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雅思培训 7c7cf731960590c69ec376d8/ 2015年雅思口语常用话题



A polite person

An interesting person

An old person you respect

A good teacher

A good parent

A good neighbor

A person with an important job

A popular band or singer/ a famous artist

A person you want to be

A person who became your good friend at the first meeting

A person you enjoy talking to

A person you know who made a wrong decision

A popular singer or band in your country


An interesting country you would like to visit

A shopping street

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雅思培训 7c7cf731960590c69ec376d8/ A place crowded with people

A place where people go to listen to music/concert hall

A place where you used to study or work

A library

A museum

A beautiful house/flat you have visited

A garden

A company/factory you visited

A 24-hour shop

A restaurant/a cafe

A room you spend most of the time in

A seaside place

A perfect holiday

Recent changes of your hometown


A product you were dissatisfied with

A rule in your school with which you disagree

Your favorite means of communication

A movie or a book about future

A film about real people or event

A song which has special meaning for you

A book (about history)

A radio program

A TV program/film (which makes you laugh)

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A photograph

A piece of art

A story or film you heard or saw when you were a kid

A (an old) photo which you like

An advertisement that made you want to buy something

Another language (not English, or mandarin) you would learn if you wanted

A toy that was important to you in your childhood

A useful website

A type of clothing that you usually like to wear

An unusual job you would do in the future if you had the opportunity

A gift you gave someone recently

A vehicle you want to buy (car or bicycle)

A piece of equipment (not necessarily the electronic equipment)

An important /a familiar plant in your country


Something that made you laugh/happy

A sport you would like to play

An outdoor activity

A sport event that you watched

A way to relax

A wrong decision/ a decision you regret about

A future plan

A future work plan

A lesson/a class or training session

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A (seaside) leisure activity

A science course (such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics)

A party you would like to organize for your friends or family

A wedding ceremony

A positive change/a healthy change

A way you use to keep healthy

A special meal/a meal/ a picnic you were invited to/enjoyed

A journey/trip by public transport

An advice you once received

A thing which you want to do but cannot do now

An occasion when you or other people won some kind of prize/award

An important occasion when you were late

An occasion when you helped someone

A time when you learned something useful from others

A team project or work you did with others/ a group activity

A historical event

An occasion what visitors visit your home

An interesting speech


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雅思培训 7c7cf731960590c69ec376d8/文章来源于100留学:2015年雅思口语常用话题 7c7cf731960590c69ec376d8/p/250649

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