The Course of Translation For Graduate Students

更新时间:2023-09-16 01:22:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


The Course of Translation For Graduate Students

I. The Translation of Political Documents


Elaboration by the Government of the People’s Republic of China of Its Basic Policies Regarding Hong Kong. 2.恢复行使主权

resume the exercise of sovereignty 3.将香港“交还”给中华人民共和国

The Government of the United Kingdom declares that it will restore Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China with effect from 1 July 1997.


All the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa and the Pescadores shall be restored to the Republic of China.


The Hong Kong SAR will be vested with executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication.


The above shall be employed only in their individual capacities and, like other public servants, shall be responsible to the Hong Kong SAR Government. “公共开支向立法机关负责的制度”

the system by which there is accountability to the legislature for all public expenditure 6.中央人民政府派驻香港特别行政区负责防务的部队

Military forces sent by the Central People’s Government to be stationed in the Hong Kong SAR for the purpose of defense.


All Chinese nationals and persons of Chinese nationality born outside Hong Kong of such Chinese nationals. 8.对个人主义像秋风扫落叶一样。

We should treat the self-centeredness as the autumn wind sweeping away the falling leaves. 阴盛阳衰:Women outdid men in national sports field

Over abundance of Yin while Yang insufficient 9.资产阶级自由化

bourgeois liberalization aiming at capitalist restoration


After reunification with the motherland, the Taiwan special administrative region will assume a unique character and may practice a social system different from that of the mainland. 11.坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓,实行依法治国和以德治国相结合

Attach equal importance to both material and spiritual civilization and run the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue.


To run the state well, we must run the Party well first. To do this, we must be strict with the Party members. 13.民主党派 democratic parties

14.创新是一个民族进步的灵魂 Innovation sustains the progress of a nation.


In order to attain the Party’s objectives for the new stage in the new century, it is imperative to come up with new ideas for development, make new breakthroughs in reform, break new ground in opening up and take new moves in all fields of endeavor.

16.外向型经济 global-market-oriented economy 走出去 going global

17.社会主义政治文明 socialist political civilization 18.维护国家统一,民族团结和社会稳定

Safeguard national unity, ethnic solidarity and social stability.


Take comprehensive measures to maintain law and order. II. The Translation of Figures of Speech

1. Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.光读书不思考,食而不化受益少。 2. Time and tide wait for no man.时光不复返,岁月不待人。 3. Fair without and faul within.金玉其外,败絮其中。

4. Haste makes waste.循序渐进根基稳,拔苗助长一场空。

5. The farthest way about is the nearest way home.遥程路反近,捷径常误人。 6. A light purse is a heavy curse.有钱能使鬼推磨,无钱办事处处难。 7. A good marks may miss.人有失手,马有失蹄。

8. He who has good health has hope and he who has hope has everything.留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。 9. No pain, no gain.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。/未经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 10. Penny wise, Pound foolish.大处不抓小处抓,丢了西瓜拣芝麻。

11.Don’t quarrel with your bread and butter. 端人家碗,服人家管。/拿人手短,吃人嘴软。 12.Shilly-shally. 举棋不定,犹豫不决。 share weal and woe同甘共苦,唇齿相依。

14.Between the devil and the deep sea. 前有猛虎,后有豺狼。/进退维谷,左右为难。 15.Between the beetle and the block. 上天无路,入地无门。 16.chit-chat 悠闲畅聊,侃天侃地。

17.He that will not when may, when he will, he shall have nay.机不可失,失不再来。 18. As you sow, so you shall mow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 19. Wishy-washy 淡而无味,空洞无物。 20.Fair and square 公平合理,正大光明。 21. Criss-cross 纵横交错,交叉往来。

22.金玉其外,败絮其中 Gold and jade outside,rotten cotton inside. 23.人仁也(释名,释形体) Human is humane. 24.仁者人也(中庸) Humaness is humanity.

25.仇人相见,分外眼红 When two foes meet, their eyes blazed with hatred. 26.而这,她又以为未免小题大做。

She could not help thinking that he was making mountains out of molehills. 27.听说你跟她是共脚穿裤的好朋友,是吗?

I hear you two are as thick as thieves, is that true? 28.白天不做亏心事,夜半不怕鬼敲门。

A clean hand needs no washing./ A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. 29.世事茫茫难自料,春怨踌躇独自眠。

The world’s ways--dim and distant,hard to foretell.

Spring grieves--dull and dark, I sleep alone.

30.吃一堑,长一智。 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 31.朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。

While the rich dine and wine, the poor die of cold by the rode side.


1)Julia:Best sing it to the tune of “Light of Love” 可是要唱就按《爱的清光》那个调子唱 Lucetta: It is too heavy for so light a tune 这首歌太沉重了,和轻狂的调子不配 Light: 光,光线,月光,清光 轻柔,轻狂,轻佻,轻盈

2)Duke:Commit the rascals! 这伙无赖要监禁!

Dike:Commit with us? He were as good as commit with his father as commit with us. 我们有奸情?他要是和我们有奸情的话,就像和他父亲有奸情一样。 Commit:监禁,下牢房,关起来 奸情,通奸,乱伦

3)”You had got to the fifth bend I think?” 你到过第五个弯儿了是吗? “I had not!”cried the mouse, sharply and angrily.老鼠很凶很怒地吼:“我没有到!” “A knot!” said Alice,”Oh, do let me help to undo it.”爱丽丝说:“你没有刀,我帮你拿一把吧。” 4)“不用瞎担心,我还有委员的福呢。”

We need not look for trouble. I have the possibility of being a member of a committee!” “么事的桂圆?”

“What’s a common tea?” asked the wife, who only vaguely caught the sound.

5)Evan:”It is petter(better) that friends is the sword, and end it, and there is also another device in my

prun’s(brain);which, peradventure, prings(brings) good discretions with it. There is Anne page, which is pretty viginiby.”

埃文斯说:“冤家宜解不宜结,还是大家和和气气地豪(好),我劳(脑)袋里有一个计划。要能够成功, 会太(带)来米(美)好的结果。倍堪大爷有个女儿叫安,她是一个标致的姑娘。 III. Cultural Translation

1.Glouer was an ill-conditioned wasp and his story refutes itself. 葛洛尔是个坏心眼的家伙,他说的话自相矛盾。

2.The business was not quite as wide-awake and vigorous as when in its first youth;it droned a little now. 生意现在有些平淡,没有刚开始时兴旺。

3.Nor will you be in danger of appearing butterflies one day and slatterns the next.


4.Those cabbies who come upon the streets in fine days and disappear with the autumn leaves are called “butterflies”. 这些生意好时就上街揽活,萧条时歇工回家的出租车司机叫做“应时工”。

5.Those churches which used unleavened bread, used no such butterflies as you do; but had a great cake which was sufficient for the whole congregation to communicate in.

那些用无酵饼做圣餐的教堂,不像你用那么薄的饼,他们用一个够全体教民领受的巨大的饼来做圣餐。 6.Leer not, lobster,lest I thump that russeting face of yours with my sword hilt. 别斜睨着眼睛看我,红脸鬼,否则我就用这剑柄敲你这张锈红的脸。 7.She’s married a lobster...He’s a sergeant in the line. 她嫁给了一个英国军人,他是军队里的中士。 8.We’ll have to wait for Edith, she’s such a snail.


9.Nor did I feel the worm of envy creeping round my heart whenever I saw... a beautiful idea skillfully executed by any of my young rivals.

每当我看到年轻的对手娴熟地把好主意付诸实施,我心里也不会升起妒忌的痛苦。 10.They confute such a beetle ad you are.


11.My natural inclination was to watch the screen for a moment, then look away, then look back again. This, after I began to study my own behavior, turned out to be the way I watched not just the news but all television, I was the grasshopper viewer; and I suspect, but one of millions of grasshopper viewers. 我天生的习惯是盯着电视屏幕看一会儿,就移开目光,然后又把目光移回屏幕。自从开始研究自己的行为方式以来,我发现我不仅看新闻是这样,看其他节目也是这样,原来我是一个没常性的观众,而且我怀疑我只是百万没常性的观众之一。

12.He was an administrative octopus, a cormorant of toil.


13.I wouldn’t mind betting Jane’s worrying herself sick over it;and he--godness knows what he’s doing or feeling. I never saw such an oyster. 我敢说简要为这件事愁出病来了。而他,天晓得他在做些什么,想写什么,我还没见过那么守口如瓶的人。 14.”Didn’t she stop because she was pregnant?”...”Yes,”he said.”She was storked.” “她不会是因为怀孕才停下来的吧?”“是的,”他说,“她有身孕了。” 15.The gamester ladies...wear away their lilies and roses in tedious watching.


16.At Dunvegan I had tasted lotus and was in danger of forgetting that I was ever to depart. 在邓维根,我吃了忘忧果,险些忘记离开那儿。

17.She had a real peaches-and-cream complexion and a trim figure.


18.The fresh country ladies had to be warned against spoiling their natural roses with paint. 要告诉新来的乡下姑娘们,不要用化妆品毁了她们自然的美貌。 19.”She is in her willows.”Implies the mourning of a female for her lost mate. “她戴着青柳”,意指一个妇人对痛失配偶的哀悼。 20.In ten years’ time I think I should be pushing up daisies. 过十年,我想我该入土为安了。 21.He beetled up the ladder.

他笨拙地爬山梯子。 22.He is the fastened oyster. 他守口如瓶。

23.From black memory of his mother’s death rushed over him again. 母亲的死这件十分悲痛的往事又涌上他的心头。

24.From that black day of betrayal onward he vowed to have his revenge. 他自从不幸被出卖的那一天起就立誓要报仇。

25.Everything is black and white to Bill;if you are not his friend, you are his enemy. 在比尔看来,一切都是绝对的,你不是他的朋友,你就是他的敌人。 26.Black passions boiled up inside him. 他怒火中烧。

27.We feel sure your future here is golden.

我确信你在这儿前程似锦。 28.He was green after his boat trip. 他乘船旅行回来,脸色发青。

29....result in some gray compromise,some political expedient... 结果是某种是非不清的妥协,某种政治上的权宜之计。 30.The day started out gray,with a shower or two. 天破晓时,阴沉沉的,下了一两场阵雨。

31.He gets things done by cutting through the bureaucratic red tape. 他能避开官僚的繁文缛节,把事情迅速办成。 32.I heard he wad the Republicans’ big white hope.


33.The great white hope for the German air-craft industry was the European air-bus. 德国飞机工业的局子是欧洲空中客车。

34.They add one more laurels to her growing collection by voting her the best actress. 他们选她为最佳女演员,从而在她日益增多的荣誉上再加上一个桂冠。 35.He told me the truth under the rose.

他悄悄地把全部真相告诉了我。 36.His mother-in-law is a thorn in his flesh. 他的岳母让他不得安生。

37.He carried off the palm by sheer perseverance. 他全靠坚韧不拔的毅力才取得了胜利。 IV. The Editorial Translation of Chinese News




(同期声:莆田基层中学英语教师 方丽琼:这些外教课堂比较灵活,教学方式比较多样化,对我们以后英语教学有非常大的帮助和启发。)

(同期声:莆田基层中学英语教师 李明峰:这样的活动对英语老师的口语,以及对美国文化的了解都有很大的帮助。)


Putian: Americans-taught English classes for about 100 secondary-school teachers-of-English (人名Fang Liqiong,身份Teacher of English from secondary schools in Putian) (人名 Li Mingfeng,身份 Teacher of English from secondary schools in Putian)

【导语】Some one hundred teachers of English from secondary schools recently took a training program free of charge. All the lectures were given by foreign teachers. Let’s take a look.

【正文】Witnessed by guests present, the newlyweds stood in front of a priest and took their oath. Apparently this was a scene of an American wedding ceremony, yet it was performed as a classroom activity in an English language training program. All the dialogues made should be in English.

(人名Fang Liqiong,身份Teacher of English from secondary schools of Putian: The class is organized and taught in diversified ways. It gives us great insights of how an English class should be and helps us improve teaching skills.)

2.闽金门籍学生考上大专以上可获奖学金 【导语】福建省金门同胞联谊会2009年度奖学金申报日前全面展开,福建省内的金门同胞或金门同胞子女,今年考上大学专科以上的福建省金门同胞联谊会申领奖学金。

【正文】据厦门金门同胞联谊会李秘书长介绍,为鼓励金门子弟学习,福建省从91年开始设立专项奖学金,每年奖励当年考上大学专科以上的福建省金门同胞或金门同胞子女。 (同期声 厦门金门同胞联谊会秘书长 李淑萍:“被教育部门(国家教委认可)认证的普通高等院校(录取)的学生就能申请奖学金。”)

据介绍,目前福州、厦门、泉州、漳州四市都有金门同胞联谊会负责各地的奖学金申报工作,其他地市的学生可直接向省金门同胞联谊会申报,相关材料可通过传真报送。 Fujian: Scholarship for students of Kinmen ancestry established

(人名Li Shuping李淑萍,身份Secretary General of Kinmen Fellow Townsman Association in Xiamen)

【导语】Sponsored by the Kinmen Fellow Townsman Association in Fujian, a scholarship for students of Kinmen ancestry in Fujian is currently open to application. Kinmen compatriots or their children living in Fujian who are enrolled by junior colleges or higher institutions are eligible for the scholarship.

【正文】According to Li Shuping李淑萍, Secretary General of Kinmen Fellow Townsman Association in Xiamen, Fujian province set up a special scholarship in 1991 solely for students of Kinmen ancestry in Fujian. The scholarship will go to Kinmen compatriots or their children living in Fujian who are enrolled by junior colleges or higher institutions approved by Chinese National Ministry of Education. The application should be filed in the year when the applicant was enrolled. (人名Li Shuping李淑萍,身份Secretary General of Kinmen Fellow Townsman Association in Xiamen: Students enrolled by certified general institutions of higher learning are eligible for the scholarship.)

Reports say, at present Kinmen Fellow Townsman Associations in four cities including Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou and Zhangzhou will handle applications from local areas. Eligible students of other cities may directly file their applications and fax relevant materials to the provincial Kinmen Fellow Townsman Associations.

Thoroughly implemented the strategy of reinvigorating Fujian through human resource development

Today, the government information office of Fujian convened a press conference to introduce three newly-issued policy documents about prompting the construction of talented person in west coast economic zone.

Fujian provincial committee and provincial government lay out three documents: “the interim procedures of attracting high-level creative and innovative talents”,“concrete measures for building industrial talent highland of west coast”,”concrete measures for develop entrepreneurial talent of west coast”. The documents point out that about 300 high-level creative and innovative talents from home and abroad will be attracted into Fujian to undertake enterprises, take jobs, do cooperative researches and so on in 5 to 10 years. By 2015, about 200 industrial talent highland will be built to train and attract 200 leading talent and eventually to form 50 domestic first-class innovative teams and 100 innovation platform for industry-university-research cooperation. Besides, focus will be put on the training and support for scientific and technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights and excellent entrepreneurial talents with strong ability of technology research and development or operating management. The selection will be proceeded every 3 years, and about 100 people will be chosen.

