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外研社版八年级下Module 8 Public holidays

Unit2 As soon as it’s 12 o’clock……




1,面向学生:中学 2. 学科:英语 3.课时:1 二、课前准备:

(一)、To think about some traditions you know at Spring Festival. (二)、To prepare some pictures about public holidays around the world.

给学生提供百度网站网址, 让他们在互联网中查资料,初步了解中西方节日的习俗,把搜索到的知识进行简单的整理。


外研社版八年级下Module 8 Public holidays

Unit2 As soon as it’s 12 o’clock……





Key vocabulary—as soon as, ending, all over ,depend on, count down, get together ,list, a list of, help out, promise , zero .

Key structures—the time Adverbial clauses with while, when, before, until or as soon as

教学难点:To understand and use the time Adverbial clauses with while, when ,before, until or as soon as



1. To learn the new words and expressions of this unit.

2. To get information from the reading material about festivals.

3. To understand how people in New York celebrate the New Year.


Use reading skills skimming and intensive reading, use the internet to show some films about Christmas in the west countries, to improve the students’reading level and the ability of searching information.

(三). 情感态度与价值目标:

1. To understand the differences between Chinese culture and the foreign culture. To respect other countries’ culture and develop cross-culture awareness.

know the foreigners how to spend their holidays.


五、教学方法discussion, communication, group work


六. 教学过程Teaching steps:

Step 1. Warming up

1. Play an old song called “Anld Lang Syne”

2. Look at the picture below and which word can you use it describe it. Ask the students to describe inpidually ,then compare with a partner.

3. Show some traditional presents ,such as paper cuts, lanterns and some other things to the students. 中国的节日介绍T: What’s your favourite holiday S:(学生回答)T: What’s my favourite holiday Can you guess (让学生猜测老师最爱的节日,

引起学生兴趣。)If you want to know, read the text, and then you’ll find the answer. 【设计意图:以老师最喜欢什么节日引出课文,增加学生求知的欲望,让学生在学习本课中找到答案】3. Presentation新课呈现T: What do you people in New York do on New Year’s Day (通过这个问题自然引出本课的话题)各抒己见,激发兴趣


1. Read the passage quickly for the first time (skimming) and match the topics with the paragraphs. (It can help students understand and master the writing habits of English composition. It also can prove their reading skills and writing skills. Ask students to match the topic with the paragraphs by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph. Match the topic with the paragraphs. inpidually. Then check with a partner。Choosing the best answer is a task that all levels of the students can finish, meanwhile, it can make students pay more attention while reading. Ask students to choose the best answer and find out where the answer is.)

a. A family day

b. Different ways of celebrating

c. Making plans for the New Year

d. New Year’s Eve in New York.

e. An ending and a beginning

2. Read carefully for the second time (intensive reading) to answer the questions .

(1)、Do people all over the world always celebrate the new year at the same time

(2)、Where do many people in New York go to celebrate the New Year

(3)、What songs do people sing at the New Year

(4)、What special things happen at twelve o’clock

(5) 、What special things do people do on New Year’s Day

(6) 、What New Year’s resolutions do students often make

(自主学习) Let students learn the new words and phrases by using the internet. 教师作适当的引导,让同学们自己使用网络平台,自主学习本课知识。在学生自主学习过程中,教师充当指导、助手的作用,让学生在自主学习中感受到获取知识的快乐。百度知道搜索1)as soon as 2)all over the world 3) depend on 4) count down 5) get together 6)make resolutions for the New Year.

学生回答问题,教师做适当的指导。T: Who can read the phrases, please read aloud. ( 叫学生起来朗读短语,再全班朗读)

4.搜索:美国人过新年的视频和图片,指导学生用所学知识练习口语介绍西方人过春节的习俗,教师及时给予学生表扬。Find your favorite sentences,and then read for everyone . (找到自己最喜欢的句子朗读给大家听。)The whole class read the text together. (全班一起朗读课文。To find out the main idea of this passage by listening and watching the reading material for the Grade Eight

students is not difficult. It can attract their attention while they are listening and watching. I say, “We celebrate the New Year on January 1st. Do people all over the world always celebrate the New Year at the same time Let’s watch and find the answer and find out the main idea of the passage as well” Watch a nd find out the main idea of the passage.”they don’t celebrate the New Year at the same time. The main idea of the passage is about New Year. 通过看视频,学生既听又看,对课文大意能迅速掌握。

5.操练巩固1) Enjoy the pictures and the songs about the New Year 欣赏有关新年的视频、图片和歌曲。通过搜索中国过年的习俗;各地欢度中国农历春节:选择播放庆新年歌曲【设计意图:在高度的集中精神学习后,放松一下,随着歌曲和图片,可以更好地了解扩展课外知识。通过视频、歌曲和图片,让学生感知美,学会欣赏美好的事物。】

the passage loudly to understand the use of the grammar: Adverbial clauses with while, when, before, until or as soon as

Step3 精讲点拨(后置语法课)Adverbial clauses with while, when, before, until or as soon as


Do exercise: students’ workbook page124

Step 4: Summary Summarize what they’ve learned this class. Step :Choose the correct words and complete the passage. Count

down fireworks get together party resolutions special spend suddenly traditional

New Year’s Eve is a __time for us , We live in New York , and we often go to a big New Year’s Eve____in Times Square, We ____ with our friends and sing ____ songs while we wait for the New Year .Then ____,just before midnight ,the music stops ,We all ____ from ten to zero .Then the ____begin. I love the bright lights ,but the noise makes me jump ,We all say “Happy New Year” to ou r friends . I usually ____New Year’s Day at home with my family .We writ e our New Year’s ____together. We all promise to work hard and help each other more .

Step 6 Development拓展提高这一环节让学生自己动手,培养了学生上机操作的实践能力。1)T: Do you want to know more about holidays S: …T: Six students work together, you can go through the website to find the information. You can find the origin, pictures, songs, food about holidays etc. And then share with everyone. (学生小组合作查找有关于节日的起源,图片,歌曲,食物等等,在查找中,学生要学会筛选资料,并与同学分享成果。也能养成学生的协作能力和创新精神。同时,一个小组共同查找一个节日,又体现了合作学习的教学理念。)节日名称、起源、日期、图片、食物、习俗、歌曲……




Step 5:Homework 1. Remember what you’ve learned today. 2. Preview unit3. Look and think ,then do exercise to check what they’ve learned.(students’workbooks) a poster about the New Year.








