基于神经网络PID算法人工温室温度控制系统的外文翻译 - 图文

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题 目 : Introductions to temperature control and PID

________________controllers ____________________ __________温度控制简介和PID控制器 __________ 院系名称: 信息科学与工程学院 专业班级: 电子信息科学与技术08级3班 学生姓名: 闫红敏 学 号: 200848360328 指导教师: 李智慧 教师职称: 讲师 起止日期:2012年3月25日 地 点: 河南工业大学

附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日


外文出处:Specialized English For Architectural Electrical

Engineering and Automation


过程控制系统 自动过程控制系统是指将被控量为温度、压.力、流量、成份等类型的过程变量保持在理想的运行值的系统。实际上过程是动态的。变化总是会出现,此时如果不采取相应的措施,那些与安全、产品质量和生产率有关的重要变量就不能满足设计要求。



这一装置的主要目的是将流体由入口温度Ti(t).加热到某一期望的出口温度T (t)。如前所述,加热介质是压缩的过热蒸汽。








下面介绍控制系统中的4种基本元件,分别是: (1)传感器,也称为一次元件。 (2)变送器,也称二次元件。 (3)调节器,控制系统的“大脑”。




(2)决策:根据测量结果,为了维持输出为期望值,控制器必须决定如何操作。 (3)操作:根据控器的处理,系统必须执行某种操作,这通常由执行机构来完成




PID控制器是过程控制器,它具有如下特征: 连续过程控制;

模拟输入(也被称为“测量量”或“过程变量”或“PV”); 模拟输出(简称为“输出”); 基准点(SP);





模拟输入(测量量)也叫做“过程变量”或“PV”。你希望PV能够达到你所控制过程参数的高精确度。例如,如果我们想要保持温度为+1度或-1度,我们至少要为此努力,使其精度保持在0. 1度。如果是一个12位的模拟输入,传感器的温度范围是从0度到400度,我们计算的理论精确度就是4096除以400度= 0. 097656度。我们之所以说这是理论上因为我们假定温度传感器,电线及模拟转换器上没有噪音和误差。还有其他的假定。例如,线性等等。即使是有大量的噪音和其他问题,按理论精确度的1/10计算,1度精确度的数值应该很容易得到的。





instead of maintaining a constant value, this could cause more wear on the control element..

So there are these two contrsdictory goals. Fast response (fast change in output) when there is a ―process upset‖, but slow response (steady output) when the PV is close to the setpoint.

Note that the output often goes past (over shoots) the steady—state output to get the process back to the setpoint. For example, a cooler may normally have its cooling valve open 34% to maintain zero degrees (after the cooler has been closed up and the temperature settled down). If someone opens the cooler, walks in, walks around to find something, then walks back out, and then closes the cooler door—the PID controller is freaking out because the temperature may have raised 20 degrees! So it may crank the cooling valve open to 50, 75, or even 100 percent—to hurry up and cool the cooler back down—before slowly closing the cooling valve back down to 34 percent.

Let’s think about how to design a PID controller.

We focus on the difference (error) betwwen the process variable (PV) and the setpoint (SP). There are three ways we can view the error. The absolute error

This means how big is the difference between the PV and SP. IF there is a small

difference between the PV and the SP – then let’s make a small change in the output. If there is a large difference in the PV and the SP—then let’s make a large change in the output. Absolute error is the ―proportional‖ (P) component of the PID controller. The sum of error over time

Give us a minute and we will show why simply looking at the absolute error

(proportional) only is a problem. The sum of errors over time is important and is called the ―integral‖ (I) component of the PID controller. Every time we run the PID algorithm we add the latest error to the sum of errors. In other words Sum of Errors = Error1 + Error2 + Error3 + Error4+…. The dead time

Dead time refers to the delay betwwen making a change in the output and seeing

the vhange reflected in the PV. The classical example is getting your oven at the right temperature. When you first mm on the heat,it takes a while for the oven to ―heat up‖. This is the dead time. If you set an initial temperature,wait for the oven to reach the initial temperature,and then you determine that you set the wrong temperature – then it will take a while for the oven to reach the new temperature

Setpoint. This is also referred to as the ―derivative‖ (D) component of the PID controller. This holds some future changes back because the changes in the output have been made but are not reflected in the process variable yet. Absolute Error/Proportional

One of the first ideas ppeople usually have about designing an automatic process


is what we call ―proportional‖. Meaning, if the difference between the PV and the SP is small – then let’s make a small correction to the output. If the difference between the PV and the SP is large—then let’s make a larger correction to the output. This idea certainly makes sense.

We simulated a proportional only controller in Microsoft Excel. Fig.4 is the chart

showing the results of the first simulation (DEADTIME = 0, proportional only). Proportional and Intergral Controllers

The integral protion of the PID controller accounts for the offset problem in a

proportional only controller. We have another Excel spreadsheet that simulates a PID controller with proportional and integral control. Here (Fig.5) is a chart of the first simulation with proportional and integral (DEADTIMe = 0,,proportional = 0.4).

As you can tell,the PI controller is much bettet than just the P controller. However,

dead time of the zero (as shown in the graph) is not common.

Derivative Control

Derivative control takes into consideration that if you change yhe output, then it

takes time for that change to be reflected in the input (PV). For example, let’s take heating of the oven.

If we start turning up the gas flow, it will take time for the heat to be produced,

the heat to flow around the oven, and for the temperature sensor to detect the increased heat. Derivative control sort of ―holds back‖ the PID controller because some increase in temperature will occur without needing to increase the output

further. Setting the derivative constant correctly allows you to become more aggressive with the P & I constants.

