋的,粗糙的

原始人2,000年前开垦了这些岛屿。Primitive races colonized these islands 2,000 years ago.

人们住在帐篷里,没有自来水,生活条件简陋。People are living in tents, without running water and in primitive


8. take to:1) begin to do (sth.) as a practice, habit, etc.; 2) start to like sb. or sth.

最近约翰沉湎于喝酒。John has taken to drinking too much recently.

从这个学期开始,珍妮养成了早起的习惯。Jane has taken to getting up early since the beginning of this term. 小麦克喜欢学校里的英语老师。Little Mike took to his English teacher at school.

9. in terms of: from … point of view; with regard to; concerning 就······而论

从收入的角度看,这份工作并不有利可图,但我从中可获得宝贵的经验。The work is not profitable in terms of

income, but I can get valuable experience from it.

就这本书尽管在经济效益上不算成功,但从社会效益上讲可谓是巨大的成功。 The book, although

unsuccessful in terms of economic returns, is a big success in terms of social benefits.

10. out of proportion to sth: too large or too small when compared with sth. 与······极不成比例,大大超过······

我喜欢总体构型,可是窗户太大了,与整幢房子不成比例。I like the general style, but the windows are out of

proportion to the building; they’re too big.

人所得到的常与其所付出的不成比例, 但这也可能是对其心态的最好考验。What one takes is often out of

proportion to what he gives, which may be the best test for one’s psychology.

11. survive on: continue to live on or exist by

虽然那时生活艰难,但我们靠积蓄活了下来。Life was hard then, but we survived on our savings.

他在废墟中靠饼干和水维持了一个星期。He survived in the ruins for a week on biscuits and water.

12. without restraint: with abandon; in an unbridled way 无节制地

他胡作非为,肆无忌惮。He lends himself to evil without restraint.

受“有钱能使鬼推磨”思想的驱使,他敛财无节制。Driven by the belief that money can work miracles, he

accumulated wealth by unfair means without restraint.

13. a fraction of: a small part of 小部分

前两天我正在街上散步,一辆汽车差一点撞倒我。 The other day, I was walking down the street when a car

missed me by a fraction of an inch

看到一个女孩掉到水里,他一刻都没犹豫,马上去救助她。 Seeing a girl fall into the water, he did not hesitate

for a fraction of a second to rush to rescue her.

14. a drain on sth.: something that continually uses a lot of time, money, etc. 消耗

低效率工业的开发对国家资源的消耗日益加重。 The development of low-efficient industries has become an

ever-greater drain on the nation’s resources.

随着比赛的延长,每增加一个回合对双方运动员的体力都消耗很大。 As the contest prolonged, every further

round was a great drain on the strength of both contestants.

15. use up: use all of something

他没有赢得这场竞赛的原因,是他在比赛前半程就用完了体力。The reason for his failure to win the race was

that he used up his strength for the first part of the race.

我们如果用完地下的石油资源,我们的生活又会是什么样子呢?What would become of our life then if we

used up all the petroleum resources under the Earth?

16. in spite of: notwithstanding; despite

尽管有无数的磨难,他从不放弃追求。In spite of countless hardships, he never gave up trying.

不管你说他些什么,我还是相信他是诚实的。 In spite of what you say about him, I still believe he is honest.

17. live in harmony with: live in peace with

对待自然的最好方式,是与之和谐相处。The best way of dealing with nature is to live in harmony with it.

我们和谐相处,从而营造出温馨的生活环境。We live in harmony with each other, thus creating a warm climate

of living.

18. take advantage of: make use of

这个年轻人利用这次与老板一起出差的机会赢得了老板的欢心。The young man took advantage of this

opportunity to go on a business trip with his boss and gained the boss’ favor.

该公司利用产品展览会与客户签了许多合同。The company took advantage of the product exhibition and signed

many contracts with its clients.

19. live with: learn to accept sth. unpleasant 容忍

我不喜欢这些高音喇叭的喧闹声,但我已经学会去适应它了。 I don’t like the noise of these loudspeakers, but

I’ve learnt to live with it.

尽管人越活越老是自然规律,但还是个很难叫人接受的事实。Although getting older is a natural law, it is a fact

hard to live with.

20. be ignorant of: know little or nothing about; lack education or information of 不知道

居住在城市里的人往往不了解农村的生活。People who live in the city are often ignorant of farm life.

他继续赶路,对前面埋伏的危险毫无所知。 He continued on his way, ignorant of the danger which lay ahead.

Book 3-Unit 7

Section A Bill Gates

Language points




4. (Para. 1) catch sight of看到 (Para. 1)Without a doubt毫无疑问 modernize v. make or become more modern understate (v.) say that something is less important, serious, etc. than it really is没有充分体现

Antonym: overstate

5. (Para. 2) stem from: be caused by something or develop as a result of something源自

6. put in: 投入

7. conservation n. ① [U] the careful use of energy, time, or other resources② [U] the protection of something

conservation of fuel节约燃料

8. in high gear: doing something with great effort or energy全力以赴

9. (Para. 4) on the subject of: in talking about,谈到,关于

10. (Para. 4)in the interest of: in order to achieve or protect sth为了······起见

11. (Para. 6) bat out: produce or do sth quickly, especially in a casual or rushed manner匆匆做完

12. a procession of:一连串

13. by name: using the name of someone or sth

hand out: give sth usually freely发放





(Para. 7) claw one’s way: try very hard to reach a place or position, using a lot of effort and determination 艰难地走 (Para. 8) lay bricks in the foundation of:为 奠定了基石 (Para. 9) fold v. 倒闭. (Para. 11) mushroom v. grow and develop fast发展得十分迅速

Section B Martin Luther King

Language points

1. abolish vt: put an end to or stop a law or system officially

The legislature passed a law to abolish income tax for the low-paid.立法机关通过了一个取消低收入者所得税



Key: Welfare programs cannot be abolished so quickly.

2. end in: finish in a state of …

研究表明,三分之一的婚姻以离婚告终。The study shows that one in three marriages ends in divorce.

由于资金匮乏,他的公司以破产而告终。His company ended in bankruptcy for severe shortage of money.

3. resistance to sth.: the desire to oppose sth. 对······的反对,抗拒,抵制

对不公正待遇的反抗为他们赢得了不少同情。Their resistance to unfair treatment won them a lot of sympathy. 管理阶层对新生事物的抵制阻碍了这个企业的发展。The resistance of the management to new things hindered

the development of the enterprise.

4. turn to sb./sth: go to sb./sth. for help

由于情场失意,他整日借酒浇愁。Frustrated in love games, he turned to drink for drowning his sorrows every


当你不会回答节目中所给定的任何题目时,可以打电话向你的亲友求助。When you can’t answer any

question as given in this program, you can turn to your relatives for help by making phone calls.

5. live on: continue to exist

生命是一种变化过程:父母的美德靠我们延续,而我们的要靠后代传承。Life is a becoming: Our parents’

virtues live on through us whereas ours through our offspring.

虽然谭千秋老师离开了我们,但他舍己救人的精神将会永存。 Although Mr. Tan Qianqiu has been gone, his

spirit of sacrificing his own life for the sake of others will live on forever.

6. bloom: develop successfully; produce flowers

The children are blooming.

The trees bloom in May.


Key: The association bloomed under his leadership.

7. give sb./sth. an injection of force: give strength to 给······注射入力量

老师的鼓励为他的进一步努力注入了新的力量。The encouragement from the teacher gave him an injection of

new pushing force behind his further struggle.

新出台的政策给低迷的股市打了一针强心针。of force.

这笔捐款为地震灾区的重建注入了强大的力量。The donation gave the reconstruction of the quake-stricken

area an injection of great force.

8. reverse vt. change a decision, judgment, etc. to the opposite; a. opposite to what is expected or has just been

described; n. (the ~) the opposite; the other way round

The appeal court reversed the original decision and set the prisoner free.上诉法院推翻了原判,把那个犯人释放


The sentence is in reverse order. 这是个倒装句。

It hasn’t happened. The reverse has happened.期待的事情没有发生,相反的情况倒是发生了。

More Translation:

More efforts are required to reverse the trend toward centralized power.还需要作更多的努力,以扭转集权趋


In Germany, the reverse situation is true.德国的情况正好相反。

Of course I don’t dislike you — quite the reverse.当然我并非不喜欢你,情况正好相反!

go against: be opposed to sth. 违背

我们在任何情况下都不能违背自己做人的原则。Under no circumstance should we go against our principles of

being an upright man.

任何违背法律的人都将受到应有的制裁。Anyone that goes against the law will receive well-deserved


yield sb./sth. (up) to sb.: reluctantly give control of sth. to sb.; deliver sb./sth. to sb. 勉强地将某物交出予某人,将某人/某物送交某人

恐怖分子拒绝将人质交与警方。The terrorists refused to yield hostages (up) to the police.

迫于舆论的压力,他只好将孩子的监护权让给孩子的母亲。Under the pressure of public opinion, he had to

yield the custody of his child to the child’s mother.

shoot an arrow into the heart of sth./sb.: gave a deadly blow to sth. 给······致命一击

工人们的武装反抗给了剥削阶级致命的一击。The workers’ armed revolt shot an arrow into the heart of the

exploiting class.

他收受巨款贿赂一事东窗事发,这给他的政治生命以致命一击。The exposure of his accepting large sums of

bribes shot an arrow into the heart of his political life.

accord with: match; agree with 与······一致,与······ 相符

他的言行不一致。 His behavior doesn’t accord with his words.

他们所付出的与他们所享受的完全不符。What they have exerted does not accord at all with what they have


establish… as: place someone or something in a position permanently 确立······为

她使自己成为新政府中最有权力的部长。 She established herself as the most powerful minister in the new


从汉代开始,儒学被确立为思想的主流。 From Han Dynasty on, Confucianism was established as the

mainstream of thought.

regulate: 1) control something, especially by rules; 2) adjust

There are strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Key: The body has to have control mechanisms to regulate all its functions.

15. appeal for: make a special request for 请求,恳求

工人们在罢工, 要求加薪并改善工作环境。 The workers are on strike, appealing for better pay and working


该组织正在呼吁人们多捐款,以帮助遭受水灾的人。The organization is appealing for donation of more money

to help the victims of the flood.

16. bar vt. officially prevent someone from entering a place or doing something

They barred her from leaving the country.


Key: Opposition leaders say the government barred them from election.

17. circulate: 1) vt. send something to all members of a group of people; 2) v. move around within a system, or make

something do this

The news of victory quickly circulated round the town.

Swimming helps to get the blood to circulate through the body.


Key: A lot of false information has been circulated.


Key: If your muscles are tense, blood cannot circulate freely.

18. roll in: happen or arrive in large numbers or quantities 大量涌进

随着节日的临近,结婚请柬源源不断地送来。 With the festival at hand, invitations for marriage rolled in. 他的英雄事迹刊登后,读者来信雪片般飞来。 Since his heroic deeds were published, letters from readers have

rolled in.

19. witness n. : someone who sees something happen目击者; evidence of the truth 证明; v. See or notice something by

being present when it happens

有两个人目睹那起事故。 There were two witnesses to the accident.

二零零八年八月八日目睹了中国人举办奥运的梦想是如何变为现实的。 August 8 of 2008 bore witness to

how the Chinese dream of holding Olympic Games turned into a reality.

20世纪80年代见证了失业人数不断增加。The 1980s had witnessed increasing unemployment.

20. vote on/upon: express one’s opinion about a matter by vote 投票表决

如果我们在这个问题上还不能意见一致,那就投票表决吧。If we can’t agree on this matter, we’ll have to vote

on it.

杭州市民投票表决了他们的城市标志。Citizens in Hangzhou voted on their city logo.

21. tell of: inform someone about something 告诉;describe the details of an event or person 描述;叙述

她的表情告诉男孩他很有希望赢得她的芳心。 Her facial expressions told the boy of his much chance to win

her heart.

这部小说讲的是一位政府官员如何经受不住金钱的诱惑而腐败的。The novel tells of how a government

official failed to resist the temptation of money and turned out to be corrupt.

22. (Para. 6) discriminate: treat a person or group differently from another in an unfair way

It is illegal to discriminate against any ethnic or religious group歧视任何种族或宗教人士都是违法的。

Why do so many companies think it’s OK to discriminate against women?为什么那么多公司认为可以歧视女


23. at the expense of: at the cost of 以······为代价

为了赚取大量钱财而牺牲自己的健康是没有意义的。 There is no point in making great fortunes at the

expense of health.

中国的发展不能以牺牲环境为代价,而是要寻求一条人与环境相和谐的可持续性发展道路 。China does not

seek to develop at the expense of environment but to find a way of sustainable development in the peaceful coexistence of human and nature.

个人利益的获得不应该以损害别人的利益为代价,而是要寻求一种双赢的方法。Anyone shouldn’t seek to

obtain his interest at the expense of others but to seek a way of win-win.

24. share in: have part of or take part in something 分享;参与

中国人民都分享了举办奥运会的快乐。The Chinese people have shared in the joy of holding the Olympic


这对夫妻的幸福感缘于彼此能同甘共苦。The couple’s sense of happiness stems from sharing in each other’s

troubles as well as joys.

25. set aside : save something for a special purpose

父母需要多留出些时间来陪伴孩子。 Parents need to set aside more time to be together with their children. 政府拨出专款用于抗震救灾。The government set aside a special fund for earthquake relief work.

Book 3-Unit 9

Section A Language points





5. (Para. 1)work out : develop well; prove successful进展顺利;弄懂 store away储备 verify: make certain of or prove the truth of sth证明 (Para. 2) make no mistake about it: used to emphasize what one is saying is true可以肯定,说到做到 Sb./Sth be/do sth.. But make no mistake about it, sb./sth. be/do sth. else. 某人/物是/做 ······。但是不要弄错了,

某人/ 物是/做······


人们常说, 有钱能使鬼推磨。 但不要弄错了, 金钱不是目的,而是达到目的的手段。 It is often said that

money makes the mare go. But make no mistake about it, money is not an end, but only a means to an end.

(Para. 3Sth. be designed / intended to do … 某物用于······

address: discuss, think about or do sth about a particular problem or question, especially with the aim of solving a problem探讨如何处理问题

(Para. 3)gain in: get more of a particular quality得到更多

(Para. 4) make the headline: become important news in newspapers or on radio or television成为头条新闻

contest: (take part in and) try to win sth. 参加竞选

(Para. 6) sting: ① provoke by making one angry, painful; wound with a sharp pain苦恼; ② a sharp pain痛楚

(Para. 6)A typical/ideal candidate for sth. (the agreement / presidency / job / position / post / title, etc.) is one who … 某职位或做某事的典型/理想人选是······人。

(Para. 7)shield: protect someone or something from being harmed or damaged遮住

(Para. 8) call for: require, demand or need sth需要,要求

be in line for: be likely to get sth. good有可能得到

(Para. 9) enforce vt. : cause…to be obeyed / carried out effectively;make sth. happen, esp. by threats or force

Do the policemen in Nanjing enforce traffic rules strictly? 南京的警察严格执行交通规则吗?

Don't enforce your will on the child, please.请别把你的意愿强加给这孩子。

(Para. 10) draw up: write out; (of a vehicle) arrive at and stop起草

(Para. 11)under sb.’s nose: be obvious or apparent; clearly visible 就在某人面前,当着某人的面

(Para. 11) forge vt. ① make or produce, esp. with some difficulty ② make an illegal copy of sth. in order to cheat just about: almost, very nearly

(Para. 13) court-going: a word created by the writer, probably modeled after “window-shopping”. The implied meaning of “court-going” is that one may choose a court among several for one’s legal suit. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.





enter into: officially make an agreement; begin to do sth达成(协议);理解;开始做某事 (Para. 14) have no bearing on: have no influence on sth or be irrelevant to sth与······有/没有关系 (Para. 15) lay bare: expose or make known sth. hidden shed light on : make clear; make free from confusion or ambiguity使 易于理解

Section B Is the Traditional Family Structure at Risk?

1. undergo vt. experience

晚上10点,三名小学生在遭受地震87小时后获救。Three pupils were eventually rescued 87 hours after

undergoing the earthquake.

2. An analysis of sth. (from ) finds/ concludes/shows/suggests/reveals that…对······分析后得出结论/发现······

对迄今为止的粮食危机详细分析得出的结论是, 生物燃料是引起全球粮食价格上涨的主要因素之一。 A

detailed analysis of the food crisis so far concludes that biofuel is one of the major contributors to the global food-price rise.

对你的婚姻状况做了新的分析后得出的结论是,你的婚姻已经渡过危机期。 A new analysis of your marital

status has concluded that your marriage has ridden over the period of crisis.

3. serve as: perform certain duties; fulfill the purpose of 担任······;起······作用

他的话让我们想起了我们的辛酸往事。What he said serves as a reminder of our bitter past.

在最近的人事变动中,他有机会担任公司的总经理。In the recent redeployment of the staff, he had the opportunity to serve as the general manager of the firm.

4. related to: concerning 相关的;有关

人们有时在处置和自己利益相关的事宜时,很难做到客观公正。Sometimes, it is hard for people to be

objective and impartial in coping with things related to their own interests.

每次要他回答与自己隐私相关的问题时,他都能机智地回避之。Whenever asked to answer a question related

to his privacy, he was wise enough to get around it.

5. with increasing frequency: more and more often 越来越频繁;以不断上升的频率

不论你喜欢与否,科学知识在以越来越快的频率更新。Like it or not, scientific knowledge is renewing itself

with increasing frequency.

当小地震越来越频繁地发生时,我们就要为大地震作好准备。When small quakes occur with increasing

frequency, we need to prepare for a big quake.

6. by the time: when 到······的时候

你收到这封信时,我已启程回国了。By the time this letter reaches you I will have left for my motherland. 等我们赶到博物馆时,已是日近黄昏了。By the time we got to the museum it was nearly dark.

7. in one’s prime: in one’s best 在人鼎盛期

他年轻时是一名出色的选手。He was an outstanding player in his prime.

尽管年过四十,她仍然和年轻时一样漂亮。 She, though past 40 of age, looks as pretty as in her prime.

8. burden n. ① a heavy load to carry; a difficult duty to bear; ② put a burden on sb

买车?那会使我们再加上一项沉重的财务负担。Buying a car? We may have to take on another heavy financial


The young people who bought apartments have to burden themselves with a high mortgage. 买房的年轻人不得


我不喜欢费心去记一些无用的事实。I don’t like to burden my memory with useless facts.

9. overtake vt.: 1). go past a vehicle or person 2). (of sth. unpleasant) reach suddenly and unexpectedly 突然降临于

在弯道处超车是很危险的。It’s dangerous to overtake another car on a bend.

几年前,这家人突然遭遇不幸,现在还没恢复过来。The family was overtaken by tragedy several years ago, and

they are still reckoning with it.

over-: 前缀,表示―超越‖、―过度‖、―太过‖

overcrowd v. 过度拥挤 overdo v. 过分

overeat v. 吃得过多 overestimate v. 高估

overhear v. 偶然听到 overlook v. 俯视

overnight adv. 整夜 overseas a. 海外

oversleep v. 睡过头 overthrow v. 推翻

overturn v./n. 推翻 overwhelm v. 压倒

10. bring about: cause to happen 引起,导致

教育是改变全世界人口状况的唯一办法。Education is the only method of bringing about changes in world


科学给我们的生活带来许多变化。Science has brought about many changes in our lives.

bring back 把······带回来,使复原 bring down 击落,减少,降低

bring forward 提出,提前 bring in 引入,带进

bring out 取出,显示,出版 bring up 抚育,养大

11. Data from … found/revealed/ showed that …······的数据表明······

上一季度的数据表明, 经济增长和消费价格涨速继续放缓。Data from the last quarter revealed that there had

been a continuous slowdown in economic growth and consumer prices.

考试结果的数据表明,学生的英语产出技能明显提高。Data from the examination results have found that there

is a considerable improvement in students’ productive skills in English.

12. maintain vt.1) provide someone with money or food 养活,赡养; 2) make something stay the same保持,维

持; 3) keep a building, a machine, etc. in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly 维护,保养

她的收入连一个孩子都养不起,更别说三个了。Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone


为了孩子,他与前妻保持着友好关系。For the sake of the children he is maintaining a friendly relation with his


他被派往日本学习如何保养这些新机器。He is sent to Japan to learn how to maintain the new machines.

13. vary from … to…: differ from … to …因······而异

这种药的药效会因个人的健康状况、体重、性别而异。The effects of this medicine will vary according to

individual health, weight and sex.

人们对生活质量的看法各有不同,仁者见仁,智者见智。Views on the quality of life vary from person to


14. to the point: to a degree that 达到······的程度

为了驱散忧愁,她工作到了精疲力竭的地步。To dispel her feelings of sorrow, she worked to the point of


他的毒瘾已到了离开毒品一天也活不下去的地步了。His addiction to drugs has come to the point where he

can’t do without it even for a single day.

对于他的恶习,她已到了再也无法忍受的地步了。She has come to the point where she can’t stand his bad habit

any longer.

15. weave v. ① twist (long objects) together ② support financially

Xiaolan wove many beautiful baskets from strips of willow.小兰用柳条编出了许多漂亮的篮子。

作者将这些事件编写成了动人的故事。The author wove the incidents together into a moving story.

16. scrape by: have just enough money to live 勉强生活

靠父母的资助,我勉强维持生计。I can just scrape by on what my parents give me.

他每周工作50小时,挣的钱也只能勉强维持生活。He works 50 hours a week and still only earns enough to

scrape by.

17. have an increasing awareness of …: become more and more conscious of … 越来越意识到······

他慢慢上了年纪,越来越意识到健康的重要性。As he is getting on in years, he has an increasing awareness of

the importance of health.

现在许多国家越来越意识到环境保护的紧迫性。Nowadays many countries have an increasing awareness of

the urgency of environmental protection.

18. trim vt. ① understand and enjoy sth.; value highly ; understand sth. with sympathy;② make sth. smaller, better,

etc., by cutting parts from it

通过降低成本和提高服务质量,假日酒店又开始盈利了。By trimming costs and improving service, Holiday

Inn has now started to make a profit again.

He trimmed the roses carefully in the garden.他仔细修剪花园的玫瑰。

夏天到了,她剪短了头发。Summer is coming, she had her hair trimmed.

19. contribute to: 1) give one’s share of money, help, advice, etc. to achieve something 捐助2) help to make something

happen 促成,引起

近年来,人们为希望工程捐助了大笔资金In recent years people have contributed large sums of money to the

Project Hope.

他善于通过观察学习的能力很大程度上促成了他的成功。His ability to learn from observations contributed

greatly to his success. Book 3-Unit 10

Section A The Challenging Friend I Didn’t Know (5 periods)

I. Language points

1. (Para. 1) shape: influence and determine the course or form of使形成,影响

shape history决定历史的进程 shape public opinion左右舆论 shape one’s future决定前程

2. (Para. 2) authority figure: a person whose knowledge or information is dependable, good and respected

3. be free with: be generous with sth 对 慷慨

4. excuses for misdoings: forgive people for their mistakes随时宽容他人的失误

she had but one drawback: There was only one thing about her that I disliked but: ad. Only

5. (Para. 3) like a duck (takes) to water: 像鸭子入水一般容易

6. (Para. 4)Note: ―slam my head against a wall‖ is a vivid expression to men “try to do or obtain sth difficult with little

hope of success.”

7. dread vt. : feel afraid or worried about something担心

8. (Para. 5)by word of mouth: by speaking and not by writing口头上

erial culture, though inherited and passed on by word of mouth, still shines with the wisdom of our ancestors.

9. keep sb up to date with sth: inform sb of all the most recent news and changes in a situation了解最新…

10. to work with intensity at sth.:用心做某事

11. (Para. 7)chart vt. record how something develops and changes记录…的进展情况

12. harness vt. control and use a natural force to do something利用

13. line n. an area of interest, activity, or work行业,业务

14. (Para. 8) with more than a suggestion of: 显然,明显

15. attain some measures of fame: become famous to some degree稍微有点名气

16. dynamic a. full of energy and new ideas, and determined to succeed最具活力

17. (Para.10) imposing: large and impressive身材魁梧,宏伟

impose vt. force someone to accept something or have the same opinion, belief, etc, as you强加

18. play the game: be fair, honest, and honorable 按规矩办事,光明正大

Note that the expression “play the game” means ―be fair, honest, and honorable‖ .

19. undersized a. smaller than usual不够大的

20. with something like … :带着一点儿······

21. (Para.13) to the memory of: in honor of someone who has died纪念

Section B The Meeting of Two Old Friends

Language points

1. on the beat: (a police officer) walking around an area that he has responsibility for 在巡逻

刚到英国的人喜欢观看当地的警察巡逻。 The newcomers to Britain like to watch police officers there on the


防止犯罪的有效方法,是多派警察巡逻。The effective way of deterring crime is to have more policemen on the


2. with a taste of: with a flavor of 带着一点……意味

be out of taste 没有眼光

with good taste 品位高雅

with a taste for sth. 爱好某事

生活中的一些经历常常使他的心里带着一丝苦涩。Experiences in life often leave his mind with a taste of


经常与她相处, 使他的生活品位高雅。Frequent contact with her fills his life with good taste.

3. run into trouble: begin to have trouble 遇到麻烦

run into sb. 偶遇某人

run into sth. 撞在某物上

run into 10 figures 达到10位数

人决不能因害怕遇到麻烦而放弃努力。One should never quit trying for fear of running into trouble.

在此次特大的地震中,死亡人数多达五位数。In this extraordinary earthquake, the death toll ran into 5 figures.

4. let alone: used after a negative statement to say that the next thing you mention is even more unlikely 更不用说

to say nothing of 更不必说

not to mention / without mentioning 更不必说

much less 更谈不上

他是非不分,更谈不上伸张正义了。He can’t tell right from wrong, let alone uphold justice.

书架上摆的书,他都没打开过,更别说读过了。The shelves are lined with books which he has never opened,

much less read.

5. to remove sth. from sth. else: take out sth. from sth. else 从……中取出某物

随着东窗事发,那个贪官被免职了。With his under-the-table business coming to light, the corrupt official was

removed from office.

无自私自利之心的人应得到重用。Key positions should be given to those far removed from self-interest.

6. make one’s way: go to a place 前往;become successful in sth. 发迹,成功

坚持推进你的计划, 你一定会在事业上获得成功。Keep pushing ahead with your plan and you will make your

way in the world.

恶习往往在你虚度光阴时闯进你的生活。Bad habits tend to make their ways into your life when you are idling

your time away.

7. boom: make a loud deep sound 隆隆作响 2. become successful 兴隆

股市起伏不定。股票今天暴涨,但明日又会下跌。The stock market fluctuates between ups and downs, with

stocks booming today but drooping tomorrow.

随着生意的兴隆,他对未来生活又充满了信心。With his business booming, he was again filled with confidence

in future life.

8. be visible to sb.: (sb.) be able to see (某人)能看见的

在这方面你还远非行家里手,因为你只能看到普通人看到的东西。You’re far from expert at this,because you

can only see what is visible to an ordinary man.









17. 这台望远镜是专门用来观察肉眼看不到的东西。This telescope was designed to observe what is invisible to the naked eye. straight: honest and truthful 坦诚的;真实的 人人都希望人们在社交中彼此能坦诚相待。Everyone wishes people would just be straight with each other in social contact. 要想把事情弄清楚,你就得考虑所有相关因素。To get things straight, you need to take account of all the factors concerned. toy with: keep moving and touching an object or food 摆弄;随便对待 这个女人最卑鄙的莫过于常常玩弄别人的感情。The dirtiest thing about the woman is that she often toys with others’ affection. 玩火者自焚。He who toys with fire will get burnt in time. make one’s fortune: make a lot of money 发财;发迹 他总梦想发财,但就是不知道如何使梦想成真。He is always dreaming of making his fortune; but he does have no idea about how to turn it into a reality. 他发财了,但同时失去了生活的目标。He has made his fortune; but meanwhile he has lost his compass in life. fare: get on 生活;进展 我想这次面试我很成功, 这有助于我得到这份工作。I think I fared quite well in the interview, which would help me land the job. 那个小偷如果被抓住,肯定会受到严厉处罚。It would fare hard with the thief if he were caught. You bet!: used to emphasize that you agree with someone or are keen to do what they suggest 当然,一定 “你会真诚待我吗?” “那当然!”“Will you be straight with me?” “You bet!” “那都是真的吗?” “那当然啦!”“Is it all straight?” “You bet!” Noun / Adjective / Adverb /Verb + as + 主语 + 谓语部分 尽管他很聪明,他对这个问题也束手无策。Smart as he is, he is also at a loss what to do with the issue. 不论他如何努力,约翰就是无法消除心里的痛苦。Try as he would John could not eliminate the grief from his mind. pile: a group of several things of the same type that are put on top of each other 堆;大笔钱财 make a / your pile 发大财;发迹 get sb’s pile 想得到某人的钱 the top of the pile 某领域顶尖的 二十年前,一位英国网球运动员是该领域顶尖人物。It’s been 20 years since a British tennis player was at the top of the pile. 去年他做批发生意发了大财,但大部分钱都因儿子赌博输掉了。Last year he made his pile in the wholesale business, much of which, however, was lost as a result of his son’s gambling. make / leave / keep / render sb. + adj. of mind使某人意志 …… 磨难使人意志坚强,享乐使人意志消沉Hardship makes one firm of mind, whereas comfort leaves one despondent of mind. 更大的成功几率属于愈挫愈奋的人。Greater chance of success belongs to those who are made braver of mind through frustration. rise into: upgrade to 升级为……

rise to 达到;奋起应付

rise above 超越;摆脱;克服

rise in the world 飞黄腾达

他是一个脱离了低级趣味的人,值得交往。He is a man who rises above vulgar interests, so he is worth


那场群众集会由于警察的盲目干预,升级为政治骚乱。That mass rally, due to a blind interference from police,

