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英 语 试 卷


第Ⅰ卷(共 85 分)

第一部分: 听力 (共两节,满分20分)




1. Where will the man find his English book? A. In the drawer. B. On his desk. 2. What has happened to the woman? A. She has been fired. B. She has got promoted.

C. She has been admitted to a university. 3. How will the woman buy the ticket? A. By waiting in the line. B. By telephone call. 4. What is the man?s favorite free-time activity? A. Reading a book. B. Watching TV. 5. What does the woman mean?

A. Peter likes to follow the fashion. B. Peter should take more lessons. C. Peter has bad tastes in dressing.

C. On his bed.

C. On the Internet. C. Listening to music.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What?s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Roommates. B. Relatives. 7. Why does Tom get full marks according to the man? A. He works really hard. B. He has a good living habit. C. He is a favorite of teachers.


C. Classmates.


8. Why cannot the woman rent a bigger house right now? A. She hasn?t enough money.

B. She spent all her money on her vacation.

C. She will save some money to buy a new house. 9. How can the woman solve the problem at present? A. By borrowing some money from her friend. B. By sharing the house with the man. C. By sharing a house with her friend.

10. How much did the woman pay when she first rented a house? A. 600 yuan a month. B. 1,200 yuan a month. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13题。 11. Where does the conversation take place? A. At an airport. B. On a plane. 12. What does the man think of the prices of the duty-free items? A. Reasonable. B. Low. 13. Which of the following is right? A. The man is from the USA.

B. The man has arrived in a foreign country.

C. The man spends a long time getting through the Immigration. 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17题。 14. What is the man doing?

A. Introducing a organization. B. Telling a project. C. Having an interview.

15. What made the man decide to take the course? A. A local product. B. A trip to Brazil. C. A Brazilian organization.

16. What do the European organization?s members do? A. They do businesses with local people. B. They organize medical teams. C. They help setting up schools.

17. What does the man find interesting in the book? A. The climate change across the world. B. The projects introduced in Netherlands.

C. The energy saving project of natural resources. 听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20题。 18. What can we learn from the news?


C. 400 yuan a month.

C. At a duty-free shop. C. A little high.

A. Seven houses were destroyed. B. 15 houses were badly damaged.

C. Over 200 people were made homeless. 19. What do we know about the farmer? A. His house was destroyed. B. His wife was missing. C. One of his children was killed.

20. What did the woman do when she saw her house shaking? A. She tried to take something out. B. She rushed out with her children. C. She told her husband not to leave.


第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. Adjusting your mind before the examination is helpful, but your basic skills affect _______ you perform academically. A. when B. where C. how D. why 22. _______ e-readers are getting more popular, paper books won?t disappear. A. Since B. Unless C. After D. While

23. Afraid of not finishing the task as scheduled, he asked the boss to have the deadline _______. A. confirmed B. expanded C. extended D. stretched

24. The last train had just pulled out when I got to the station. Fortunately, a friend _______ and he gave me a lift. A. was just passing B. had just passed C. would just pass D. has just passed

25. You can try the convenience store, but it _______ well be closed. It?s too late now. A. can B. may C. must D. should 26. We look forward to receiving your reply _______ this letter, and hope that this deal will satisfy both parties. A. in hopes of B. in acknowledgement of C. in honor of D. in possession of

27. The apps have changed our traditional left-to-right reading _______ to a wild skimming one. A. model B. fashion C. taste D. pattern 28. --- The agenda _______ for the meeting is important. --- I see. I promise to work it out on time. A. made B. to be made C. making D. to make 29. Jiangsu is at a stage of urbanization _______ the contradiction between economic growth


and farmland protection is obvious. A. that B. which C. when D. what

30. If Greek civilization _______ Europe, this language would not contain so many Greek words now.

A. hadn?t then influenced B. doesn?t then influence C. hasn?t then influenced D. didn?t then influenced

31. Inspired by progress in protecting human rights in the law case, many specialists begin researching on _______ ones. A. original B. civil C. parallel D. special 32. I will be on an exchange program this summer, _______ I?ve desired for a long time. A. one B. the one C. that D. when 33. New York mayor once did odd jobs to support his family; otherwise he could hardly have _______ on a relatively small salary as a public servant. A. got by B. got across C. got over D. got through 34. I once had a chance to experience what romance was but somehow away _______. A. it goes B. went it C. did it go D. it went 35. --- How can I book an air ticket on the cellphone? ---Sorry! _______. I never did it before. A. You tell me B. You got me there C. I?ll try my best D. I?m on it

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


In life, we will succeed and fail often for reasons that are entirely out of our 36 . We can work harder than anyone else in the office and still not be 37 . We can be incredibly nice and love someone deeply, and they may not love us 38 . The bottom line is that life is not 39 . That is a tough 40 to swallow for many of us. As a result, some people 41 after being hit by even one unfair blow from life. But if we let life?s unfairness 42 us, we will never receive the beautiful blessings that life has 43 for us. My first 44 marriage felt very unfair to me. No matter how hard I had tried to be a good wife, I could not make the relationship 45 . I could have been 46 by that experience. But I believed that I could be 47 married one day 48 I always wanted to experience traditional family life. And then, I met this kind, thoughtful, generous man. What I?ve learned over the years is that we can do all the things that 49 a good outcome, but get 50 things in return instead. When we are faced with life?s seeming unfairness, our 51 needs to jump in. When life doesn?t go 52 plan, we have to let go of the outcome that we have been 53 and keep


trying, and doing the right thing. 54 that life is neither fair nor straightforward. And by knowing that if we remain confident, we can drive our unfair experiences away and use them for our 55 . 36. A. reach B. control C. date D. order 37. A. promoted B. paid C. pleased D. proved 38. A. more B. back C. enough D. unconditionally 39. A. easy B. smooth C. fair D. ideal 40. A. feeling B. word C. fact D. pill 41. A. died down B. looked down C. shut down D. settled down 42. A. confuse B. manage C. betray D. defeat 43. A. in charge B. in return C. in place D. in store 44. A. arranged B. failed C. happy D. trial 45. A. work B. start C. end D. worsen 46. A. teased B. discouraged C. hurt D. shocked 47. A. proudly B. casually C. happily D. shortly 48. A. if B. while C. because D. though 49. A. bring B. require C. serve D. deserve 50. A. bad B. inferior C. silly D. cheap 51. A. faith B. courage C. judgement D. effort 52. A. ahead of B. according to C. regardless of D. related to 53. A. achieving B. affecting C. expecting D. declining 54. A. Accept B. Assume C. Fancy D. Consider 55. A. career B. marriage C. fate D. benefit




Free, Official Sources to Find Unclaimed Money

Does the government owe you money? There might be unclaimed funds or property waiting for you from savings or checking accounts, wages and pensions, tax refunds(退款), life insurance policies, and a lot more. Companies may offer to find this money for a fee. And scammers may try to trick you with fake promises of money from the government. But you can find your unclaimed money yourself for free. Check out USA Gov?s list of official sources to get started:

?Search for unclaimed money and property in every state where you have lived.


You can conduct a multi-state search, and keep an eye out at state fairs and even malls, where state treasurers(ST) and other officials hold public awareness events.

?Check for unclaimed funds from bank failures or unclaimed deposits from credit union closures.

Did you have money in a checking or savings account at a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)-insured financial institution? If the financial institution is closed, you can search the FDIC database(数据库)and you will make it. FDIC has thousands of their banks across the country and deserves your trust.

?Search for unclaimed back wages, pension money, or life insurance funds.

Are you owed unpaid wages from your current employer(CP) or a past employer(PP)? Check the Labor Department?s Wage and Hour Division?s records to see if you have money waiting to be claimed. You also may be owed a pension if a company you worked for went out of business or ended a defined plan.

56. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. It is likely that several states owe money to you. B. Malls might witness public awareness events. C. Scammers are always ready to help you for free. D. Your past employer might owe you unpaid wages.

57. The organization enabling consumers to confidently place money may be ______. A. ST B. CP C. PP D. FDIC


Happiness may be the primary goal of human existence. Clearly, everyone thinks a great deal about happiness. What makes happiness so important to human existence? Not only does happiness feel good, but it appears to provide a variety of psychological and physical benefits. Happy people work hard, play hard, have an active social life, experience good health, and live longer. A happy person lives an average of nine years longer than a miserable one. When studying happiness, it makes sense that its opposite condition would also be a topic of examination. Scientists have observed that there are two unfortunate life events that bring about intense unhappiness, perhaps over the course of many years: the loss of a family member and the loss of a job. However, abundant good news occurs in the study of happiness. Fortunately, humans experience happiness from a wide range of stimuli, from traveling to an exotic destination to redecorating one?s home or from winning a game of soccer to eating a delicious meal. Simply watching a favorite television show or laughing at a funny joke can lift a depressed mood. While the happiness produced by such experiences tends to be short lived, certain conditions do promote a more long-lasting state of happiness as a lifestyle: a wide social network, believing in a meaningful reason for one?s existence, and establishing goals and working to achieve them.


Surprisingly, income is not a primary factor in determining a person?s level of happiness once the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter have been met. More important is one?s social network. Being socially active may be more effective in increasing one?s immunity(免疫力)to illness than a vaccine. Misery may love company, but so does happiness, and having close friends and family is vital to one?s overall level of happiness. Even sharing one?s home with an animal companion can make a person happier. Scientists report that believing in some kind of meaning for one?s life is necessary to living a happy life. This may be a religion, a code of ethics, a particular value system, a philosophy, or any other reason for being that lifts people out of the ordinary routine of daily existence and gives their life meaning beyond a weekly paycheck. Happiness is not an innate characteristic but may actually be developed as a habit. While people generally do not transform their basic temperaments(性情), people can learn to become happier by participating in a variety of activities, including socializing, watching funny movies or reading funny books, keeping a gratitude journal, involving oneself in pleasurable activities, such as sports, hobbies, or the arts, focusing on positive outcomes, and performing acts of kindness for others. So, if you want to increase your state of happiness, developing new habits and practices should be a good choice.

58. What can we learn about happiness in this passage?

A. People can easily recover from unhappiness caused by loss of a job. B. Both short- and long-term happiness are caused by various experiences. C. Income has little effect on underprivileged people?s level of happiness. D. Belief in the meaning of life helps people shrink from their routine work.

59. The author uses the phrase “misery may love company” in Paragraph 5 to _______. A. convince people that pets are better company than a loving partner B. encourage people to find mates for their friends who are unhappy C. point out that people will be happier with positive relationships D. recommend that people influence negative people in a positive way 60. What is one assumption the author makes about attaining happiness? A. People can find the meaning of life in ordinary routines. B. A person needs a social network to attain happiness.

C. Reading and writing about your problems will produce happiness. D. Convincing negative people to become positive is a life goal. 61. What is the author?s purpose in writing this passage? A. To explain why humans need happiness. B. To introduce the benefits of happiness. C. To show ways to achieve happiness. D. To advise people to pursue happiness.



Humans are working to find ways of capturing extra carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and keeping it in the Earth. But Nature has its own methods for the removal and long-term storage of carbon, including the world?s river systems, which transport decaying organic material and eroded (侵蚀) rock from land to the ocean. In a study published May 14 in the journal Nature, scientists calculated the first direct estimate of how much and in what form organic carbon is exported to the ocean by rivers. The scientists amassed data on sediments (沉积物) flowing out of 43 river systems all over the world. From these river sediment flow measurements, the research team estimated that the world?s rivers annually transport 200 million tons of carbon to the ocean. The total equals about 0.02 percent of the total mass of carbon in the atmosphere. That may not seem like a lot, but over 1000 to 10,000 years, it continues to add up to significant amounts of carbon (20 and 200 percent) removed from the atmosphere. When organic material decays, a small part of it ends up in rivers. They carry it out to sea, where some settles to the seafloor and is buried and disconnected from the atmosphere for millions of years and eventually makes its way back to the surface in the form of rocks. At the same time, rivers also erode carbon-containing rocks into particles. This process sends the previously locked-up carbon back into the atmosphere. Until now, scientists had no way to distinguish how much of the carbon washed away by rivers comes from either the organic or rocky sources. To solve this dilemma, the scientists found a novel way to distinguish for the first time the sources of that carbon. They analyzed the amounts of carbon-14, a radioactive isotope (同位素), in the river particles. Carbon-14 is present only in material that came from living things, and not rocks. Taking away the portion of particles that did not contain carbon-14, the scientists calculated the percentage that came from organic material: about 80 percent. They also discovered that the more erosion occurs along the river, the more carbon it transfers to sea and disconnects from the air. “The atmosphere is a small reservoir of carbon compared to rocks, soils, the biosphere, and the ocean,” the scientists wrote in Nature. “As such, its size is sensitive to small imbalances in the exchange with and between these larger reservoirs.” The new study gives scientists a firmer handle on measuring the role of global rivers in the global carbon cycle and strengths their ability to predict how riverine carbon export may shift as Earth?s climate changes.

62. According to the study, organic carbon _______. A. makes up 2% of the total carbon in the air B. is buried under the seafloor forever C. can only be found in living things D. will come back to the air eventually

63. The underlined word “novel” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______. A. new B. normal C. complicated D. precise


64. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. before the study scientists didn?t know that rivers wash carbon to the ocean B. rivers don?t have much influence on controlling the carbon in the air C. rivers running through thick forests transport less carbon to the ocean D. the largest amount of carbon is stored in the atmosphere


The night before Leymah Gbowee won the 2011 Nobel Prize for helping to lead the women?s protests that overthrew Liberia?s dictator, she was at a book party in my home. We were celebrating the publication of her autobiography, Mighty Be Our Powers, but it was a somber night. A guest asked her how American women could help those who experienced the horrors and mass rapes of war in places Liberia. Her response was four simple words: “ ▲ ” Leymah and I could not have come from more different backgrounds, and yet we have both arrived at the same conclusion. Conditions for all women will improve when there are more women in leadership roles giving strong and powerful voice to their needs and concerns. This brings us to the obvious question—how? How are we going to take down the barriers that prevent more women from getting to the top? Women face real barriers in the professional world, including blatant and subtle sexism, discrimination, and sexual harassment. Too few workplaces offer the flexibility and access to child care and parental leave that are necessary for pursuing a career while raising children. Men have an easier time finding the mentors(导师) and sponsors who are invaluable for career progression. Plus, women have to prove themselves to a far greater extent than men do. And this is not just in our heads. A 2011 McKinsey report noted that men are promoted based on potential, while women are promoted based on past accomplishments. In addition to the external(外部的) barriers erected by society, women are hindered(阻碍) by barriers that exist within ourselves. We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be leaning in. We internalize(内化) the negative massages we get throughout our lives—the messages that say it?s wrong to be outspoken, aggressive, more powerful than men. We lower our own expectations of what we can achieve. We continue to do the majority of the housework and child care. We compromise our career goals to make room for partners and children who may not even exist yet. Compared to our male colleagues, fewer of us long for senior positions. This is not a list of things other women have done. I have made every mistake on this list. At times, I still do. My argument is that getting rid of these internal barriers is critical to gaining power. Others have argued that women can get to the top only when the institutional barriers are gone. This is the chicken-and-egg situation. The chicken: Women will tear down the external barriers once we achieve leadership roles. We will march into our bosses? offices and demand what we need, including pregnancy parking. Or better yet, we?ll become bosses and make sure all women have


what they need. The egg: We need to eliminate the external barriers to get women into those roles in the first place. Both sides are right. So rather than engage in philosophical arguments over which comes first, let?s agree to wage battles on both fronts. I?m encouraging women to address the chicken, but I fully support those who are focusing on the egg. Internal barriers are rarely discussed and often overlooked. Throughout my life, I was told over and over about inequalities in the workplace and how hard it would be to have a career and family. I rarely heard anything, however, about the ways I might hold myself back. These internal barriers deserve a lot more attention, in part because they are under our own control. We can break the hurdles in ourselves today. We can start this very moment. I never thought I would write a book …

65. Which of the following is most appropriate for“ ▲ ”as Leymah?s response? A. More women in power. B. More women with courage. C. More women in unity. D. More women in peace.

66. The external barriers professional women face now are listed below EXCEPT _______. A. less support from their businesses B. lower expectations of achievements C. more trouble in finding working partners D. stricter criteria of assessment 67. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that the writer _______. A. encourages women to remove the internal barriers B. criticizes women for giving in to the internal barriers C. reflects on the internal barriers from women?s side

D. feels helpless about how to handle the internal barriers

68. What does the writer mean by “wage battles on both fronts” in Paragraph 4? A. Break the internal and external barriers. B. Remove external barriers and get to the top. C. Get rid of internal barriers and gain power.

D. Achieve leadership roles and break down the external barriers.

69. What does “the book” mentioned in the last paragraph probably focus on? A. Some complex challenges faced by women. B. Inspiration to fight against sexism in reality. C. Adjustments that women can make themselves. D. Advice on how to overcome external barriers. 70. What does the writer probably agree with?

A. Women?s leadership arises from the improvements of their conditions.

B. Women should first remove the existing sexism to build up their leadership. C. Men should take full responsibility for the sexual inequalities in society.

D. Women should take the first step on the way to the top by changing themselves.


第Ⅱ卷(共 35 分)

第四部分:任务型阅读(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)



Technology can make us smarter or stupider, and we need to develop a set of principles to guide our everyday behavior and make sure that tech is improving and not holding up our mental processes. One of the big questions being debated today is: What kind of information do we need to have stored in our heads, and what kind can we leave “in the cloud” to be accessed as necessary?

An increasingly powerful group within education are supporting “digital literacy”. In their view, skills beat knowledge, developing “digital literacy” is more important than learning more content, and all facts are now Google-able and therefore unworthy of committing to memory. But even the most sophisticated digital literacy skills won?t help students and workers handle the world if they don?t have a broad base of knowledge about how the world actually operates. If you focus on the delivery mechanism and not the content, you?re doing kids a disservice (帮倒忙).

Indeed, evidence from cognitive (认知的) science challenges the idea that skills can exist independent of factual knowledge. Data from the last thirty years leads to a conclusion that is not scientifically challenging: thinking well requires knowing facts, and that?s true not only because you need something to think about. The very processes that teachers care about most—critical thinking processes—are closely intertwined (交织) with factual knowledge that is stored in long-term memory.

In other words, just because you can Google the date of Black Tuesday doesn?t mean you understand why the Great Depression happened or how it compares to our recent economic decline. There is no doubt that the students of today, and the workers of tomorrow, will need to innovate, cooperate and evaluate. But such skills can?t be separated from the knowledge that gives rise to them. To innovate, you have to know what came before. To cooperate, you have to share knowledge with your partners. And to evaluate, you have to compare new information against knowledge you?ve already mastered.

So here?s a principle for thinking in a digital world, in two parts. First, acquire a base of factual knowledge in any field in which you want to perform well. This base supplies the essential foundation for building skills, and it can?t be committed to a search engine.

Second, take advantage of computers? invariable memory, but also the brain?s elaborative memory. Computers are great when you want to store information that shouldn?t change. But brains are the superior choice when you want information to change, in interesting and useful ways: to connect up with other facts and ideas, to acquire successive layers of meaning to immerse for a while in your accumulated knowledge and experience and so produce a richer mental brew(混合物).


Does Technology Make Us Smarter or Stupider? How can we distinguish between information about thinking Lead-in question skills and information about 71. ▲ knowledge? Technology helps us develop skills and 72. ▲ us of much Technology trouble in learning facts. makes us smarter. Technology makes it 73. ▲ to memorize all facts that can be accessed on the internet. Technology won?t help with our professional competence if we 74. ▲ the factual knowledge needed. Technology makes us stupider. Technology makes us ignore the fact that thinking skills are 75. ▲ in factual knowledge. Not only general thinking but also critical thinking 77. ▲ knowledge. Skills 76. ▲ on knowledge. Tomorrow?s professional competence can?t be separated from the acquiring, the sharing and the 78. ▲ of knowledge. Base your skill development on the knowledge in your 79. ▲ A two-part instead of “on the cloud”. principle Use computers for 80. ▲ information and brains for the opposite.


第五部分:书面表达(满分 25 分)

请阅读下列材料,并按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。 材料1:




There are few habits as annoying as someone making us wait. However, some punctually-challenged people have no intention of offending anyone. They still want to keep friends, family and bosses happy. They are often painfully aware and ashamed of the damage their lateness could do to their relationships, reputations, careers and finances.

Johnson, a doctor in New York, says his reputation for being unpunctual can sometimes be attributed to a misunderstanding of opinion. “A friend will ask me to come over, and he?ll say ?come anytime from seven.? But if I do turn up at eight or later, he will be annoyed.”

Joanna, a teacher in London, for whom the most distressing thing is writing school reports, never makes the deadline for herself. “I always spend weeks carefully considering everything about the reports,” she says, “just for fear that any error arises.” 【写作内容】


2.用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括: (1)迟到带来的不良影响(至少两点);

(2)给Johnson和Joanna提出你的建议,至少两条。 [写作要求]

1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.不必写标题。




